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EE465 Instrument and measurement

Assignment #01
Hassan Ali
Section A
To: Dr. Shakeel Ahmed

A temperature between X °C and Y °C (X and Y is listed below) is converted into a 0- to 5.0-
V signal. This signal is fed to an 8-bit ADC with a 5.0-V reference. What is the actual measurement range
of the system?
a. What is the resolution?
b. What is the maximum quantization error?
c. What hex output results from 169 °C?
d. What temperature does a hex output of C5H represent?


Tc (min) = 45 Tc (max) = 294

Step size= Vref/2n = 5/28 = 5/256 = 19.5mV

For V= 0

Vmin = V*step size = 0* (5/256) = 0

For V= 5v

8-bit ADC = 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

Vmax = (20+22)*step size = (1+4)*(5/256) = 5*(5/256) = 0.09765625


Range= 0v to 97.65625mv
a) Resolution= stepsize/Tc (max) – Tc (min)

= 5/256(294-45) = 7.84387 x 10-5

b) Maximum quantization error (Q) = true span/2n-1 = V c (max) - Vc (min)/2n-1

= (0.09765625-0) / 28-1 = 0.09765625/255 = 0.0003829656862

c) 169 to hex =

169/16 =10, remainder is 9

10/16 = 0. Remainder is 10

Decimal= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Hex =0123456789A B C DE F


The answer is A9

d) C5H to temperature

(C)16= 1 1 0 0

(5)16= 0 1 0 1


11000101 = 197bits

The temperature is 197degC

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