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Electronics Manual CNC97/98

All machines for construction glass and automobile glass


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Electronics Manual CNC 97/98

Copyright of the edition © 1999 Bystronic Maschinen AG

The work, including all its parts, is protected by copyright. Any use outside the narrow limits of the copyright law is not permitted
without Bystronic’s consent.

Information on operating instructions

Author: P. Ingold Date: 2.2.1999 Initials: PI

Version: 2.0

Checked & Approved

Technology: Th. Plüss Date: 29.1.1999 Initials: TP
Documentation: R. Fankhauser Date: 5.2.1999 Initials: rf

When reordering, always state the above order number and version of this Manual. Information concerning errors and
proposals for changes should be sent to:

Bystronic Maschinen AG
Abt. Dokumentation
Industriestrasse 5
CH-4922 Bützberg

Telefax +4162-958 77 00


Trade marks:
Bystronic would like to draw attention to the fact that the company names and trade names mentioned and product
designations may be protected by patent and trade mark law.

Using this Manual

Page organization

The pages of the operating instructions have the following structure.

Information on structure of the operating instructions

1 The header contains the name of Title 1

2 Title 1
3 Brief summary of the present chapter
4 Contents of the chapter contains three stages
1st stage Main title, this appears only in the contents at the beginning of the Manual and in the
contents of the chapter.
2nd stage Title 1, these chapters deal with a topic on a certain machine or assembly.
3rd stage Title 2, this subsection always deals with a topic which is discussed in the corresponding
Title 1.
5 Order number of the operating instructions. This number reveals the machine type, the type of
instructions, the version of the operating instructions and the language.
6 Page numbering of the current chapter.
7 Table caption and brief explanation.
8 Figure caption and brief explanation.
9 Information with preceding pictogram must be complied with.
10 Refers to pages with more detailed information.
11 Explanation of a technical word used or of an abbreviation.

Important information
Before you begin working on the machine, it is essential to read the
general safety requirements in the maintenance instructions.
This Electronics Manual is designed for service personnel with a
thorough knowledge of industrial electronics. It is therefore not
necessarily suitable for the operator.

Table of Contents

1 Block diagram 1-1

2 Electronics rack 2-1
3 Stepping motor rack 3-1
4 Peripheral cards 4-1
5 Panel PC 5-1
6 Drive system 6-1
7 Drive supply module 7-1
8 Drive module 8-1
9 Pressure controller 9-1
10 Positioning module UNIPOS 10-1
11 Adjustment instructions 11-1
12 Appendix 12-1

Contents of Chapter 1

Block diagram
1.1 Block diagram ........................................................................1-2
1.1.1 XYZ97/98
1.1.2 XYZF97/98
1.1.3 XYZF97/98R
1.1.4 XYZF97/98DS
1.1.5 PSM-XYZF98
1.1.6 KSM97/98
1.1.7 KSBM97/98
1.1.8 PSM97/98 (Stand alone)
1.1.9 PSM97/98 Compact
1.1.10 PBM98

Block diagram XYZ97/98

Block diagram XYZF97/98

Block diagram XYZF97/98R

Block diagram XYZF97/98DS

Block diagram PSM-XYZF98

Block diagram KSM97/98

Block diagram KSBM97/98

Block diagram VSM97/98

Block diagram PSM97/98 (Stand alone)

Block diagram PSM97/98 Compact

Block diagram PBM98

For your notes

For your notes

Contents of Chapter

Electronics rack
2.1 The CNC Rack..................................................................... 2-2

2.2 CPU.......................................................................................2-8
2.2.1 CPU 386SX
2.2.2 Light emitting diodes on CPU
2.2.3 CPU switches
2.2.4 CPU Jumpers

2.3 ROM/RAM2 ...................................................................... 2-12

2.3.1 ROM/RAM2 Jumper


2.5 IMPGEN ............................................................................. 2-18

2.5.1 Impgen switches

2.6 POSCON ........................................................................... 2-22

2.7 SERCOM2 .......................................................................... 2-28

2.7.1 Adapter cards for SERCOM2

2.8 DIOCOM ........................................................................... 2-36

2.8.1 Adapter cards for DIOCOM

2.9 POSCAD............................................................................ 2-44

2.9.1 POSCAD switches

2.1 CNC rack

2.1 The CNC Rack

The " CNC rack has space for the power supply, a CPU card and  cards for

The card guides () are equipped with spring contacts which provide optimal
Electrostatic discharge protection from ESD. As soon as the peripheral cards have been inserted, the ESD
protection components of the peripheral cards are connected to ground and can
thus eliminate any static charges before the bus connection is made.

Electrostatic discharge
The discharge of static electricity from an external source, e.g. as a result of touching
with the hands, often leads to destruction of the circuit

The metallic plug fastening rail () at the back of the rack permits extensive contact
with the cable screens via the plug housing of the incoming and outgoing cables.
The back panel () makes the connection between power supply, CPU and the
other peripheral cards used. A slot number for addressing is available for every

The back panel (NCBUS) is in the form of a multilayer circuit board with 3 signal
layers and 5 supply layers. A signal layer is enclosed between every two supply
layers. The screening effect of the supply layers results in optimal attenuation of
the cross-talk between the signal lines. It is also possible in this way to adapt the
impedance of the signal lines to the driver ICs on the peripheral cards.

2.1 CNC Rack

Fig. 2.1a (Electronics rack)

2.1 CNC rack


The RACK SUPPLY 2 provides the rack with the stabilized voltages, 5 V/20 A
digital part, ± 12 V⁄1.5 A analogue part, and the unstabilized voltage 14 V/6 A of
the encoder supply.

C omputer N umerical C ontrol To ensure satisfactory operation of the CNC control, all voltages are monitored.
If the mains voltage fails, an AC powerfail is generated after two half-waves (one
period, 20 ms). The CNC control detects this and can save the most important
data and bring the system to a safe state before the DC voltage fails.

The RACK SUPPLY 2 is equipped with 3 signal inputs. The inputs ALARM A
and ALARM B () are managed by the watchdog of the CPU, which is activated
by the machine software. The third signal RESET is triggered by the reset switch
on the CPU. If one of the 3 signals responds, the relay K3 (in the CNC cabinet,
NC Ready) will drop out. The relay K3 is used for communicating the failure of
the supply voltage (in the CNC rack) to a superior control (NC Ready).

The presence of the four voltages is indicated by means of LEDs (, , , ) on

the front panel and can additionally be measured via 5 VDC (), ± 12 VDC (,
) and 14 VDC () test jacks. If one of the controlled DC voltages falls below its
minimum reference value, a DC powerfail is generated. The situation currently
leads to a system reset. At the same time, the relay K3 (in the CNC cabinet) will
drop out.

The RACK SUPPLY 2 requires 4 different input voltages. These voltages are
supplied by a mains transformer which is electrically isolated from the mains input.
The four inputs are protected by fuses ().
The housing of the RACK SUPPLY 2 contains four reserve fuses () which, if
required, can be used as a replacement for the faulty fuses ().

2.1 CNC rack

Fig. 2.1b (RACK SUPPLY 2)

1 Reserve fuses 7 -12 VDC LED
2 Fuses 8 -12 VDC test jack
3 +5 VDC LED 9 14 VDC LED
4 +5 VDC test jack 10 14 VDC test jack
5 +12 VDC LED 11 Alarm A + B LED
6 +12 VDC test jack

2.1 CNC rack

Fig. 2.1c (Block diagram of RACK SUPPLY 2)

For your notes

2.2 CPU

2.2 CPU

2.2.1 CPU 386SX

The CPU card is equipped with an 80386 SX microprocessor from Intel. The
processor is operated at 20 MHz clock frequency. The system thus achieves a
Abbreviation for processing speed of approx. 5 MIPS. The processor loses little power and therefore
m illions of i nstructions p er s econd needs no cooling system. Owing to the intensive computational use in calculation
and for working through the NC program, the CPU card is equipped with an
80387SL coprocessor from Intel. The efficiency of the system is greatly increased
especially in floating point calculations. The CPU card is equipped with a univer-
sal port module. 2 independent ports are thus available, channel A and channel B.
Channel A is connected as an RS232C port and is used for connection of a CMR
terminal (Console Monitor). This port serves for program development and
testing and is used exclusively by the Bystronic Development Department.
Channel B can be operated as an RS 232C or as a fibreoptic port (TOS link).
When configured as an RS232C port, channel B connects the AT terminal to the
older (CNC89/92) machines. When configured as a TOS link (Opto port),
channel B connects the CNC by means of a fibreoptic cable to the operator
terminal (Panel PC) of the CNC 97/98 machine generation. The 2 ports are
electrically isolated from the rack and from one another. The transmission rate is
115.2 kbit/s.

Fig. 2.2a (CPU 386SX)

2.2 CPU

2.2.2 Light emitting diodes on CPU

LED H1 yellow
BUSY indicates by means of its luminous intensity the level of utilization of the

LED H2 green
IDLE indicates by means of its luminous intensity the time for which the processor
has been waiting in a queue for work.

LED H3 red
HALT indicates that the processor has encountered a HALT instruction when
executing the program and cannot continue performing the current task. This error
can be eliminated only by a cold system start or by an interrupt.

LED H4 red
SHUTDOWN indicates that a serious error has occurred during execution of the
program. Possible causes are the interrupt 8, 13 or a stack overflow. The system
can be recovered from the situation only by an NMI (Non Maskable Interrupt)
or a cold start.

LED H5 yellow
Bus timeout. The processor has unsuccessfully waited for a ready signal from an
addressed interface card and has itself terminated the bus cycle after the maximum
waiting time. In this situation, further execution of the program is possible without
problems, but this is a warning that an interface card is not present in the system
or is faulty.

LED H6 red
INTERRUPT REQUEST lights up during execution of an interrupt routine. It
is activated by the INTA signal of the processor and is cleared again by the software
at the end of the interrupt routine.

2.2 CPU

2.2.3 CPU switches

The CPU performs a cold start and triggers a system reset.

Position of the memory on the CPU card. (Standard setting: No. 1 at ON/No.
2 at OFF applies to all machines.)

Serves for switching channel B from RS 232C to the fibreoptic (Opto).
Position 1: Fibreoptic (Tos link)
Position 2: RS 232C

2.2.4 CPU Jumpers

Configuration of external interrupts:

Pin 1 with 8 external Non Maskable Interrupt (NMI) connected to internal

Pin 2 with 7 external AC powerfail (ACPF) connected to internal NMI
Pin 3 with 6 external AC powerfail (ACPF) connected to INT9
Pin 4 with 5 external INT9 connected to internal INT9

Factory settings for all machines

Pin 1 connected to 8
Pin 4 connected to 5

Fig. 2.2b (CPU 386SX)

2.2 CPU

Fig. 2.2c (Block diagram of CPU 386SX)

2.3 ROM/RAM2

2.3 ROM/RAM2

R ead O nly M emory/RR ead A ccess The ROM/RAM2 is the main memory and program memory card of the CN
M emory control. The card is equipped with 1 MB memory chips. It is divided into 4
memory banks (bank 0 to bank 3). The first bank (bank 0) is equipped with RAM.
The 4th bank (bank 3) is equipped with flash EPROM and thus serves as a read-
only memory for holding the CNC software. The 2nd and 3rd banks (bank 1
and bank 2) are not used at present and thus serve for later memory extension.
The RAM section, bank 0 to bank 2, is protected with a lithium battery to prevent
data loss. The battery capacity is sufficient for maintaining the data for about 5

2.3.1 ROM/RAM2 Jumper

The RAM section of the card is connected to the lithium battery () by jumper
J1 (). When the card is stored, jumper J1 must be removed to protect the battery.

Fig. 2.3a (ROM/RAM2)

2.3 ROM/RAM2

Fig. 2.3b (Block diagram of ROM/RAM2)



Cutting Con
Controller The CUTCON2 generates path-dependent real-time control signals for the various
working processes.
The card contains four RS422 outputs and one 16 bit TTL output and one
analogue (0-10 VDC) input and output. With the PLD CUT2-A, the switches
SW1, SW2 and SW3 are inactive.

In the glass machines, the 3 switches (SW1, SW2 and SW3) are never
used. The switch settings are therefore unimportant.

The four LEDs (1, 2, 3 and 4) are not actuated and thus have no function as error
or status indicators.

2.4 Cutcon2

Fig. 2.4a (Cutcon2)

2.4 Cutcon2

Fig. 2.4b (Block diagram of CUTCON2)

For your notes



Impuls Gen
Generator The feed pulse generator card IMPGEN generates all feed frequencies required
Master card for controlling the for the axis system and controls the connected axis cards (CUTCON2/

A green light emitting diode shows when the IMPGEN actuates the cards
connected to it. The red LED indicates that the maximum acceleration has been
reached. The pulse generator card can control up to max. 7 axes.

2.5.1 IMPGEN switches

The switch block SW1 defines the interrupt address of the card. The default setting
(SW1) of the third switch on all machines is ON (switched on). The remaining
switches must be set to OFF (switched off).

Master frequency:
The switch block (SW2) defines the divider ratio of the master frequency. The
default setting of all switches is OFF (switched off ). The more switches set to
ON (switched on), the slower the axes of the machine travel since the frequency
for actuating the Poscon is lower.

Encoder input:
The switch block (SW3) defines the multiplication factor with which the encoder
inputs of the hand wheel on the remote control are multiplied. This option is
not used at present in the glass machines.

Switch Encoder Multiplication

position channel factor
1 A 1
2 A 2
3 A 4
4 A direct (for test only)
5 B 1
6 B 2
7 B 3
8 B direct (for test only)
9 A&B Electronic
of A & B channel

Tab. 2.5a (IMPGEN)


Overview of the switches according to machine type:

Machine Interrupt SW1 Master frequency SW2 Handwheel SW3
XYZF97/98(R) 3 ON Rest OFF all OFF all OFF
XYZF97/98 DS 3 ON Rest OFF all OFF all OFF
XYZF97/98L FF 3 ON Rest OFF all OFF all OFF
XYZF97/98 FF 3 ON Rest OFF all OFF all OFF
KSM97/98 3 ON Rest OFF all OFF all OFF
KBM97/98 3 ON Rest OFF all OFF all OFF
KSBM97/98 3 ON Rest OFF all OFF all OFF
VSM97/98 3 ON Rest OFF all OFF all OFF
PSM97/98 3 ON Rest OFF all OFF all OFF
PBM97/98 3 ON Rest OFF all OFF all OFF
PSM - XYZF98 3 ON Rest OFF all OFF all OFF

Tab. 2.5b (IMPGEN switch settings)

LED 1:
The IMPGEN actuates one or more POSCONs.

LED 2:
The maximum acceleration was reached.

Fig. 2.5a (IMPGEN)

2.5 Impgen

Fig. 2.5b (Block diagram of IMPGEN)

For your notes



Position Con
Controller The position control card POSCON controls a complete servo axis. The required
analogue value of ± 10 V is output via a 12 bit D/A converter to the speed controller
(drive module). While working through the CNC code (cutting, drilling or
grinding plan), the path is interpolated under IMPGEN control.

The approach to the reference and movement by means of the hand keys is
performed independently by the POSCON; these actions are indicated by means
of the green light emitting diode (RUN).
When the axis is exactly on the zero mark of the encoder, the red LED lights up.
If the maximum required value of ± 10 VDC is present, the red LED also lights

Potentiometer P2:
The potentiometer P2 is used for symmetrical adjustment of the ± 10 volt required

LED 1: Red
• The maximum required value is present (overflow)
• The axis is exactly on the zero mark of the encoder

LED 2: Green
• The Poscon actuates the axis without Impgen control (approach to reference
and manual movement)

Fig. 2.6a (Output voltage POSCON)


Fig. 2.6b (POSCON)


Switch block SW1:

The multiplication factor of the encoder channels is set with switch block SW1.

Machine POSCON SW1 Factor Switch positions Switch 9

XYZF97/98(R) Bridge 4 3 & 7 ON See note
Tool carriage 2 2 & 6 ON See note
Cutting tool 2 2 & 6 ON 9 OFF
Grinding tool 1 1 & 5 ON 9 OFF
XYZF97/98DS Bridge 4 3 & 7 ON See note
Tool carriage 2 2 & 6 ON See note
Cutting tool 2 2 & 6 ON 9 OFF
XYZF97/98L FF Bridge 4 3 & 7 ON See note
Tool carriage 2 2 & 6 ON See note
Cutting tool 2 2 & 6 ON 9 OFF
XYZF97/98 FF Bridge 4 3 & 7 ON See note
Tool carriage 2 2 & 6 ON See note
Cutting tool 2 2 & 6 ON 9 OFF
PSM-XYZF98 Bridge 4 2 & 6 ON See note
Tool carriage 2 2 & 6 ON See note
Cutting tool 2 2 & 6 ON 9 OFF
KSM97/98 Bridge 4 3 & 7 ON See note
Tool carriage 2 2 & 6 ON See note
Cutting tool 2 2 & 6 ON 9 OFF
KBM97/98 Bridge 4 3 & 7 ON See note
Tool carriage 2 2 & 6 ON See note
Breaking roller 2 2 & 6 ON 9 OFF
KSBM97/98 Bridge 4 3 & 7 ON See note
Tool carriage 2 2 & 6 ON See note
Cutting tool 2 2 & 6 ON 9 OFF
Breaking tool 2 2 & 6 ON 9 OFF
VSM97/98 Bridge 4 3 & 7 ON See note
Tool carriage 2 2 & 6 ON See note
Cutting tool 2 2 & 6 ON 9 OFF
Rotary suction cup Gear 1:15 = 2 2 & 6 ON 9 ON
Gear 1:30 = 1 1 & 5 ON 9 ON
Gear 1:5 = 1 1 & 5 ON 9 ON
PSM97/98 Linear 2 2 & 6 ON 9 ON
Polar 3 1&2&5&6 ON 9 ON
PBM97/98 Drilling station 1&2 3 1&2&5&6 ON 9 ON
Longitudinal Tool carriage 3 1&2&5&6 ON 9 ON
Rotary suction cup 4 3&7 ON 9 OFF
Tab. 2.6a (POSCON switch positions)

The encoder channels A + B are rotated (interchanged) electronically with
switch 9. This changes the counting direction of the channel (±). The
procedure for correct setting of switch 9 is described in the instructions for


Wire wrap configuration

Machine POSCON Wrapping

XYZF97/98(R) Bridge D
Tool carriage D
Cutting tool B
Grinding tool B
XYZF97/98DS Bridge D
Tool carriage D
Cutting tool B
XYZF97/98L FF Bridge C
Tool carriage D
Cutting tool B
XYZF97/98 FF Bridge C
Tool carriage D
Cutting tool B
PSM-XYZF98 Bridge C
Tool carriage D
Cutting tool B
KSM97/98 Bridge D
Tool carriage D
Cutting tool B
KBM97/98 Bridge D
Tool carriage D
Breaking roller B
KSBM97/98 Bridge D
Tool carriage D
Cutting tool B
Breaking tool B
VSM97/98 Bridge D
Tool carriage D
Cutting tool B
Rotary suction cup A
PSM97/98 Linear C
Polar C
PBM97/98 Drilling station 1&2 D
Longitudinal Tool carriage D
Rotary suction cup F
Tab. 2.6b (Wire wrap configuration)


Key to wire wrap configuration

Fig. 2.6c (Wire wrap connections)


Fig. 2.6d (Block diagram of POSCON )



Serial Com
Communication Card The SERCOM2 board is a serial interface card. It has four independent ports which
are electrically isolated from the rack and from one another.
These four ports can be adapted to the port required in each case by mounting
different interface adapters (SER232, SER422, SERCUL, SERCOPT). The
parameters of the ports (baud rate, parity ...) are configured on the panel PC in
the MMC program (hardware config.).

The transmission rate is determined by the interface adapter. The upper limit of
the transmission rate limits the USART 16C552 on the SERCOM2 board. It is
1.5 Mbit/s. There is only one configuration switch on the SERCOM2 card. It
fixes the address for the master interrupt controller.

Switch block SW1 defines the interrupt address of the card. The default setting
of the seventh switch is ON (switched on) for all machines. The remaining switches
must be at OFF (switched off).

Machine Interrupt SW1

XYZF97/98(R) 7 ON Rest OFF
XYZF97/98DS 7 ON Rest OFF
XYZF97/98LFF 7 ON Rest OFF
XYZF97/98FF 7 ON Rest OFF
KSM97/98 7 ON Rest OFF
KBM97/98 7 ON Rest OFF
KSBM97/98 7 ON Rest OFF
VSM97/98 7 ON Rest OFF
PSM97/98 7 ON Rest OFF
PBM97/98 7 ON Rest OFF

Tab. 2.7a (SERCOM2 switch positions)


Fig. 2.7a (SERCOM2)


Fig. 2.7b (Block diagram of SERCOM2 )

For your notes


2.7.1 Adapter cards for SERCOM2

Serial Opt
Optical Adapter Card The SEROPT module is a bidirectional optical port. It is capable of transmitting
data at a rate of up to 60 Mbit/s, over a maximum transmission distance of 1

The data transmission takes place optically in a optical fibre. This method of
transmission is insensitive to electromagnetic and electrostatic interference. This
method of data transmission is very suitable for achieving a fast and safe link in
an environment with strong electrical disturbances. Another advantage is the
complete electrical isolating of the communicating devices, since no screen
connection is required.

However, the fibreoptic cables are not so resistant to any mechanical stress. It is
advisable to handle the fibreoptic cables carefully, i.e. not to bend them excessively
and especially not to buckle them. There are no configuration facilities (switches)
on the SEROPT module.

Fig. 2.7c (SEROPT)


Serial 232 Adapter Card The SER232 module is a bidirectional interface with a V24 port referred to 0 V
(ground). The module is capable of transmitting data at a rate of max. 115,200
bit/s. The line length is dependent on the cable characteristics. The capacitive load
Abbreviation for picofarad may not be greater than 2500 pF with a maximum load of 3000 ohm. This
corresponds approximately to a cable length of 30 metres.
richt ungefähr einer Kabellänge von 30 Metern.

The module supports the port specifications according to DIN 66020. There are
no configuration facilities (switches) on the Ser232 module.

Fig. 2.7d (Ser232)


Ser 422 Adapter Card
Serial RS422 The SER422 module is a bidirectional interface with a symmetrical port which is
not referred to ground. The module is capable of transmitting data at a rate of up
to 100 kbit/s over a maximum transmission distance of approx. 1 km. With shorter
links, the maximum rate increases. At a length of 100 m, it is thus possible to
communicate at a transmission rate of up to 1 Mbit/s. However, these values can
be achieved only if the impedance of the transmission line is 120 ohm and the
data lines are terminated at both ends with the corresponding end-of-line resistor.

Fig. 2.7e (Ser422)


Serial Cu
Current L oop Adapter Card The SERCUL module is a bidirectional interface between the DUART 16C552
and an external device. The module is capable of transmitting data at a rate of
max. 19200 bit/s over a maximum transmission distance of 1 km. However, these
values can be achieved only in an optimal environment (no interfering electrical

The interface is in the form of a current loop. Signal state 1 is indicated by a current
of 20 mA. If no current flows in the loop, the signal state is 0.

The transmission circuit can be configured as an active or passive signal source

using switch S1. The receiving circuit, too, can be selected as active or passive with
switch S2. The 2 loops are in the form of a constant current source or constant
current drain and are thus short-circuit-proof.

The two green LEDs indicate whether the current is flowing in the transmission
circuit and/or in the receiving circuit.
The LED H1 indicates the current in the transmission circuit and LED H2 that in
the receiving circuit.

Application S1 (Transmitter) S2 (Receiver)

Byshow active active
PSM active not used
Suction display
Breaking station (PLC) active active
Tab. 2.7a (SERCUL switch position)

Fig. 2.7f (SERCUL)


D igital I nput O utput The DIOCOM board is an interface card for the Bystronic CN control. It serves
Communications Card as a basis for the input/output communication of the CNC.

Various communication modules can be mounted in the 4 slots (DIOPORT 1-


The 16-bit DIOCAN module permits communication with a CAN field bus
(SELECAN protocol).

With the 16-bit DIOSSI module, external devices, such as the manual control,
the cutting pressure control, etc., are actuated.

The DIOPAR module serves for communication with PARCOM-compatible


Switch block SW1 defines the interrupt address of the card. The default setting
of the 4th switch (SW1) is ON (switched on) in all machines. The remaining
switches must be at OFF (switched off ).

Machine Interrupt SW1

DIOCOM slot STD XYZF97/98(R) 4 ON Rest OFF
XYZF97/98DS 4 ON Rest OFF
XYZF97/98L FF 4 ON Rest OFF
XYZF97/98 FF 4 ON Rest OFF
KSM97/98 4 ON Rest OFF
KBM97/98 4 ON Rest OFF
KSBM97/98 4 ON Rest OFF
VSM97/98 4 ON Rest OFF
PSM97/98 4 ON Rest OFF
PBM97/98 4 ON Rest OFF

Machine Interrupt SW1

XYZF97/98(R) 5 ON Rest OFF
XYZF97/98DS 5 ON Rest OFF
XYZF97/98 FF 5 ON Rest OFF
KSM97/98 5 ON Rest OFF
KBM97/98 5 ON Rest OFF
KSBM97/98 5 ON Rest OFF
VSM97/98 5 ON Rest OFF
PSM97/98 5 ON Rest OFF
PBM97/98 5 ON Rest OFF
Tab. 2.8a (DIOCOM switch positions)


Fig. 2.8a (DIOCOM)


Fig. 2.8b (Block diagram of DIOCOM)

For your notes


2.8.1 Interface boards for DIOCOM

D igital I nput O utput Par
Parallel The DIOPAR module is a simulation of a PARCOM port. It makes it possible
Adapter to actuate PARCOM-compatible terminals of the CNC89 generation via the
DIOCOM board.

The DIOCOM is used exclusively for actuating the auxiliary keyboard (manual
control keys X+/X-).

The DIOPAR module contains no switches or LEDs.

Fig. 2.8c (DIOPAR)


D igital I nput O utput S ynchronous The DIOSSI module transmits two 16 bit ports (port 1&2). The DIOSSI module
S erial I nterface is used as a connection to the pressure controller and to the input/output assemblies

The settings of jumper block J1 are determined by the board layout (cannot be
changed) and relate to the following parameters:

• Data inverted (e.g. with open collector actuation)

• Transmission rate (250 kbit/s or 500 kbit/s)
• Master/slave configuration (timing line)
• OE (Output Enable). Determines whether the data are to be written directly
to the output after reception. The output module rail should, for example,
output the received data immediately; however, the input module rail may
not write its input signals directly to the bus. The data are scanned by the

Fig. 8.2d (DIOSSI)


D igital I nput O utput C ontroller The DIOCAN module transmits and receives data from a SELECAN network
A rea N etwork and is thus the connection between the CN control and a Selectron PLC control.
The communication to the CAN bus is achieved on the DIOCAN module by a
microprocessor in conjunction with a CAN controller. The node address of the
DIOCAN in the CAN network is set together with other properties of the node
on configuration switch S1. Owing to its size, the DIOCAN module can be used
only in the slots DIOPORT 1 and 2 on the DIOCOM. The green LED lights
up briefly to confirm that the initialization procedure after a restart has been
successfully completed. The red LED lights up if a communication error has
occurred on the CAN bus.

The DIOCAN module is currently (October 1998) not used in the glass

Fig. 8.2e (DIOCAN)

Switch Node address

1 1
2 2
3 4
4 8
5 16

Transmission rate
6 OFF 20 kbit/s ON 100 kbit/s OFF 500 kbit/s ON 1Mbit/s

CMR Monitor
8 On Enable
OFF Disable

Fig. 2.8b (Switch 1)

For youe notes



Position C ontroller A cceleration The position controller card POSCAD serves for movement of CNC auxiliary
D eceleration axes.
Through the various configuration possibilities, the POSCAD card can be used
for the following drive concepts:

• 2 stepping motors without actual value recycling

• 1 stepping motor with actual value recycling
• 1 servo motor

2.9.1 POSCAD switch

The switch block (SW1) defines the divider ratio of the master frequency. The
more switches at ON (switched on), the slower the down circuit auxiliary axes
(motor) travel since the frequency for actuating the stepping motor cards is smaller.

Encoder input:
The switch block (SW2) defines the multiplication factor with which the encoder
pulses are multiplied.
Switch Encoder channel Multiplication factor
1 A 1
2 A 2
3 A 4
4 A direct (for test only)
5 B 1
6 B 2
7 B 3
8 B direct (for test only)
9 A&B Electronic
of A & B channel
2.9.1 (POSCAD switches)


Machine Axis SW1 (frequency) SW2 (encoder multiplication factor

KSM97/98 X-stop 8 ON not provided
KSBM97/98 Y-stop 8 ON not provided
PSM97/98 X,Y-stop 8 ON not provided
Grinding spindle all ON not provided
PBM94/97 Drill spindle 2 & 3 & 5 ON 1 & 3 & 4 & 6 & * ON
PBM98 Drill spindle 2 & 3 & 5 ON 1 & 5 & * ON

Fig. 2.9b (POSCAD switch positions)

*) With switch 9, the encoder channels A and B are rotated (interchanged)

electronically. This causes a change in the counting direction of the channel
(±). The procedure for correct setting of switch 9 is described in the
commissioning instructions.

Fig. 2.9a (POSCAD)


PLD (PAL, GAL) Jumper Wrap field J

Machine Axis Version IC U25 IC U26 IC U27 Eprom J1 J2

KSM97/98 Stops VAR01 SM not provided not provided RGC--B POSCAD A (1-2) not provided A

PSM97/98 Spindle VAR01 SM not provided not provided RGC--B POSCAD A (1-2) not provided A
Stops VAR01 SM not provided not provided RGC--B POSCAD A (1-2) not provided A

PBM94/97 Drill spindle VAR02 PBM SYN-PBM COM-A RGC-C PBM96 A (1-2) no wrap

Fig. 2.9c (POSCAD configuration)

CNC89 Janbac

PBM98 Drill spindle VAR PBM98 SYNPBM COM-A RGC-C P0123.1A A (1-2) no wrap
CNC97 Fischer


Fig. 2.9b (Block diagram of POSCAD)

For your notes

Contents of Chapter

Stepping motor rack

3.1 Stepping motor rack .......................................................... 3-2

3.2 Stepping motor cards D900 ............................................ 3-4

3.1 Stepping motor rack

3.1 Stepping motor rack

The stepping motor rack is a 19" sub-rack provided with a Bystronic back panel.
It permits the integration of the Berger-Lahr stepping motor control cards of Series
D550 and D900 in the Bystronic CN controls.

The stepping motor rack can hold one voltage supply module () and up to four
stepping motor control cards ().

The required supply voltage (3 x 85 VAC) is delivered by an external transformer

which is connected to plug X1 (POWER IN) on the stepping motor rack.

Fig. 3.1a (Front view of Berger stepping motor rack)

Fig. 3.1b (Back of Berger stepping motor rack)

3.1 Stepping motor rack

Control signals:
The control signals of the CNC drive cards (POSCAD) are connected to the 25-
pin D-SUB jacks.
X8: Stepping motor control card 1
X9: Stepping motor control card 2
X10: Stepping motor control card 3
X11: Stepping motor control card 4

Power output:
The stepping motors (power output) are connected to the 4-pin jacks.
X12: MOTOR 1
X13: MOTOR 2
X14: MOTOR 3
X15: MOTOR 4

Error messages:
The 3-pin plug X2: ERROR is connected to a potential-free changeover contact
relay on each control card. In the event of a fault, the relay on the relevant card
will pick up or drop out and thus short-circuit or open the ERROR bus.

Voltage supply module:

The 3 x 85 VAC (POWER IN) are rectified to 120 VDC and filtered by the voltage
supply module () in the stepping motor rack. A fuse () protects the DC voltage
circuit from short-circuit. The output voltage (120 VDC) can be measured at the
test jack (, ). The light emitting diode () lights up as soon as the AC-side voltage
is min. 10 V.

The LED ( ) provides no information about the level and quality of the
voltage. It serves merely for indicating that a voltage is present.

3.2 Stepping motor cards D900

3.2 Stepping motor cards D900

The Berger card D900 serves for actuating 3-phase stepping motors. They are used
in the following applications:
• Positioning stops (KSM/VSM/KSBM/PSM)
• Spindle height adjustment (PSM)
• Drill feed (PBM)Spindelhöhenverstellung (PSM)

The card is actuated with the pulse, direction, door, current zeroing and micro
step signals by a superior control (POSCAD). With these control signals and the
(120 VDC) supply voltage, the card drives a 3-phase stepping motor with a current
consumption (adjustable) between 1.35 A and 5.5 A.

Light emitting diodes:

LED 1 (green) = Ready (the supply voltage is above 80 VDC)
LED 2 (red) = Short-circuit between 2 phases
LED 3 (red) = Excess temperature (> 75°C) at heat sink
LED 4 (red) = Overvoltage (> 140 V)
LED 5 (red) = Undervoltage (< 80 V)
LED 2, 3, 4, 5 = Pulse frequency too high or interfering pulses.

In the event of a fault (LED 2 to LED 5), the current to the motor is cut
off and the card reports „Not ready“ (LED 1 goes out).
A currentless motor no longer has a holding moment. This can lead to
undesired reactions.

Switch Number of steps without micro step (Pins OFF)

1 ON 200 ON 400 OFF 500 OFF 1000

Number of steps with micro step (Pins ON)

1 ON 2000 ON 4000 OFF 5000 OFF 10000

Current lowering
3 OFF On
ON Off

4 No function

Fig. 3.2a (Dip switch settings on Berger card D900)

Factory setting:
Steps: 1 OFF 2 ON (500 steps)
Current lowering: 3 OFF current lowering on

3.2 Stepping motor cards D900

Rotary switch for motor phase current

Position Phase current (A)

0 1.35
1 1.65
2 1.9
3 2.2
4 2.45
5 2.75
6 3
7 3.3
8 3.6
9 3.9
A 4.15
B 4.4
C 4.7
D 5
E 5.2
F 5.5

Tab. 3.2b (Rotary switch for motor phase current)

The value printed in bold in the Table corresponds to the factory setting.
The set phase current must be equal to or less than the rated phase current
shown on the motor rating plate.

Fig. 3.2a (Stepping motor card D900)

For your notes

Contents of Chapter

Peripheral cards
4.1 TERMIF................................................................................. 4-2
4.1.1 TERMIF plugs

4.2 PARAN ............................................................................... 4-4

4.2.1 PARAN plugs

4.3 Speed limit monitor SLIM ................................................. 4-6

4.4 SSI module bus S3 ........................................................... 4-10

4.5 I/O Module SSI ................................................................ 4-12

4.5.1 Light emitting diodes SSI
4.5.2 Plugs on module SSI



ermm inal I nterff ace Adapter The TERMIF is an interface between the hand terminal (HANDTERM) and
the CN/PLC control. On the TERMIF, the various HANDTERM signals are
divided and are transmitted to the corresponding superior controls (IMPGEN,

The two channels A/B of the handwheel incremental encoder are transmitted to
the IMPGEN card.

The key channels 1 and 2 and the timing of the SSI link are connected to the
DIOCOM card.

The contacts of the emergency stop switch are looped in the safety circuit of the
line control.

In addition, detection of whether a function key has been pressed is performed

on the key channel 2 of the SSI link. This information is additionally fed into the
safety circuit via a relay contact.

This permissive function is possible only with HANDTERM2 since HAND-

TERM3 transmits the key to channel 1 (however, only channel 2 is monitored).

Fig. 2.10a (TERMIF)


4.1.1 TERMIF plugs

Terminal 1 +24 VDC
Terminal 2 0 VDC (ground)
Terminal 3 PE (ground)

Plug for connection to hand terminal (HANDTERM).

Plug for connection to DIOCOM card (DIOSSI module on Dioport 1).

Plug for connection to IMPGEN card.

Function keys contact
These lines are only looped on the TERMIF. The contact is on the HANDTERM.

Permissive contact
These lines are only looped on the TERMIF. The contact is on the HANDTERM.

Emergency stop
These lines are only looped on the TERMIF. The contact is on the HANDTERM.



Parallel An
Analogue Converter The PARAN board provides two isolated analogue voltages (0 VDC - 10 VDC)
at plug X3. The voltages are generated by a digital input signal which is 2 x 8 bits
wide (plug X1).

Fig. 2.11a (PARAN electronics card)

4.2.1 PARAN plugs

Plug X1 connects PARAN to the DIOPAR card on the DIOCOM board.

Power supply input for the PARAN board:
Terminal 1 24 VDC
Terminal 2 0 VDC

Analogue voltage output:
Reference value 1 Terminal 1 0-10 VDC
Terminal 2 Ground

Reference value 2 Terminal 3 0-10 VDC

Terminal 4 Ground

For your notes

4.3 Speed limit monitor SLIM

4.3 Speed limit monitor SLIM

S peed Lim
Limit The speed limit monitor SLIM monitors the grinding disc speed as a function of
the grinding disc diameter and detects whether or not the spindle is rotating.

H1 = V max, the set speed has not been exceeded
H2 = Stop, spindle is stationary
H3 = Coding switch B active
H4 = Coding switch A active
H5 = V1 low speed
H6 = V2 high speed
H7 = The speed limit indicator of the spindle lights up if the switch (S1 speed
monitor) in the spindle is operated.

Frequency oscillator of this potentiometer is set at the factory and may not be

Speed setting
Switch S1 (250 mm) and S2 (150 mm) coding switches A + B

The value printed in bold in the Table corresponds to the factory setting.

250-type disc 150-type disc

Position S1 S2
0 0 0 rpm
1 500 500 rpm
2 1000 1000 rpm
3 1500 1500 rpm
4 2000 2000 rpm
5 2500 2500 rpm
6 3000 3000 rpm
7 3500 3500 rpm
8 4000 4000 rpm
9 4500 4500 rpm
A 5000 5000 rpm
B 5500 5500 rpm
C 6000 6000 rpm
D 6500 6500 rpm
E 7000 7000 rpm
F 7500 7500 rpm

Tab. 4.3a (Speed setting)

4.3 Speed limit monitor SLIM

X 1.1 = +24 VDC supply

X 1.2 = 0V
X 2.1 = +24 VDC from coding switch A
X 2.2 = +24 VDC from coding switch B
X 2.3 = Signal from the spindle
X 3.1 = +24 VDC Enable
X 3.3 = 0V
X 4.1 = Output Limit / K1 contact closed if
X 4.2 = Output Limit / n <Limit
X 4.3 = Output Stop / K2 contact closed at
X 4.4 = Output Stop / Spindle stop

This terminal assignment serves only as an example. The correct
assignment is shown in the connection diagram of the machine.

Fig. 4.3a (Speed limit monitor SLIM)

4.3 Speed limit monitor SLIM

Fig. 4.3b (Block diagram of speed limit monitor SLIM)

For your notes

4.4 SSI module bus S3

4.4 SSI module bus S3

The IO MODULE BUS is a device for converting the external binary signals of
switches, contacts or processes into a communication signal according to Bystronic
S ynchronous S erial I nterface SSI specifications (INPUT) or for converting the SSI signals of the CNC into
the external signal levels required for the process (valves, relays, ...) (OUTPUT).

The device is designed for mounting on a C bus in the CNC cabinet. The jumpers
J1 and J2 on the module bus can be used for selecting the available number of
inputs or outputs. The module bus is always configured for 16 inputs and 16
outputs at the factory.

Possible settings
16 + 16 Inputs and outputs (24 V)
32 Inputs (24 V)
32 Outputs (24 V)

The green LED H1 lights up when the TTL supply voltage is at least 4.75 volt
and the reset signal for the SSI-ASIC has been cleared.
The LED pairs H3 - H5 (green) and H2 - H4 (yellow) indicate the configuration of
the channels 1 (H3, H2) and 2 (H5, H4):

• Yellow stands for output (LED H2 and H4)

• Green stands for input (LED H5 and H3)

If the SSI master is not connected or the communication terminates for any reason,
the SSI-ASIC (U36) automatically switches both channels to input. This ensures
that the connected output modules and their actuated outputs are immediately

4.4 SSI module bus S3

Fig. 4.4a (Module bus S3)

4.5 I/O module SSI

4.5 I/O module SSI

The IO MODULE SSI is a device for converting the external binary signals of
switches, contacts or processes into a communication signal according to Bystronic
SSI specifications (INPUT) or for converting the SSI signals of a control system
into the external signal level required for the process (OUTPUT).

Thanks to its compact dimensions, it can be used both in a switch cabinet and in
a ventilated terminal box. The internal modular concept permits a simple design
as a decentral IO unit with alternatively:

16 + 16 Inputs and outputs (24 V)

32 Inputs (24 V)
32 Outputs (24 V)

4.5.1 Light emitting diodes SSI

The green LED POWER lights up if the I/O module is supplied with 24 VDC,
the TTL supply voltage is at least 4.75 volt and the reset signal for the SSI-ASIC
has been cleared.

CH1 and CH2:

The LED pairs CH1 and CH2 underneath indicate the configuration of channels
1 and 2: yellow stands for output and green for input. If the SSI master is not
connected or the communication is terminated for any reason, the SSI-ASIC
automatically switches both channels to input: this ensures that the output modules
connected to the IO-SSI board or their actuated outputs are immediately
deactivated if the cable breaks or the master fails.

X1 - CH1 output:
To the right of each output terminal is the corresponding yellow signal LED. This
lights up if the output circuit is actuated by the TTL logic and is supplied from
outside (terminals 17 and 18), independently of whether a load is connected to
the output.
Each of the 16 outputs is provided with short-circuit protection: as soon as the
output current is more than 3.5 A, the actuation of all outputs is blocked on the
TTL side and the red LED to the right of terminal 17 lights up. To restore the
normal function, the cause of the overload must be eliminated and the supply of
the outputs must be briefly interrupted. The short-circuit protection is sluggish
so that the actuation of capacitive loads is possible without problems.

4.5 I/O Modul SSI

X2 - CH2 Input:
To the right of each input terminal is the corresponding green signal LED. These
light up if a voltage is applied between the input terminal and the reference potential
terminal, independently of whether the IO MODULE is switched on or not. Each
input on the TTL side is made bounce-proof with a 5 ms time constant.

Fig. 4.5a (I/O module SSI)

4.5 I/O Modul SSI

4.5.2 Plugs on module SSI

The external supply voltage is connected via the 3-pin plug X4. The protective
earth must be connected since otherwise the ESD protection is not effective.

The input signals are connected to the first 16 terminals of the 18-pin input plug
(X2 - CH2). The protective earth must be connected to terminal 17 since otherwise
the ESD protection of the input circuit is not effective. The total 0 V reference
potential of the 16 inputs is connected to terminal 18.

Each of the 16 outputs (X1 - CH1) is provided with short-circuit protection: as
soon as the output current is more than 3.5 A, the actuation of all outputs on the
TTL side is blocked and the red LED to the right of terminal 17 lights up. To
restore the normal function, the cause of the overload must be eliminated and
the supply of the outputs briefly interrupted. The short-circuit protection is sluggish
so that the actuation of capacitive loads is possible without problems.

Communication with CNC:

The SSI master is connected via the 9-pin plug X3.

Fig. 4.5b (I/O module SSI)

For your notes

For your notes

Contents of Chapter

Panel PC
5.1 The Panel PC ....................................................................... 5-2
5.1.1 Overview of the interrupts and I/O addresses in the PPC
5.1.2 Description of Bystronic interface cards in the PPC
5.1.3 Jumpers and switches
5.1.4 Switch S1 I/O address

5.1 Panel PC

5.1 Panel PC

The PPC is a universal industrial computer for use in a machine environment.

Depending on requirements, all commercial PC components from motherboard
to passive bus slot systems can be installed.

Failures of the standard PC components through excessively high temperatures,

dust, moisture, vibrations, interference and an aggressive environment are prevented
by the following measures:

• Complete protection from electromagnetic fields

• Protection from dust and splashes
• Monitoring of the mains and computer voltages
• Controlled booting of the computer
• Improved cooling with excess temperature monitoring
• Vibration-damped installation of the drives

The Panel PC used in the Bystronic machines are tested for the following

• Safety
• Noise voltage and spurious emission
• Noise immunity to ESD
• Noise immunity to electromagnetic fields
• Noise immunity to fast transients

The Panel PC is basically considered as a complete unit. Changing or replacement

of individual plug-in cards, TFT display or other hardware components outside
the Bystronic parent company or its subsidiaries is not permissible.

5.1 Panel PC

Fig. 5.1a (Front view of Panel PC)

1 TFT screen
2 100 MB IDE zip drive
3 1.44 MB drive
4 Indicator lamps and reset button
5 Mouse
6 Hand control keys
7 Pull-out PC keyboard
8 CNC control keys

5.1 Panel PC

5.1.1 Overview of the interrupts and I/O addresses in the PPC

IRQ I/O address Assigned hardware Remarks
0 0040 - 0043 System timer
1 0060 - 0060 PC keyboard
2 0020 - 0021 Interrupt controller
3 02F8 - 02FF COM 2 Mouse
4 03F8 - 03FF COM 1 Not used
5 300 CNC keyboard Not visible in system control
6 03F0 - 03F5 1.44 MB floppy drive
7 0378 - 037B Parallel Port 1 (LPT1) Hardware protection (Dongle)
8 0070 - 0071 CMOS/Real-time clock
9 00A0 - 00A1 Second interrupt controller
10 03E8 - 03EF COM 3 Fibreoptic connection to CNC CPU
11 02E8 - 02EF COM 4 Fibreoptic connection not used
12 0340 - 034F Network card Connection to Ethernet
13 00F0 - 00FF Coprocessor
14 01F0 - 01F7 PCI IDE controller Hard disks and zip drive
15 01F0 - 01F7 First IDE controller Hard disks and zip drive

Tab. 5.1a (IRQ and I/O addresses in the Panel PC)

5.1 Panel PC

Fig. 5.1b (Block diagram of Panel PC)

5.1 Panel PC

5.1.2 Description of Bystronic interface cards in the PPC

PCOLA serial interface card with optical fibres

The PCOLA board is a serial interface card for installation in a 16-bit ISA slot or
an IBM-AT or compatible personal computer. The card guarantees 100% address
and register compatibility with a standard IBM serial interface card and has two
16550 FIFO UARTs and an extended interrupt selection. The use of a PCOLA
board permits the addition of up to two electrically isolated serial connections via
a TOSLINK optical fibre.

5.1.3 Jumpers and switches

The jumper J1 defines the address range of the PCOLA board. When jumper J1
is not inserted, the 2 serial interfaces are configured as COM1 and COM2
(addresses 3F8h and 2F8h); when jumper J1 is inserted, they are configured as
COM3 and COM4 (addresses 3E8h and 2E8h, factory setting). It is not possible
to switch off one of the two ports.
The interrupt for the first and the second port is selected with the slide switches
S1 (IRQ5, factory setting) and S2 (IRQ6, factory setting).

Fig. 5.1c (PCOLA board)

5.1 Panel PC

PCTIF keyboard interface

The PCTIF board is a keyboard controller card for installation in an 8- or 16-bit
ISA slot of an IBM-AT or compatible personal computer.

The use of the PCTIF board permits the operation of the Bystronic CNC foil
keypad parallel with the standard PC keyboard.

The PCTIF board can operate the Bystronic CNC keyboard with up to 88 keys
and 3 switching keys. This results in up to 160 unambiguous pieces of input
information. A key switch can be used to enable the keyboard. The PCTIF board
can directly actuate up to 24 LED lamps on the CNC keyboard.

The PCTIF board is connected to the CNC keyboard via a 50-pin flat cable not
more than 0.5 metre long.

Jumper J1 Interrupt configuration

Bridge (Jumper J1)

1 with 2 IRQ3
3 with 4 IRQ4
5 with 6 IRQ5 Factory setting
7 with 8 IRQ7
Tab. 5.1b (Interrupt setting on PCTIF)

5.1 Panel PC

5.1.4 Switch S1 I/O address

Fig. 5.1d (I/O address on PCTIF)

Switches S2 and S3 (scanning of parameter register)

These two switches are not used. All switches should be at OFF.

Fig. 5.1e (PCTIF board)

5.1 Panel PC

PTCON (Power and Temperature Control)

The voltage and temperature monitor PTCON guarantees the operational safety
of the Panel PC in exceptional situations, such as sluggish switching on and off,
voltage fluctuations, switching on and off at short intervals or insufficient cooling.
The Panel PC is started up only when the +5 VDC and +15 VDC electronics
supply are within the tolerance limits for about five seconds.

The internal temperature of the Panel PC is monitored by a temperature sensor.

If the internal temperature of the Panel PC exceeds 45°C, the overtemperature
indicator lamp at the front of the Panel PC is actuated. This warning lamp indicates
that the cooling of the Panel PC is no longer sufficient. A reliable operation of
the Panel PC can no longer be guaranteed.

Fig. 5.1f (PTCON board)

For your notes

Contents of Chapter

Drive system
6.1 AC drive system .................................................................. 6-2

6.2 AC motors........................................................................... 6-4

6.2.1 AC integrated synchronous motor
6.2.2 AC standard synchronous motor
6.2.3 Motor feedback unit
6.2.4 Incremental encoder

6.1 AC drive system

6.1 AC drive system

The Bystronic drive system essentially consists of the POSCON axis card with
reference input generation and bearing control, the supply and drive module (VM/
AM) and the transducers, incremental generator and motor feedback unit.

The structure of the BYSTRONIC drive system is in principle identical for all
CNC axes equipped with AC motors.

Fig. 6.1a (Block diagram of drive system)

For your notes

6.2 AC motors

6.2 AC motors

The use of AC motors completely dispenses with the need for servicing the motors
in future, since, apart from the rotor bearing (ball bearing), there are no longer
any mechanically stressed parts (carbons) in the motor.
We make a distinction between two different types of motors:
• AC integrated synchronous motor
• AC standard synchronous motor

6.2.1 AC integrated synchronous motor

The AC Einbau [integrated] synchronous motor (AE...) is a direct drive motor

with high torque per unit weight (Nm/kg) and impressive dynamics. The design
involving direct integration of the motor in the machine permits compact structure
and substantial weight savings. This continuously energized 12-pole synchronous
motor is used as a bridge drive.

Fig. 6.2a (AC integrated synchronous motor)

1 Motor feedback unit
2 Incremental generator
3 Clamping device
4 Stator
5 Drive shaft
6 Rotor

6.2 AC motors

Signal diagram for AC integrated synchronous motor

The signals shown below are obtained when the motor is manually rotated on
the drive shaft.

Fig. 6.2b (Signal diagram for AC integrated synchronous motor)

6.2 AC motors

6.2.2 AC standard synchronous motor

The optimized standard AC synchronous motor in the long AL or in the short

AK design with increased power data, compact dimensions and low torque
harmonic oscillations meets very high requirements in terms of dynamics, speed
range and centricity. These continuously energized 6-pole synchronous motor are
used on all machine axes with the exception of the beam axes.

Synchronous motor with motor feedback, large (Art. No. 


Fig. 6.2c (AC standard synchronous motor)

1 Motor feedback plug
2 Incremental generator
3 Motor feedback unit
4 Motor housing (stator)

6.2 AC motors

Signal diagram for AC standard synchronous motor with motor feedback, large
The signals shown below are obtained when the motor is manually rotated on
the drive shaft.

Abb. 6.2d (Signal diagram for AC standard synchronous motor)

6.2 AC motors

AC standard synchronous motor with motor feedback, small

(Art.No. 

Fig. 6.2e (AC standard synchronous motor)

1 Motor feedback unit
2 Incremental generator
3 Motor feedback plug
4 Motor housing (stator)

6.2 AC motors

Signal diagram for AC standard synchronous motor with motor feedback,

The signals shown below are obtained when the motor is manually rotated on
the drive shaft.

Fig. 6.2f (Signal diagram for AC standard synchronous motor)

6.2 AC motors

Pin assignment for motor connection plug

(applicable for AK, AL and integrated motors)

Fig. 6.2g (Pin assignment for motor connection plug)

Pin designation Connected in motor

1 Motor phase U
2 Housing earth
3 Motor phase W
4 Motor phase V
A Not yet used
B Not yet used
C Brake + (if present)
D Brake - (if present)

Tab. 6.2a (Pin assignment)

6.2 AC motors

6.2.3 Motor feedback unit

The motor feedback unit performs the function of supplying the drive module
with the following information.

• Speed of the drive

• Direction of rotation of the drive
• Position of the rotor relative to the stator of the motor

The rotor of the motor feedback unit is clamped to the motor shaft by means of
a clamping device (). The stator () of the motor feedback unit is screwed to the
motor housing by means of clamping jaws.

If the motor feedback unit is mounted on a motor, it must then be adjusted by

means of a tester. This adjustment is described in more detail in the service

The adjustment by means of the tester can be performed only by a Bystronic

specialist. If a motor feedback unit or a motor is thought to be faulty, the entire
motor must be changed.

The motors are supplied by Bystronic, together with the adjusted motor feedback

Fig. 6.2h (Motor feedback unit, large Art. No. 218303)

1 Plug
2 Cable
3 Stator
4 Rotor clamping device
5 Rotor
6 Cable
7 Plug

6.2 AC motors

Signal assignment for plug ( )

Absolute magnetic generator signal for determining the position of the rotor re-
lative to the stator in the motor.

Pin number Signal

1 + 15Volt DC
2 0V GND
3 U
4 W
5 V
6 X
7 Z
8 Y

Tab. 6.2b (Signal assignment for the motor feedback plug)

Signal assignment for cable ( )

Feedback of speed and direction of rotation

Wire colour Signal

white RA (winding 1 Start)
brown RE (winding 1 End)
green SA (winding 2 Start)
yellow` SE (winding 2 End)
grey TA (winding 2 Start)
pink TE (winding 3 End)

Tab. 6.2c (Signal assignment for the motor feedback cable)

The signals of () and () are combined at the plug () and fed together, without
signal processing, by means of a shielded cable to the AMFEED card (plug X53)
on the drive module.

Fig. 6.2i (Arrangement of the motor feedback unit in the motor)

6.2 AC motors

Pin assignment of motor feedback plug (Fig. 6.2i Pos 2)

PIN 1 +15 V PIN 12 SE

PIN 4 V PIN 15 free
PIN 5 W PIN 16 free
PIN 6 X PIN 17 inner shield

Abb. 6.2j (Signal assignment for the motor feedback plug)

The list of the connections in the motor feedback circuit is shown in the
corresponding CNC diagram.

6.2 AC motors

Motor feedback unit, small (Art. No. 218154)

Abb. 1.2k (Motor feedback unit, small)

1 Plug
2 Stator
3 Rotor clamping device
4 Cable

Pin assignment for plug ( )

Absolute magnetic generator signal for determining the position of the rotor re-
lative to the stator in the motor.

Pin number Signal

1 + 15 Volt DC
2 0 Volt GND
3 U
4 W
5 V
6 not used
7 not used
8 not used

Tab. 6.2d (Pin assignment for plug)

6.2 AC motors

Signal assignment for cable

Feedback of the speed and the direction of rotation

Pin number Signal

1 + 15 Volt DC
2 0 Volt GND
3 U
4 W
5 V
6 not used
7 not used
8 not used

Tab. 6.2e (Signal assignment for cable)

The signals from and are combined at the plug and fed together, without signal
processing, by means of a shielded cable to the AMFEED card (plug X53) on the
drive module.

6.2 AC motors

Arrangement of the motor feedback unit in the motor

Fig. 6.2l (Arrangement of the motor feedback unit in the motor)

6.2 AC motors

Pin assignment for motor feedback plug ( )

PIN 1 +15 Volt

PIN 2 0 Volt GND
PIN 6 free
PIN 7 free
PIN 8 free
PIN 15 free
PIN 16 free
PIN 17 Inner shield

Fig. 6.2m (Pin assignment for motor feedback plug)

The list of connections in the motor feedback circuit is shown in the
corresponding CNC diagram.

6.2 AC motors

Incremental encoder

The encoder (incremental encoder) performs the function of delivering a specific

number of electric pulses per distance covered. This information (pulses) tells a
superior system (POSCON) how far and in which direction the drive is moved.

The encoder is mechanically connected to the motor shaft, without compensating

coupling. The output (electrical connection) is transmitted directly to the superior
control (Poscon) without additional signal processing.

The encoder has an RS422 interface which is led to a plug () (protection type

The channels A and B and the zero mark as well as the associated “inverse” signals
are used. The signal voltage varies between ±3 volt.

Fig. 6.2n (Incremental encoder)

1 Clamping device for the connection between encoder and motor
2 Plug with RS422 interface
3 Bolt for clamping the encoder to the motor shaft.

6.2 AC motors

Pin assignment for encoder plug

The pin assignment is the same for all encoders and axes.

PIN 12 Encoder supply +10 V bis +30 V

PIN 10 Encoder supply 0 Volt GND
PIN 5 Channel A
PIN 6 Channel A inverse
PIN 8 Channel B
PIN 1 Channel B inverse
PIN 3 Zero mark
PIN 4 Zero mark inverse
PIN 7 free

Fig. 1.2o (Encoder plug)

The list of connections in the encoder circuit is shown in the
corresponding CNC diagram.

For your notes

Contents of Chapter

Drive supply module

7.1 The supply module ............................................................... 7-2
7.1.1 Power unit of supply module
7.1.2 Control unit

7.1 The supply module

7.1 The supply module...

...generates and monitors the intermediate circuit voltage of the drive module
Furthermore, in the event of an excessively high intermediate circuit voltage (ne-
gative acceleration of a drive), the supply module destroys this voltage via a pulse
resistance ().
The module is designed for 50 amp continuous current and is protected from
any overload by means of two temperature sensors () and ().
The intermediate circuit voltage has bus capabilities (). Thus, the drive modules
can be arranged on the left as well as on the right side of the supply module.

We make a distinction between two different supply modules. At present,

exclusively version 1 is used.

Standard version
Intermediate circuit voltage Version 1
320 VDC intermediate circuit voltage (supply 3 x 230 VAC ± 10%)

Special version
Intermediate circuit voltage Version 2
560 VDC intermediate circuit voltage (supply 3 x 400 VAC ± 10%)

Fig. 7.1a (Supply module standard version)

7.1 The supply module

7.1.1 Power unit of supply module

The rectifier modules () with 80°C temperature sensor (), circuit capacitors (),
 ) with 100°C temperature sensor ()
an IGBT transistor (), a pulse resistance (
and the intermediate circuit monitoring electronics are located on the VMBASE
power unit.

Fig. 7.1b (Power unit of supply module)

1 Cooling fan
2 Intermediate circuit capacitors
3 Monitoring and control electronics
4 Voltage supply bus
5 Rectifier modules
6 Rectifier plate temperature sensor
7 Pulse resistance
8 IGBT transistor
9 Pulse resistance temperature sensor

7.1 The supply module

7.1.2 Control unit

The VMDRIVE control unit contains the electronics supply, the intermediate
circuit monitor, the temperature monitor and the IGBT control.

The status of the power module in shown in a simple manner with the aid of the
light emitting diodes (LED).

Fig. 7.1c (Control unit VMDRIV)

7.1 The supply module

emitting diodes

H1 Red Excess temperature pulse resistance

The pulse resistance is overloaded. The fan (1 Fig. 4.1a) may not
be operating or the ventilation slots may be soiled.

H2 Green Supply module is ready for operation (voltage module OK)

H3 Red Excess temperature rectifier module

The rectifiers are overloaded. The supply module may be soiled.

H4 Green Voltage supply (240 volt AC) for the internal electronic supply
(terminal X2) is in order.

H5 Yellow Pulse resistance is switched on.

H6 Yellow The intermediate circuit voltage was reduced. The terminals X4,
5+6 are activated.

The fuse F1 (T1A250V) protects the electronic supply on the supply module.

7.1 The supply module

Plug X4
Terminals 1 + 2 Intermediate circuit in order (ZWOK), normally open contact;
if the intermediate circuit is not in order, the contact drops off

Terminals 3 + 4 Normally closed contact. Same function as the terminals X4,

1+2. However, it closes if the intermediate circuit is not in order.

Terminals 5 + 6 Intermediate circuit reduction (ZWRED)

If terminal 5 is connected to 6, the power in the intermediate circuit is reduced

to about 10%, i.e. the power of the intermediate circuit is dissipated via the pulse
The terminals can be activated by the safety control if the supply voltage of the
supply module was reduced or the supply module is completely disconnected from
the main power.

When the full supply voltage is applied, the intermediate circuit reduction
(ZWRED) may not be switched on. Otherwise, the supply module would
be destroyed.

7.1 The supply module

Terminals X2 220 volt AC are connected to the terminals X2. The

voltage is used for operating the control logic unit on the
supply module.

Plugs X1 and X3 The two plugs are used for making the connection to the
power unit of the supply module.

Fig. 7.1d (Block diagram Voltagemodul)

For your notes

Contents of Chapter

Drive module
8.1 AC drive module ................................................................. 8-2
8.1.1 Power unit
8.1.2 Power control unit

8.2 AMCONT.............................................................................. 8-8

8.2.1 Logic control unit
8.2.2 LEDs, plugs and switches

8.3 AMADAP ........................................................................... 8-12

8.3.1 Test points and potentiometers

8.4 AMFEED ............................................................................. 8-16

8.4.1 Test monitors, switches and plugs

8.5 AMCOMM ..........................................................................8-18

8.5.1 Switches, plugs and LEDs

8.6 Overview of LED`s and switches on the drive module8-20

8.1AC drive module

AC drive module

The AMAC is a drive module with analogue or digital interface for controlling
continuously energized synchronous motors with 3-phase currents.

The governor permits complete 4-quadrant operation, i.e. driving and braking in
both directions of rotation, there being no interruption at the transition between
the quadrants.

The rotor-oriented regulation transforms the quantities of state measured in the

(stationary) stator system, such as current, speed and rotor position, into a
coordinate system rotating with the rotor. This results in a governor structure
similar to the direct current machine. Current of any phase structure for better
motor utilization for improving the torque ripple is therefore possible without

The hardware of the drive module is mounted on two main boards. The power
and control unit are thus not only electrically isolated but also spatially separated.

Drive modules with 25, 50, 100 and 200 amp output power are available for the
various axes.

Replacement of individual cards or components of a card is not
permissible. The drive module must be regarded as an integral element. If
a drive module is thought to be faulty, it must be replaced as a whole.
Replacement of printed circuit boards between different drive modules is
not advisable.

Fig. 8.1a (Block diagram AC drive module)

8.1AC drive module

Fig. 8.1b (Cards in the drive module)

Fig. 8.1bb (Cables on the drive module)

8.1AC drive module

8.1.1 Power unit

The AMBASE power unit consists of a large heat sink (). This removes the waste
heat of the three IGBT power half-bridges (). The temperature of the heat sink
is monitored by means of a temperature sensor ().

Depending on the required motor power, different IGBT modules (25, 50, 100
and 200 amp) are used. They differ in the maximum current which they can

The terminals for the motor () are also located on the power unit.

Fig. 8.1c (Power unit)

1 Heat sink
2 Heat sink temperature sensor
3 IGBT power half-bridges
4 Motor terminals

8.1AC drive module

8.1.2 Power control unit

The AMDRIVE power control unit is screwed directly to the AMBASE. Together
they form a unit. The power control unit contains the control logic of the IGBT
power half-bridges on the AMBASE.

A fuse () for the power circuit is located on the AMDRIVE. This fuse protects
the IGBT power half-bridges and the voltage supply module (VM) from any

The plug X12 () provides a connection to the next card (AMCONT) by means
of a flat cable.

Furthermore, two compensation current transformers () are present on the power
control unit. These two transformers measure the motor phase current U and V.

Fig. 8.1d (Power control unit)

1 Plug X12
2 Compensation current transformer
3 Fuse

8.1 AC drive module

Overview of the connections on the power

Power output Connection to motor
Drive module
PE Motor housing
PE Servo housing
Tab. 8.1a (Overview of the connections on the power unit)

Plug X12
The pin assignment of plug X12 is not described in more detail since only
internal signals of the drive module are applied to the plug.

Fig. 8.1e (Block diagram AMBASE)

For your notes



8.2.1 Logic control unit

The AMCONT logic control unit is the main board of the drive module. On
this board, all information is processed by means of a microprocessor and the
respective actions are initiated.

After application of the supply voltage, an automatic system reset is performed

and all elements are checked for their operability. If everything is in order, the drive
module is enabled.

A watchdog timer additionally monitors for correct program sequence and blocks
the power unit actuation in the event of any program error.
The AMCONT includes the following functions:
• Voltage supply to the logic unit for the total electronics
• Field orientation
• Phase current regulation
• Pulse width modulation
• Monitoring of the electronics voltages for overvoltage and undervoltage
• Monitoring of the intermediate circuit for overvoltage and undervoltage
• Temperature monitoring of the heat sink
• Setting and storage of the operating parameters
• Hardware reset button
• Backing up the electronic supply
• Output of safety signals
• Input for enabling the drivesSteuerteil


Fig. 8.2a (AMCONT)


8.2.2 LEDs, plugs and switches

Light emitting diodes

H1 (green) Electronic supply +15 V

The +15 volt supply for the logic unit of the drive module is in order.

H2 (green) Electronics supply -15 V

The -15 volt supply for the logic unit of the drive module is in order.

H3 (green) Electronics supply +5 V

The +5 V supply for the logic unit of the drive module is in order.

H4 (red) Watchdog
The watchdog monitors for correct program sequence. If the program is not
worked through in the required time (CPU is blocked, etc.), the watchdog switches
off the power output stage.

The watchdog monitors only the program sequence. A hardware fault, for
example a faulty power half-bridge, a faulty motor, a faulty motor feedback
unit, etc., cannot be detected.

H5 (yellow)
The drive module is ready for operation.
The software (of the drive module) has enabled the drive module.

H6 (red)
Not yet implemented.

The fuse F1 protects the electronics supply (logic) of the drive module.
Technical data of the fuse F1:

Rated current: 250 mA

Response time: slow-blow
Rated voltage: 250 V
Dimensions: 5 mm diameter, 20 mm long
Designation: T250 mA/250 volt


Button S1
In the event of a fault, the drive module can be initialized by means of this button.
The button has the same effect as switching the drive module off and on again.

Electronic supply
At plug X31 230 V, +15%/-10%
Terminal 1 L (Phase)
Terminal 2 N (Neutral)
Terminal 3 PE (Ground)

Safety interface X38

Terminal 1 Drive enable 24 VDC +/-20%
Terminal 2 Drive enable 0 VDC
Terminals 3 + 4 Drive not ready (normally closed contact 230 V/6 A)
Terminals 5 + 6 Drive not ready (normally open contact 240 V/6 A)

Fig. 8.2b

The pin assignment of the plugs X32 to X37 is not described in more detail
since only internal signals of the drive module are applied at these plugs.

HEX switches S2 and S3

These two switches configure the drive module to the required characteristics for
optimally controlling the associated axis.

The settings 00 to FE are available for configuration of the axis. The suitable setting
for each machine is shown in the CNC diagram of the respective machine.

The setting FF is used for manual configuration of the drive module.



The drive module adapter AMADAP is a digital configurable governor assembly

and serves for adapting the axis-specific data, such as the governor parameters, and
current and speed values, to a standard ± 10 V setpoint interface.

The potentiometers for setting the offset voltage and adjusting the tacho are also
on the AMADAP.

In addition, various analogue monitors (test points) are also present.

Fig. 8.3a (AMADAP)

8.3.1 Test points and potentiometers

P1 Setting the offset
With forward and backward movement of the axes, the same voltage must be
measured on the plug X43, terminals 3 + 4 (setpoint input).

P2 Tacho adjustment
With forward and backward movement of the axes, the same voltage must be set
on the plug X43, terminals 3 + 4 (setpoint input) on all axes.


J1 = 1-3 External setpoint speed ±10 V (standard)
J1 = 2-4 External setpoint torque ±10 V
J1 = 3-5 Internal setpoint speed
J1 = 4-6 Internal setpoint torque

Plug X43
Terminal 1 Actual tacho value
Terminal 2 Tacho signal GND
Terminal 3 Setpoint value +
Terminal 4 Setpoint value -
Terminal 5 Setpoint value GND
Terminal 6 Auxiliary voltage +15 V
Terminal 7 Auxiliary voltage -15 V

Only terminals 3 + 4 (setpoint value) may be used for operating our

Plug X41
The pin assignment of plug X41 is not described in more detail since only internal
signals of the drive module are applied at this plug.

Test points
TP1 = Actual speed
TP2 = Actual current
TP3 = Signal GND
Test reference point for test points TP1 and TP2


Fig. 8.3b (Block diagram AMADAP)

For your notes



The motor feedback interface AMFEED generates the phase current reference values
and the actual speed and is tuned to the Bystronic motor feedback unit.

Depending on the rated motor speed and the number of poles and the method of
commutation, various configured versions are used.
We make a distinction between the following versions:
Variants Motor speed Variants Commutation type
Designation rpm Designation
1x 300 x1 6-pin block-commutated (MFB 218154)
2x 750 x2 6-pin sine-commutated (MFB 218303)
3x 1500 x3 12-pin sine-commutated (MFB 218154)
4x 2000
5x 3000
6x 500
7x 1000
8x 2500

Tab. 8.4a (Motor feedback variants)

The version code suitable for the axis is shown on the CNC diagram of the
corresponding machine.

Fig. 8.4a (AMFEED card)


8.4.1 Test monitors, switches and plugs

Test monitors
Actual speed 10 V corresponds to the rated speed

Signal GND test reference point for test point TP1.

The direction of rotation of the motor (viewed from the shaft end with positive
setpoint value) can be changed with switch S1:
• CW Clockwise
• CCW Counterclockwise

The switch changes the direction of rotation of the motor and of the motor
feedback unit.

Pin number Signal from motor feedback unit
1 +15 VDC
2 0 V GND
3 Absolute signal rotor position U
4 Absolute signal rotor position V
5 Absolute signal rotor position W
6 Absolute signal rotor position X
7 Absolute signal rotor position Y
8 Absolute signal rotor position Z
9 Tacho winding RA (Start)
10 Tacho winding RE (End)
11 Tacho winding SA (Start)
12 Tacho winding SE (End)
13 Tacho winding TA (Start)
14 Tacho winding TE (End)
Housing Screen
Tab. 8.4b (Plug X53 Interface to motor feedback unit)

Plug X52
The pin assignment of the plug X52 is not described in more detail since only
internal signals of the drive module are applied at this plug.



The communication interface AMCOMM includes an electrically isolated serial

RS232 interface. The drive module can be configured and can be monitored during
operation by means of a terminal program.

The interface is not usually used. If used at all, it is used only for commissioning.

The various light emitting diodes make it possible to determine the status of the
drive module.

A setup switch is also available. This switch makes it possible to limit the
power of the drives to about 10%. It is strongly recommended to use this
switch for manipulations on the machine (adjusting the pinch rollers,
setting the reference, etc.). By using the switch, accidents can be avoided in
the event of an incorrect manipulation.

Fig. 8.5a (Electronic card AMCOMM)


8.5.1 Switches, plugs and LEDs

Pin number Signal assignment

2 Transmit Data (TxD)
3 Request to Send (RTS)
4 Receive Data (RxD)
5 Ground (GND)

Tab.8.5a (Plug X62, serial interface)

Configuration of the interface 9600 bps/8 data bits/1 stop bit/no parity

Plug X61
The pin assignment of plug X61 is not described in more detail since only internal
signals of the supply module are applied at this plug.

Light emitting diodes

H1 (red) Excess temperature drive module
Temperature at heat sink is higher than 80°C

H2 (red) Overvoltage intermediate circuit

H3 (yellow) Undervoltage intermediate circuit

H4 (yellow) Speed zero

The axis is stationary.

H5 (red) Speed error

• There is no setpoint value but the axis moves.
• There is a setpoint value but the axis does not move.
• There is a setpoint value but feedback of the motor feedback unit does not
correspond to the expected value.

H6 (red) Maximum speed exceeded

The information sent back by the motor feedback unit is outside the permissible
tolerance limits.

H7 (red) Effective current exceeded

The effective current was exceeded for too long a time.

8.6 Overview of LED`s and switches on the drive module

8.6 Overview of LED`s and switches on the drive module


H1 = Electronics supply +15 V

H2 = Electronics supply -15 V
H3 = Electronics supply +5 V
H4 = Watchdog
H5 = Drive module ready to operate
H6 = Not used

Switches S2&S3

Settings 00 to FE are available for axis parametrizing. The correct setting
for each machine is detailed in the CNC diagram for the machine in
question. The setting FF is used for the manual parametrizing of the

S1 = Reset key
the drive module can be initialised after a fault.
F1 = Fuse T250 mA / 250 V
X31 = 240 VAC supply
X38 = Drive module enable and error signalling contacts

8.6 Overview of LED`s and switches on the drive module

Fig. 8.6a (AMCONT)

8.6 Overview of LED`s and switches on the drive module

H1 = Overtemperature AMBASE (heat sinks)
H2 = Overvoltage intermediate circuit
H3 = Undervoltage intermediate circuit
H4 = Speed zero
H5 = Speed error
H6 = Maximum speed exceeded
H7 = Effective current too high

AMCOMM (10 %)
Motor power to approx. 10%

Switch for turning motor rotation direction

P1 = Drive module offset
P2 = Tacho adaptation adjustment

J1 = 1-3 External speed setpoint value ±10 V

Measuring monitors:
TP1 = Speed actual value
TP2 = Current actual value
TP3 = Signal GND for TP1 and TP2
TP1 = Speed actual value
TP2 = Signal GND

X62 = Parametrizing interface drive module
X43 = Setpoint input
X53 = Plug motor feedback signal

8.6 Overview of LED`s and switches on the drive module

Fig. 8.6b (Overview of LED`s and switches)

For your notes

Contents of Chapter

Pressure controller
9.1 The pressure controller with Prescon 2 board ................ 9-2
9.1.1 Indicators and setting elements
9.1.2 Plugs
9.1.3 Tuning of control loops (PRESCON2)

9.2 The pressure controller with Prescon 3 board ............... 9-8

9.2.1 Indicators and setting elements
9.2.2 Plugs
9.2.3 Tuning of control loops (PRESCON3)

9.1 The pressure controller with Prescon 2 board

9.1 The pressure controller with Prescon 2 board

The pressure controller performs the function of continuously electronically

controlling the cutting pressure or the breaking pressure. It contains the necessary
electronics for regulation and control of two completely independent pneumatic
outputs (cutting tool and breaking tool, edge deleting tool).

The pressure values of the CNC are transmitted in digital form to the pressure
S erial S ynchronous I nterface/ controller via an SSI interface. In the pressure controller, the transmitted
RS485) information is converted into analogue values. A synchronized current source then
controls the solenoid of the proportional valve on the cutting and/or breaking
tool. A transducer on the cutting and/or breaking tool measures the pressure and
feeds the result in the form of a current (4-20 mA) back to the pressure controller.
If an error occurs and the required pressure cannot be reached, the pressure
controller indicates this via the SSI interface to the CNC, from where it is
transmitted to the Panel PC and displayed there. This function is not available in
all CNC software versions (ROM/RAMx).

9.1.1 Indicators and setting elements

Light emitting diodes

H1 = green 5 V TTL supply OK
H2 = green Electronics supply +15 V
H3 = green Electronics supply -15 V
H4 = yellow Output stage control loop 1 switched on (cutting tool)
H5 = red Error in control loop 1 (cutting tool)
H6 = yellow Output stage control loop 2 switched on (breaking tool, edge
deleting tool ...)
H7 = red Error in control loop 2 (breaking tool, edge deleting tool ...)

P1 = Adjustment of proportional valve 1 (cutting tool)
P2 = Adjustment of proportional valve 2 (breaking tool, edge deleting
tool ...)

Test points
TP1 = Test point for adjusting proportional valve 1 (cutting tool)
TP2 = Test point for adjusting proportional valve 2 (breaking tool, edge
deleting tool ...)
TPGN = Test reference point for TP1 and TP2 GND

9.1 The pressure controller with Prescon 2 board

Fig. 9.1a (PRESCON2)

9.1The pressure controller with Prescon 2 board

9.1.2 Plugs

Terminal assignment Input signal

X1.1 0 Volt AC
X1.2 23 Volt AC
X1.3 not used
X1.4 0 Volt AC
X1.5 28 Volt AC
X1.6 14 Volt AC
Tab. 9.1a (X1 Electronics supply input)

Pin number Signal

1 Master Clock
2 - Master Clock
3 Serial Data Channel 1
4 - Serial Data Channel 1
5 Serial Data Channel 2
6 - Serial Data Channel 2
7 Not used
8 Not used
9 TTL Ground

Tab. 9.1b (X2 SSI interface)

Terminal assignment Signal

X3.1 Screen
X3.2 +15 Volt DC
X3.3 Pressure signal 1 (breaking tool...)
X3.4 Pressure signal 1 (breaking tool...)

Tab. 9.1c (X3 Connection for the pressure cells on the tools)

9.1 9.1 The pressure controller with Prescon 2 board

Terminal assignment Signal

X4.1 Current output for cutting proportional valve
X4.2 Current return from cutting proportional valve
X4.3 Current output for proportional valve 2
X4.4 Current return from proportional valve 2

Tab. 9.1d (X4 Connection for the proportional valves)

F1 = Fuse of the 14 VAC supply 1 AT (1 amp 250 volt slow-blow),
analogue part.
F2 = Fuse of the 14 VAC supply 1 AT (1 amp 250 volt slow-blow),
analogue part.
F3 = Fuse of the 23 VAC supply 4 AT (4 amp 250 volt slow-blow), output
stages (proportional valves)

9.1 The pressure controller with Prescon 2 board

9.1.3 Tuning of control loops (PRESCON2)

Preparation of the system for tuning

• The pressure controller must be under voltage.
• LEDs H1, H2 and H3 must light up.
• No default pressure value must be present in the CNC. It is also possible to
uncouple plug X2. The LEDs H4 and H6 may not light up.
• The proportional valve must be at atmospheric pressure.

Adjustment of cutting tool (control loop 1)

Connect volt meter in 2 V range to test point TBGN and to terminal X3.3. The
measured voltage should be approx. 880 mV.

If the voltage deviates more than ±20 mV from 880 mV,

• the pressure transducer is not correctly connected or is faulty or
• the input circuit of the pressure controller is faulty or
• the output stage of the pressure controller is faulty.

The tester is now disconnected from terminal X3.3 and connected to TP1. By
means of potentiometer P1, the voltage is set 10 mV lower than the voltage
measured beforehand at terminal X3.3.

Adjustment of breaking tool (control loop 2)

Connect volt meter in 2 V range to test point TBGN and to terminal X3.4. The
measured voltage should be approx. 880 mV.

If the voltage deviates more than ±20 mV from 880 mV,

• the pressure transducer is not correctly connected or is faulty or
• the input circuit of the pressure controller is faulty or
• the output stage of the pressure controller is faulty.

The tester is now disconnected from terminal X3.4 and connected to TP2. By
means of potentiometer P2, the voltage is set 10 mV lower than the voltage
measured beforehand at terminal X3.4.

9.1The pressure controller with Prescon 2 board

Abb. 9.1b (Block diagram of Prescon2)

9.2 The pressure controller with Prescon 3 board

9.2 The pressure controller with Prescon 3 board

The pressure controller performs the function of continuously electronically

controlling the cutting pressure or the breaking pressure. It contains the necessary
electronics for regulation and control of two completely independent pneumatic
outputs (cutting tool and breaking tool, edge deleting tool).

The pressure values of the CNC are transmitted in digital form to the pressure
controller via an SSI interface. In the pressure controller, the transmitted
information is converted into analogue values. A synchronized current source then
controls the solenoid of the proportional valve on the cutting and/or breaking
tool. A transducer on the cutting and/or breaking tool measures the pressure and
feeds the result in the form of a current (4-20 mA) back to the pressure controller.
If an error occurs and the required pressure cannot be reached, the pressure
controller indicates this via the SSI interface to the CNC, from where it is
transmitted to the Panel PC and displayed there. This function is not available in
all CNC software versions (ROM/RAMx).
It is possible to disable each pneumatic output via a jumper (description of the
jumpers see below).

9.2.1 Indicators and setting elements

Light emitting diodes

H1 = green 5 V TTL supply OK
H2 = green Supply of output stage and of analogue part OK
H3 = green Communication CNC Þ controller OK
H4 = yellow Output stage control loop 1 switched on (cutting tool)
H5 = red Error in control loop 1 (cutting tool)
H6 = yellow Output stage control loop 2 switched on (breaking tool)
H7 = red Error in control loop 2 (breaking tool)

P1 = Adjustment of the proportional valve for cutting pressure
P2 = Adjustment of proportional valve 2 (breaking pressure, edge deleting

Test points
TP1 = Test point for adjusting the proportional valve for cutting pressure
TP2 = Test point for adjusting the proportional valve of the breaking tool
GND = Test reference point for TP1 and TP2

9.2 The pressure controller with Prescon 3 board

J2 = Jumper installed, pneumatic output 1 disabled *)
J3 = Jumper installed, pneumatic output 2 disabled *)

*) If the pneumatic output is disabled, the solenoid of the proportio

nal valve is switched off and the CNC will not receive any status and
error information from the pressure controller.

Abb.9.2a (PRESCON3)

9.2 The pressure controller with Prescon 3 board

9.2.2 Plugs

Terminal assignment Input signal

X1.1 0 Volt AC
X1.2 23 Volt AC
X1.3 not used
X1.4 0 Volt AC
X1.5 28 Volt AC
X1.6 14 Volt AC
Tab. 9.2a (X1 Electronics supply input)

Pin number Signal

1 Master Clock
2 - Master Clock
3 Serial Data Channel 1
4 - Serial Data Channel 1
5 Serial Data Channel 2
6 - Serial Data Channel 2
7 Not used
8 Not used
9 TTL Ground
Tab. 9.2b (X2 SSI interface)

Terminal assignment Signal

X3.1 Screen
X3.2 + 15 Volt DC
X3.3 Pressure signal 1 (breaking tool...)
X3.4 Pressure signal 2 (breaking tool...)
Tab. 9.2c (X3 Connection for the pressure cells on the tools)

9.2 The pressure controller with Prescon 3 board

Terminal assignment Signal

X4.1 Current output for cutting proportional valve
X4.2 Current return from cutting proportional valve
X4.3 Current output for proportional valve 2
X4.4 Current return from proportional valve 2
Tab. 9.2d (X4 Connection for the proportional valves)

F1 = Fuse of the 14 VAC supply 1 AT (1 amp 250 volt slow-blow),
analogue part.
F2 = Fuse of the 14 VAC supply 1 AT (1 amp 250 volt slow-blow),
analogue part.
F3 = Fuse of the 23 VAC supply 4 AT (4 amp 250 volt slow-blow), output
stages (proportional valves)

9.2 The pressure controller with Prescon 3 board

9.2.3 Adjustment of the control loops (PRESCON3)

Preparations for adjustment

• The pressure controller must be under voltage.
• Light emitting diodes H1 and H2 must light up.
• No default pressure value must be present in the CN control. It is also
possible to uncouple plug X2. The light emitting diodes H4, H5, H6 and
H7 may not light up.
• The proportional valve must be at atmospheric pressure.

If one of the light emitting diodes H5 or H7 lights up, the following points
should be checked:
• Is the pressure transducer correctly connected?
• Is the pressure transducer faulty?
• Is the input circuit of the pressure controller faulty?
• Is the output stage of the pressure controller faulty?

Adjustment of cutting tool (control loop 1)

• Set the volt meter in the 2 V range and
• connect the COM output of the volt meter to test point GND.
• Connect the V input of the volt meter to TP1.
• Adjust the voltage 0 V by means of potentiometer P1.

Adjustment of breaking tool (control loop 2)

• Set the volt meter in the 2 V range and
• connect the COM output of the volt meter to test point GND.
• Connect the V input of the volt meter to TP2.
• Adjust the voltage to 0 V by means of potentiometer P2.

9.2 The pressure controller with Prescon 3 board

Abb. 9.2b (Block diagram of PRESCON3)

For your notes

Contents of Chapter

Positioning module UNIPOS

10.1 Technical Data.................................................................. 10-2
10.1.1 Introduction
10.1.2 Characteristics
10.1.3 UNIPOS front view

10.2 Inputs and outputs ......................................................... 10-4

10.2.1 List of inputs and outputs
10.2.2 Supply
10.2.3 Axis switches
10.2.4 Encoder
10.2.5 Speed selection

10.3 Parallel command interface ...........................................10-7

10.3.1 Inputs
10.3.2 Outputs

10.4 CAN command interface .............................................. 10-10

10.4.1 Input
10.4.2 Output

10.5 Light emitting diodes and switches .............................. 10-12

10.5.1 Light emitting diodes
10.5.2 Reset switch
10.5.3 DIP switch

10.6 Parameters ..................................................................... 10-14

10.1 Technical Data

10.1 Technical Data

10.1.1 Introduction

The UNIPOS is a universal decentral one-axis positioning control with advantages

with regard to uncomplicated realization of movements with the aid of servo drives
and simple commissioning.

The functionality comprises position-controlled positioning of a servo axis.

Manual driving, approaching of reference points, vane driving and positioning

are available.

The commissioning and diagnostics software tool UNIPOS-IDT permits opti-

mal adaptation to the machine as well as fast diagnosis on site.

The data structure envisages the management of parameters, position values and
monitoring values.

The UNIPOS is actuated via a separate command interface. For simple

applications, actuation can be effected via parallel I/O signals. For more extensive
applications (e.g. teach-in), networking via CAN bus is possible.

10.1.2 Characteristics

Travel range, internal 15,000,000 increments

Travel range CAN 1,048,575 increments
Maximum speed 10 - 655,350 increments/s
Travel speed 0.392 - 100% of maximum speed
Acceleration distance 1 - 32767 increments
Acceleration profile lin, log, exp, sin2 or n/M table
Hardware switches Limitation+, -, slow, vane
Encoder scanning rate 10 MHz
Encoder multiplication factor 1/2/3/4
Position controller resolution 0.5 increment / 1 increment
Position controller amplification 0.6/1.2/2.4/4.8/9.7/19.5/39.2/78.4
Required value +/- 10 V

10.1 Technical Data

10.1.3 UNIPOS front view

Abb. 10.1a (UNIPOS front view)

1 Parallel outputs
2 CAN bus interface, stepping motor plug *), reset switch
3 Supply
4 Axis switch
5 Encoder
6 Required value
7 Parallel inputs
8 Light emitting diodes

*) Not yet supported

10.2 Inputs and outputs

10.2 Inputs and outputs

10.2.1 List of inputs and outputs

X1.1 24VDC
X1.2 0V

Axis switch
X2.1 Switch limitation +
X2.2 Switch limitation -
X2.3 Switch slow
X2.4 Switch vane
X2.5 Switch 0 V

Encoder input
X3.1 Output channel A
X3.2 Output channel/A
X3.3 Output channel B
X3.4 Output channel/B
X3.5 Output channel 0
X3.6 Output channel/0
X3.7 Supply
X3.8 Ground

Parallel input
X5.1 Manual driving
X5.2 Approach reference point
X5.3 Position
X5.4 Forwards/Reverse
X5.5 Required speed value (1)
X5.6 Required speed value (2)
X5.7 Required speed value (4)
X5.8 Required speed value (8)
X5.9 Enable/Stop
X5.10 Execute/Hold
X5.11 Set actual value
X5.12 Pos. required value/Pos. actual value
X5.13 Required position value (1)
X5.14 Required position value (2)
X5.15 Required position value (4)
X5.16 Required position value (8)
X5.17 -
X5.18 0 V (common)

10.2 Inputs and outputs

Required value output

X4.1 Required value
X4.2 0V
X4.3 Screen

Parallel outputs
X6.1 Drive running
X6.2 End ramp
X6.3 End vane
X6.4 End limitation
X6.5 Switch limitation +
X6.6 Switch limitation -
X6.7 Switch slow
X6.8 Switch vane
X6.9 Ready
X6.10 -
X6.11 -
X6.12 Required value/Ranges
X6.13 Range 1/Required value (1)
X6.14 Range 2/Required value (2)
X6.15 Range 3/Required value (4)
X6.16 Range 4/Required value (8)
X6.17 +24 VDC (common)
X6.18 0V

10.2.2 Supply

The UNIPOS is supplied with 24 VDC, unstabilized, via terminal X1.

24 VDC X1.1
0V X1.2

10.2.3 Axis switches

The axis switches are connected to terminal X2.

The switches used may be of any type with a supply voltage of 24 VDC and
positively switching outputs.

Switch limitation + X2.1

Switch limitation - X2.2
Switch slow X2.3
Switch vane X2.4
Switch 0 V X2.5

10.2 Inputs and outputs

10.2.4 Encoder

An incremental encoder is connected to terminal X3, as a distance measuring

system. All incremental encoders with a supply voltage of 10 - 30 V and RS422
output driver can be used.

The maximum line length should not exceed 100 m.

For effective noise suppression in the entire system, encoder lines should be screened
and should be locally isolated from power lines and interference-generating devices.

With simple screening, the screen is connected at one end to the encoder housing.
Although the screening of the entire system is thus interrupted, earth loops are
reliably avoided in this way.

Output channel A X3.1

Output channel/A X3.2
Output channel B X3.3
Output channel/B X3.4
Output channel 0 X3.5
Output channel/0 X3.6
Supply X3.7
Ground X3.8

10.2.5 Required speed value

The required speed value of +-10 V is output via a 12 bit D/A converter to terminal

Required value X4.1

Ground X4.2
Screen X4.3

The cable length should not exceed 5 m. The screen is connected at one end to
The servo amplifier used must have differential inputs.

10.3 Parallel command interface

10.3 Parallel command interface

The parallel signal exchange with the UNIPOS is via terminals X5.

10.3.1 Inputs

The input signals must be present as positively switched 24 VDC voltage values.
The supply is external.

- X5.17
Inputs 0 V (common) X5.18

Function selection
The first four inputs define the function

Manual driving X5.1

Approaching reference points X5.2
Positioning X5.3
Forwards/Reverse X5.4

The following input combinations are permitted:

Function/Input X5.1 X5.2 X5.3 X5.4

Manual travel forwards 1 0 0 1
Manual travel backwards 1 0 0 0
Approach reference point forwards 0 1 0 1
Approach reference point backwards 0 1 0 0
Incremental positioning forwards 0 0 1 1
Incremental positioning backwards 0 0 1 0
Absolute positioning 0 0 1 -
Vane travel forwards * 0 1 1 1
Vane travel backwards* 0 1 1 0
Vane travel absolute * 0 1 1 -

*) Not yet supported

10.3 Parallel command interface

Speed selection
The maximum travel speed is stipulated with inputs 5-8 (16 configurable speeds).

Required speed value (1) X5.5

Required speed value (2) X5.6
Required speed value (4) X5.7
Required speed value (8) X5.8

Drive commands
Inputs 9-12 are the actual drive commands.

Setting input 9 activates the position controller and enables the UNIPOS to execute
drive commands.
When input 9 is reset, the position controller is blocked, required value 0 V is
output and any ongoing drive command is immediately stopped.

When input 10 is set, the preselected drive command is executed. On premature

resetting of input 10, the drive command is terminated with a hold ramp.

Input 11 permits “setting of a floating actual value”. With the positive flank of
this signal, the actual value register is set to the selected required position value.

With input 12, it is possible to switch between required position value output
and actual position value output.

Enable/Stop X5.9
Execute/Hold X5.10
Set actual value X5.11
Required position value/Actual position value X5.12

Selection of required position value

The required position value is selected via inputs 13-16 (16 configurable required
position values, either absolute or incremental (in steps)

Required position value (1) X5.13

Required position value (2) X5.14
Required position value (4) X5.15
Required position value (8) X5.16

10.3 Parallel command interface

10.3.2 Outputs

The output signals are positively switched. The current load per output may not
exceed 0.3 A. The supply is external.

+24 VDC (common) X6.17

0V X6.18

Position status
The first four outputs show the position status

Drive running X6.1

End ramp X6.2
End vane X6.3
End limitation X6.4

Switch status
The output signals 5-8 show the switch status

Switch limitation+ X6.5

Switch limitation- X6.6
Switch slow X6.7
Switch vane X6.8

Module status
The outputs 9-11 show the module status

Ready X6.9
- X6.10
- X6.11
- X6.12

Actual position value

If input 12 is not set, the configured actual value ranges 1-4 are output at outputs
13-16 (cam gear function). If input 12 is set, the currently selected required position
value is output at outputs 13-16.

Range 1 or required position value (1) X6.13

Range 2 or required position value (2) X6.14
Range 3 or required position value (4) X6.15
Range 4 or required position value (8) X6.16

10.4 CAN command interface

10.4 CAN command interface

The UNIPOS can be controlled via SELECAN by mounting the intermediate

module DIOCAN.

10.4.1 Input

Bit 0 Required position value (1)

Bit 1 Required position value (2)
Bit 2 Required position value (4)
Bit 3 Required position value (8)
Bit 4 Required position value (16)
Bit 5 Required position value (32)
Bit 6 Required position value (64)
Bit 7 Required position value (128)
Bit 8 Required position value (256)
Bit 9 Required position value (512)
Bit 10 Required position value (1024)
Bit 11 Required position value (2048)
Bit 12 Required position value (4096)
Bit 13 Required position value (8192)
Bit 14 Required position value (16384)
Bit 15 Required position value (32768)
Bit 16 Required position value (65536)
Bit 17 Required position value (131072)
Bit 18 Required position value (262144)
Bit 19 Required position value (524288)
Bit 20 Enable/Stop
Bit 21 Execute/Hold
Bit 22 Set actual value
Bit 23 Required position value/Actual position value
Bit 24 Manual driving
Bit 25 Approach reference point
Bit 26 Position
Bit 27 Forwards/Reverse
Bit 28 Speed selection (1)
Bit 29 Speed selection (2)
Bit 30 Speed selection (4)
Bit 31 Speed selection (8)

All inputs of the parallel interface are blocked in this mode!

10.4 CAN command interface

10.4.2 Output

Bit 0 Actual position value (1)

Bit 1 Actual position value (2)
Bit 2 Actual position value (4)
Bit 3 Actual position value (8)
Bit 4 Actual position value (16)
Bit 5 Actual position value (32)
Bit 6 Actual position value (64)
Bit 7 Actual position value (128)
Bit 8 Actual position value (256)
Bit 9 Actual position value (512)
Bit 10 Actual position value (1024)
Bit 11 Actual position value (2048)
Bit 12 Actual position value (4096)
Bit 13 Actual position value (8192)
Bit 14 Actual position value (16384)
Bit 15 Actual position value (32768)
Bit 16 Actual position value (65536)
Bit 17 Actual position value (131072)
Bit 18 Actual position value (262144)
Bit 19 Actual position value (524288)
Bit 20 Actual position value (1048576)
Bit 21 Actual position value (2097152)
Bit 22 Actual position value (4194304)
Bit 23 Actual position value (8388608)
Bit 24 Drive running
Bit 25 End ramp
Bit 26 End vane
Bit 27 End limitation
Bit 28 Switch limitation +
Bit 29 Switch limitation -
Bit 30 Switch slow
Bit 31 Switch vane

All outputs of the parallel command interface remain active!

10.5 Light emitting diodes and switches

10.5 Light emitting diodes and switches

10.5.1 Light emitting diodes

Four light emitting diodes are present on the front panel:

The watchdog timer is operated only in the line mode. In the local mode,
the LED is lit up continuously.
If the LED lights up in the line mode, a hardware error is present.

• UL0M
The LED indicates two states:
The position controller is in overflow
The encoder passes through the zero mark on approaching the reference

The RUN LED lights up if the module is in the line mode. At each start
command, the LED goes out briefly.

The ERROR LED indicates two error cases:
LED lights up: Error in the encoder signals
LED flashes: Encoder supply faulty

If the FLASH EPROM is empty (first start) and the DIP switch is at line mode,
the ERR and RUN LEDs flash in a continuous loop.
In this case, the DIP switch must be switched off and a reset performed.

The light emitting diodes ERR and RUN are in principle valid only in the line

10.5.2 Reset switch

The reset switch is located at the bottom of the module, behind the plugs.
After a reset, the UNIPOS copies all parameters again from the FLASH to the
RAM and sets the mode which is preset on the DIP switches.

10.5 Light emitting diodes and switches

10.5.3 DIP switch

The DIP switch is located under the metal cover at the top of the UNIPOS. At
present, only DIP switch 1 is used.

ON: UNIPOS starts up in line mode

OFF: UNIPOS starts up in local mode

10.6 Parameters

10.6 Parameters

The parameters are set via the serial terminal interface under the metal cover at
the top of the module. For this purpose, the special UNIPOS installation and
diagnostics software tools UNIPOS IDT are required.

The following parameters can be set with it:

• Command interface
• Amplification
• Absolute driving
• Vane driving mode
• 4 ranges
• Maximum driving frequency
• Zero mark
• Motor output
• Encoder direction
• Encoder multiplication factor
• 16 required position values
• 16 required speed values
• Acceleration profile

Further information can be found in the documentation on the UNIPOS IDT

software (available from the software department).

For your notes

For your notes

Contents of Chapter

Adjustment instructions
11.1 Adjustment of Poscon XYZ, KSM and VSM .................... 11-2

11.2 Adjusting the drive modules ............................................. 11-6

11.3 Adjustment of pressure controller ................................... 11-10

11.3.1 Adjustment of pressure controller with Prescon2 board
11.3.2 Adjustment of pressure controller with Prescon3 board

11.4 Adjustment of POSCON PSM ......................................... 11-18

11.5 Adjustment of drive module PSM .................................. 11-22

11.1 Poscon XYZ, KSM and VSM

11.1 Adjustment of Poscon XYZ, KSM and VSM

Proceed as follows:
• Shut down Windows 95 and switch off the CN control.
• Set the setup switch () in all drive modules, on the AMCOMM board at
the back of the CNC cabinet to 10%.

Fig. 11.1a (10% switch on AMCOMM card)

• Switch off motor protection switch Q3 at the front in the CNC cabinet.
• Disconnect required value cable (white and brown) () from terminals 3 and
4 on all drive modules (AMADAP).

Fig. 11.1b (Required value cable on AMADAP card)

This is the cable which brings the REQUIRED VALUE (+/- 10 VDC) from
the POSCON to the drive module.

11.1 Poscon XYZ, KSM and VSM

On no account may the two cables come into contact with one another
(short-circuit). Otherwise, the POSCON cards might be destroyed!

• Connect volt meter in the 20 VDC range to the required value cable of the
POSCON card to be adjusted.

Fig. 11.1c (Volt meter at required value cable)

• Switch on CN control.
• Move the axis belonging to the POSCON (required value cable) very slowly,
millimetre by millimetre, in one direction.
• During this it is possible to observe how the voltage on the volt meter
display increases (see Figure below). The voltage may be positive as well as
negative. As soon as the red LED () on the POSCON lights up, stop

Fig. 11.1d (Diagram showing the voltage)

• This value is about +10 VDC or -10 VDC.

• This value must be noted (e.g. 9.985 V).
• The axis is now moved in the other direction. The voltage on the volt meter
decreases slowly and increases again with the opposite sign (different
• As soon as the maximum value is reached again, the red LED () on the
POSCON lights up again; stop moving.
• This value too must be noted (e.g. 10.075 V).

11.1 Poscon XYZ, KSM and VSM

• With potentiometer P2 on the POSCON card (), the voltage can now be
adjusted (see Figure below) so that it has absolutely the same magnitude both
in the minus direction and in the plus direction (e.g. +9.998 V and -9.998
V). In other words, the symmetry of the setpoint voltage on the POSCON
card is adjusted with potentiometer P2.

Fig. 11.1e (POSCON board)

SW1 = Switch 1
LED = Light emitting diode 1 (red)
LED2 = Light emitting diode 2 (green)
P2 = Potentiometer for symmetry adjustment of Poscon

• This adjustment should be carried out in the same way for all axes.
• Shut down Windows 95 and switch off the CN control.
• Switch on motor protection switch Q3 at the
front in the CNC cabinet.
• Set the setup switch () on AMCOMM back to
• Reconnect all required value cables (white and
brown) to terminals 3 and 4 on the AMADAP again.

For your notes

11.2 Drive modules XYZ, KSM and VSM

11.2 Adjusting the drive modules

• Shut down Windows 95 and switch off the CN control.

• Connect the volt meter in the 20 VDC range, for the axis to be adjusted, to
terminals 3 and 4 on the AMADAP board (parallel to the white and brown
wire) on the drive module to be adjusted.

Fig. 11.2a (Volt meter at AMADAP)

• Switch on the CN control. Logging into the MMC program is not


• Start the “HAND” menu (“HAND” key on CNC keyboard).

• Start the “ADJUST” menu (key “S7” on CNC keyboard).

• Press key [WZ1] or [WZ2] (WZ1 is for the cutting tool, WZ2 is for the
grinding or breaking tool).

• By pressing the manual control keys (X, Y or Tool), move the axis to be
adjusted forwards and backwards; during the travel, the voltage is set to the
same value in the plus and minus travel direction by means of potentiometer
P1 () (see Figure 10.2b).

11.2 Drive modules XYZ, KSM and VSM

• By pressing the manual control keys, travel with the axis in one direction;
during the travel, the voltage is set to 1.0 V on potentiometer P2 () (see
Figure below).

Fig. 11.2b (Drive module, AMADAP board)

• This adjustment should be carried out in the same way for the X and Y axes.

• The adjustment procedure for the auxiliary axes (cutting, grinding and
breaking tool) is identical to the X and Y axes. However, the voltage must be
set as follows:
Cutting tool = 2.5 V
Edge deleting tool = 2.5 V
Breaking tool = 2.5 V

For your notes

For your notes

11.3 Adjustment of pressure controller

11.3 Adjustment of pressure controller

11.3.1 Adjustment of pressure controller with Prescon2 board

Preparations for the adjustment

• The pressure controller must be under voltage.
• Light emitting diodes H1, H2 and H3 must light up.
• Uncouple plug X2 (). The light emitting diodes H4 and H6 may not light
• The proportional valve must be at atmospheric pressure.

Adjustment of cutting tool (control loop 1)

• Set the volt meter in the 2 V range and
• connect the COM output of the volt meter to test point TBGN ().
• Measure the voltage with the V output at terminal X3.3 ().
• This should be approx. 880 mV, ± 20 mV.
• The voltage is now measured with the V output of the volt meter at TP1
(). This must be 10 mV lower than that measured at terminal X3.3 ().
Voltage at terminal X3.3 = 874 mV
Voltage at test point TP1 = 864 mV
• If this is not the case, the voltage is adjusted on potentiometer P1 ().

Adjustment of breaking tool (control loop 2)

• Set the volt meter in the 2 V range and
• connect the COM output of the volt meter to test point TBGN ().
• Measure the voltage with the V output at terminal X3.4 ().
• This should be approx. 880 mV, ± 20 mV.
• The voltage is now measured with the V output of the volt meter at TP2
(). This must be 10 mV lower than that measured at terminal X3.4 ().
Voltage at terminal X3.4 = 874 mV
Voltage at test point TP2 = 864 mV
• If this is not the case, the voltage is adjusted on potentiometer P2 ().

11.3 Adjustment of pressure controller

If the voltage deviates by more than ± 20 mV, this may be due to the
following causes:
• The pressure transducer is not correctly connected.
• The pressure transducer is faulty.
• The input circuit of the pressure controller is faulty.
• The output stage of the pressure controller is faulty.

Fig. 11.3a (Pressure controller, PRESCON2 board)

For your notes

For your notes

11.3 Adjustment of pressure controller

11.3.2 Adjustment of pressure controller with Prescon3 board

Preparations for the adjustment

• The pressure controller must be under voltage.
• Light emitting diodes H1 and H2 must light up.
• Uncouple plug X2 (). The light emitting diodes H5 and H7 may not light
• The proportional valve must be at atmospheric pressure.

If one of the light emitting diodes H5 or H7 lights up, this may be due to
the following causes:
• The pressure transducer is not correctly connected.
• The pressure transducer is faulty.
• The input circuit of the pressure controller is faulty.
• The output stage of the pressure controller is faulty.

Adjustment of cutting tool (control loop 1)

• Set the volt meter in the 2 V range and
• connect the COM output of the volt meter to test point GND ().
• Connect the V input of the volt meter to TP1 ().
• Set the voltage to 0 V by means of potentiometer P1 ().

Adjustment of breaking tool (control loop 2)

• Set the volt meter in the 2 V range and
• connect the COM output of the volt meter to test point GND ().
• Connect the V input of the volt meter to TP2 ().
• Set the voltage to 0 V by means of potentiometer P2 ().

11.3 Adjustment of pressure controller

Fig. 11.3b (Pressure controller, PRESCON3 board)

For your notes

For your notes


11.4 Adjustment of POSCON PSM

Proceed as follows:
• Shut down Windows 95 and switch off the CN control.
• Set the setup switch () in all drive modules, on the AMCOMM board at
the back of the CNC cabinet, to 10%.

Fig. 11.4a (10% switch on AMCOMM card)

• Switch off motor protection switch Q3 at the front in the CNC cabinet.
• Disconnect required value cable (brown and white) () from terminals 3 and
4 in all drive modules (AMADAP).

This is the cable which brings the REQUIRED VALUE (+/- 10 VDC) from
the POSCON to the drive module.

On no account may the two cables come into contact with one another
(short-circuit). Otherwise, the POSCON cards might be destroyed!


• Connect volt meter in the 20 VDC range to the required value cable of the
POSCON card to be adjusted.

Fig. 11.4c (Volt meter at required value cable)

• Switch on CN control.
• Turn the axis belonging to the Poscon, at the motor coupling, very slowly,
millimetre by millimetre, in one direction.
• During this it is possible to observe how the voltage on the volt meter
display increases (see Figure below). The voltage may be positive as well as
negative. As soon as the red LED () on the POSCON lights up, stop

Fig. 11.4d (Diagram showing the voltage)

• This value is about +10 V or -10 V.

• This value must be noted (e.g. 9.985 V).
• The axis is now moved in the other direction. The voltage on the volt meter
decreases slowly and increases again with the opposite sign (different

11.4 Poscon PSM

• As soon as the maximum value has been reached again, the red LED () on
the POSCON lights up again; stop turning.
• This value, too, must be noted (e.g. 10.075 V).
• The voltage can now be adjusted with potentiometer 2 () (see Figure 10.4e)
so that it has absolutely the same magnitude both in the minus and in the
plus direction (e.g. +9.998 V and -9.998 V). In other words, the symmetry
of the required voltage on the POSCON card is set with potentiometer P2.

Fig. 11.4e (POSCON board)

SW1 = Switch 1
LED1 = Light emitting diode 1 (red)
LED2 = Light emitting diode 2 (green)
P2 = Potentiometer for symmetry adjustment of POSCON

• Carry out this adjustment for the linear and polar axis in the same way.
• Shut down Windows 95 and switch off the CN control.
• Switch on motor protection switch Q3 at the front in the CNC cabinet.
• Set the setup switch (1) on AMCOMM back to
• Reconnect all required value cables (white and
brown) to terminals 3 and 4 on the AMADAP.

For your notes

11.5 Drive module PSM

11.5 Adjustment of drive module PSM

• Shut down Windows 95 and switch off the CN control.

• Connect the volt meter in the 20 VDC range, for the axis to be adjusted, to
terminals 3 and 4 on the AMADAP board (parallel to the white and brown
wire) on the drive module.

Fig. 11.5a (Volt meter on AMADAP)

• Switch on the CN control. Log into MMC

• User: EXPERT
• Password: EXPERT
• Start the “SETUP” menu (“SETUP” key on CNC keyboard)
• Set the parameter “HAND FEED” to 5000 mm/min
• Start the “HAND” menu (“HAND” key on CNC keyboard)
• Start the “ADJUST” menu (key “S7” on CNC keyboard)
• Start the “MAIN DRIVES” menu (key “S1” on CNC keyboard)
• By pressing the manual control keys (Rot, Lin), move forwards and
backwards with the axis to be adjusted; during the travel, the OFFSET
voltage is set to the same value in the plus and minus direction by means of
potentiometer P1 () (see adjacent Figure).

11.5 Drive module PSM

• By pressing the manual control keys, travel with the axis in one direction;
during the travel, set the tacho value to 1.0 V on potentiometer P2 () (see
Figure below).

Fig. 11.5b (Drive module, AMADAP board)

• This adjustment should be made in the same way for the polar and linear

For your notes

Contents of Chapter

12.1 Customer Service information ......................................... 12-2
12.1.1 Bystronic Maschinen AG
12.1.2 Bystronic Inc.
12.1.3 Bystronic Asia

12.2 List of Figures ................................................................... 12-4

12.3 List of Tables .................................................................... 12-8

12.4 Index ............................................................................... 12-10

12.1 Customer Service information

12.1 Customer Service information

You will help us and yourself if you have the following information ready before
making the call:
F Company name
F Place
F Contact person
F Direct dialling number
F Year of construction ()
F Order number ()
F Machine type ()
F Exact description of the problem (what exactly does not function - answers
obtained on working through the “Troubleshooting scheme”).

The responsible engineer should have the following documents to hand:

• Technical documentation
• Circuit diagram

Fig. 12.1a (The identification plate is mounted on every machine)

12.1 Customer Service information

12.1.1 Bystronic Maschinen AG

Bystronic Maschinen AG
Industriestrasse 5
CH-4922 Bützberg

Telephone +4162-958 77 77
Telefax +4162-958 77 00


12.1.2 Bystronic Inc.

Bystronic Inc.
30 Commerce Drive,
Hauppauge, NY, 11788

Phone +1516 231 12 12

Facsimile +1516 231 10 40


12.1.3 Bystronic Asia

Bystronic Asia
61 Alexandra Terrace
#06-11 Harbour Link
Singapore 119936

Phone +65 278 66 78

Facsimile +65 272 59 78


12.2 List of Figures

12.2 List of Figures

Fig. V.1a Organization of the pages in these operating instructions

Chapter 1
Fig. 1.1a Block diagram of cutting machine XYZ97/98
Fig. 1.1b Block diagram of cutting machine XYZF97/98
Fig. 1.1c Block diagram of cutting machine XYZF97/98R
Fig. 1.1d Block diagram of cutting machine XYZF97/98DS
Fig. 1.1e Block diagram of cutting machine PSM-XYZF98
Fig. 1.1f Block diagram of shape cutting machine KSM 97/98
Fig. 1.1g Block diagram of shape cutting and breaking machine KSBM97/
Fig. 1.1h Block diagram of multipurpose cutting machine VSM97/98
Fig. 1.1i Block diagram of polar grinding machine PSM97/98 Stand Alone
Fig. 1.1j Block diagram of polar grinding machine PSM97/98 Compact
Fig. 1.1k Block diagram of polar drilling machine PBM97/98

Chapter 2
Fig. 2.1a Electronics rack
Fig. 2.1b Rack supply 2
Fig. 2.1c Block diagram of rack supply 2
Fig. 2.2a CPU 386SX
Fig. 2.2b CPU 386SX
Fig. 2.2c Block diagram of CPU 386SX
Fig. 2.3a ROM/RAM2
Fig. 2.3b Block diagram of ROM/RAM2
Fig. 2.4a CUTCON2
Fig. 2.4b Block diagram of CUTCON2
Fig. 2.5a IMPGEN
Fig. 2.5b Block diagram of IMPGEN
Fig. 2.6a Voltage curve for drive on POSCON
Fig. 2.6b POSCON
Fig. 2.6c POSCON wrap connections
Fig. 2.6d Block diagram of POSCON
Fig. 2.7a SERCOM2
Fig. 2.7b Block diagram of SERCOM2
Fig. 2.7c SERPORT adapter card
Fig. 2.7d SER232 adapter card
Fig. 2.7e SER422 adapter card
Fig. 2.7f SERCUL adapter card
Fig. 2.8a DIOCOM
Fig. 2.8b Block diagram of DIOCOM
Fig. 2.8c DIOPAR interface card
Fig. 2.8d DIOSSI interface card
Fig. 2.8e DIOCAN interface card

12.2 List of Figures

Fig. 2.9a POSCAD

Fig. 2.9b Block diagram of POSCAD

Chapter 3
Fig. 3.1a Front view of Berger stepping motor rack
Fig. 3.1b Back of Berger stepping motor rack
Fig. 3.2a Stepping motor card D900

Chapter 4
Fig. 4.1a TERMIF
Fig. 4.2a PARAN
Fig. 4.3a Speed limit monitor SLIM
Fig. 4.3b Block diagram of speed limit monitor SLIM
Fig. 4.4a Module bus S3
Fig. 4.5a I/O module SSI
Fig. 4.5b I/O module SSI

Chapter 5
Fig. 5.1a Front view of panel PC
Fig. 5.1b Block diagram of Panel PC
Fig. 5.1c Serial interface card PCOLA
Fig. 5.1d I/O address on PCTIF
Fig. 5.1e Keyboard interface PCTIF
Fig. 5.1f Voltage and temperature monitor PTCON

Chapter 6
Fig. 6.1a Block diagram of drive system
Fig. 6.2a AC synchronous motor beam drive
Fig. 6.2b Signal diagram for AC synchronous motor beam drive
Fig. 6.2c AC synchronous motor carriage drive
Fig. 6.2d Signal diagram of AC synchronous motor carriage drive
Fig. 6.2e AC synchronous motor rotary drive
Fig. 6.2f Signal diagram of AC synchronous motor rotary drive
Fig. 6.2g Pin assignment for motor connection plug
Fig. 6.2h Motor feedback unit, large
Fig. 6.2i Arrangement of large motor feedback unit in motor
Fig. 6.2j Pin assignment of motor feedback plug
Fig. 6.2k Motor feedback unit, small
Fig. 6.2l Arrangement of small motor feedback unit in motor
Fig. 6.2m Pin assignment of motor feedback plug
Fig. 6.2n Incremental encoder
Fig. 6.2o Pin assignment of incremental encoder plug

12.2 List of Figures

Chapter 7
Fig. 7.1a Supply module, standard version
Fig. 7.1b Power pack of supply module
Fig. 7.1c VMDRIV control unit
Fig. 7.1d Block diagram of supply module

Chapter 8
Fig. 8.1a Block diagram of AC drive module
Fig. 8.1b Schematic diagram of the cards in the drive module
Fig. 8.1bb Schematic diagram of the cable laying in the drive module
Fig. 8.1c Power pack in drive module
Fig. 8.1d Power control unit in drive module
Fig. 8.1e Block diagram of AMBASE
Fig. 8.2a AMCONT logic control
Fig. 8.2b Schematic diagram of reset switch in drive module
Fig. 8.3a Drive module adapter AMADAP
Fig. 8.3b Block diagram of AMADAP
Fig. 8.4a Motor feedback interface AMFEED
Fig. 8.5a Communication interface AMCOMM
Fig. 8.6a Overview of light emitting diodes and switches in drive module
Fig. 8.6b Overview of light emitting diodes and switches in drive module

Chapter 9
Fig. 9.1a Pressure controller PRESCON2
Fig. 9.1b Block diagram of PRESCON2
Fig. 9.2a Pressure controller PRESCON3
Fig. 9.2b Block diagram of PRESCON3

Chapter 10
Fig. 10.1a Front view of UNIPOS

Chapter 11
Fig. 11.1a 10% switch at drive module
Fig. 11.1b Required value cable on drive module AMADAP card
Fig. 11.1c Volt meter at required value cable
Fig. 11.1d Schematic diagram of voltage
Fig. 11.1e POSCON
Fig. 11.2a Volt meter at AMADAP
Fig. 11.2b Drive module, AMADAP card
Fig. 11.3a Pressure controller PRESCON2
Fig. 11.3b Pressure controller PRESCON3
Fig. 11.4a 10% switch in drive module
Fig. 11.4b Required value cable at drive module AMADAP card
Fig. 11.4c Volt meter at required value cable

12.2 List of Figures

Fig. 11.4d Schematic diagram of the voltage

Fig. 11.4e POSCON
Fig. 11.5a Volt meter at AMADAP
Fig. 11.5b Drive module, AMADAP card

12.3 List of Tables

12.3 List of Tables

Chapter 2
Tab. 2.5a IMPGEN switch positions
Tab. 2.5b IMPGEN switch positions, overview according to machine type
Tab. 2.6a Switch positions SW1 POSCON, overview according to machine
Tab. 2.6b Wire Wrap Configuration POSCON, overview according to
machine type
Tab. 2.7a Interrupt SW1 SERCOM2, overview according to machine type
Tab. 2.7b Switch positions of bidirectional interface SERCUL
Tab. 2.8a Interrupt SW1 DIOCOM slot STD
Interrupt SW1 DIOCOM slot STE
Tab. 2.8b DIOCAN switch position
Tab. 2.9a Switch positions for encoder input POSCAD
Tab. 2.9b Switch positions for encoder input POSCAD, overview according
to machine type
Tab. 2.9c POSCAD configuration

Chapter 3
Tab. 3.2a Dip switch settings on Berger card D900
Tab. 3.2b Rotary switch for motor phase current on Berger card D900

Chapter 4
Tab. 4.3a Speed setting on speed limit monitor SLIM

Chapter 5
Tab. 5.1a IRQ and I/O addresses in Panel PC
Tab. 5.1b Settings for interrupt keyboard interface PCTIF

Chapter 6
Tab. 6.2a Pin assignment for motor connection plug
Tab. 6.2b Signal assignment for large motor feedback plug
Tab. 6.2c Signal assignment for large motor feedback cable
Tab. 6.2d Signal assignment for small motor feedback plug
Tab. 6.2e Signal assignment for small motor feedback cable

Chapter 8
Tab. 8.1a Power pack connections on AC drive module
Tab. 8.4a Motor feedback variants on AMFEED
Tab. 8.4b Plug X53, interface to motor feedback unit
Tab. 8.5a Plug X62, serial port

Chapter 9
Tab. 9.1a X1 PRESCON2 electronics supply input
Tab. 9.1b X2 SSI interface PRESCON2

12.3 List of Tables

Tab. 9.1c X3 Connection for the transduceron on the tools PRESCON2

Tab. 9.1d X4 Connection for the proportional valves PRESCON2
Tab. 9.2a X1 PRESCON3 electronics supply input
Tab. 9.2b X2 SSI interface PRESCON3
Tab. 9.2c X3 Connection for the transducer on the tools PRESCON3
Tab. 9.2d X4 Connection for the proportional valves PRESCON3

Chapter 10
Tab. 10.2a List of the UNIPOS inputs and outputs
Tab. 10.3a Parallel command interface input combinations

12.4 Index

Adjustment of drive modules PSM 11-22 Block diagram of XYZF97/98 1-3
Adjustment of control loops (PRESCON2) 9-6 Block diagram of XYZF97/98DS 1-5
Adjustment of control loops (PRESCON3) 9-12 Block diagram of XYZF97/98R 1-4
Adjustment of Poscon PSM 11-18 Block diagram of XYZF97/98 1-2
Adjustment of Poscon XYZ, KSM and VSM 11-2
Adjustment instructions 11-1 C
Adjustment of drive modules PSM 11-22 CAN command interface 10-10
Adjustment of Poscon PSM 11-18 CNC rack 2-2
Adjustment of Poscon XYZ, KSM and VSM 11-2 CPU 386SX 2-8
Drive modules, adjust 11-6 CUTCON2 2-14
Pressure controller, adjust 11-10
with Prescon2 board 11-10 D
with Prescon3 11-14 DIOCAN. See DIOCOM
AC drive system 6-2 DIOCOM 2-36
AC motors 6-4 DIOPAR. See DIOCOM
AC installation synchronous motor 6-4 DIOSSI. See DIOCOM
AC standard synchronous motor 6-6 Pressure controller 9-1
Incremental encoder 6-18 with Prescon 2 board 9-2
Motor feedback unit 6-11 Adjustment of the control loops (PRESCON2) 9-6
Drive module 8-1 Indicators and setting elements 9-2
AMADAP 8-12 Plugs 9-4
AMCOMM 8-18 with Prescon 3 board 9-8
Switches, plugs and light emitting diodes 8-19 Adjustment of the control loops (PRESCON3) 9-12
AMCONT 8-8 Indicators and setting elements 9-8
Light emitting diodes, plugs and switches 8-10 Plugs 9-10
Control unit 8-8 Pressure controller, adjust 11-10
Test monitors, switches and plugs 8-17 E
Drive module AC 8-2 Electronics rack 2-1
Power control unit 8-5 CNC rack 2-2
Power pack 8-4 RACK SUPPLY 2 2-4
Light emitting diodes and switches in drive module 8-20 CPU 2-8
Drive modules, adjust 11-6 CPU 386SX 2-8
CPU jumper 2-10
B CPU light emitting diodes 2-9
Back panel. See CNC rack CPU switches 2-10
Block diagrams 1-1 CUTCON2 2-14
Block diagram of KSBM97/98 1-8 DIOCOM 2-36
Block diagram of KSM97/98 1-7 Interface boards for DIOCOM 2-40
Block diagram of PBM98 1-12 IMPGEN 2-18
Block diagram of PSM-XYZF98 1-6 Impgen switches 2-18
Block diagram of PSM97/98 (Stand Alone) 1-10 POSCAD 2-44
Block diagram of PSM97/98 Compact 1-11 POSCAD switches 2-44
Block diagram of VSM97/98 1-9 POSCON 2-22

ROM/RAM2 2-12 Outputs 10-9
ROM/RAM2 jumpers 2-12 Parameters 10-14
SERCOM2 2-28 Technical Data 10-2
Adapter cards for SERCOM2 2-32 Front view of UNIPOS 10-3

I/O module SSI 4-12 ROM/RAM2 2-12
Incremental encoder 6-18 S
Stepping motor cards D900 3-4
J Stepping motor rack 3-1
Jumpers and switches on Panel PC 5-6 Page organization V-3
Ser232. See SERCOM2
L Ser422. See SERCOM2
Light emitting diodes and switches in drive module 8-20 SERCOM2 2-28
Panel PC 5-1 SSI module bus S3 4-10
Bystronic interface cards in PPC 5-6 Speed limit monitor SLIM 4-6
Jumpers and switches 5-6
Switch S1 I/O address 5-8 T
Overview of the interrupts and I/O addresses in the PPC 5-4 TERMIF 4-2
Peripheral cards 4-1 V
I/O module SSI 4-12 Supply module 7-2
Light emitting diodes SSI 4-12 Power pack for supply module 7-3
Plugs in module SSI 4-14 Control unit 7-4
SSI module bus S3 4-10
Speed limit monitor SLIM 4-6
Plugs in TERMIF 4-3
Positioning module UNIPOS 10-1
CAN command interface 10-10
Input 10-10
Output 10-11
Inputs and outputs 10-4
Axis switch 10-5
Supply 10-5
Encoder 10-6
List of inputs and outputs 10-4
Light emitting diodes and switches 10-12
DIP switch 10-13
Light emitting diodes 10-12
Parallel command interface 10-7

For your notes


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