Answer The Questions After Watching The Movie

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Answer the questions after watching the movie.

1. Is Wall-E a human? __________________________________________

2. Why is he so sad? _____________________________________

3. Where does he live? ___________________________________

4. Do people live on Earth? If not, why?


5. What happens at first when Wall-e meets Eve?


6. How does he feel about her afterwards?


7. Where do people live?


8. What is their life like?

9. Who sent Eva on Earth? Why?

10. What happens in the end?


11. What did you like most about the film?

Give another ending to the story

Describe in your own words the scenes of the movie

11. If you could give the movie a different end what would that be?


12. Describe the scene in your own words.


13. What do you think will happen if people keep on polluting the earth?

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