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Summative Assessment | 4th Field Experience

Student Teacher: Joshua Delorme Program: Secondary

Co-operating Teacher(s): Patricia Dann Field Supervisor: Felix Gelbart

School: Howard S. Billings High School Date: April 16, 2021

*Note: The Summative Assessment should be completed jointly by the
Form Completed by: CT & Supervisor Supervisor and CT. Summative Assessments should be individually
completed only when necessary.
Instructions: Please indicate the degree of development of each of the below Professional Competencies. The ‘Guide to PC Development’ and
the ‘PC Rubric’ may prove useful in this task. Contextualizing comments may be included in the ‘Comments’ section of this form (Page 2). Please
note that the Summative Assessment should ideally be completed jointly by the Field Supervisor and Co-operating Teacher; however, if need be,
two Summative Assessments can be individually completed and submitted. The completed Summative Assessment should always be reviewed
and discussed in person with the Student Teacher.
Rubric: 5 = Advanced 4 = Thorough 3 = Acceptable 2 = Partial 1 = Minimal

Professional Competencies 5 4 3 2 1
1. To act as a professional inheritor, critic and interpreter of knowledge or culture when teaching students

2. To communicate clearly in the language of instruction, both orally and in writing, using correct grammar, in
various context related to teaching
3. To develop teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned and the subject
content with a view to developing the competencies targeted in the programs of study
4. To pilot teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned and the subject
content with a view to developing the competencies targeted in the programs of study
5. To evaluate student progress in learning the subject content and mastering the related competencies.

6. To plan, organize and supervise a class in such a way as to promote students’ learning and social
7. To adapt his/her teaching to the needs and characteristics of students with learning disabilities, social
maladjustments or handicaps.
8. To integrate information and communication technologies (ICT) in the preparation and delivery of
teaching/learning activities and for instructional management and professional development purposes
Rubric: S = Satisfactory D = Developing U = Undeveloped
Professional Competencies S D U
9. To cooperate with school staff, parents, partners in the community and students in pursuing the
educational objectives of the school
10. To cooperate with members of the teaching team in carrying out tasks involving the development and
evaluation of competencies targeted in the programs of study, taking into account the students concerned
11. To engage in professional development individually and with others

12. To demonstrate ethical and responsible professional behaviour in the performance of his/her duties

Final Outcome (Required) – I recommend that this Student Teacher is ready to be recommended by McGill University to the QC Ministry of
Education for teacher certification:


Please Note: If you have indicated that the Student Teacher is not ready to be recommended by McGill University to the QC Ministry of
Education for teacher certification, or, if you have left the determination up to the ISA Director, you are required to complete the ‘Comments’
section of this form on Page 2, indicating why you have selected this outcome.

*If validation of authenticity is required, please contact the Internships & Student Affairs Office at
Summative Assessment | 4th Field Experience


Josh worked incredibly hard these past few months to learn the culture of the school and the structures and customs of my classroom. He forged
authentic working relationships with the staff and students alike. He was professional and dilgent in all that he did. His lessons were thoughfully
planned out and his assessment practices were valid and fair. Josh found innovative ways to get students writing and talking. His classroom
management skills were solid from the start and improved throughout his 2 months in the classroom; the respect from students was evident. Josh
stayed up-to-date with which students were eligible for accomodations when it came to classwork and assessments. He was patient but firm when it
came to deadlines and expectations. Josh and I shared great conversations about the students, the course content, and how to assess student
learning. I really appreciated how open Josh was to asking questions and receiving feedback; he was sincerely interested in figuring out how to do
things smarter and more efficiently. It was an absolute pleasure to work with Josh during his final field experience.
All the best, Josh!

Joshua was strong form the outset. He has a great teaching voice, one which gives him a solid classroom presence and is able to be heard in all parts
of a large classroom. Joshua was not afraid to ask questions, nor was he upset by critiques; rather he used them to help him perfect his practice even
more. He quickly integrated into the culture of the school, bonding with his classes and his CT. He established early on the relationships of mutual
respect and showed that he cared about the students and their progress. He was always willing to help individuals, but he also held them accountable,
both signs of an accomplished teacher. Josh is totally ready for a role on any high school staff.

Best wishes for a long and successful teaching career Josh!

Submit this Summative Assessment by e-mail to the Student Teacher with a CC: to the Field Supervisor and Co-operating Teacher, and submit
to the Internships & Student Affairs Office (ISA) through our Assessment Submission Form at

*If validation of authenticity is required, please contact the Internships & Student Affairs Office at

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