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Show that the following pairs of sets are equivalent by defining a function f:A→B
that is both one-to-one and onto (no need to show that that function is a bijection).
1) A = [0,1] B = [0,1)
1 1 1 1
{ c
Let C= 0,1 , , , ,... , , ... , D= A ∩C ,∧E={ 1 }
2 3 4 n }
Define function f:[0,1]→[0,1)
1 1
f (x)= x I D ( x )+ 0 I 0 ( x )+
I1 (x )+
( )
I C ∩E ( x ) c

2) A = + B = 
Define function f: + → 
f (x)=ln x

3) A = (0,1] B = [1,∞)
Define function f: (0,1] → [1,∞)
f (x)=

II. Answer the following problems. Leave your answer in formula form with the
appropriate values plugged-in.

1. A 6-sided die is tossed 100 times and the number of dots is recorded at each toss.
Suppose an outcome of this process is represented by an ordered 100-tuple, where the
i th coordinate is the number of dots on the ith toss.

a) How many possible outcomes are there?

Let A be the possible outcomes of tossing a 6-sided dice 100 times.

A={( x 1 , x 2 ,... , x100 ) : x i ∈ {1,2,3,4,5,6 } , i=1,2 ,... , 100 }

n ( A ) =nk =6100

b) How many outcomes are there where the number of dots on each one of the first
10 tosses is less than 5 while the number of dots on each of the last 10 tosses is
greater than 4?
Let B1 be the possible outcomes of tossing a 6-sided dice 10 times.

B1={( x1 , x2 , ... , x 10 ) : x 1 ∈ { 1,2,3,4 } , x 10 ∈ {5,6 } , x i ∈ { 1,2,3,4,5,6 } , where i≠ 1,10 }

B1={( x1 , x2 , ... , x 10 ) : x 1 ∈ { 1,2,3,4 } , x 10 ∈ {5,6 } , x i ∈ { 1,2,3,4,5,6 } , where i=2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 }
n ( B1 )= ( 4 )( 2 ) ( 68 )=8( 6 8 )

Let B2 be the possible outcomes of tossing a 6-sided dice 100 times.

n ( B2 )=10 ( n ( B 1) )=( 10 )( 8 ) ( 6 8 )=80 ( 6 8 )
2. Suppose a 5-digit numbers will be formed from the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.
Determine the number of 5-digit numbers that can be formed under each of the
following conditions:

a) All the digits are distinct

Let A be all possible 5-digit numbers where all the digits are distinct.
A={( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , x 4 . , x5 ) : x i ∈ { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 } , x i ≠ x j for i≠ j }

n ( A ) =( 8 )5=6720


n ( A ) =( 8 ) (7 )( 6 )( 5 )( 4 )=6720

b) All the digits are distinct and the 5-digit number is greater than 30,000

Let B be all possible 5-digit numbers greater than 30000 where all the digits are

B= {( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , x 4 . , x 5 ) : x i ∈ {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 } , x i ≠ x j for i≠ j
¿ x1 ∉ {1,2,3 } }

n ( B )=( 5 ) ( 7 ) ( 6 ) ( 5 ) ( 4 )=4200

c) All the digits are distinct and the 5-digit number is greater than 40,000 and is
a multiple of 5

Let B be all possible 5-digit numbers greater than 4000 and is a multiple of 5 where
all the digits are distinct.

C={( x1 , x2 , x3 , x 4 ., x 5 ) : xi ∈ {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 } , x i ≠ x j for i≠ j ,

x 1 ∉ {1,2,3,4 }∧x 5 ∈ { 5 } }

n ( C )=( 3 ) ( 6 ) ( 5 )( 4 ) ( 1 )=360
3. A six-person committee composed of Alice, Ben, Connie, Dan, Egbert, and
Francisco is to select a chairperson, secretary, and treasurer among themselves.
Naturally, a person cannot be assigned more than one position.

Since there are 3 positions with 6 potential person to be assigined in each

position, let n=6 and k=3

a) How many selections exclude both Connie and Egbert?

Since Connie and Egbert are excluded, let n= 4

A={( x chairperson , x secretary , x treasurer ) : x i ∈ { Alice , Ben , Dan , Francisco } , xi ≠ x j for i≠ j }
n ( A ) =( 4 )3=( 4 ) (3 )( 2 ) =24

b) How many selections are there in which Alice is chairperson and Ben is not
an officer?

Since Alice is the chairperson, we only need to focus of the possible combination
for the other 2 positions in the committee where Ben is excluded. Thus, let k=2
and n=4
A={( x secretary , x treasurer ) : x i ∈ {Connie , Dan , Egbert , Francisco } , x i ≠ x j for i≠ j }
n ( A ) =( n )k =( 4 )2 =( 4 )( 3 ) =12

c) How many selections are there in which Alice is chairperson and Ben is not
the secretary?

First, we let C1 be the total selections where Alice is the chairperson. Let n= 5.
C 1={( x secretary , xtreasurer ) : xi ∈ { Ben ,Connie , Dan , Egbert , Francisco } , xi ≠ x j for i≠ j }
n ( A ) =( n )k =( 5 )2=( 5 ) ( 4 )=20

Then, let C2 be the total selections where Alice is the chairperson and Ben is the
secretary.When Alice is the chairperson and Ben is the secretary, there is only one
position left so we let k=1 and n=4. Thus, we have C2 =4.

Therefore, the total selections in which Alice is the chairperson and Ben is not the
secretary is
C 1 −C 2=20 − 4=¿16

4. Suppose a club consists of 10 freshmen, 35 sophomores, 20 juniors and 15 seniors.

a) How many ways can they form a special committee consisting of 5 freshmen, 10
sophomores, 10 juniors and 5 seniors?
Let A1 be the selection of freshmen. Thus, we have n= 10 and k=5
n 10
()( )
n( A ¿¿ 1)=

Then, we let A2 be the selection for sophomore with n=35 and k =10.
n 35
()( )
n( A ¿¿ 2)= =
k 10
Let A3 be the selection for juniors
n 20
()( )
n( A ¿¿ 3)= =
k 15
A4 be the selection for seniors
n 15
()( )
n( A 4 )= =
k 5

Thus, we have
n( A)=( )( )( 2010 )( 155 )
10 35
5 10

b) There are 4 committees in this club. These are the Finance Committee,
Membership Committee, Public Relations Committee, and the Research
Committee. How many ways can they distribute all the members of this club into
these 4 committees in such a way that each committee has the same number of
members and a member must belong in exactly one committee?

Let n= 80 be total number of members. Since there are 4 committees, each committee
must have 20 members.
80 60 40 20
( )( )( )( )
n ( B )=
20 20 20 20

c) How many ways can they distribute the members of this club into these 4
committees in such a way that the Membership Committee and the Public
Relations Committee both have 15 members consisting of freshmen and juniors
only, while the other two committees both have 25 members consisting of
sophomores and seniors only?

Let C=C 1 ∩C 2 ∩C 3 ∩C 4 where C1, C2, C3, and C4 be the Membership committee,
public relations committee, finance committee, and research committee.

n ( C )=n ( C 1 ∩C 2 ∩C 3 ∩ C4 )= ( 5025 )( 2525 )( 3015 )( 1515 )

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