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Humber - The Business School

HRM 5003 – Human Resource Management

Evaluation - Presentation
Value: 10%
Presentation Duration: 15-20 minutes

Category Scoring Criteria Marks

Organization Presentation is clear, logical and organized. Listener can follow line of /3 marks
reasoning. Smooth and purposeful transition between sections. Conforms to
the time limit. All members presented.
Presentation Style Level of presentation is appropriate for the audience. Speakers are completely /8 marks
prepared and have evidently rehearsed. It is NOT reading of a paper. Speakers
are clearly comfortable in front of a group and can be heard by all. Poised,
clear articulation; proper volume; steady rate; good posture and eye contact;
proper professional attire; enthusiasm; confidence.
Use of Language – Sentences are complete and grammatical, and they flow together easily. /3 marks
Grammar & Word Words are chosen for their precise meaning. (i.e. No distracting “ums” “uhs” or
Choice other inappropriate language)
Use of Communication aids enhance the presentation (i.e. handouts, PowerPoints, /3 marks
Communication Aids video). They are prepared in a professional manner and are used effectively
and appropriately.
Content (Depth & Comprehensiveness in addressing key requirements as listed in the project
Accuracy) description:

A) Introduction (i.e. formal introduction of group, company, etc.) /4 marks

B) Review of Case Study (i.e. concise summary of case and facts,

challenges, and questions to be reviewed) /7 marks

C) Questions and Recommendations (i.e. Content is clearly related to the /14 marks
assigned chapters material and “key issues”, recommendations are
based on sound HR best practices, etc.)

D) Closing (i.e. closing comments, summary of key point/learning, 1-2

discussion questions, engagement with the class, etc.) /4 marks

Originality/Creativity Very original presentation of material; uses the unexpected to full advantage; /4 marks
captures audience’s attention. Overall presentation was creative and exciting.
Total Grade /50

Instructor Notes

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