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Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

Lesson # 1 Designer Name: Jaime Jones

Unit: History Lesson Title: Living and Working together

Grade level: Kindergarten

CCSS, Content Related State K- H2.0.2 Create a timeline using events from their own lives.
Standards (NGSS or C3
framework), and Michigan
College and Career Readiness

Resources and Materials: Student materials: Timeline template, crayons, pencil.

(can be attached) Teachers materials: Marker, board

Big Idea and Essential

Question(s): What is a timeline?
Frame big ideas as the understanding How do I incorporate personal events into a timeline?
statements. Topical or over-arching
questions will lead students to explore
and understand the enduring knowledge
and skills.

Objectives: I can recognize the uses of a timeline.

What students will know and be able to I can incorporate my personal events and create a timeline.
do stated in student-friendly language
(use Bloom’s and DOK levels for higher
level thinking objectives)

Instruction: Sequence of Discussion (10 minutes) The lesson will begin by asking the
Activities: students if they know what a timeline is. We would have a
Provide an overview of the flow of the discussion on what a timeline is and then the next question to the
lesson. Indicate what instructional class is how someone could use a timeline.
strategies will be applied in this lesson.
Should also include (a) estimates of
pacing/timing, (b) inclusive activities, Example (15 minutes) I would then ask the students to give me a
(c) the wrap-up activities, such as thumbs up or thumbs down if they understand what a timeline is. I
summary and reflection, and (d) would then evaluate the student’s responses. If there are a lot of
technology integration thumbs down, I would then rediscuss what a timeline is. If there
were majority thumbs up, then move onto providing an example of
timeline to the class. I would then ask the students to look towards
the board as I am going to demonstrate how to create a timeline
using events from my day. I would then grab marker and draw a line
on the board and explain to the class that a timeline is built off from
this straight line. I would then think out loud what events that
happened to me this morning that could be demonstrated on a
timeline. I would then mark a first line and draw a brief picture of a
person getting out of bed. Then second, I would draw a picture of a
person eating. Then third I would draw a picture of a person dressed
for the day. Then finally a picture of the person arriving to school. I
Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

would then explain to the class that this is a timeline of what I did
this morning. Then ask the class if they think they could create a
timeline about their morning that day.

Activity (25 minutes) Before handing the timeline template out, I

would have the students take time to think about their morning and
what big events happened to them. After about 3 minutes of the kids
individually thinking, I would then ask for two helpers to pass out
materials that are needed for the activity. One student will pass out
the template, the other will pass out a box of crayons for each table
to share. Once the students are settled back in their chairs, they will
begin drawing the events of their day. I will go around and assist
students who have questions or struggling, making sure to check in
with each student on their progress. Student will have 15 minutes to
draw their pictures on their timelines. Then, for the last 5 minutes,
students will have the chance to get up and move around the
classroom to look at other children’s timelines to see what events
happened in the other student’s morning. Student will then be asked
to return to their seats and place crayons back in the box.

Wrap up (5 minutes) As the students are cleaning up their areas, I

would ask reflective questions. Was it challenging to create a
timeline? Do you know what a timeline is after today’s lesson?
Students will then turn in their timelines and then get prepared for
the next lesson.
Assessment: Formative: For this class, as they are kindergarteners, I
Describe both formative and summative would give them a verbal formative assessment. As
assessments that you will use to assess discussed in the steps of the day, I would ask the class what
student understanding with important
details, such as how will you grade –
they think a timeline is. Then ask how a timeline may me
quiz, test, project, paper, presentation, used and who may use one. I would then call on students to
demonstration, etc.. Formative and listen to their response, then do follow up questions after
summative assessment tools should be the lesson to see how their answers has changed.
attached to this lesson plan.
Summative: After the lesson is over, I would have the
students turn in their timelines that they created to
evaluate their ability of creating a timeline based on their
personal events that occurred that day. I would then ask
reflection questions like after the lesson, what is a timeline
and who may use one.

Accommodation and For students may struggle, like if a child has a developmental delay
Differentiation:: Describe who will in the class, they may need to see examples of activities as they are
need additional or different support working individually. I would sit one-one-one with students who
during this lesson and how you will may struggle and draw up a timeline along with them or ask them
support them. Create at least one
what they did that morning to help them draw.
differentiation plan among five lessons.
Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

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