Quotes Hello Debate Opponent

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Hello debate oppon ent

Every life is not norma l

When we are judging other life, we should be very cautions
If one day, one of my friends comes to ask me is his life too boring,
normal , too aimless
No matter it' s true or not
The only answer I' m giving him would be no
Because every life has its own beauty
We will help him ana lyze if there is something wrong in his life that
makes him think that and we will think what we can do to change
But I would never deny his life for it because it would be a
rush behavior that mat cause harm
The kindness that can warm people up is more valuable than cold
mean fact

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Hello debate oppon ent
We don' t like a lot of people
A lot of people don' t like us either
But so what?
Because it' s impossible to make everyone happy
There' s always some people will not agree with us even mock us,
us, and ridicule us
But so what?
Because we are stand by what we want
Event though what I stick to has failed me
at least it failed under what I believe

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