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Committee members
Saving possible/year
Award decide
Person and department to implement
Target date to implement
Where else this suggestion can be useful

Subject Date of screening

Suggestion accepted Suggestion rejected

Suggestion screening form

Name of the suggestion Department
Suggestion number Date of suggestion

Every suggestion is evaluated as per the criteria adaptability, creativity,

originality and efforts, taken by the suggestor. The amount of award is
indicated with proper calculation and understanding of committee. If
there is rejection then similar remark is indicated. Generally award is
given when the suggestion is implemented. However if the suggestions
is accepted and the course of implementation is longer, then interim
award is given to the suggestor to keep up his moral.
In the same format other information regarding the implementing is
A certificate is given to the suggestor when the suggestion is accepted.
This is signed by the chairman of the scheme or some top/ respectable
person in the organization. In the good cultured company there is
practice of giving a certificate of appreciation to the suggestor even if it
gets rejected. Often it carries good value to the suggestor. It is more than
money for some of them.
In number of companies suggestion scheme starts with big bang.
However, over the period the momentum gets lost and slowly it gets
dull. The obvious reason is that the suggestions themselves do not come.
It is to be seen that suggestion scheme is kept very much alive. The
method is as given below.

1) Respond to all written suggestions immediately in

Be respective. If the answer is no, indicate so. If the answer is yes, state
when it will be implemented. If the answer is may be, explain the issues
involved and give a date for further reply. And stick to it. Trust and
credibility need to be built up.

2) Highlights the suggestions publicly, let all see those:

Number of employees may be thinking of suggestions. If one speaks of
that let many others know the same. Open reply, on a designated
suggestion bulletin board, in a printed update, or by electronic mail, is
useful. Thank the writers for their query or contribution. Include staff
names on suggestions to be implemented.

3) Prize to be given immediately for best suggestions:

The cycle time for process of evaluating is usually very long. In some
cases the senior management review is only conducted once a quarter.
There is good motivation if award is given soon.
This is the basic purpose that the suggestor is giving the suggestion. If it
is neglected then the scheme will not work.
4) Establish categories for regular awards:
Categories can help employees focus and generate new ideas. Here are
examples of categories that you can use. Ideas that can be implemented
immediately , ideas for getting closer to our customers, suggestions for
cost savings or increasing revenue new ideas focusing on a chosen
theme for the month like ‘ energy saving’, ideas that most dramatically
challenge the current paradigm of our thinking, recommendations for the
future direction of our business.

5) Awarding presentation should be big function:

Some companies use lunches, staff teas or monthly meeting to award
prizes. One company makes up large, special bills for each winning
suggestion. In the center is the face of the staff member who contributed.
In the corners is the amount of money his or her suggestion earned.
And surrounding the portrait is a description of the suggestion itself.
These ‘‘bills’’ line the wall of the staff lounge and company cafeteria.
The result is popular group recognition for winners and a culture
building impact that keeps the suggestion scheme going strong. At the
end of the year, give recognition to the volume of suggestions received,
the winners who have been rewarded, and the changes enacted as a
result. Then, pose a challenge to everyone to double the volume of
suggestions in the coming year. And, if the quality of ideas warrant,
double your cash prizes, too. Four winners a month last year? Increase it
to eight winners per month next year.

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