Grammar Lesson

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Name: Roxanne Loncar Date: Thursday, June 25, 2020 Level: Intermediate TP number: 18.30 - 20.


Type of lesson (highlight one): What is your main aim? Language - Grammar: Adjectives

Skills (Reading, Listening, Writing or Speaking)


Language (Vocabulary, Functional Language, Grammar or Pronunciation)

Skills AIms: Linguistic Aims:

By the end of the lesson sts will be better able to enhance their By the end of the lesson sts will be better able to identify what an
multitasking capabilities by engaging in different types of activities, adjective is, add new words to their vocabulary along with some time
boost their critical-think skills, listening skills and improve their to practice pronunciations while chatting in the groups about the topics
memory. Also, they will be able to critically think about how to use in the context of _______________
adjectives formally through analyzing of the adjectives in the short
story and sometimes informally use adjectives during the breakout
room discussions.
Good, you just need to include the context.
This is pretty good, however, this lesson didn’t really have a skills aim.
We can say “speaking” was a subsidiary aim, so, you could describe it
here like: “by the end of this lesson Ss will be better able to describe
their cities and family members using adjectives” (short and sweet!)

Communicative aim (What is the conversation the students will have at the end of the lesson):
The Ss will be told to write down all the adjectives they recognize in the images and text presented to them throughout the whole lesson. Then
near the end of the session they will use those adjectives to describe what type of birthday party they would like to have and what type of gifts
they would like to have. Then when they write down 3 sentences using any of the adjectives collected. During class they can take turns asking
each other about details of their party ideas. These conversations will happen in break out rooms and it is encouraged for students to use their
list of adjectives to engage into more conversation that goes beyond the 3 sentences that were created before.

You can simplify here Roxanne:

Materials and aids to be used (mention book and page numbers where relevant):
- grammar for English Language Teachers Second Edition by Martin Parrott: Page 51: to help fully describe the core of what an adjective is.
- Practical English Usage: Page 15: Used some examples to ask the students about what is wrong with certain sentences and see if they can
correct them.
- grammar for English Language Teachers Second Edition by Martin Parrott: General guidance of the different categories that adjectives fall
under like: size, shape, colour, origin etc..
- How English Works, A grammar Practice Book: Page 70: confusion between adjectives and adverbs
English File 4th Edition Elementary: Page 16: Lesson 2C Slow Down! (used in the beginning of lesson plan)

Anticipated difficulties (students arrive late, odd number of students, possible solutions
mixed ability, audio doesn’t work etc…):
1. I will wait 2 minutes extra for students to arrive, if they arrive later I
1. Students who arrive late. will pay attention to the bottom of the screen in case I have to let
2. Odd number of students. anyone who is late into the zoom chat.
3. Students with different abilities. 2.Try to rotate the students so they don’t always end up with the same
4. Audio does not work. partner and I would be more fair if the number of Ss was an odd
5. Computer video slows down. number
3.I have already noticed the Ss’s have different abilities. Best way to
deal with mixed abilities is to find a common group.
4.If my audio doesn’t work just type on the white board my situation
and restart my computer and try different microphone options I have. If
Ss audio doesn’t work ask them to restart their computer ad if that
doesn’t work they can type in the chat box.
5. Apologize for the inconvenience but, realize that sometimes that is
what happens in Zoom meetings and it’s short lived.

Personal aims: Strategies to achieve personal aims:

1. Have the Ss engage in conversation using adjectives correctly. 1. Teach the Ss where adjectives go in a sentence and what can
2. Have a better understand why it is important to know where be considered an adjective
adjectives are placed because I noticed students in general 2. The activities of interacting with each other, writing down your
had problems with the placement of adjectives. own example of the use of adjectives picked up during class
3. Good pronunciation of new words. will help test their memory or the placement.
3. Try to only correct the pronunciation of the adjectives covered
These are more like linguist aims, can you “translate” them in class but, when appropriate correct the Ss. (Don’t have time
into “personal aims”? For example: to always be correcting every word)
#1 would be: ensure to give Ss more opportunities to speak, or
lower TTT.
#2 is language, not really a personal aim.
#3 could be “speak slowly and clearly” or “grade language”

Language analysis

Analysis - MFP Anticipated problems Solutions (include CCQs, timelines)

M - Misplacement of adjectives in Problems with meaning M- Ask CCQs:

sentence structure is a common problem.
Meaning is actually when you use - The Ss may not be able to understand - How would you describe this image?
adjectives = used to describe nouns. why they can not directly translate (teacup, cake, present box, and soccer
adjectives in the same position as their ball) this is eliciting, not really a CCQ..
F - subject + noun + adjective native language. It takes getting use to - Can you say "It's a political old idea?"
Or subject + adjective + noun and practice to remember where (no)
adjectives go. This is good, but related to - Does the type of tea come before or
Form. Meaning has to do with USAGE. after the noun? (It comes before the
P - adjective /ˈædʒ·ɪk·tɪv/
Problems with form
F- Write down 3-5 sentences using the
- This problem is especially common with
native Spanish speakers because they adjectives leaned in class.
are more loose with where words go in a
sentence compared to English and Ex: green, shiny
descriptive adjectives in Spanish come Sentence: I like my green, shiny bike.
after the noun. That is why some people OK, but try to ask instead of tell.
forget that English is more strict with word Remember: make Ss think.
placement. OK, but what is the anitipated
problem? Placing adjectives after the P- Make sure there is more student talk
nouns? time than teacher talk time. this is a
personal aim
Problems with pronunciation

- some pronunciation problems with

adjectives could be just be a general
struggle to pronounce certain letters in
This is too general. Technically, you
would choose a list of adjectives you are
going to teach, and here you list the
problems you see regarding each of those

M - Confusing adjectives and adverbs Problems with meaning M-Ask CCQs:

F - adjective= describes nouns - both adjective and adverb have the ad at - Is there an adverb or an adjective in this
the beginner of the word so they can sentence?
subject + noun + adjective easily be confused. They can be confused If you’ve got a fast car, why don’t you
Or subject + adjective + noun for each others meaning. drive fast?(first fast: adjective, second
first: adverb)
Adverbs= describe verbs
Problems with form - Do adverbs describe nouns? (no)
subject + verb+ adverbs - Do adjectives describe verbs? (no)
Or subject + adverbs + verb - The Ss might not be use to accepting
that the English language has rules that F- Think of 2 sentences with an adjective
are not the same as their own language from today’s class.
P - Adverb= /ˈæd·vɜːb/ when it comes to adjectives and adverbs. -Think of 2 sentences with an possessive
adjective from today’s class.
Problems with pronunciation - Think of a sentence with an adverb.

- some pronunciation problems with P- Make sure there is more student talk
adjectives could be just be a general time than teacher talk time. Keep my talk
struggle to pronounce certain letters in simple and short.
M - Possessive Adjectives Problems with meaning M- Ask CCQs:

F - subject + noun/ pronoun + possessive - Ss might not realize that there are - What are the possessive adjectives for
adjective possessive adjectives and forget to 1st person? (my, our)
Subject + possessive adjective + incorporate them into the sentence - What are the possessive adjectives for
noun/ pronoun structure sometimes. 2nd person?(your)
- What are the possessive adjectives for
3rd person? (his, her, its, there)
P - possessive adjective Problems with form
/pəˈzes·ɪv/ /ˈædʒ·ɪk·tɪv/ F- Make sure students clearly know the
- may mistaken form for regular adjective difference between regular and
possessive adjectives by asking them at
the end for an example of both.
Problems with pronunciation
P- Make sure there is more student talk
- some pronunciation problems with time than teacher talk time. Make sure
adjectives could be just be a general they ask each other about possessive
struggle to pronounce certain letters in adjectives with questions provided.
Time Procedure + interaction patterns Stage name + Stage aim Tutor’s feedback

(What will you do? What will the students do? (What is the stage called? (Don’t complete this column)
Will they work alone or in groups?) Why is this stage in the
lesson? What purpose
does it serve? How is it
related to your aims?)

15 - I will begin my lesson with an exercise to Lead-in 19:35

mins ask if they can think of adjectives to Contextualizing the Instructions are better:
describe the images of a cup, soccer ball, lesson by: Engaging “I’m going to show you 4 images, you have to write
and a piece of cake. The purpose is to lead the Ss with the images the description of the image.”
them into the main topic of adjectives. before I introduce the
topic the topic of focus Good, you’re also grading language.
- description and example of adjectives so they can be more
This one you can skip next time. No need to familiar with it. It helps Nice that you provided an example.
explain language, you can just go straight to ease into the major
the words. topic of focus. Next time: consider giving the noun (“cup”,
“cake”…) so they can focus only on the description.
- difference between adverb and adjective
- Do textbook exercise as a group pp:16 You showed target language (tables with size,
This one is already your controlled shape, origin, material, etc). we’re going to
practice!! avoid doing this in the lead-in and leave it for the
next stage. this is actually your “language
clarification stage”!

Avoid asking Ss to read out loud. They don’t

provide good models of English, it may be
confusing for the others.
5 - I will read the story first and I will ask the Reading for gist The stage names are correct.
mins Ss to read the short story for the purpose of Contextualizing the
paying attention to the adjectives. When the target language in a You used a different approach to teach the
Ss read the story , they will be able to very short story that grammar.
alternate because I numbered the You planned “via text” and you did “TTT”.
connects to the 4
sentences. The person who reads the
sentence will just read the sentence, then I images they needed to So, you didn’t really use these stages (even though
will call on another Ss to see if they know describe in the they are really good!!!!), you ended up doing the
where the adjectives are. After that I will ask beginning. There is no table + controlled practice (page 16).
a different pair of Ss for each sentence. need to fully
- this will be done in breakout rooms understand every word,
most important is to
pay attention to

5 - Ask the CCQs to check if the Ss Clarifying and

Mins understood when we use this grammar by systematizing
asking what they notice in the sentences language
that are incorrect) - To see if the Ss
- clarify pronunciation understood the rules
- clarify form they must follow when
using adjectives in
sentences. Also, to
clarify Ss pronunciation
and listening skills.

5 - Ss write down 3-5 sentences that use the Controlled (written)

mins adjectives throughout the lesson practice
- Put Ss into breakout rooms to quickly write - have Ss pay attention
down and discuss 3-5 new sentences they throughout whole
formed on the topic of hosting your own session to spot the
party and possible gifts you desire. adjectives and write
- At the end bring everyone out of the them down to form
break-room and have them interact as a those sentences in the
group to clarify their sentence structures end.
and pronunciation.

10 - Start conversations about the adjectives Freer Oral Practice 19:05

mins you can use to describe things at a party. - Practice flowing Good job trying to make instructions clearer,
Have the Ss incorporate their 3-5 sentences conversations without continue working on that.
they created. looking up words and Good that you provided an example.
- groups or pairs will be assigned in the meanings by sticking to
break-room the course content of Ss wrote sentences.
- T monitor and take notes of Ss strength, the day
and weakness Marcia’s sentence: the piece of cake looks
delicious. (notice that she’s using language that
was not taught (sense verbs); so regarding Marcia,
we don’t have evidence if your aim was achieved.
She’s using language she already knew.
The others provided sentences following the
structure you taught. This is hard evidence that
your lesson was “to standard”. Well done. Next
time, just ensure you provide a clearer context.

5 - go over the 3-5 sentences that the Ss Feedback

mins have put together and correct any errors - provide feedback on
but, let the Ss try to help correct each language and tasks
others work first
To be filled in by the tutor

Number 6 Tutor Julice Daijo Lesson focus Language – grammar


Overall comments:

Great attempt to fill in all the boxes in your LP. You can make the descriptions of the aims shorter (see model); Great attempt to
stage a grammar lesson, considering you haven’t even had this input session. You ended up mixing up two approaches in your
plan, but delivered TTT (Test-Teach-Test)

Learning outcomes:
Ss were able to describe “things” using adjectives. Bit general.

3 things that went well:

(1) Dealing with internet problems; (2) providing controlled practice; (3) grading language more effectively

3 suggestions for next class:

(1) Try to elicit TL before giving it to students; (2) contextualizing the lesson; (3) continue working on giving short and
clear instructions; try to ask some ICQs.

This lesson was to standard for this stage of the course

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