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Joel Sobecary Remegio

Jannine Tamparong

Junnel Centro Atay

Joylen Indao

Marvin L. Dagmac
Background of the Study

In today’s era, we are facing a real struggle of being oriented in today’s type of
learning. Most of us experienced lacking of technology and a preparation to
communicate others because some are living in far flung areas and cannot afford to
enter the world of learning. Like all previous ones, this global catastrophe has shown
the consequences, even after a pandemic has dissipated. Many countries have
introduced such curfew hours, lockdown protocols from the outset to cope with the
Covid-19 pandemic (Alawaneh, 2020). Educational entities have been shutting down in
every part of the Philippines. Therefore, higher institutions and universities have
resorted to continuing lectures online through websites and mobile applications such as:
Google meet, zoom, Google classroom and through video calls on messenger.
Obviously, this has an effect of communication as communicating virtually differs from
face-to-face classes communication. Mostly, authors define online learning as
accessing learning experiences through the use of certain technology (Benson, 2002;
Conrad.2002). Both Benson (2002) and Conrad (2002) define online learning as a more
modern form of distance and blended type of learning that enhances access for learners
identified as both non-traditional and ineffective to educational opportunities. Many
scholars discuss not only the usability of online but its connectivity, mobility and
interactivity (Ally, 2004).

Furthermore, modern form of distance learning, or an updated edition. Like many

these authors stated that there is relationship between distance education or learning
and online learning but appear uncertain in their own descriptive narratives (Moore et
al., 2011). However, face-to-face learning is one in which instructors and students meet
concurrently and in this same location. In addition, sessions are synchronous in the
face-to-face learning process.

Online learning can also include communication mediated by a computer.

According to Hung et al., (2010), shy students appear to be more interested in online
settings than in conventional settings. In Web-based learning, it is necessary to build
opportunities for interactions and communication between students and their instructors.
Similarly, active students could make the most of online forums, which might offer
opportunities to engage fellow students and professors with deeper dialogue and
insightful questions as a technique. Asking questions is a way of getting deeper into the
subject and making the topic more comprehensible. Moreover, students should take
advantage of opportunities to collaborate with other online students to avoid burn-out or
lack of interest while learning online, use motivation and support to remain motivated.
Efficiency and efficiency of communication in online learning are an important aspect to
overcoming the constraints of online communication (Hung et al., 2010).

In the Philippine context, learners are being adjusted with the new type of
learning may be a problems of connectivity, mobility and interactivity during online
learning. According to Bangert (2006) he identifies the four factors related to student
and faculty; time spent on task; active and engaged learning; and cooperation between
classmates (Gray and DiLoreto,2016).

During in our class, all 3 rd year BSED English students of Liceo de Davao in the
College Department. It was observed that our classmates lack of connectivity and
interactivity that hinder them to perform and participate in a class. This study is
conducted to know the hindrances in terms of connection and interaction. These
concerns are able to us to know and give knowledge in every Liceans who experienced
this kind of new way of learning. By this, the researchers set goals to know the level of
performance in terms of participation and knowing the hindrances such as interaction by
others and connectivity problems in terms of technology of every 3 rd year BSED English
students in Liceo de Davao.
Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to find the answers to the impact of online-based instruction in
oral communication among the 3rd year BSED English of Liceo De Davao.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. How may the impact of online-based instruction in oral communication among

3rd year BSED English be described in terms of:

1.1. Connectivity;

2.2. Mobility;

3.3. Interactivity; and

4.4. Over-all performance in online-based instruction in oral communication?

2. Does online-based instruction have significant effect on class performance?

3. Is there a significant relationship between online-based instruction and oral

communication among 3rd year BSED English students?

4. What implications may be drawn from the results of the study to know the
impact of online learning?
Theoretical Framework

Communication can be described as the process transmitting information and

popular understanding from one person to another (Keyton, 2010). The word
communication was derived from the Latin “communis,” meaning “common”. Therefore,
“communicating” means “making common,” “making known” or “sharing” and involves
verbal, non-verbal and electronic means of human interaction (Velentzas and Borni,
2014). The definition underlines the fact that no communication occurs unless a shared
understanding emerges from the exchange of information (Cheney, 2011).

Interestingly, “Great communication skills will add years to your tenure as a

successful teacher.” Dr.Jerry Weast of Montgomery Country, Maryland (Weast, 2008).
Furthermore, effective communication must be a priority not a forgotten thought for
great teachers (Hilliard and Newsome, 2013). Effective communication occurs when a
desired effect is the result of intentional or unintentional exchange of information.
Therefore, effective communication serves the purpose it was intended or built for,
possible objectives may be to make change, to encourage action, to create awareness,
to educate or to convey some idea or perspective. Good communication means talking
and listening (Velentzas and Borni, 2014).

In addition, we study communication, since every administrative function, operate

and require some sort of direct or indirect communication. However, the school
administrators work with and through other individuals, whether planning, organizing or
leading and monitoring. Furthermore, communication skills of each individual affect
personal as well as organization effectiveness (Brun, 2010;Summers, 2010). And lastly,
it seems fair to conclude that lack of effective communication is one of the most
inhibiting forces for organizational effectiveness (Lutgen-Sandvik, 2010).
Conceptual Framework

This study focuses on two types of variables that found in which affects
performance in oral communication such as: speaking and listening. This study also
seeks to know the impact of online learning.

Oral communication tells us the speaking and listening skills needed to

participate verbally in discussions, exchange thoughts and information, make clear and
convincing presentations, and interact with a variety of audiences. It may disputes and
many issues and differences can be put to an end by talking them over. Speaking and
listening can affect student’s performance to participate in an online learning considered
as an independent variables. Participation in communication and online learning could
be achieved through the factors affects student’s performance in communication in
online learning without the positive response of these variables.

Figure 1. Presents the framework of this study that anchors the

assumption of oral communication and the impact of online learning that affects
performance of the learners. The independent variables are oral communication, online
learning and the dependent variables is the impact of online learning in oral

 s
Oral Communication/Online Impact of online learning in
learning oral communication/Online

 Participation
 Speaking
 Information
 Listening
 Online learning -Thoughts
-Video call
-Google meet  Interaction
-Google classroom 1.)Students-instrucctor


Figure 1. Schematic diagram showing the parameter of the study

Hypothesis of the Study

This study entitled “Impact of Online-based instruction in Oral

Communication among 3rd year BSED English of Liceo de Davao” has one
expected outcome among the following hypothesis:

NO. There is no impact of online-based instruction in oral communication among

3 year BSED English of Liceo de Davao.

N1. There is a negative impact of online-based instruction in oral communication

among 3rd year BSED English of Liceo de Davao.
Significance of the Study

This study entitled “Impact of Online-based instruction in Oral

Communication among 3rd year BSED English of Liceo de Davao” is being created
to benefit the following:

3rd year BSED English Students. The study will benefit the College Department
3rd year BSED English Students because they are the subject in this research and it will
lead them also to an advice if there’s a negative implication.

Teachers/Instructors. This research will benefit the teachers and instructors for
the purpose of having knowledge about the impact of online-based instruction in oral
communication. They are expose to the students every day, they can make an advice
after the results was conducted.

Parents. This research will benefit the parents for them to know if they have to
know the impact of online-based instruction in oral communication of their children after
the implications was summarize.

Future Researchers. This research will benefit the future researchers for them
to have references as related studies or literature to their future studies.
Scope and Delimitation

This study entitled “Impact of Online-based instruction in Oral

Communication among 3rd year BSED English of Liceo de Davao’’ will only cater in
Liceo de Davao, Briz District, Brgy. Magugpo East Tagum city. The target students for
this study are all 3rd year BSED English major. The students will be evaluated through
online. All 3rd year BSED English students will be included in this study, they are 30
students. The study will be conducted through online. The scope of this research will
cater only the impact of online-based instruction in oral communication.
Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined either operationally or conceptually.

Online-based instruction. It is an educational model where students and

instructors connect via technology to review lectures, submit assignments and
communicate with one another. No face-to-face learning occurs since lectures,
assignments and readings are delivered online. (Google dictionary)

Oral communication. It refers to the speaking and listening skills needed to

participate verbally in discussions, exchange thoughts and information, make clear and
convincing presentations, and interact with a variety of audiences. (Google dictionary)

Connectivity. The state or extent of being connected or interconnected. (Oxford


Mobility. The ability to move or be moved freely and easily. (Oxford Languages)

Interactivity. The process of two people or things working together and

influencing each other. (Oxford Languages)

Constraints. Something that limits or restricts someone or something. (Merriam


Mediated. The intervene between people in a dispute in order to bring out an

agreement or reconciliation. (Oxford Languages)
Distance learning. A method of studying in which lectures are broadcast or
classes are conducted by correspondence or over the internet, without the student’s
needing to attend a school or college. (Oxford Languages)

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