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Marketing Plan of ProMax

“Advanced Marketing Management”.

Under the Supervision of

Md. Zahedul Alam
Associate Professor
Department of Business Administration in
Marketing Faculty of Business Studies

Date of Submission
OCTOBER 29, 2020

October 29, 2020
Md. Zahedul Alam (Associate Professor)
Associate Professor
Department of Business Administration in Marketing,
Faculty of Business Studies (FBS),
Bangladesh University of Professionals

Subject: Submission of Term Paper

Dear Sir,
This is a great honor for me to present my term paper titled “Marketing Plan of
ProMax”, authorized under your supervision, as a requirement for the completion of the
course Advanced Marketing Management. This report endeavors to analyze the
learnings and knowledge I got during the course time.

I am thankful to you for your kind support and supervision, in the preparation of this
report and sincerely hope that I would live up to your expectations regarding the quality
of my work.

I tried to put my best effort for the preparation of this report. Yet if any shortcomings
arise, it will be my pleasure to answer any clarification and suggestion regarding this

Sincerely Yours,
Ferdows Abid Chowdhury - 2025351016

At the very outset, I am very much thankful to almighty Allah for giving me strength,
courage and ability to complete the term paper in a scheduled time in spite of various

It gives me immense pleasure to thank a large number of individuals for their cordial
cooperation and encouragement which has contributed directly or indirectly in preparing
this report. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to my course supervisor Md.
Zahedul Alam sir for his guidance and feedback which made everything clear to me to
complete this report.

Sir kept me on track to complete this report and his suggestions and feedback were very
dynamic in making this report as impeccable as possible. My classmates helped me
whenever I faced any problem regarding the report.
Table of Contents

Introduction to ProMax Power Bank ...........................................................................1

Usage of Mobile Phone Accessories in Bangladesh ..................................................2
Mission, Vision and Objectives ...................................................................................3
PESTEL Analysis for ProMax .....................................................................................4
SWOT Analysis...........................................................................................................6
Industry Competitiveness Analysis .............................................................................8
4P’s of ProMax .........................................................................................................10
Conclusion ................................................................................................................11

ProMax is the first ever power bank that comes with a storage facility which can be
used as a pen drive or external hard drive. The unique features of this device will give it
an upper hand over other available mobile accessories.

The macro-environment analysis PESTEL shows optimal environment for ProMax to

operate in. The SWOT analysis shows that the combined features offered will be the
greatest strength while new brand name may create some weaknesses.

Since it’s a product, a 4P analysis has been done. Porter’s Five Forces analysis shows
that the publishers and authors of books and other content hold the most power on
ProMax, while there are basically no competitors for what ProMax aims to offer.

The product is designed in such a way that it will attract most of the customers because
of the unique features. Previously people had to spend money individually for individual
items but now people will get two utilities in one single device by paying less as it is a
Bangladeshi product.
Introduction to ProMax Power Bank
Mobile phone accessories are as important as a mobile phone in day-to-day life. Most
of us would find it difficult to survive without a mobile phone and bare minimum set of
accessories. Be it power banks, earphones or smartwatches, these accessories are a
must-have these days. Thereby, creating a market that is growing by leaps and bounds
year-on-year and is hard to ignore. With changing times, consumers have evolved and
so have their choices. The focus has shifted towards easy and comfortable lifestyle –
this simplification comes with a lot of additional technology in life. The wireless
accessories for mobile phones satisfy this need. Wireless accessories, as insignificant
as it may sound, ensure one does not have to spend time and effort in untangling wires.
These allow the user to go about his or her daily chores without worrying about the
wires. Since the beginning of using smartphones people have always wanted for a way
to charge their mobile devices when they are outside their home. By the grace of
technology we have seen lots of companies coming up with different and powerful
solutions to charge up mobile phones when we are travelling or when we don’t have the
charger brick with us. One of the most commendable invention is the invention of power
banks which help us to charge our mobile phones and even our headphones while we
are on the go. Now a days we can buy lots of accessories along with the mobile phones
to make our lives easier. Pen drives or external hard drives are one of those things that
help us to transfer data from electronic devices. But nobody has ever thought of coming
up with a device that would allow us to charge our electronic devices and transfer data
at the same time. Introducing the first ever power bank which has the capability of
charging phone and transfer data- ProMax. This incredible device will help us to do
multitasking while carrying less when we are out of our houses.

Usage of Mobile Phone Accessories in Bangladesh

The increase in the sale of smartphones in Bangladesh has resulted in the rise in the
sale of mobile phone accessories. Smartphones offer various features like camera,
multimedia messaging, music, internet, location-based services and data storing and
sharing. Mobile accessories further enhance the value of these features: like
headphones, travel chargers, protective cases, power banks, USB cables, wireless
speakers, memory cards, Bluetooth devices and selfie stick. Brands like Xiaomi,
Remax, Samsung, Transcend are providing a wide range of accessories to the
consumers at an affordable range.

The popularity of social media and internet has resulted in the rise in the demand for
mobile phone accessories. The purchasing capacity of the common user has increased
which has shifted its focus from low price range to mid and high price range smartphone
accessories. Online shopping has also triggered the demand for the mobile phone
accessories in Bangladesh. These online stores sell the latest accessories available in
the market at competitive prices and have, thus, become the most preferred distribution
channel for buying smartphone accessories in Bangladesh.

Mobile phone accessories have also become a style statement these days. The
branded stores provide a wide range of mobile phone accessories which are colorful,
unique and trendy. The companies offering these accessories have a strong distribution
network to promote and sell their accessories. With all these factors driving growth, both
businesses and consumers are in for some exciting times. Growth, as the popular belief
goes, drives innovation.

Mission, Vision and Objectives

The team of ProMax comes with a great initiative with the intention to make mobile
charging easier while transferring large data to other devices. It is needless to say that
people need both the things if they own at least a smartphone. Without power banks
and external hard drives using smartphones would have been lot more difficult. So the
mission of ProMax is-
“Charging While Sharing”

The vision of ProMax is enabling people to own everything they need while it comes to
mobile phones. Having that in mind the team of ProMax is always working on advancing
this technology as far as possible. The vision is to see people not struggling to find a
charger and a pendrive when they are about to present something in front of their
bosses or faculties in university.

ProMax is trying to make life easier while providing multiple solutions with only one
device. The objectives revolve around:

i) Make charging devices easier

ii) Making data transferring easier
iii) Make people carry less
iv) Make people worry less
v) One solution to multiple problems.

PESTEL Analysis for ProMax

A PESTEL analysis is a framework or tool used to analyze and monitor the macro
environmental factors that may have a profound impact on an organization’s
performance. This tool is especially useful when starting a new business or entering a
foreign market. It is often used in collaboration with other analytical business tools such
as the SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces to give a clear understanding of a
situation and related internal and external factors. PESTEL is an acronym that stand for
Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal factors.
Political Factors
These factors are all about how and to what degree a government intervenes in the
economy or a certain industry. Basically all the influences that a government has on
your business could be classified here. As lots of other mobile accessories available in
the market, so launching ProMax in Bangladesh will not cause any political issue or
break any law.

Economic Factors
Economic factors are determinants of a certain economy’s performance. Factors
include economic growth, exchange rates, inflation rates, interest rates, disposable
income of consumers and unemployment rates. ProMax powerbank will surely
contribute highly in the country’s economy as the sales forecasts of this device is
glowing like the sun.

Social Factors
This dimension of the general environment represents the demographic characteristics,
norms, customs and values of the population within which the organization operates.
This includes population trends such as the population growth rate, age distribution,
income distribution, career attitudes, safety emphasis, health consciousness, lifestyle
attitudes and cultural barriers.
Technological Factors
These factors pertain to innovations in technology that may affect the operations of the
industry and the market favorably or unfavorably. ProMax itself is a technological
device which will help people ease mobile charging and share files among various

Environmental Factors
Environmental factors have come to the forefront only relatively recently. They have
become important due to the increasing scarcity of raw materials, polution targets and
carbon footprint targets set by governments.

Legal Factors
It has been made clear long before that mobile accessories and associated companys
have never violated any legal terms. ProMax ensures that such things won’t happen

while it does business in Bangladesh. Although these factors may have some overlap
with the political factors, they include more specific laws such as discrimination laws,
antitrust laws, employment laws, consumer protection laws, copyright and patent laws,
and health and safety laws.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is an incredibly simple, yet powerful tool to business strategy,

whether one is building a startup or guiding an existing company.

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Strengths and weaknesses are internal to the company—things that the company has
some control over and can change. One can take advantage of opportunities and
protect against threats, but one can’t change them. Examples include competitors,
prices of raw materials, and customer shopping trends. A SWOT analysis is also known
as internal-external analysis. This helps the company when it comes to setting up
business plans and eradicating problems and threats as well as weaknesses, enforce
strengths further and opportunities as well. The internal component of SWOT analysis
comprises of Strengths and Weaknesses. ProMax has already got lots of strengths and
opportunities while having minimum threats and weaknesses.

i) First ever device that will allow charging and file transferring at the same time
ii) Comes in different variants i.e power and storage
iii) No competitors
iv) Reasonable price
v) Made in Bangladesh

i) Expandability to higher variants if demand increases
ii) Lots of other features can be includes i.e Bluetooth speaker. iii)
Gaining more market easily.

The only weakness ProMax has is the credibility issue as it is the first device that
comes with combined features. The brand name itself is new, so it will require time to
establish itself as a brand.

There are possibly no threats of ProMax at this moment. But If strong and popular
brands offer similar devices before us than it would be a bigger threat to us. So
getting the first mover advantage is very crucial in building ProMax a trustworthy
popular brand.

Industry Competitiveness Analysis

Porter's Five Forces is a model that identifies and analyzes five competitive forces that
shape every industry and helps determine an industry's weaknesses and strengths. Five
Forces analysis is frequently used to identify an industry's structure to determine
corporate strategy. Porter's model can be applied to any segment of the economy to
understand the level of competition within the industry and enhance a company's long
term profitability. The Five Forces model is named after Harvard Business School
professor, Michael E. Porter.

Supplier power
An assessment of how easy it is for suppliers to drive up prices. This is driven by the:
number of suppliers of each essential input; uniqueness of their product or service;
relative size and strength of the supplier; and cost of switching from one supplier to
another. As ProMax will be built in Bangladesh, so availability of suppliers of raw
materials are important. As numerous number of businesses revolve around
technological devices, so the power of supplier is really low.

Buyer power

An assessment of how easy it is for buyers to drive prices down. This is driven by the:
number of buyers in the market; importance of each individual buyer to the

organization; and cost to the buyer of switching from one supplier to another. As
ProMax is the first ever device that comes with combined utilities, so the buyer
bargaining power will not be that much.

Threat of New Entrants

There are always possibilities for companies to step into mobile accessories business
any time they want. So the first mover advantage will play a crucial role in hindering
other companies to enter into the market.

Threat of Substitutes

ProMax is a device that focuses on multiple utilities at the same time so that people
won’t have to worry much about buying or carrying individual product for individual
need. So the threat of substitute product is minimal.

Competitive Rivalry
The main driver is the number and capability of competitors in the market. Many
competitors, offering undifferentiated products and services, will reduce market
attractiveness. As there are no such competitors that offer similar values, the
competitive rivalry will be the least disturbing issue.

4P’s of ProMax


ProMax- A device that will allow people to charge their mobile phones and headphones
while allowing them to use it as a pen drive also.


The price actually depends on the materials used in the product. The minimum amount
a customer has to pay for a 10000mah power bank and a 16 GB pen drive is 1000 tk
and 500 tk individually and those are for foreign products. As ProMax will be built in
Bangladesh, so the manufacturing cost will be less ad the starting price will be 1200
taka for a device which will have 10000mah battery and 16 GB of storage in built.


As most of the mobile users buy mobile phone accessories from the shop physically in
order check the device and claim warranty. So ProMax will be available in all types of
mobile accessories stores.

The promotion of ProMax will be done through different social media platforms and
OVC’s. Different and popular tech reviewers who always gives reviews of different
branded mobile phones and accessories will be a key source of promoting ProMax. The
first 50 customers will get an earphone for free and their feedbacks will be

uploaded to our social media pages so that it gets a really positive word of mouth


The more we are moving towards the future the more technology evolving. Technology
holds such a position in peoples’ lives that it can’t be ever substituted. The number of
mobile phone users has increased exponentially in the past few years so is the number
of problems and solutions to those problems. Today or tomorrow there will be devices
that will offer us devices which will help us multitask. Needless to say that such devices
already exist. In order to survive in the middle of technological advancement we can’t
think of any device that hasn’t been already invented. So it is the time for businesses to
come up with devices that will allow people to solve various problems with just one
device so that they will have few problems to think about. ProMax is a small step to that
future where people will actually enjoy double benefits in one device.

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