My Vocation Calling Essay

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My Passion 1

My Vocation Calling

Colin Loughman

Actuarial Science and Mathematics Majors Minor in Finance

Seton Hill University


1. Introduction

Everyone has a time in their life when they decide what they want to do for a majority of

the time they have. “What kind of world do we want to leave those who come after us, to

children who are now growing up?” (Laudato Si’) A big part of why I chose to go to a university

was the opportunity to make a change in the world. Recently, I have realized that more than ever

what I want in this world with so many issues and change in recent days. The idea of what I want

to do with my life has changed since I began my journey at Seton Hill University. The past few

years have impacted me tremendously in college and it’s changed my perspective on things.

Some of the things that have changed my perspectives are diving deeper into my faith, struggling

for the first time, and family. Having strong relationships with my family and friends makes me

realize how important this is, ‘underlying every form of work is a concept of the relationship

which we can and must have with what is other than ourselves.” (Laudato Si’) I have been

inspired by many people and events throughout my college career. Not only do I want to make

relationships, I want to do something I am passionate about. I will be talking about what I

thought I was meant to do in this world, what abilities I have, and my thoughts on what I have


2. My Vocational Calling, I consider myself a very diverse individual. I think the education

system does very little to help you find your passion. Taking exams that tell you what

might be good for you to do does you very little. An article I read says, “the goal of

education should be finding one’s “Element,” the meeting of one’s individual passion and

talent.” (Boone 2008) I feel that the education system makes you figure it out yourself. It

took me a long time to figure it out, but I have now realized what my element should be. I

am an actuarial science and mathematics double major with a minor in finance. I came

into college with one major in actuarial science expecting to take the normal path of

becoming an actuary. I researched what I had to do which consisted of studying and

taking certifications exams. There are many exams, and they suggest you study at least

300 hours for each exam. Even after you get a job you are supposed to continue studying

long hours and attempting to pass more exams. My junior year I also took a course called

Financial Mathematics which is related to the FM exam needed to pass to become an

actuary. To supplement with the class, I purchased an online studying tool that would

give me questions related to the exam, and equations that were needed for the exam. I

began studying while I was taking the course to help prepare for the exam. I soon realized

that this wasn’t the path for me. There was a lot to consider and I had to realize it quick.

After realizing that my path has changed, I had to see which direction I was going

to take it. I looked back on my childhood and the way I grew up. Some of my favorite

things to do were legos. I loved to build and create with the pieces and plan I was given.

This came from watching my grandfather build things in his workshop. Every Christmas

he would build me something new like toy cars or planes built out of wood. I wanted to

do the same thing, but I was young so legos were the way I could do it. This made me

realize what I should have known all along. My passion is building, creating, and

problem solving. When building legos you had to build what was given to you. At times

they would make mistakes with the wrong number of pieces, so you would have to figure

out a way to make it without the proper amount. Growing up I was always required to

take career exams that told you what they thought you were supposed to do based on your

personality and what you like. Most of the exams told me the same thing. The exams told

me that I should become an engineer. The exams aren’t perfect and don’t take a lot of

factors into account. I don’t know why I didn’t realize it sooner, but I have now realized

that is what I have wanted to do my whole life. Becoming an engineer seems to be my

element in life. I should’ve realized that my problem solving, mathematics, and science

skills would take me that way. I think those will only get better once I go to graduate

school and pursue a career in engineering. I will expand my knowledge on science and

problem-solving skills. I will be challenged every day to come up with solutions on ways

to make or fix products. I look forward to enhancing my skills and becoming the best I

can be.

3. Reflection, This assignment was something at first I didn’t find necessary, but now I’m

glad I did it. Shifting your career path can be very daunting to do. It really reinforced my

thoughts of going to graduate school and becoming an engineer after looking into myself

and talking about what I want to do. I thought it was useful especially for seniors since

we are so close to our profession after college. It makes you realize what you want to do,

and hopefully can put you on the right path. It was easy for me to talk about since I

recently started the process of applying for graduate programs, so the idea of my calling

was already on my mind.



Catholic Church., & McDonagh, S. (2016). On care for our common home: The

encyclical of Pope Francis on the environment, Laudato Si'.

Boone, L. M. (2008). The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything. Library

Journal, 133(20), 145.

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