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Action Focused Self-Assessment Inquiry of Levels of Content Knowledge
& Skills Competency
California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP)


6.1 Reflecting on teaching practice in support of student learning
6.2 Establishing professional goals and engaging in continuous and purposeful professional growth and
6.3 Collaborating with colleagues and the broader professional community to support teacher and student
6.4 Working with families to support student learning
6.5 Engaging local communities in support of the instructional program
6.6 Managing professional responsibilities to maintain motivation and commitment to all students
6.7 Demonstrating professional responsibility, integrity, and ethical conduct

List artifacts from your Preliminary Credential courses and field experiences that showcase your skill level in this domain.
Include course number and name, and assignment or piece of evidence name.

1. Cross Cultural Requirement: CASA/DLT Border Immersion Trip

2. EDTE 512 Assessment: Final Reflection About Field Experience

3. EDTE 500P Diversity and Inclusion in Schooling: Final Reflection
4. EDTE 510P Language and Literacy: Philosophy of Education

5. EDTE 513 Positive Behavioral Supports: Resource Critical Reflection

Identify the specific element or indicator within the CSTP and TPE standards that are demonstrated in the artifact
identified in this CSTP. You may list multiple elements; however, only include the significant ones illustrated by your
artifact. Include the full title for each TPE and CSTP element. Select the focus area for the Induction Standard
CSTP Element: 6.1 Reflecting on teaching practice in support of student learning
6.3 Collaborating with colleagues and the broader professional community to support
teacher and student
6.5 Engaging local communities in support of the instructional program
TPE: 4. 1. Locate and apply information about students' current academic status, content- and
standards-related learning needs and goals, assessment data, language proficiency status, and
cultural background for both short-term and long-term instructional planning purposes.

4.7. Plan instruction that promotes a range of communication strategies and activity modes
between teacher and student and among students that encourage student participation in learning

6.2. Recognize their own values and implicit and explicit biases, the ways in which these values
and implicit and explicit biases may positively and negatively affect teaching and learning, and
work to mitigate any negative impact on the teaching and learning of students. They exhibit
positive dispositions of caring, support, acceptance, and fairness toward all students and
families, as well as toward their colleagues.

Induction Standard (Put an X in Pedagogy, Universal English Special

focus area(s): Practice and Design for Language Populations
Learning Learners
Identify and name a specific artifact from the list above that best illustrates your present level of competency as a
Preliminary Multiple/ Single Subject or Education Specialist.

Cross Cultural Requirement: CASA/DLT Border Immersion Trip

Explain your rationale for selecting the specific artifact in 250 words or less. Be succinct and avoid repetition, making the
connection between the content or purpose of the artifact to the standard as clearly as possible. Why did you select this
item? What instructional/ learning, subject matter competency, case manager role, or professional development skills
does it represent?

To fulfill my programs Cross cultural Requirement, I enrolled on a two day trip to Tijuana in which I and a
large group of young educators planned and implemented various educational workshop activities for “The
Scouts”, an education and character development program for at-risk youth in various communities in
Tijuana. Workshop topics included main ideas such as, “Decision making”, “Mental health”, “Personal
hygiene”, and “Healthy relationships'”. In creating lesson plans, we made sure to have complete
translations in both English and Spanish, as the group of children we would be working with were
primarily Spanish speakers. Before crossing the border, many educators in the group, including myself,
had many misconceptions about Tijuana and the people that lived within the border walls. We learned
about the daily trials and tribulations young children face in their pursuit of safety and quality education,
and in light of this knowledge, we decided to put our fears aside and give these children the best day ever.
The beauty of this experience is that all of us, including myself, were taken back by how far our
misconceptions were from the reality of the city. Tijuana was colorful, filled with culture and music, hard
working people, and a feeling of unity that could not be replicated in America. Upon entering the park
where we would meet up with “The Scouts” children, I was surprised to see that the location was
surrounded by a bare, dirt construction lot, and contained no more than two tables, a few tires, and some
shelves for backpacks. However, upon meeting the scout leaders and children, I noticed that the
environment did not impair the children’s ability to learn, socilizes, or have fun, in any way. The workshop
was a success, and I learned a very valuable lesson about the dangers of making assumptions, the
importance of facing your own bias, and the innate beauty in diversity.

Evaluate your present self-perceived level of knowledge and skill development within this CSTP Domain (Put an X in
the level that applies)
Developing Meeting Exceeding Exemplary
Level of X Competency Expected Experienced
Competency Level Practice

State your present perception of what you want to achieve during your passage from preliminary to clear credential
teacher, in 250 words or less. Be succinct and avoid repetition, making the connection between the content or the
purpose of the artifact to the standard as clearly as possible. What is your goal related to this area of focus? What do you
anticipate will be a measurable outcome related to instructional/classroom practices & student learning?
I am an educator very much dedicated to the concept of a growth mindset. As a teacher I will never stop
dedicating my life to learning more, listening harder, and pushing for growth in my everyday life, and as my
work as an educator. I seek everyday opportunities to set goals, engage in dialogue with my colleagues, and
reflect on my teaching practices. However, I do believe that exceeding the expected level of this CSTP will
only occur as I spend more time in the role of a classroom teacher, and face more situations in which I am
truly tested as an educator. In the future, I believe I could be held accountable to this concept of developing as
a professional educator by successfully navigating smoothly through unique and complex situations, as well as
successfully integrating feedback into my daily teaching practices.

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