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rem * Filename : qp_list_line_detail.sql - Version 1.

rem * Filetype : NOEXEC
rem * Author : Ravi Tata, Oracle USA
rem * Original : 16-OCT-2000
rem * Modified : 17-Jul-2001 shulin add trouble shooting tips
rem * Description : Gives info about the list line , qualifiers , pricing
attrs etc.
rem * Usage : run qp_list_line_detail_tips.sql
rem * and enter the list_line_id when prompted. list_line_id
can be found
rem * by position the cursor on list line in the pricelist/m
odifierlist form,
rem * menu Help>Diagnostics>Examine>Field List_Line_Id value
rem /* $Header: qp_list_line_detail.sql 115.16 2004/04/12 21:25:25 gtippire ship
$ */
REM dbdrv: none
set verify off
whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback;
set pages 24
set linesize 132
spool &&list_line_id;
prompt 'List Line Information'
prompt =========================================================================
col list_line_id format 99999999 heading 'Line Id'
col list_header_id format 99999999 heading 'Hdr Id' new_value p_list_header_id
col list_line_type_code format a5 heading 'Line Type'
col start_date_active format date heading 'Start Date'
col end_date_active format date heading 'End Date'
col modifier_level_code format a5 heading 'Level'
col pricing_phase_id format 999 heading 'Phase' new_value p_pricing_phase_id
col incompatibility_grp_code format a20 heading 'Incomp'
col price_break_type_code format a8 heading 'Brk Type'
col operand format 9999999.99 heading 'Operand'
col arithmetic_operator format a10 heading 'Operator'
col qualification_ind format 99 heading 'QualInd'
col product_precedence format 9999 heading 'Prod Preced'
col automatic_flag format a10 heading 'Auto'
col price_by_formula_id format 999999 heading 'Formula Id'
, a.list_header_id
, a.list_line_type_code
, a.start_date_active
, a.end_date_active
, a.modifier_level_code
, a.pricing_phase_id
, a.incompatibility_grp_code
, a.price_break_type_code
, a.operand
, a.arithmetic_operator
, a.qualification_ind
, a.product_precedence
, a.automatic_flag
, a.price_by_formula_id
from qp_list_lines a
where a.list_line_id = &&list_line_id ;
prompt 'Related List Line Information'
prompt =========================================================================
col list_line_id format 999999 heading 'Line Id'
col list_header_id format 999999 heading 'Hdr Id'
col list_line_type_code format a5 heading 'Line Type'
col start_date_active format date heading 'Start Date'
col end_date_active format date heading 'End Date'
col modifier_level_code format a5 heading 'Level'
col pricing_phase_id format 999 heading 'Phase'
col incompatibility_grp_code format a20 heading 'Incomp'
col price_break_type_code format a9 heading 'Brk Type'
col operand format 9999999.99 heading 'Operand'
col arithmetic_operator format a10 heading 'Operator'
col qualification_ind format 99 heading 'QualInd'
col product_precedence format 9999 heading 'Prod Preced'
col automatic_flag format a10 heading 'Auto'
col price_by_formula_id format 999999 heading 'Formula Id'
select a.list_line_id
, a.list_header_id
, a.list_line_type_code
, a.start_date_active
, a.end_date_active
, a.modifier_level_code
, a.pricing_phase_id
, a.incompatibility_grp_code
, a.price_break_type_code
, a.operand
, a.arithmetic_operator
, a.qualification_ind
, a.product_precedence
, a.automatic_flag
, a.price_by_formula_id
from qp_list_lines a, qp_rltd_modifiers b
where b.from_rltd_modifier_id = &&list_line_id and a.list_line_id = b.to_rltd_mo
prompt *** trouble shooting tips for List Line Info ****************************
prompt * Line Type - verify it is the line type you are expecting. PLL- pricelis
t, PBH - price break header, SUR, DIS... - modifier list.
prompt * Start Date, End Date - verify Pricing Date from sales order is between
Start Date and End Date, blank means no restrictions.
prompt * Level - modifier level code could be Line (line level adjustment), Line
Group(group of lines), Order(order level adjustment).
prompt * Phase - verify phase is attached to the correct event, event can be PRI
CE, LINE, ORDER, BATCH..., each event may have several phases.
prompt * Incomp - modifiers should be in the same incompatibility level (set fro
m modifier form, mod line, Incompatibility Group) for the engine to solve the in
compatibility by precedence.
prompt * Brk Type - can be point, range, recurring.
prompt * Operand - the unit price based on UOM, if null then formula may be used
prompt * Prod Preced - product precedence, verify the line with lowest precedenc
e value gets selected. To price either by Precedence or by Best Price, check inc
ompat_resolve_code in qp_pricing_phases table.
prompt * Auto - automatic or manual.
prompt * Formula Id - id of the formula used to calculate price.
prompt *************************************************************************

prompt 'List Header Information'

prompt =========================================================================
col source_system_code format a8 heading 'Src Code' new_value p_source_system_co
col name format a30 heading 'List Name'
col active_flag format a6 heading 'Active'
col currency_code format a8 heading 'Currency'
col list_type_code format a9 heading 'List Type'
col ask_for_flag format a7 heading 'Ask For'
col gsa_indicator format a6 heading 'GSAInd'
col parent_list_header_id format 999999 heading 'Parent Hdr Id'
col active_date_first_type format a30 heading 'Act Date 1st Type'
col start_date_active_first format a14 heading 'S_Date_Act_1st'
col end_date_active_first format a14 heading 'E_Date_Act_1st'
col active_date_second_type format a30 heading 'Active Date 2nd Type'
col start_date_active_second format a14 heading 'S_Date_Act_2nd'
col end_date_active_second format a14 heading 'E_Date_Act_2nd'
col limit_exists_flag format a8 heading 'Lmt Exst'
select a.list_header_id list_header_id
, name
, a.list_type_code list_type_code
, a.active_flag active_flag
, a.start_date_active start_date_active
, a.end_date_active end_date_active
, a.source_system_code source_system_code
, a.currency_code currency_code
, a.ask_for_flag ask_for_flag
, b.language language
, a.gsa_indicator gsa_indicator
, a.parent_list_header_id parent_list_header_id
, a.active_date_first_type active_date_first_type
, a.start_date_active_first start_date_active_first
, a.end_date_active_first end_date_active_first
, a.active_date_second_type active_date_second_type
, a.start_date_active_second start_date_active_second
, a.end_date_active_second end_date_active_second
, a.limit_exists_flag limit_exists_flag
from qp_list_headers_b a , qp_list_headers_tl b
where a.list_header_id = b.list_header_id
and a.list_header_id = &p_list_header_id;
prompt *** trouble shooting tips for List Header Info **************************
prompt * List Type - verify it is the list type you are expecting, PRL for price
list, SLT, DLT, PRO... for modifier.
prompt * Active - verify it is 'Y'.
prompt * Start Date, End Date - verify pricing date is between Start Date and En
d Date, blank means no restrictions.
prompt * Currency - should match the currency in the sales order.
prompt * Ask For - if 'Y' for promotion, then promotion will not be applied unti
l it is 'asked for' from calling program.
prompt *************************************************************************

prompt 'Pricing Attribute Information'

prompt =========================================================================
col product_attribute_context format a13 heading 'Prod Context'
col product_attribute format a20 heading 'Prod Attr'
col product_attr_value format a10 heading 'Prod Attr Value'
col product_uom_code format a5 heading 'UOM'
col comparison_operator_code format a10 heading 'Operator'
col pricing_attribute_context format a11 heading 'Pric Context'
col pricing_attribute format a20 heading 'Pric Attr'
col pricing_attr_value_from format a10 heading 'Value From'
col pricing_attr_value_to format a10 heading 'Value To'
col pricing_attr_value_from_number format 9999999999.99 heading 'Value From Numb
col pricing_attr_value_to_number format 9999999999.99 heading 'Value To Number'
col attribute_grouping_no format 9999999 heading 'Group'
col qualification_ind format 99 heading 'Qual Ind'
col excluder_flag format a13 heading 'Excluder Flag'
select list_line_id
, list_header_id
, pricing_phase_id
, product_attribute_context
, product_attribute
, product_attr_value
, product_uom_code
, comparison_operator_code
, pricing_attribute_context
, pricing_attribute
, pricing_attr_value_from
, pricing_attr_value_to
, pricing_attr_value_from_number
, pricing_attr_value_to_number
, attribute_grouping_no
, qualification_ind
, excluder_flag
from qp_pricing_attributes
where list_line_id = &&list_line_id;
prompt 'Related Line Pricing Attribute Information'
prompt =========================================================================
col product_attribute_context format a13 heading 'Prod Context'
col product_attribute format a20 heading 'Prod Attr'
col product_attr_value format a10 heading 'Prod Attr Value'
col product_uom_code format a5 heading 'UOM'
col comparison_operator_code format a10 heading 'Operator'
col pricing_attribute_context format a11 heading 'Pric Context'
col pricing_attribute format a20 heading 'Pric Attr'
col pricing_attr_value_from format a10 heading 'Value From'
col pricing_attr_value_to format a10 heading 'Value To'
col pricing_attr_value_from_number format 9999999999.99 heading 'Value From Numb
col pricing_attr_value_to_number format 9999999999.99 heading 'Value To Number'
col attribute_grouping_no format 9999999 heading 'Group'
col qualification_ind format 99 heading 'Qual Ind'
col excluder_flag format a13 heading 'Excluder Flag'
select list_line_id
, list_header_id
, pricing_phase_id
, product_attribute_context
, product_attribute
, product_attr_value
, product_uom_code
, comparison_operator_code
, pricing_attribute_context
, pricing_attribute
, pricing_attr_value_from
, pricing_attr_value_to
, pricing_attr_value_from_number
, pricing_attr_value_to_number
, attribute_grouping_no
, qualification_ind
, excluder_flag
from qp_pricing_attributes, qp_rltd_modifiers b
where b.from_rltd_modifier_id = &&list_line_id and list_line_id = b.to_rltd_modi
prompt *** trouble shooting tips for Pricing Attribute Info ********************
prompt * Phase - make sure this phase is attached to the called event in the "Ph
ase Information".
prompt * Prod Context - should always be 'Item'.
prompt * Prod Attr - signifies item hierarchy element, PA1 is item number, PA2 i
s item category.
prompt * Prod Attr Value - internal id of item hierarchy element.
prompt * UOM - verify if this is the same as ordered UOM, if not, verify if prim
ary flag is checked in the pricelist line and conversion is defined in Inventory
prompt * Pric Context, Pric Attr - check dbg file and verify these entries are p
assed to the engine, if not run Build Sourcing Rules concurrent program.
prompt * Value From - verify this value is equal to the value passed to the engi
ne (other than Volume context).
prompt * Value To - For Volume context, the value passed to the engine shoule be
between Value From and Value To.
prompt * Excluder Flag - if 'Y' the product is excluded.
prompt *************************************************************************

prompt 'Qualifier Information'

prompt =========================================================================
col qualifier_context format a10 heading 'Qual Context'
col qualifier_attribute format a21 heading 'Qual Attr'
col qualifier_attr_value format a10 heading 'Value From'
col qualifier_attr_value_to format a10 heading 'Value To'
col qualifier_grouping_no format 999999 heading 'Group'
col start_date_active format date heading 'Start Date'
col end_date_active format date heading 'End Date'
col qualifier_precedence format 9999 heading 'Qual Preced'
col qual_attr_value_from_number format 9999999999.99 heading 'Value From Number'
col qual_attr_value_to_number format 9999999999.99 heading 'Value To Number'
col qualifier_group_cnt format 999999 heading 'Grp Cnt'
col header_quals_exist_flag format a5 heading 'Exist'
select list_header_id
, list_line_id
, active_flag
, list_type_code
, qualifier_context
, qualifier_attribute
, qualifier_attr_value
, qualifier_attr_value_to
, comparison_operator_code
, qualifier_grouping_no
, start_date_active
, end_date_active
, qualifier_precedence
, search_ind
, qualifier_group_cnt
, header_quals_exist_flag
from qp_qualifiers
where list_header_id = &p_list_header_id;
prompt *** trouble shooting tips for Qualifier Info ****************************
prompt * Line Id - lines with line id matches list line id are the line level qu
alifiers for the line, or -1 means it is a header level qualifier.
prompt * Active - verify it is 'Y'.
prompt * Qual Context, Qual Attr - check dbg file and verify these entries are p
assed to the engine, if not, run Build Sourcing Rules concurrent program.
prompt * Value From - if Operator is '=', verify value passed to the engine is e
qual to this value.
prompt * Value To - verify value passed to the engine is between Value From and
Value To if operator is BETWEEN.
prompt * Operator - values shoule be '=' or 'BETWEEN' or 'NOT='.
prompt * Group - verify conditions of the qualifiers in the same group are match
ed, conditions of all header level qualifers are also matched.
prompt * Qual Preced - qualifier precedence, in the incompatibility resolution t
his precedence and product precedence are used to select the appropriate list li
prompt *************************************************************************
prompt 'Phases Information'
prompt =========================================================================
col pricing_event_code format a20 heading 'Pricing Event'
col search_flag format a11 heading 'Search Flag'
select pricing_phase_id
, pricing_event_code
, nvl(user_search_flag,search_flag) search_flag
from qp_event_phases
where pricing_phase_id = &p_pricing_phase_id;
prompt *** trouble shooting tips ***********************************************
prompt * Phase - verify the expected list line is in the phase associated with t
he event executed by the engine.
prompt * Pricing Event - verify if the expected phase is attached to this event.
prompt * Search Flag - engine will perform the extended search if the search fla
g is 'Y'.
prompt *************************************************************************
prompt 'Rows in qp_list_header_phases'
prompt =========================================================================
select list_header_id
, pricing_phase_id
from qp_list_header_phases
where list_header_id = &p_list_header_id;
prompt *** trouble shooting tips for Rows in qp_list_header_phases *************
prompt * only applicable for modifiers, needs record(s) if there are any header
level or line level qualifiers attached to the line.
prompt *************************************************************************
prompt 'Request Type - Source System Information'
prompt =========================================================================
col request_type_code format a20 heading 'Request Type Code'
select request_type_code
, source_system_code
from qp_price_req_sources
where request_type_code = 'ONT';
prompt *** trouble shooting tips for Request Type Code and Source System Code **
prompt * Request Type Code - calling application transaction being priced. ONT -
Order Management, ASO - istore/order capture, FTE - Logistics.
prompt * Source System Code - source system code should have a row for QP
prompt *************************************************************************
spool off;

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