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J Assist Reprod Genet (2013) 30:1389–1393

DOI 10.1007/s10815-013-0064-4


The heat is on: room temperature affects laboratory

equipment–an observational study
Julia M. Butler & Jane E. Johnson & William R. Boone

Received: 14 May 2013 / Accepted: 17 July 2013 / Published online: 7 August 2013
# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Abstract Keywords Assisted reproductive technology . ART . Room

Objective To evaluate the effect of ambient room temperature temperature . Equipment stability
on equipment typically used in in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Design We set the control temperature of the room to 20 °C
(+/−0.3) and used CIMScan probes to record temperatures of Introduction
the following equipment: six microscope heating stages, four
incubators, five slide warmers and three heating blocks. We Temperature is an essential component of cellular physiology
then increased the room temperature to 26 °C (+/−0.3) or and a critical aspect of embryo culture [1]. It is well docu-
decreased it to 17 °C (+/−0.3) and monitored the same equip- mented in the literature that temperature stability is necessary
ment again. We wanted to determine what role, if any, changing during in vitro fertilization (IVF) [2, 3]. In many species such
room temperature has on equipment temperature fluctuation. as rabbit [4], bovine [5, 6], mouse [3, 7], rat [8, 9] and human
Results There was a direct relationship between room tem- [2, 3, 10–12] in vitro exposure to anomalous temperatures
perature and equipment temperature stability. When room affects gamete competency, embryo development, and off-
temperature increased or decreased, equipment temperature spring survival.
reacted in a corresponding manner. Statistical differences be- Because temperature can influence in vivo and in vitro
tween equipment were found when the room temperature reproduction, temperature control is vital in assisted reproduc-
changed. What is also noteworthy is that temperature of equip- tion to ensure that no gametes or embryos are exposed to
ment responded within 5 min to a change in room temperature. extreme temperature fluctuations. Stringent temperature con-
Conclusions Clearly, it is necessary to be aware of the affect trol is essential not only during embryo culture, but also
of room temperature on equipment when performing assisted during manipulation of gametes and embryos [2, 3]. Incuba-
reproductive procedures. Room and equipment temperatures tors, microscope heating stages, slide warmers, and heating
should be monitored faithfully and adjusted as frequently as blocks must all be calibrated and monitored regularly during
needed, so that consistent culture conditions can be maintained. use [2, 3] to avoid unnecessary exposure of gametes and
If more stringent temperature control can be achieved, human embryos to detrimental conditions.
assisted reproduction success rates may improve. While IVF laboratories are more capable of strict
control over equipment temperature, room temperature
is not as manageable. Most laboratories’ room tempera-
This research was submitted to the Faculty of Eastern Virginia Medical tures fluctuate between 20 and 25 °C [13]. Room tem-
School in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of perature and ambient temperatures are directly affected
Science in Biomedical Sciences-Clinical Embryology and Andrology. by the heating and cooling system. Due to air flow
Norfolk, Virginia May 2012.
patterns, hot and cold spots occur in the laboratory
Capsule Because modest changes in ambient air can affect surrounding [13]. These hot and cold spots, therefore, affect equip-
equipment, it is necessary to be aware of room temperature when ment temperature as these airflow patterns will change
performing assisted reproductive procedures.
during heating and cooling cycles. While many scientists
J. M. Butler (*) : J. E. Johnson : W. R. Boone believe surrounding air affects equipment temperature [14–18],
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Greenville Health System
University Medical Group, 890 W. Faris Rd., Suite 470,
the literature is lacking to support this theory.
Greenville, SC, USA The aim of this study is twofold. First, we demonstrate the
e-mail: effect that room temperature has on laboratory equipment, and
1390 J Assist Reprod Genet (2013) 30:1389–1393

second, we reveal how quickly a change in room temperature taken with the NIST thermometers and these were averaged
can effect laboratory equipment. This narrowly focused study (data not shown), to verify that CIMScan probes and NIST
pertaining to a specific aspect of ART labs will prompt other thermometers all agreed within +/−1.0 °C.
labs to access their own laboratory environments. Because heating elements operate in a sine wave fashion
[3], it was decided that +/−1.0 °C was the closest that could be
achieved at any particular point in time. This value was
Materials and methods selected because the NIST thermometers may be recording
the temperature at any point along the sine wave and may not
Background represent an average temperature over a 5 min interval as did
This was an observational study that was conducted in the As a result of the comparison between the NIST thermom-
assisted reproduction laboratory at Greenville Memorial Hos- eters and CIMScan, we decided agreement was comparable
pital, located in Greenville, South Carolina from July 5 to July and the rest of the measurements were made using CIMScan
26, 2011. Because patient data were not utilized, no Internal only. Equipment included in the study is listed in Table 1.
Review Board was required.
Experiment I: effect of room temperature changes
Mechanism of action for CIMScan on equipment temperatures

We used CIMScan (CIMTechniques, Inc., Beaufort SC) tech- The control temperature for the room was set at 20 °C
nology to monitor temperature changes in equipment. (+/−0.3 °C). The room temperature was increased to
CIMScan worked via wireless temperature probes attached 26 °C (+/−0.3 °C) or decreased to 17 °C (+/−0.3 °C) and
to each piece of monitored equipment. The probes sent mea- equipment temperature was recorded. The room temperature
surements to a monitoring station. These data were sent to a ran for three consecutive days at each temperature. Shields
server where it was stored and compared against user-assigned were placed over air vents to divert direct airflow away from
alarm limits. If an alarm was detected, users were immediately equipment. When the room temperature was stable, the tem-
notified of the condition. Data were also delivered to the user perature of each piece of equipment was recorded every 5 min
program where values were displayed. over a 12 h period for a total of 129 measurements. The
temperature variance (for each individual piece of equipment)
Validation of CIMScan and the mean temperature variance (comparison between the

To ensure accuracy, CIMScan was validated with the use of

two manufacturer calibrated NIST Greisinger GMH 3230 Table 1 Manufacturer/model number of equipment used in an in vitro
digital thermometers (NIST; Greisinger Electronics, Germa- fertilization laboratory
ny). Before the study began, temperature was recorded for Equipment Manufacturer/model number
each piece of equipment. The two thermometers measured
room temperature and a randomly selected piece of equipment Heating block 3 Labline Multiblock/2052
to ensure that both thermometers agreed within +/−0.1 °C. Heating block 5 Barnstead International Modular Block/2003
The average difference between the two thermometers at room Slide warmer 1 Precision Scientific Inc./66632
temperature was 0.03 °C. The average difference between the Slide warmer 2 Labline/26020
two thermometers when measuring equipment was 0.04 °C. Slide warmer 3 Labline/26005
The p-value associated with room temperature was P=0.15 Slide warmer 4 Labline/26020
and the p-value associated with equipment was P=0.13. From Slide warmer 5 Labline/26020
this evaluation it was agreed that the two thermometers were Dry incubator 2 Boekel Scientific/132000
reading similarly and could be used to validate CIMScan. Incubator 1 Thermo Electron Corp, Forma series II/3140
So as not to interfere with equipment use, CIMScan probes Incubator 11 Thermo Electron Corp, Forma series II/3110
were attached towards the edges of work surfaces of the Incubator 12 Thermo Electron Corp, Forma series II/3110
equipment. Thirty measurements were taken for each piece Scope 1 Nikon/A0 stereomicroscope
of equipment at a specific point on its work surface using the Scope 2 Nikon/SMZ 1550
NIST thermometers. Once the values were averaged, they Scope 3 Nikon/Diaphot-MD
were compared to the values reported by CIMScan. A techni- Scope 4 Nikon/Diaphot-MD
cian re-calibrated the CIMScan probes to match the average Scope 5 Nikon/SMZ 1550
temperature of the work surface area of each piece of equipment. Scope 6 Eclipse/TES TE2000-S
After adjustments were made, another 30 temperatures were
J Assist Reprod Genet (2013) 30:1389–1393 1391

different types of equipment) were determined at the three Table 2 Effect of temperature on equipment at 20 °C vs. 26 °C. One
hundred and twenty-nine measurements were taken for each piece of
different room temperatures (17 °C vs. 20 °C and 20 °C vs.
equipment. Measurements from identical pieces of equipment were
26 °C). pooled for analysis

Equipment 20 °C 26 °C Paired P value

Experiment II: effect of sudden room temperature changes difference
on equipment temperatures
Scope 1 34.30±0.02 36.16±0.07 1.86±0.07 <0.0001
To determine how quickly equipment can respond to room Scope 6 35.00±0.07 37.05±0.16 2.05±0.17 <0.0001
temperature, a sudden temperature increase that occurred dur- Scope 3, 4 35.15±1.13 36.90±0.21 1.75±1.32 <0.0001
ing the investigatory period was accessed to observe the effect Scope 2, 5 33.08±0.79 35.02±0.36 1.94±0.46 <0.0001
that a rapid increase or decrease in room temperature had on Slide warmer 1 34.38±0.16 36.38±0.08 3.39±0.20 <0.0001
equipment. Slide warmer 3 32.74±0.36 35.89±0.47 3.14±0.55 <0.0001
Slide warmer 2, 4, 5 32.82±0.29 35.76±0.39 2.94±0.48 <0.0001
Experiment III: comparison of the temperature stability Heating block 3 34.70±0.93 35.19±0.90 0.49±1.21 <0.0001
of analog and digital microscope stage warmers Heating block 5 37.12±0.08 37.67±0.05 0.55±0.09 <0.0001
Dry incubator 2 36.79±0.17 37.7±0.16 0.88±0.27 <0.0001
A comparison of analog and digital microscope stage warmers Incubator 1 37.0±0.08 37.0±0 0.008±.09 0.32
was performed to determine if one type was more temperature Incubator 11 36.60±0.02 37.0±0.009 0.10±0.009 <0.0001
stable than the other. Three hundred and eighty seven temper- Incubator 12 36.4±0 36.6±0 0.20±0.0 <0.0001
ature measurements for three analog and 387 temperature
measurements for three digital stage warmers were taken at
room temperatures of 17 °C and 26 °C. The results for each
type of stage warmer at each room temperature were averaged 17 °C versus 20 °C
and compared.
There was a direct relationship between room temperature and
equipment temperature when comparing equipment tempera-
Statistical analysis
tures at 17 °C and 20 °C. Again, for all microscope stages,
slide warmers, heating blocks and incubators, a statistically
We attempted to take sufficient temperatures for each piece of
significant temperature difference was observed at a room
equipment with the hopes of reducing variability and bias.
temperature of 17 °C versus 20 °C (Table 3).
There were no changes to the study outcomes once the trial
commenced. No data were lost. All statistical analyses of the
data were performed using a Student’s paired t test. Statistical
significance was defined as P<0.05. Table 3 Effect of temperature on equipment at 17 °C vs. 20 °C. One
hundred and twenty-nine measurements were taken for each piece of
equipment. Measurements from identical pieces of equipment were
pooled for analysis
Equipment 17 °C 20 °C Paired P value
Experiment I: effect of gradual room temperature changes
on equipment temperatures Scope 1 33.14±0.08 34.3±0.02 1.15±0.08 <0.0001
Scope 6 33.69±0.09 35.0±0.07 1.30±0.11 <0.0001
20 °C versus 26 °C Scope 3, 4 32.60±0.43 35.10±1.13 2.50±0.77 <0.0001
Scope 2, 5 30.05±0.09 33.08±0.79 2.50±0.73 <0.0001
Equipment temperature was compared at two different room Slide warmer 1 28.01±0.17 30.45±0.08 2.44±0.18 <0.0001
temperatures to investigate the affect of room temperature on Slide warmer 3 30.54±0.42 32.74±0.36 2.20±0.53 <0.0001
equipment stability (Table 2). Measurements from identical Slide warmer 2, 4, 5 30.32±0.25 32.82±0.29 2.50±0.39 <0.0001
models of microscope stages and slide warmers were pooled Heating block 3 34.15±0.87 34.70±0.93 0.55±1.32 <0.0001
for analysis. When comparing equipment temperature at Heating block 5 36.71±0.03 37.12±0.03 0.41±0.05 <0.0001
20 °C and 26 °C, there were statistically significant tempera- Dry incubator 2 36.27±0.12 36.78±0.12 0.50±0.18 <0.0001
ture differences between all microscope stages, slide warmers, Incubator 1 36.90±0.01 37.00±0 0.10±0.01 <0.0001
heating blocks and two of the three incubators, regardless of Incubator 11 36.50±0 36.60±0 0.10±0 <0.0001
model. The only piece of equipment that maintained the set Incubator 12 36.40±0 36.30±0 0.10±0 <0.0001
temperature was a non-humidified Forma incubator.
1392 J Assist Reprod Genet (2013) 30:1389–1393

Experiment II: effect of sudden room temperature changes blocks and incubators. Heating blocks and incubators did have
on equipment temperatures some temperature fluctuation; however, these slight tempera-
ture fluctuations most likely do not affect gametes and em-
Equipment temperature responded within 5 min to a sudden bryos. This study also demonstrates that equipment tempera-
change in room temperature (Fig. 1). Data demonstrated a ture reacts rapidly to sudden changes in room temperature. If
direct relationship between a sudden upward spike in room room temperature spikes, equipment temperature will show
temperature and an increase in equipment temperature. the same increase within 5 min.
Since digital heating elements are a more recent technolo-
Experiment III: comparison of the temperature stability gy, there may be a bias that digital equipment maintains
of analog and digital microscope stage warmers temperature more consistently than analog equipment; how-
ever, this was not demonstrated in this study. When comparing
A comparison between digital and analog equipment was digital and analog microscope stage warmers, there was no
performed. Three analog and three digital microscope stage statistical difference between the two at 17 °C. However,
warmers were compared at 17 °C and 26 °C. Analog micro- when the room temperature increased to 26 °C, there was a
scope stage warmer temperatures ranged from 30.3 °C to significant temperature difference between the digital and
33.4 °C at 17 °C and 36.1 °C to 37.4 °C at 26 °C. Digital analog stage warmers. Analog stage warmers were able to
microscope stage warmer temperatures ranged from 30.3 °C hold closer to the set point at both temperatures.
to 33.9 °C at 17 °C and 34.2 °C to 37.3 °C at 26 °C. Both Though there is limited clinical correlation in this study,
analog and digital microscope stage warmers were similar in there is an implication that changes in lab equipment temper-
their ability to maintain temperature at 17 °C (P=0.35). A ature may have an effect on gamete and embryo development.
statistical difference in their ability to maintain set temperature Equipment tested in our laboratory is certainly not an exhaus-
was observed at 26 °C (P<0.0001). tive list of equipment used to maintain temperature of gametes
and embryos during ART procedures. Other examples include
different types of test tube warmers used during retrievals
Discussion [14], IVF workstations [18], and heated microscope objectives
[11, 15]. Each laboratory must evaluate their own equipment
To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first time that a study and optimize temperature control.
clearly demonstrates a direct relationship between room tem- For ethical reasons, it is not possible to assess the effect of
perature and laboratory equipment temperature. As room tem- changes in room temperature on human embryos and gametes.
perature increased, the temperature of heating blocks, micro- However, with the use of animal models, future studies in-
scope stage warmers, slide warmers and incubators increased clude assessing changes in embryos and gametes as room
regardless of make or model (P<0.0001). The same equip- temperature changes.
ment decreased in temperature as room temperature decreased The concept of room temperature fluctuation and its effect
(P<0.0001). Microscope stage warmers and slide warmers on equipment temperature needs to be taken into consider-
had the greatest temperature fluctuation compared to heating ation when constructing an ART laboratory. Such a facility

Fig. 1 Direct effect of a sudden

upward spike in room
temperature on equipment. Room
temperature is shown in red and
microscope stage temperature is
shown in blue
J Assist Reprod Genet (2013) 30:1389–1393 1393

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