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Y ahora, un reportaje especial…

Proyecto capítulo 5A
Sr. Henríquez- Español 2

Objective: Write, edit, and present a newscast with vocabulary associated with a fictitious accident/heroic
act story and a natural disaster/weather piece. You will work in groups as newscasters and reporters where
you will ask questions and report on the information for your newscast. In your group you will collaborate
with at least one person from your cohort and one person from the other cohort that will be assigned to
you (3-5 students per group). You will have to turn in a written script as well. See p. 259 in the book.

Be creative and have fun!

In your story you will need to use:

● Vocabulary words (Chapters 5A and previous Vocabulary)
● Use of preterite and imperfect
● Use of the Irregular Preterit Verbs
● Props/Visuals (if possible)

Grading Rubric:

Content Grammar Pronunciation Fluency

5 pts. Contains all of the All grammar and All words are Normal
specifics listed usage is correct pronounced correctly conversation speed;
No pauses

Contains most of A few minor errors Minor errors in Slower than normal
3-4 the specifics listed in grammar and pronunciation conversation, but
pts. usage mostly flows well

Many requirements Many errors; Errors Significant errors; Pauses interfere

0-2 missing interfere with Difficult to with presentation
pts. content or understand

20 pts. Total possible

Group Members and Parts:

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