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Comercial o publirreportaje (infomercial)

Proyecto capítulo 5B
Sr. Henríquez- Español 2

Objetivo: Crea, solo o en pareja, un comercial o publirreportaje creativo y divertido que ayuda a explicar
un producto o servicio que una persona necesita si tuvo un accidente. Escribe, corrige, y present en video
un comercial con el vocabulario y gramática asociada con el capítulo 5B: Un accidente.
¡Usa tu creatividad y diviértete!
Objective: You will work individually or in pairs to create a fun and creative commercial or infomercial
that helps you explain a known product or service that someone may need after having an accident. Write,
edit, and present a commercial with the vocabulary and grammar associated with Capítulo 5B: Un
Be creative and have fun!

In your story you will need to use:

● Vocabulary words (Chapters 5B and previous Vocabulary)
● Use of preterite and imperfect
● Use of the Irregular Preterit Verbs
● Imperfect progressive
● Props/Visuals (if possible)

Turn in a script and outline of your project.

If working in pairs be sure to follow social distancing rules!

Grading Rubric:

Content Grammar Pronunciation Fluency

5 pts. Contains all of the All grammar and All words are Normal
specifics listed usage is correct pronounced correctly conversation speed;
No pauses

Contains most of A few minor errors Minor errors in Slower than normal
3-4 the specifics listed in grammar and pronunciation conversation, but
pts. usage mostly flows well

Many requirements Many errors; Errors Significant errors; Pauses interfere

0-2 missing interfere with Difficult to with presentation
pts. content or understand

20 pts. Total possible

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