How To Write A Scientific Laboratory Report

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How to Write a Scientific Laboratory Report

After you have completed an experiment, you need to share your results with others. The same is
true for researchers and scientists. Scientists share their results by writing laboratory reports and
submitting them for world-wide publication in a variety of scientific journals. Although each journal has
its own style, there are features that are common to all scientific articles. The purposes for the
laboratory report are to inform others of the work done and to provide sufficient information so
someone else can repeat the exact same experiment or design new experiments that build on the
information in the report. Remember, one of the key concepts in the scientific method is the repetition
of experiments.

The laboratory report is different from documenting the experimental design process or writing in the
laboratory journal, even though some components are similar. The experimental design process is
done prior to completing the experiment; whereas, the laboratory report is done afterwards. The
laboratory journal is analogous to a diary in which the scientist writes notes, ideas, and results of
experiments in the laboratory journal on a daily basis. The journal pages are numbered consecutively
and each page is dated and signed by the scientist; this ensures that pages are not missing and
confirms the date when events or ideas occurred. The journal is usually read only by the scientist and
others in the same laboratory or company. The journal is not shared with large numbers of people.

In contrast, the laboratory report is designed to be shared with large numbers of people. The report is
a formal, written summary of the experiments completed to test a particular hypothesis. When a
report is written, it generally means there is sufficient evidence from the experiments to either support
or disprove a hypothesis and a significant amount of new information has been generated.

General Tips on Voicing

(Adapted from “Chemistry Lab Resources: Writing Your Lab Report/Worksheet” - Purdue University)

Write in Third Person Passive Voice

Scientific experiments demonstrate facts that do not depend on the observer, therefore, reports
should avoid using the first and second person (I, me, my, we, our, OR us.) It’s part of the scientific
point of view. We observe and record as objectively as possible, avoiding personal bias by removing
ourselves. Using the passive voice also clarifies procedures and descriptions so they can be easily
reproduced and compared. Also, do not write reports as directions, such as those given in your lab
manual or in this resource document. Some examples of correct third person passive voice are
shown below:

Correct: 200mL of distilled water was poured into a 500 mL beaker.

Incorrect: I poured 200mL of distilled water in a beaker. (active voice)
Incorrect: Pour 200mL water in a beaker. (direction/command)

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Correct: The covered crucible was mounted on a ring stand.
Incorrect: We put the crucible on a ring stand. (active voice)
Incorrect: Set the crucible on a ring stand. (direction/command)

Correct: The temperature was initially measured at 75°C.

Incorrect: I measured the temperature at 75°C. (active voice)
Incorrect: Measure and write down the temperature. (direction/command)

Use the Correct Verb Tense

Lab reports and research papers should be mainly written in the present tense. You should limit the
use of the past tense to (1) describe specific experimental methods and observations (such as your
procedure), and (2) citing results published in the past (such as in your background section).

Components/Sections of a Formal Scientific Laboratory Report

Title Page
The title page should quickly inform the reader of who wrote the report, what the report is about,
and when it was written.
o Choose a title that clearly and concisely conveys the specific topic of the report.
o List the name(s) of the author(s) who did the scientific work and wrote the report.
o List the date the report was written.

Note: Aside from the title page, each of the following sections of the lab report should have a
heading with the name of the section. In other words, you should have the heading “Abstract” at the
beginning of the abstract section, similar to this document (the numbering is optional, but is
commonly used).

I. Abstract
The abstract should be a one paragraph, concise summary of the entire report and include
information on the purpose, procedure, results, and conclusions.
o Write a one-paragraph summary of the key portions of the report.
o Include a sentence on the purpose for the report.
o Include at least one sentence describing what was done or indicating the procedure
o Include at least one sentence summarizing the results of the experiment(s).
o Include a single sentence stating the conclusion of the experiment.
o Though it is at the beginning of the report, and will be read first, it usually makes sense
to write the abstract last.

II. Background
The background section should provide necessary background information and a clear purpose
for doing the experiment. It should also discuss and explain any previous activities done by the

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researcher or by other researchers that form the knowledge base which led to the work being
o Write two or three paragraphs describing any basic information the reader may need to
be familiar with to understand what the lab is about. For example, if you performed an
experiment where you looked at the effect of exercise on heart rate, you would want to
provide basic information about the heart, relevant anatomy, how its function relates to
exercise, and why heart rate may be impacted by exercise.
o Refer to any previous work done by you in class and available information you found
from the internet or other sources that led to the development of the described
o Indicate the goal or purpose for the described experiment.

III. Hypothesis
The hypothesis is a clear prediction of the anticipated results.
o Write a single sentence that states the anticipated results for the experiment and
indicates the independent and dependent variables in the experiment.
● Example of a well-written hypothesis: The plants treated with fertilizer will grow larger than
the plants not treated with fertilizer.
o In the above example, the prediction of the results is clearly stated: one group of plants
will grow larger.
o The variables are clearly indicated: the independent variable is whether or not the plant
is treated with fertilizer and the dependent variable is the amount of growth.

IV. Materials and Methods (Procedure)

The materials and methods section should list all materials used and indicate the step-by-step
process used to complete the experiment(s). This section is written in the third person so no first
person pronouns should be used.
o List all materials used to complete the experiment(s).
o Provide step-by-step instructions so someone reading the report knows exactly what
you did and could replicate the experiment(s) exactly as you did it.
o Write in the third person—do not use the terms I or we.

V. Results
The results section should fully and clearly indicate the actual observations, measurements, or
other results to the experiments. It should be written in paragraph form and use data tables,
graphs, diagrams, pictures, or other graphics as necessary for clarity.
o Write at least one paragraph describing the actual results.
o Include the actual data and indicate the units of all measurements.
o Use graphs, charts, pictures, or other graphics to support your description of the results.
o Do not make explanations or interpretations of the results in this section. You are
simply sharing results, not explaining them.

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VI. Discussion
The discussion section should clearly and completely explain and interpret the results of the
experiment(s). The analysis should refer back to the background section of the report and discuss
how the results reported in the previous section support, refute, or add to the existing knowledge.
If the results were unexpected or seem inaccurate, then an explanation of any possible errors or
problems with the experimental method or procedure should be included, along with suggestions
on how to avoid those errors or problems in the future. This is the most important section of
the report as it demonstrates your understanding of what took place and why.
o Write at least one paragraph explaining and interpreting the results.
o Include a reflection on the Background section indicating how the results support,
refute, or add to information presented as background.
o Discuss and explain any possible errors in the results.
o Suggest improvements to eliminate any errors that occurred.
o Suggest further experiments that expand on the work being reported.

VII. Conclusion
The conclusion is a single sentence stating the final summary of the report. It should be directly
related to the hypothesis.
o Write a clear, single sentence that summarizes the report and is directly related to the
● Example of a conclusion statement: The plants treated with fertilizer grew an average of
four inches taller than the plants not treated with fertilizer.

VIII. Works Cited

The works cited section should list all print, internet, or other resources used to gain information
for the report. Each citation should be complete and use the proper format.
o Use proper scientific documentation to indicate the sources of all information used in the

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