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5th International Conference on Power System Protection and Automation, 8-9 December 2010, New Delhi.

Protection Requirement for Power

Distribution: NDPL Case Studies
Consequently, it provides the following to improve the
reliability of the Power system network
• Faster operation of Protection relays with correct
indication along with real time stamping
• Improvement in system restoration time with faster
Corrective and Preventive Actions and defect
Ka analysis.
ne, • Efficient and Correct Fault Discrimination in
S respective protection zones
Na • Online Diagnosis and relay setting
ved • IED with Protection/Control and Metering Function
r Fig. 1. Circuit Breakers as inherited

Abstract— System reliability and availability is the main focus

of a Power distribution utility, thus Protection and control
system and its timely and correct operation during faults is an
important and crucial aspect in efficient and successful operation
of Power distribution Utilities.
Fig. 2. After GSAS: View of a 11KV Control and Relay

N DPL has a pool of 59 Grid stations operating at 66/33 KV

level, 8500 RMU’s and a population of about 9000
Distribution transformers. Coordination of protection
NDPL continually strived for excellence and in this process;
functions is the most desirable aspect for the reliability of we explored numerous abilities of the existing IED’s that took
network. our protection coordination to newer heights thus increasing
Journey of NDPL comprises three main phases: reliability of our network.
• Transformation from Erstwhile Power System to NDPL has standardized Protection philosophy for all Grid
Automated Network. equipments and developed its Testing fleet with Latest testing
• Implementation of Relaying (IED) features for devices.
Improvement in System Reliability. NDPL has regularly reviewed its philosophy and amended
• A Way ahead with utilization of special features of suitably based on field experience. Like recently we switched
Numerical Relay’s for intelligent System Analysis and to line differential instead of Distance protection for better
improvement in performance of the network. reliability of our short lines.
A. Protection Philosophy and Standardization
Standardization has always helped in increasing the reliability
NDPL has completed its GSAS (Grid Substation of the network. NDPL has developed a protection philosophy
Automation Scheme) project in 2005 with all Grids were for allocating protections/schemes to specific
commissioned/retrofitted with IED’s that were compatible to equipments/circuits. Following is the summary of the schemes
SCADA used:
This transformation from Electromechanical/Static to
Numerical relays lead to better system reliability.
5th International Conference on Power System Protection and Automation, 8-9 December 2010, New Delhi.

S Secondary consumers. Relay coordination was very difficult with the

No Equipment Primary Protection Protection provided margins of around 300ms, esp. for high-set faults
1 Power Transformer Differential +REF O/C + E/F above 5 KA.
Short Lines Line Differential O/C + E/F Fig. 3. Logic for Reverse Blocking scheme
2 Lines Medium+
Long Distance O/C + E/F To mitigate the problem, Reverse Blocking scheme was
O/C + U/V +
3 Capacitor Banks Neutral Unbalance O/V
introduced that provided us with enough time margins for
better coordination. In case of any fault in Outgoing feeders,
4 11 KV Incomer O/C + E/F Reverse Blocking command is given by the associated relay to
Series Trip
11 KV O/G feeders O/C + E/F Protection incomers/Bus-couplers to Block tripping of Incomers.

Table 1. General Protection schemes used at NDPL

Table 3. Reduction in tripping of 11KV incomer feeders
NDPL has also developed its state of the art testing facility
with latest equipments for Preventive and Predictive Reduction in 70% tripping of 11 KV Incomers along with
maintenance along with testing facility for analysis during Outgoing feeders due to racing and attributed to High intensity
breakdown checks. fault or Summation of faults developed on feeders in vicinity.
NDPL also continuously strives for excellence in its
maintenance activities; we have developed several algorithms
that correlate results of various tests like HV tan C. Directional Protection for parallel feeders
delta/LCM/DGA analysis with Residual life analysis for
reliable analysis/protection of system equipments. Parallel feeders are protected with the help of a combination
Various equipments used by NDPL are as given in table 2: of directional as well as non-directional relays; these are also
helpful in cases where we have stiff margins in long feeders
through a series of grid stations.
S Equipment Application
1 HV/LV tan delta Assessment of Insulation of Power It is worthwhile to mention that Tri-mode settings in
3 CT Analyzer Magnetic char. Of CT + ratio etc Directional relays are effectively used for protection of Line as
well as Bus-Bar with proper coordination in grids where Bus
4 CRM/DCRM Breaker maintenance
bar differential scheme is not present.
5 Omicron Relay testing NDPL has implemented Bus bar differential Scheme in
6 Wdg Resistance Meter Transformer some of the new 66 KV SCADA Compatible stations.
7 Transformer turns Transformer
Ratio Meter D. Effective Distribution Protection
8 DGA Analyzer Transformer oil

Various characteristics like NI/VI/EI have been effectively

Table 2. Testing used from grid to RMU to accommodate stiffer relay setting
Equipments and their application coordination of even 250ms and to address issues like
B. Reverse Blocking – For Better Coordination Unbalance loading and recurring faults.
Specifications of RMU Relays improvised with addition of
In the vast network of our 59 Grid stations we have around
additional elements and features like Inrush restraint
eight hundred outgoing feeders operating at 11KV that feed
experienced during on load charging.
various Distribution transformers through a series of switching
stations. It has been observed in 2002-03 that 11KV incomers
tripped on a fault in outgoing feeders thus affecting bulk
5th International Conference on Power System Protection and Automation, 8-9 December 2010, New Delhi.

We did a number of projects that ensure maximum

utilization of the available inventory. Some of the projects are
listed below:
A. Transformer Monitoring Units

Reliability of supply is followed by Quality. TMU’s were

introduced to ensure voltage regulation at consumer’s end by
operation of on load tap changers. Use of TMUs as IED in
system has made the Transformer functionality more accurate
and redundant one.
Some of the important features of TMU are:
• Voltage control/Regulation through various logics
• High speed Forward Backward Switching of OLTC for
Voltage control
• Fan control through temperature settings.
• Event log of the selected functions.
Table 4. Reduction in escalation of tripping to Grid stations. • Recorder mode monitoring of OTI /WTI/ VOLTAGE/
CURRENT in Dual Parameters at a Time.
• Correct calculation based on Algorithm for WTI with
E. New Soft Logics for enhanced Protection input of OTI/LOAD OF Transformer/Winding
exponent/Time constant of winding
Soft logics are developed for saving on wiring/probability
of wiring defects lead to evaluation of various fool proof
A CBFP scheme was also designed with two stage fault Fig. 5. Improvement in voltage profile with TMU control.
current detection for increased reliability.
Introduction of OLTC concept lead us to increase in Tap
change operations drastically that caused involvement of high
maintenance costs along with equipment breakdowns.

A. Conditioning Monitoring of Lightning Arrestors

At NDPL we used to monitor the LA’s through regular

maintenance checks. During these checks following activities
are done annually:
• Visual Check
• Cleaning
• IR value of HV contact to earth (> 200 M Ohm)
• LA leakage Current
Fig. 4. CBFP logic with current discrimination.
In addition to these activities Protection and Testing
Some other schemes that are implemented for increasing Department has done a thorough monitoring of the following
system reliability are: attributes to check the efficiency of the metal oxide arrestors
• Integration of Back-up series trip relays in Numerical in service and to assist the Residual life analysis of the
relay for SCADA Communication for understanding Lightning Arrestors operating at 66 and 33 KV levels.
defects in unmanned grids. • True RMS of the total leakage current.
• Effective use of Latched/Unlatched contacts of Relay • Peak value of the total leakage current.
element- UV Element made self latched for effective • True RMS of the third harmonic.
Reactive compensation with minimal manual intervention
for capacitor switching.
These online tests were performed by using a Metal Oxide
I. EXPLOITATION OF AVAILABLE RESOURCES Surge Arrester Test Set (SCAR-10, make-ISA) which
performs the tests according to IEC standards.
NDPL tried it’s very best to exploit more and more of its Based on the test results, algorithms were developed that
available inventory and assets to deliver the most cost helped us to categorize the whole fleet of LA’s into different
effective and reliable power to its consumers. categories with different levels of attention for regular
5th International Conference on Power System Protection and Automation, 8-9 December 2010, New Delhi.

A. Remote Relay Parameterization

Before commissioning of SCADA Central control in

NDPL, We were using Software’s available from different
vendors to connect to their respective IED’s from remote
locations. At that time we were able to have simple
operational controls over the relays using that infrastructure.
In 2007, we shift to SCADA Control to achieve uniformity
and reliability. The control Station shifted to CENNET and
now we are controlling our Grid stations using the new
SCADA facility. The existing infrastructure of the older
control system is now being used by us for Remote Relay

In this project we are connecting to the relays using the

infrastructure of the erstwhile Micro-SCADA Control for the Fig. 6. A view of Fault Studies on E-Tap software.
following purpose:
• Downloading of Fault Data Records B. Performance Measurement
• Changing the Relay settings according to Power flow
• Configuration changes in the relays
• Mitigating issues pertains to n/w changes NDPL has developed and maintained a Performance Index
of Protection since 2004 on a monthly basis. Protection
ADVANTAGES OF RRP System Reliability has improved from 98.4% to 99.66% and
reduction of uncoordinated tripping by 3-4 no’s every month.
On successful full implementation of the above said project, NDPL also measures two other indices namely Reliability
NDPL would be one of the very few distinguished Utilities to index and dependability index which give information about
implement such a high end technique. Several advantages are equipment health
listed below:
• Downloading of Fault data from a central location save
considerable amount of manpower and time that is
currently used for this job. (There will be saving of about Fig. 7. Protection Performance Index: Benchmarking the
20-25 Km run daily along with daily saving of 8-10 man- Performance
• Relay settings can be changed quickly after any update in I. WAY AHEAD

NOC to save on MU’s lost in case of uncoordinated

tripping due to inappropriate settings. After stabilization of the Sub-transmission/Distribution
network, we are in a process to explore further into higher
A. Power System Analysis on E-Tap level studies of our network. We have done some very useful
studies that played in important role in further strengthening
our protection coordination and help us a lot in increasing
With the increasing complexity of the network, fault levels system reliability. Some important studies are:
need to be accessed and analyzed for coordinated relaying.
NDPL is one of the very few Electrical distribution utility in • ∑KA2 Study of the data collected from various breakers
India that analyzed its total network for fault levels using for analysis of their residual life. Algorithms were
latest software’s like E-Tap and using the results for effective developed based on the tripping data that helped us a lot
relay coordination. to reschedule our breaker maintenance activities.
Relay coordination is been done using E-Tap software for
perfect relaying on any type of fault. • Harmonic analysis of the NDPL network helped us to
categorize different sections of our network with
penetration of specific order of harmonics. In the second
phase of the project we are trying to develop suitable
filters to mitigate the effects of harmonics at places where
they exceed IEEE limits.

• We have improved the reliability of the Protection System

By providing Dedicated Power Pack to extend
uninterrupted Auxiliary Power to 11 KV Incomers.
5th International Conference on Power System Protection and Automation, 8-9 December 2010, New Delhi.

Fig. 8. A screenshot from a FDR analysis tool showing DC

• We have also developed intelligent use of Auto Re- ingress in Relay AC circuitry.
closures to be used on certain 11 KV outgoing feeders for
better reliability and availability of the network. • CT saturation leading to tripping on differential
A New feature of the Numerical relay indicated that
I. CASE STUDIES Transformer has tripped on Saturation Discrimination.
Saturation of CT Cores causes flow of differential current
through operating coil of the transformer.

It indicated that knee point voltage of PS Class CT Core has

got reduced due to Saturation. Difference of Saturation curve
is indicated in Diagram.
Fig. 9. FDR Analysis showing event of CT saturation
There are many interesting case studies in which there was
an intelligent usage of Relay features for faster restoration and
reliability. Some of them are given below:
• Tripping of 11KV incomer along with outgoing ACKNOWLEDGMENT
feeders- Summation of Faults
Even on successful operation of reverse blocking, it was Author thanks the management of NDPL for providing state
observed that 11KV incomers are getting tripped along with of the art technology to help Protection and Testing
outgoing feeders. Department in tackling with the ever-increasing complexity of
On analysis, it was found that two of the feeders were the network. Author appreciate the valuable support and
having simultaneous fault that was being fed by incomer even guidance of Mr. Ajai Nirula (COO, NDPL), Mr. R Pillai
after the specified reverse block time. (Head Operational services), Mr. Sanjay Banga (HOD,
Numerical relay DFR Analysis helped in timely analysis Automation and Network Engineering) and Mr. R.N. Kumar
and field correction by pinpointing problems like Clearances (GM, HOD Protection and Testing Department) and the hard
on Poles work of all the executives and technicians, without their hard
work this quality experience would have never been a reality.
• Mixing of AC and DC in relay
Waveform of one of the particular event was showing that
tripping was purely due to DC Component of the current in
CT Circuit.
It also shows that after decay of the DC Current Output REFERENCES
relay got reset. It was confirmed that Tripping was due to [1] Distribution Arrester Research; M.V.Lat, J.Kortshinski;
intermittent DC Ingress in Secondary of CT Circuit especially. IEEE Transaction on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol.
In modular type Duo-bias relay, two separate modules are PAS-100-No.7, July 1981.
there for power supply as Well as CT Circuit. It was found [2] Tamil Nadu Electricity Board; Engineers Handbook.
that DC is getting mixed up in CT Circuit within the relay. [3] IEC standard 60099-5 A1 ED. 1.0 Section 6: “Diagnostic
CAPA Relay was got repaired for failure of the Isolation indicators of metal-oxide surge arresters in service – Method
between two modules. B1 and B2”
[4] International Conference IEC 61850; The Future of Substation
Protection and Automation; “The introduction of IEC 61850 & its
impact on Protection and Automation within Substations”


Nilesh N. Kane S Manager at Protection and Testing Department, NDPL

S Naved Masood Executive at Protection and Testing Department, NDPL

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