Don't Break My Heart Valentine

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United Faculty and Academic Staff (UFAS) is a labor union democratically organized
to represent its members—faculty and academic staff at both the UW-Madison and UW-Extension.
UFAS is an independent affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers, Local #223, AFL-CIO.

The new badger partnership

uring the fall requirements on the number from state government. tuition-setting authority,
semester, Chancellor of in-state students and caps Alongside this extrication relationship of workers to
Martin rolled out a on out-of-state students. Still of the University from ties the state government or
proposal to dramatically other concerns stand with to other public institutions a University “authority,”
alter the nature of the the structure of any shared of Wisconsin, the proposal and collective bargaining
University of Wisconsin- governance provisions. acknowledges that state rights for all University
Madison, calling her set of Some critics of the funding for the Madison workers. In practical effect,
principles the “New Badger C h a n c e l l o r ’s p r o p o s a l campus will drop further, any proposal, with fuller
Partnership.” The Chancellor conceive of the Badger leaving that baseline policy detail or otherwise, will
couches her proposal in the Partnership as a de facto unchallenged. need to be taken up by
logic of “marketization” of privatization of the The proposal puts the state legislature and
the University’s role and University, although the into relief the notion that the new governor, so as to
operation, calling for a “new Chancellor denies this to at times, the interests of make legislative changes to
business model” for the be her intention. Upon University Administration statutes and administrative
Madison campus. the spectrum of university align with members of the codes. At a time when the
Relying upon terms like privatization, looking at campus community, like n e w s t a t e g ov e r n m e n t
“autonomy” and “flexibility,” previous instantiations like students and workers, while probably is not favorably
the proposal looks at the University of Michigan at other times, those interests disposed to many elements
four main areas of major or the University of Virginia, diverge. of the University community
revisions to the University’s the Chancellor declared At present, the full details and their concerns, this
relationship with the State that her vision falls short of what the Chancellor prospect troubles many.
of Wisconsin and its people, of the extremity of these proposes neither are known Observers of the process and
as well as the operations of examples. However, the to nor fully developed for those who have investigated
the University itself. Two proposal objectively calls the public. Many questions the Badger Partnership
of the four areas include for separation from the re m a i n , i n c l u d i n g t h e expect that some aspects
relatively unobjectionable University of Wisconsin gover nance str ucture of the proposal, if not the
procurement and contracting System and an unmooring of a board of tr ustees, Continued on page 2
reforms, although these
are not without concern
to some. The other two
include tuition-setting Governor Walker, don’t break our hearts!

authority, implicating large-
FA S i s a p ro u d erode access to affordable faculty asking Scott Walker
scale increases to student
co-sponsor of public education. We need not to break our heart, i.e.,
tu i ti o n , a n d p e r s o n n e l
the “I [heart] to prevent budget cuts to not to cut funding for the
practices, potentially
UW / Governor Walker, the University, and Governor UW in his budget. Look
ending civil service and
Don’t Break My Heart” Walker’s budget proposal is for your card within this
collective bargaining rights
campaign, initiated by our the first step. newsletter and be sure to
f o r Un i ve r s i t y w o rk e r s
sister union, the Teaching Academic staff, faculty, sign and return it to UFAS
from classified staff to
Assistants Association a n d s tu d e n ts f ro m th e President Jim Molenda
faculty to academic staff
(TAA), AFT Local 3220. Un i v e r s i t y c o m m u n i t y (5024 WIMR 1111 Highland
to graduate student labor.
The new state are coming together on Ave) by Friday, February
Other concerns stand with
government is threatening Valentine’s Day to deliver 11. Then join us and other
the Chancellor’s proposal
massive budget cuts for our message of opposition signers to deliver the cards
to realize greater tuition
higher education. This will to higher education budget to his office on Monday,
revenue by compromising
cause tuition to skyrocket, cuts. UFAS is distributing February 14, at noon.
access of Wisconsin families
compromise the quality thousands of Valentines
to UW-Madison, which she
of the University, and cards to academic staff and
proposes to achieve by lifting
UFAS News / February 2011 /
UFAS News / February 2011 /

Partnership the group questioned

what problems the Badger
staff as well as classified and
graduate student workers.
calling itself “Defend the
Wisconsin Idea,” is working
Continued from page 1 Partnership purported to Skyrocketing tuition and to build a campaign to
entirety of a package from solve, and if those solutions fees threaten to further protect the people of the
University Administration, represented the best compromise access to campus community and the
will be included in Governor approach. Responding to quality, affordable public University they hold dear.
Walker’s budget, set to be the letter, the Chancellor education for Wisconsin In the face of impending
introduced sometime in met with the group and upon families and students. Amidst threats to our University
February. request of the latter, created a this climate of austerity community, the student-
Following a ser ies new working group to take up for public institutions and worker alliance seeks to
o f c a m p u s f o ra l e d by the concerns and questions the attacks on students organize within the campus
the Chancellor, campus expressed by many parts and workers, the group of community and among the
unionists and student of the campus community. campus activists who came broad stakeholders of the
activists convened to This working group includes together around mutual people of Wisconsin to stand
examine the implications representatives from the concerns with the Badger up for a public university
of this proposal on the student-worker alliance as Partnership now focuses its that serves the public good.
Un i ve r s i t y c o m m u n i t y. well as appointees from attention upon the broader Any member of the campus
This group includes not various shared governance threats to the University community, including and
only members of UFAS, bodies. community, many of which especially members of UFAS,
but also AFT brothers and However, the Badger intersect directly with the is invited to get involved
sisters from the Teaching Partnership does not exist Chancellor’s proposal. with the work of Defend the
Assistants’ Association and in isolation from a broader While participating in the Wisconsin Idea; to do so,
the Wisconsin Professional context. Years, even decades, workgroup formed by the UFAS members can contact
Employees Council, of declining state funding Chancellor so as to advocate President Jim Molenda to get
as well as AFSCME #171 for the University and a for a fuller set of details connected to the student-
and AFSCME #2412. state government seeking fleshing out the Badger worker alliance.
Undergraduate students to slash funding for public Partnership which might Peter Rickman is a
include the Student Labor institutions further trouble account for the concerns member of the Teaching
Action Coalition, members many looking out for the of students and workers, Assistants’ Association, AFT
of other student groups, and future of the broad public the student-worker alliance #3220, the graduate student
individual members of the mission of UW-Madison recognizes that this process workers’ union at UW-
student government. in teaching, research and alone will not guarantee Madison. He also serves as
Gathering together many outreach. Attacks on workers that the best interests of the Vice President At-Large of
concerns and questions by the new state government University community will AFT-Wisconsin and sits on the
about both the content of threaten recently-granted be realized. state federation’s Committee
the Badger Partnership and collective bargaining rights The student-worker on Political Education and
the exclusionary process for faculty and academic alliance, now loosely Organizing Committee.
by which it developed, this
student-worker alliance sent
a letter to the Chancellor
calling for a halt in forward
UFAS co-sponsors state budget roundtable
momentum around FA S i s o n e o f State Representative Mark ( Wisconsin University
the proposal. The group several campus Pocan (D-Madison). Jack Union), and the Wisconsin
expressed trepidation about organizations co- O’Meara, PROFS legislative Student Lobby.
such quick action on a sponsoring a state budget representative, will The aim of the forum
massive restructuring of roundtable on Thursday, moderate. Other campus is to help the campus
the University, particularly February 10 at 4pm in the organizations co-sponsoring community better
at a time when a new state Wisconsin Idea Room in the the forum are: PROFS (a understand Wisconsin’s
g ov e r n m e n t c o u l d n o t Education Building. The v o l u n t a r y, n o n - p r o f i t budget process. While
be trusted to account for forum will feature several membership organization the budget will not be
the best interests of the experts on the state budget of UW-Madison faculty), introduced until later in
campus community as a process: Vice Chancellor TAA ( Teaching Assistants February, some hints may
whole as well as particular for Administration Darrell Association), CAPE be offered during Governor
constituencies, including Bazzell, lawyer/lobbyist (Coalition for Affordable Walker’s State of State
students, academics, and Peter Christianson, and Public Education), WUU address on February 1.
other workers. Further,
UFAS News / February 2011 /

UFAS and unit clarification of academic staff

By David Nack bargaining, like other state charge of labor relations in all reasons that normally

e m p l oy e e s, w e s a w a n Wisconsin’s public sector, would create interest in
nited Faculty and
inherent contradiction in the Wisconsin Employment unionization, UW Madison
Academic Staff
trying to absorb these folks Re l a t i o n s C o m m i s s i o n academic staff are still
(UFAS), American
into unions without a voting (WERC), has to determine not organizing yet. (In
Federation of Teachers (AFT)
process taking place. It’s who is eligible to vote contrast, academic staff
Local 223, has a long and
just plain wrong—people before a vote on union and faculty have already
consistent track record on the
should have a say about representation can take begun organizing at other
subject of unit clarification
whether or not they want place. The academic staff UW System campuses.)
of academic staff. Having
union representation—not who are truly misclassified UFAS thinks other unions
struggled many years to
simply be shoved into unions would be ruled ineligible to will eventually see the futility
win collective bargaining
against their will. In short, we vote by WERC and placed in of their chosen path and
rights for UW faculty and
believe in democracy. the appropriate bargaining will have to go to Plan B
academic staff together
2. We didn’t think unit unit. That is how the process when it comes to organizing
with AFT and allies in
clarification would work, and works under Wisconsin law, UW-Madison academic
organized labor, we believed
that it was likely to be seen but we believe that only a staff. Plan B is what UFAS
and fought for a second
by UW-Madison academic small group of academic has advocated all along—
campaign to win the hearts
staff as a hostile move aimed staff would be affected in this persuading a majority of
and minds of a majority of
more at collecting dues way. UW-Madison academic staff
faculty and academic staff.
money rather than providing Where are we now? So to form their own union
When proposals were made
effective representation by far we believe that UFAS’s because it is in their interest
to accrete large numbers
building a rank-and-file position has been proven to do so. That is how the
of UW-Madison academic
democratic union from the right. UW-Madison vast majority of American
staff to existing bargaining
bottom up. academic staff insist that unions have been organized
units represented by the
3. We argued that the they have rights to vote, in the first place. Why will
Wisconsin Professional
legal obstacles and resistance as we predicted, and large UW-Madison academic staff
Employees Council,
by UW System and the numbers of them have come to this conclusion?
Wisconsin State Employees
State would be enormous, been antagonized by the Because they, like others who
Union, and others, UFAS
resulting in litigation that massive unit clarification work for a living, need job
argued this was not the way
would be time consuming, approach that other unions rights, decent wages, benefits
to go and has maintained
costly and ultimately adopted. Costly litigation and working conditions.
this position. Here are the
insurmountable. Also, we that likely will take years to In today’s economy and
main reasons why:
argued that there is no resolve has already begun, political environment all
1. Having worked for
legal precedent to unionize and we believe that unions of these things are at risk
years to gain collective
thousands of academic staff seeking unit clarification and can only be protected
bargaining rights on the
in this way. are very likely to lose this through effective union
basis that faculty and
UFAS always understood effort. Meanwhile despite representation. We need to
academic staff have a right
that some unit clarification furloughs, wage freezes and unite to fight for our rights,
to vote whether they want
would take place because cuts, and possibly worse and the sooner we get on
to be represented by a union
the regulatory authority in coming down the road, with that effort the better.
for purposes of collective

UFAS Officers
Jim Molenda – w: 608/265-5933
Chad Goldberg – Vice w: 608/262-2108
Michelle Bright – w: 608/890-2543
Alec Widerski – w: 608/262-1014
For additional information, please visit the UFAS website at
For additional information on higher education organizing, visit
Governor Walker,
donÕt break my
No Budget
Cuts for UW
Governor Walker, be my Valentine. DonÕt
break my heart by cutting funding for UW.

The University System is the beating

heart of a vibrant Wisconsin economy.
Every $1 of state money put into the UW
generates $21 in economic activity.

Access to affordable, quality public

education matters to all Wisconsin
families. Have a heart, donÕt tear the UW
apart. Make sure UW gets all the love we
need in your budget proposal.



UFAS News / February 2011 /

United Faculty & Academic Staff, American Federation of Teachers Local 223

Unions are about solidarity and collective action. One of the ways we act together is pooling our
resources. By pooling resources, we can accomplish more together than any one of us can on our own.

Effective immediately, I hereby request and authorize the University of Wisconsin to deduct from my salary each
month a sufficient amount to provide the monthly payment of my dues for UFAS, AFT Local 223.
¥ This is a continuous authorization from year to year applying to the then-current Local 223 dues.
¥ Dues will be deducted from each salary check issued by the University.
¥ This authorization will remain in effect as long as I am employed at the University unless terminated by me
upon written notice to: UW-Madison Payroll Office, 21 N. Park Street, Suite 5105, Madison, WI 53715.
¥ Termination of University employment will automatically terminate dues deduction.
¥ Dues are nine-tenths of one percent (0.9%) of annual gross salary.

Name _________________________________________________________________________ Title _________________________________________

School/College ________________________ Department _______________________ Building _________________________ Room ______________
Office Phone ___________________________ Home Phone _________________________ Email ____________________________________________
Home Address _________________________________________________________ City _______________________ State ________ Zip __________
Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Date __________________

Mail to: UFAS, P.O. Box 260323, Madison, WI 53726-0323 rld/opeiu#9/afl-cio/052809/UFAS-AuthForPayrollDed.pmd

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