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Exercise 4 (page 110): Ochre find reveals ancient knowledge of chemistry

- Ochre: a type of red or yellow earth used in paintings
- Reveal = show
- Ancient: very old = age-old, antique, archaic (cổ xưa),
- Limestone: a type of white rock used in building
- Cliff: /klif/ a high area of rock with a very steep side (vách đá)
- Coast: the land next to the sea or ocean
- Deposit: a layer of a substance that has formed naturally underground (trầm tích,
mỏ, quặng) - deposit (v) sth - deposition (n)
+ mineral/ gold/ coal deposits
- Bead: /bi:d/ a small piece of glass, wood with a hole through it (hạt cườm)
- Engraving: the art or process of cutting designs on wood, stone, metal (tranh điêu
- Archaeologist: a person who studies objects underground
- Excavate: dig in the ground
- Abalone: a kind of shellfish (a creature with a shell that lives in water) (bào ngư)
- Shell: hard outer parts of eggs, nuts, animals (vỏ sò)
Exercise 5 (page 110): Math shows why words persist over time
- Persist: continue to exist
- Evolve (v): develop gradually
+ evolution (n)
+ evolutionary (adj)
- Preserve: keep something in its original condition
- Plague: cause trouble for someone
- Linguist: a person who studies languages
- Tackle this question: solve this question
- Exert: use power or influence to affect someone/something
- Excess (n): more than its necessary
- Stubborn (adj): determined not to change opinion or attitude
- Render: cause something to be something
- Suffix: a group of letters added to the end of a word to make another word (-ly,
-er, -ness, less)
- Kin: family or relatives
- Afford to: can
- Mathematician (n): a person who is an expert in maths
- Quantitative: connected with the amount of number
- Precise: clear and accurate
- Mathematical: related to maths
- Proportional: amount or degree according to changes in something else
- Square root: a number which when multiplied by itself produces a particular
number (The square root of 64 (√64) is 8 (8 × 8 = 64).)
- Statistical: related to statistics
- Mechanism: a method or a system for achieving something
- Propose: suggest an idea
- Instinctively: by using instinct rather thought or training
+ instinct (n): a natural quality that makes somebody/something behave in a
particular way
- Vagaries: changes in somebody/something that are difficult to predict or control
- Contingencies: an event that may or may not happen
- Regularities = rules
Homework 1 (page 111): The meaning and power of smell
- Psychological: connected with a person’s mind
- Aromas: a pleasant smell that is easy to notice
- Faculty: any of the physical or mental abilities that a person is born with
- Impair: damage something or make something worse
- Conduct = carry out = start doing something
- Participant: a person who is taking part in an activity or event
- Evoke: to bring a feeling, a memory or an image into your mind
- Foul odour: very unpleasant; very bad smell
- Be associated with: related with
- Association: a mental connection between ideas
- Agreeable: able to be accepted by somebody
- Fragrant: having a pleasant smell
- Perception: an idea, a belief or an image you have as a result of how you see or
understand something
- Sensation: the ability to feel
- Odour: a smell especially something is unpleasant
- Cue: a signal for someone to do something
- Bonding: a process of forming a special relationship
- Respondent: a person who answers questions
- Emotional: connected with people’s feeling
- Spouse: a husband or wife
- Scent: a pleasant smell
- Distinguish = tell the difference between people or things
- Identify: find or discover something
- Reveal = show
- Consciously: in a way that shows you are aware of something or noticing
- Undervalue: state that the value of something is lower than it really is
- Feeble = very week, not effective
- Olfactory: connected with the sense of smell
- Possess = have
- Perceive = understand = be aware of something
Homework 2 (page 112): The electric evolution
- Innovative: introducing or using new ideas, ways of doing something
- Renewable energy: energy that can be renewed
- Emission:  the production or sending out of light, heat, gas
- Efficiency: the quality of doing something well with no waste of time or money
- Diesel: a type of heavy oil used as a fuel instead of petrol
- Installation: the act of putting a new program onto a computer
- Plug into: to fill a hole with a substance or piece of material that fits tightly into it
- Electricity grid: a system of electric for sending power over a large area
- Top up: to increase the amount of something to the level you want or need
- Navigate: find the right way to go
- Switch: to change or make something change from one thing to another
- Deplete: to reduce something by a large amount so that there is not enough left; to
be reduced by a large amount
- Charge point: place to put the amount of electricity into a battery

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