Missing Hehe : Anxiety Related Disorders

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Stage of resistance – when stress

stimulates the digestive system to
*missing hehe*
reduce function, hyperventilation,
Stress heart beats faster, you inhale and
exhale = calming
Fight or Flight Response – acute stress 3. Stage of exhaustion/adaptation
Cortisol – calm; w strong impact towards Overthinking = as habit; stress
immune system; if we are attacked w cycle don’t stop and reaches to
stress = headache, tired, feel sick; exhaustion; person feel tired,
explains why there are physical unable to cope, depress and the
symptoms with stress. feeling of anxiety

4 Levels of Anxiety
- A subjective individual experience
characterized by feelings of 1. Mild (+1)
apprehension, uneasiness, - Positive state of heightened
uncertainty, or dread that warns a awareness % sharpened sense
person of actual or imagines, - Increased problem-solving ability
misperceived or misinterpreted Keeps you focused, attentive to
- *missing* what you are doing this time
2. Moderate/Apprehension Level
Types of Anxiety (+2)
- Focus ins on the immediate task
1 Normal – healthy anxiety, mobilizes a
only (tunnel vision)
person to action
- Decrease attention span
Woke up late for morning circle, so
- Ability to learn is still present
you prepare yourself while thinking of
- Use of palliative coping to
paraphernalia; arrived w complete
alleviate anxiety
*relaxation techniques
2 Acute – precipitated by imminent loss
- Madala pa ug deep breathing
or change that threatens sense of
3. Severe/Free Floating (+3)
- creates a feeling that something
Girl picture in bf’s phone but later on
bad is going to happen or feelings
find out its not what you think; OR
of an impending doom
3 Chronic- anxiety that an individual has
- Individual cannot be redirected to
lived for a long time
a task
Gas-General Adaptation Syndrome - Behavior is geared towards
(HANS SELYE) relieving anxiety and not on
problem solving
3 Stages of Gas o Give short explicit
1. Alarm Stage – activate/releasing directions
of adrenaline, cortisol, leading to o Medications may be given
physiologic experiences (flushing, o Ensure safety
dilation of pupils, inc BP, 4. Panic (+4)
tachypnea, tachycardia); inc of - loss of rational thought,
sugar/glucose int the blood stream helplessness
ready for the system to be used
- Alteration in sensory perceptions, - Many of it developed in childhood
complete physical immobility and tend to persist if not treated.
- May lead to exhaustion and death
o Ensure safety/dec
environmental stimuli
o Do not touch the patient Anxiety Disorders
unless really needed 1. Separation Anxiety Disorder
o Give medications 2. Selective Mutism
You don’t touch the client 3. Specific Phobia
this time 4. Social Anxiety Disorder
You don’t join even if it is your
Anxiety Related Disorders
own party
- Formerly known as “Neurotic 5. Panic Disorder
Disorders” 6. Agoraphobia
- Used of rigid, repetitive, ineffective 7. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
behaviors to displace anxiety
Treatment Approach
(phobia, conversion, dissociative
d/o, hypochondriasis) or to fix it 1. Pharmacologic
- Common DM used: repression, 2. Psychosocial (Cognitive
displacement (anger to mother, behavioral therapy)
transferred to dog), and 3. Individual psychotherapy
symbolization (person w deep 4. Family therapy
meaning within self, reflected in
tattoo) Anxiety Disorders
- Reality testing is usually intact 1. Generalized Anxiety Disorders
- Judgement is typically unimpaired, - GAD, aka free-floating anxiety
aware that thoughts are irrational - Persistence of anxiety that hounds
but cannot control it. everyday existence of the person
In-touched with reality, aware that - Always anticipates disaster
their thoughts are irrationalized - Worried excessively – major or
OA in the perspective of others minor issues
but in fact, they can’t just control it - May range from mild nervousness
- Illness is chronic to continuous feelings of dread
- Anxiety do differ from one - Can be very debilitating- makes it
anothwe in the types of object or difficult to carry out even the most
situations that induce fear, anxiety ordinary or simple activities
or avoidance behavior - 2x more common in women than
- Differ from developmentally in men
normative fear (expected to feel
fear bc you are still a child, in Essential Features:
anxiety do, you still fear despite A. Excessive anxiety/worry
age) by being excessive or occurring for at least 6 months
persisting beyond B. Difficulty controlling the worry
developmentally appropriate C. Presence of at least three
periods. associated symptoms (one for
a. Restlessness Panic attacks fade by itself without
b. Being easily fatigued intervention
c. Diff concentrating or
- Does not seek treatment
min getting blank
- Leads to 3 serious side effects
d. Irritability
The problem is, person with this
e. Muscle tension
do don’t know that it will just fade
f. Sleep disturbance
D. Symptoms cause significant 3 Serious Side Effects
distress/impairment in
social/occupational functioning 1. Avoidance
E. Symptoms not due to a - Avoids activities, places or
substance and does not occur situations that can trigger attack
with mood disorder, psychotic wont go to mall anymore, wont
disorder or pervasive cross streets
developmental disorder 2. Agoraphobia
- Fear and avoidance of public
Management places
Wont go to movie house, park
1. Assist client in decreasing anxiety
3. Anticipatory Anxiety
2. Goal: develop adaptive coping
- Develops intense anxiety between
3. Milieu: recreational activities,
- May abuse substance to cope,
group therapy: stress mgt,
develop depression
problem solving, self-esteem
What if today na ang attack kay
wala gahpon. Won’t go to school
diverts client from anxiety
because there is RD
4. Behavioral therapy: relaxation
training (inhale 5secs exhale with Panic Disorder Diagnostic Criteria
5. Medications: benzodiazepines Both (1) and (2)
(short term basis only – buspirone 1. Recurrent and unexpected panic
(Buspar) develops attachment attacks
(venlafaxine, ssris) 2. At least one of the attacks has
been followed by a month or more
2. Panic Disorder of at east one of the following:
- Core symptom is “panic attack” – a. Persistent concern or
overwhelming fear that occurs out worry about the
of the blue or without warning and implications of the attack
from no reason or its consequences
- May last for 10mins to an hour b. Significant change in the
- Occurrence, intensity, frequency behavior related to the
vary but is chronic attacks
- Affects woman 3x more than men 3. Presence/absence of agoraphobia
- Onset: late adolescence to early 4. Panic attacks are not due to the
adulthood effects of a substance or general
- Precipitating factors: stressful life medical condition
experience (unable to graduate, brain injury that affects amygdala
separation) (Responsible For fear)
5. Panic attacks are not better i. Medications: anxiolytics or
accounted for another mental antidepressants (TCAs,
disorder (e.g. specific phobia, SSRIs [DoC], MAOIs)

Agoraphobia 3. Phobias
Diagnostic Criteria: - Uncontrollable, persistent and
irrational fear of an object, activity
A. Marked fear or anxiety about 2 or or situation that is out of
more of the ff: proportion to the stimulus
a. Using public transportation - Use of DM: displacement,
b. Being in an open space symbolization, projection,
c. Being in enclosed places avoidance
d. Standing on line or being - Repressed conflicts are projected
in the crowd to the outside world and
e. Being outside of the home eventually displaced onto an
alone object or situation
B. Fear is due to thoughts that - Individual takes extreme
escape is difficult in the even of measures to avoid occupational
developing panic-like symptoms terror = impairment in social and
C. The agoraphobia always provokes occupational functioning
fear or anxiety - s/s similar to “panic attack” when
D. Situation is always avoided or exposed
requires companion, endured with
intense fear 3 Major types of Phobia

Management 1. Specific or Simple Phobia

- Marked and persistent fear that is
1. Milieu excessive or unreasonable due to
a. Stay with client and remain the presence or anticipation of a
calm specific object or situation
b. Remove the stimuli/move - Exposure to phobic stimulus
the client to a less almost invariably evokes an
stimulating environment immediate anxiety response
c. Provide paper bag if client - Person recognizes that the fear is
is hyperventilating excessive or unreasonable
d. Speak in short, simple - Phobic situations are avoided or
sentences endured with intense
e. Give q direction at a time anxiety/distress
f. Do not touch - The avoidance, anxious
g. Allow patient to pace or cry anticipation or distress of the
h. Teach relaxation exercises feared stimuli interferes with
when attack subsides social/occupational functioning
If during attack, they - In individuals under age 18, the
cannot understand duration is at least 6 months
- The anxiety, panic attacks or C. disturbance is not better accounted
phobic avoidance is not better for any other mental conditions
accounted for other mental
disorders (e.g. OCD, PTSD)
Behavior Therapy
1. Systemic desensitization
periodic, picture then let them
hold in the next
2. Flooding (more rapid than
Subtypes for specific phobia
3. Self-exposure
1. Animal phobia (snakes, spiders) 4. Accept the patient and their
2. Natural environment (storms, fear in a noncritical attitude
water, heights) 5. Teach relaxation activities
3. Blood, injection, injury
4. Situational
party 1. anxiolytics (alprazolam,
5. Others clonazepam)
2. TCA (imipramine)
Social Anxiety Disorder
3. MAO (phenelzine)
A. Marked, persistent fear of social
or performance situations which
he is exposed to unfamiliar people 4. Obsessive – Compulsive Disorders
or to scrutiny by others
Consist of 2 Components:
B. Exposure to feared social situation
C. *missing* 1. Obsessions
- Frequently occurring intrusive
Separation Anxiety Disorder
thoughts, images, impulses, or
A. Developmentally inappropriate and emotion that cause a great deal of
excessive fear or anxiety concerning anxiety but cannot be suppressed
separation from those to whom the
individual is attached as evidenced by 2. Compulsions
at least 3 of the following: - Uncontrollable urge to do
1. Separation from home repetitive acts that alleviate the
2. Worry of separation due to illness, person’s obsession but
injury, death recognizes as unnecessary and
3. Worry of getting lost, kidnapped, unreasonable
meeting accidents they know it is not necessary but
4. reluctance to go to school or work they just do it because they can’t
due to fear of separation control it
5. refusal to sleep away from major - RITUALS -are behaviors or
attachment figure repetitive acts a person engages
6. complains of physical s/s when in response to a compulsion =
separated aimed at reducing stress or divert
B. anxiety lasting for 4 weeks unacceptable thoughts
- There is no pleasure in carrying distress or preventing some
out rituals = only temporary relief dreaded event or situation
from anxiety
lessen anxiety and avoid intrusive C. At some point, the person has
thoughts recognized that the obsessions or
compulsions are excessive and
o Course is variable but unreasonable.
progresses over time D. The obsession or compulsion case
o DM used: displacement, marked distress, are time consuming
undoing, repression or significantly interfere with the
o An ego-dystonic disorder person’s normal routine, social or
OCD pt knows that I should no occupational functioning
wash my hands, it is against E. If another axis I disorder (eating
my will but I still do it disorder) is present, the obsession or
o Equally present in both men compulsion is not restricted to it.
and women F. Not caused by substance or general
o Onset: women (20-29); men medical condition
(6-15) Common Rituals:
o Conscience driven, shy,
meticulous, precise about 1. Cleaning
bodily functions, dress, a. Fear of real or imagine germs,
religious duty and daily routine dirt, contamination
o OCD runs in families 2. Repeating
a. Utters names, phrases
Diagnostic Criteria for OCD repeatedly
b. Fear against harm or injury
A. Presence of either obsessions or
3. Completing
compulsions or both obsessions as
a. Performs series of
defined by 1 and 2
complicated tasks in exact
1. Recurrent and persistent
order until done perfectly
thoughts, impulses or images that
b. Fear something will go wrong
are experienced as intrusive and
if not done perfectly
inappropriate and cause marked
4. Checking
anxiety or distress
a. Repeatedly retraces routes,
2. The person attempts to ignore or
suppress such thoughts, impulses
b. Fears harming self or others
or images or try to neutralize them
by missing something in the
with some thought or action
c. Locking of door, checks stove
B. Compulsions as defined by 1 and 2
5. Meticulousness
a. Extreme neatness and order
1. Repetitive behaviors or mental
b. Exact arrangements of things,
acts that the person feels driven to
furniture, clothes, etc.
perform in response to an
disruption causes massive
obsession or according to rules
that must be applied rigidly
6. Avoiding
2. the behaviors or mental acts are
aimed at preventing or reducing
a. Stays away from cause of
anxiety and anything related to
b. E.g., anxious about chocolate
-avoids anything brown
7. Hoarding
a. Less common
b. Constant collection of useless
c. “need to have things” to avoid
8. Slowness
a. Uncommon, mostly in men
b. Performs things very slow
c. To make sure nothing is
9. Arranging
a. Arranges things in certain
b. Forbidden thoughts
10. Praying
a. A need to tell, ask, confess
11. Touching
a. Intrusive thoughts and sexual
12. Counting
a. Excessive religious or moral

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