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NIM. 1110026000136




A Thesis
Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty
in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for
The Degree of Strata One

NIM. 1110026000136



Nuryatul Ismaliyah, Conversation Analysis of Turn Taking Mechanism in Piers

Morgan Tonigh Talk Show. Thesis: English Letters Department, Letters and
Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, February

The purpose of this research is to analyze the turn taking mechanism in Piers
Morgan Tonight Talk Show between Piers Morgan and Bruno Mars, which every
conversation always occurs the turn and the taking to make conversation flows well.
In this case, the aims of this research are: (1) to convey the turn taking mechanism
used by Piers Morgan and Bruno Mars, (2) to convey the kinds of the turn taking
mechanism mostly used by Piers Morgan and Bruno Mars.

The method of this research use qualitative method. The research questions
will be answered in analytical description. The collected turn taking mechanism is
picked up randomly then classified based on the same kind. The turn taking
mechanism is analyzed by using Jacob L Mey’s theory to see the turn taking
mechanism which mostly occurs in conversation between Piers Morgan Tonight and
Bruno Mars.

The result of this research shows that there are twenty one data collected from
random sampling, those collected data resulted three kinds of turn taking mechanism.
There are three kinds of turn taking mechanism: taking the floor, holding the floor
and yielding the floor and all kinds found in that conversation.

Keywords: Conversation Analysis, Turn Taking Mechanism, Jacob L Mey, Talk



I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my

knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by

another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the

award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher

learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.

Jakarta, Februari 2015.

Nuryatul Ismaliyah


‫بسم اهلل الر حمن االر حيم‬

In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful, and the most


Praise is only for Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, Lord of the world. First,

I’m deeply grateful to Him who gives me His blessing, guidance, health, ability,

and opportunity to accomplish this thesis. Blessing and salutation be upon the

most honorable prophet and messenger Muhammad Sholallaahu Alaihi Wasalam,

his relatives and followers.

This thesis could not be completed without a great deal of help from many

people. Therefore, I would like to give my sincerest gratitude to my beloved

parents, Abdul Hamid, A.Ma and Jamilah. Thanks for being the strength and the

best supporter of her success. “Thanks mom and dad, This is my special gift for

you, which is also shape of my tears and sweats to make you proud of me”. I’m

heartily thankful to my beloved sister Eka Haniyah, S.Pd.I, Nurseha and my

brother Phulo who give motivation in process of finishing this thesis. May Allah

bless and give the greatest award for them.

I also want to give my gratitude to Mr. Hilmi Akmal, M.Hum and Mr.

Drs. Saefudin M.Pd, as my advisors for their time, help, patience and motivation

from the first to the final level of this research. Thanks for all the contribution that

I need until the end of my study. May Allah always bless them and their families.

I also would like to express my deepest gratitude to the following persons:

1. Prof. Dr. Syukron Kamil, MA. as the Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty

State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta;

2. Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd, the Assistant of Dean of Letters and

Humanities Faculty.

3. Drs. Saefudin, M.Pd. as the Head of English Letters Department;

4. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum. as the Secretary of English Letters Department;

5. All the lecturers of English Letters Department thanks for teaching precious

knowledge and wonderful experience during the study;

6. All the staffs of Library Center of State Islamic University, American Corner

Library, and Library Faculty of Adab and Humanities, and Library of

Indonesia University;

7. Ade Lukmansyah who always accompany me to finish this research. Thank

you so much;

8. SOBATSABIT (Iin, Angel, Maul, and Rima), Rahma, Kurnia Makki, Muthi,

Asih. Nice to have you all, the wonderful girls. Thanks for support, prayer,

and everything. Hopefully we can stick together even though will rarely meet

later then;

9. ABNORMFAMILY and KKN BETA, Thanks for support, prayer and


10. All people who have supported me during the finishing this research, Thanks a


May Allah bless you all gives His Kindness. I realize that my paper

actually has not been perfect yet, there are many mistakes in its contents.

Therefore, I would like to receive any comments, suggestion, or criticism.

Finally, I hope this thesis will be guidance for the reader and those who are

interested in it.

Jakarta, Februari 2015

The Writer


ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………….…….... i

APPROVAL SHEET ……………………………………………..…………… ii

LEGALIZATION …………………………………………………..…….…… iii

DECLARATION …………………………………………………….….…….. iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………………………….……...…. v

TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………. viii


THE LIST OF TABLE ………………………………………………………. x

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ……………………………………… 1

A. Background of Research .……….…………………… 1

B. Focus of Research …………………………………… 5
C. Research Questions ………………………………..… 6
D. Objective of the Research ……………………….... 6
E. Significance of Research …………………………….. 7
F. Research Methodology …………………………….... 74
1. The Method of Research ……………………….... 7
2. Technique of Data Collecting and Data Analyis … 8
3. Research Instrument ……………………………..10
4. Unit of Analysis………………………………….109


A. Previous Research ………………………………… 11

B. Concept ……………………..…………………… 13
1. Discourse ………………..................................... 13
2. Discourse Analysis ……………………………... 12
3. Context ……………………………….…........ 15
4. Pragmatics ……………....................................... 16
5. Conversation Analysis ………………………… 17
6. Turn Taking ……………………………………. 18
7. Procedure for Turn Allocation ………………. .. 19
8. Turn Taking Mechanism ………………………. 21


A. The Data Description …..…………………………... 28

B. The Data Analysis ………..………………………… 29


A. Conclusions ...………………………………………. 49

B. Suggestions ..…………………………………….….. 50

BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………….…………. 51

APPENDICES …………………………………………………………….…... 54


Table 1 : The Data of Types of Turn Taking Mechanism ……………. 28

Table 2 : The Result of Simple Random Sampling …………………… 29

Table 3 : Transcript Conventions ……………………………………... 29



A. Background of the Study

In daily life, human as a social creature needs a media to communicate each

other. The media is called language. Without language, human cannot

communicate and interact. Language is one of the important things in human life.

Language is arbitrary sound symbol system used by humans for communication

and interaction each other.1 Not only verbal language, But also sign language and

gesture are often used by human to communicate at certain moment.2 Verbal

language related to word, phrase, and sentence. Realization of verbal language is


Conversation means a cooperative activity in the sense that it involves two or

more parties. Each of whom must be allowed the opportunity to participate.3

Conversation is a human way to build the social relationship. Through

conversation, human can identify, recognize and know the characters each other.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that conversation consists of two

or more people who get and exchange information each other. One is called

speaker and the other is called listener. A Speaker is a person who is speaking or

Harimurti Kridalaksana, 2005, “Bahasa dan Linguistik” in Kushartanti, Untung Yuwono
and RMT Lauder (Ed), Pesona Bahasa: Langkah Awal Memahami Linguistik , (Jakarta: Gramedia
Pustaka Utama) p. 3.
George Yule, 2006, The Study of Language : Third Edition. (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press). p. 172
Ronald Wardaugh, 1986, An Introduction to Sosiolinguistics. (Oxford: Basil Blackwell)
p. 288.


expressing the ideas and listener is person who listens what the speaker say and

wait for the turn to speak. In conversation, the position of participants (speaker

and listener) is not static. It means that they will alternate each other. Pay attention

for the example of this conversation below:

(1) A : Are you doing anything important right now?

B : No, not really.

A : Okay, then, can you do this letter for me? I need it in a hurry

B : Yes, I can.4

From the example (1), when “A” is the speaker, “B” is waiting for the turn.

When “B” as the speaker, “A” as the listener and wait for the turn to speak. The

changing or replacement position of speaker to listener and listener to speaker that

occur in conversation above, it is called turn-taking. The basic unit of the

conversation is the turn. Turn is a shift in the direction of the speaking flow which

is characteristic of normal conversation.5 Sack said, as quoted by Mey that “A

central feature (of conversation) is that exactly one person at least one and no

more than one talks at a time”.6 Actually, the rules that conversation is found to

obey, however, turn out to be more like the rules that people had devised for other

social activities. But in the fact, participants do not always speak in their turn.

Sometimes, one of them is still speaking and the other follow to speak without

waiting the turn. So it causes overlapping in conversation (two or more

Ibid., p. 295
Jacob L Mey, 2001, Pragmatics: An Introduction. Second Edition. (Oxford : Blackwell
Publishing) p.139

participants talk in a time). In order to make conversation flows smoothly, the

participants have to know the mechanism of turn taking itself. Ordinary

conversation employs no such pre-allocation: the participants just “normally take

turn”.7 The mechanism of turn-taking relates to organization of conversation.

Conversation has a good organization if turn-taking rules are obeyed. But in daily

conversation, it does not always follow the rules so some analysts use

conversation analysis to find out what occurs in conversation, how mechanism of

turn-taking, overlapping, back chanelling, interruption etc that occur in

conversation. Conversation cannot be avoided in daily activity of human life

(conversation face to face or by phone). Conversation Analysis is a technique

developed relatively recently for examining and exploring spoken language.8

Conversation analysis is studied in pragmatics.

Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics which studies about language structure as

a communication tool between listener and speaker. It also studies the use of

language in human communication as determined by condition of society. 9 In

pragmatics, there are many theories such as speech act, maxims, relevance and

conversation implicature. All those theories might happen in conversation. As

mentioned above that conversation is one of realization of verbal language

(spoken language). People use spoken language to communicate directly but to

communicate with others who are removed in time and space, or for those

Ronald Wardaugh, Op.Cit p. 289
Shirley Reay, 1998, “Conversation Analysis” in Alison Wray, Kate Trott and Aileen
Bloomer. Project in Linguistics : A Practical Guide to Researching Language. (Bristol : Arnold
Publisher). p.54
Jacob L. Mey, Op.Cit p.6

occasions on which a permanent or semi permanent record, people use written

language. Verbal or spoken language can be transfered to be a text as a written

language record.10

All of people communicate in conversation everywhere, such as conversation

between doctor and patients, conversation between teacher and students,

conversation between host and guest in talk show and so on. Talk show is a

television program where someone or a group of people come together to discuss

about a particular topic in a relaxed but serious condition and guided by a host.11

People who invited are the famous, experienced, and who experts in particular

topic which is recently discussed.

There are many talk shows on television programs. One of talk show is Piers

Morgan Tonight on CNN. It is hosted by a British Tabloid Journalist and

television personality Piers Morgan. Piers Morgan Tonight replaces the legendary

Larry King Live.12 Such another conversation, turn-taking also occurs in the

conversation on the talk show. But, sometime the rules of conversation are not

obeyed by participants. The mechanism of turn taking does not occur orderly.

There are some violations in turn-taking rules such as interruption and

overlapping. See the example below:

(2) Piers Morgan : That’s going to really eat away at Robe lowe. You’re

younger. [You’re better looking]

David Nunan. 1993. Introducing Discourse Analysis. (London: Penguin English) p. 8
Morissan, M.A. 2008. Manajemen Media Penyiaran: Strategi Mengelola Radio &
Televisi. (Jakarta : Kencana).p.212
The Associated press.2010.
today_entertainment/t/piers-morgan-larry-kings-cnn-replacement/ accessed on 10 April 2014

Bruno Mars : [That’s my goal life]

From the conversation above, Robe Lowe is a guest in the previous

session in Piers Morgan Tonight Talk Show. Piers Morgan makes a joke about

Robe Lowe and Bruno Mars. He said that Bruno Mars will defeat Robe Lowe

because Bruno Mars younger than Robe Lowe. And about the turn taking

mechanism is not orderly because when Morgan has not given a floor yet to take a

turn, Mars direct speak without waiting Morgan finishes his word, so it is caused

overlapping between them. The symbol of overlapping is [word].13

This research focuses on conversation analysis of turn taking mechanism

in Piers Morgan Tonight Talk Show on January 6, 2012 and Bruno Mars as a

guest by analyzing discourse in the transcript of Piers Morgan Tonight’s Talk

Show. The Analysis of Turn Taking Mechanism consists of yielding the floor,

taking a floor (starting up, interruption, overlapping), holding the floor, TRP and

back channeling.14 This research Explains the reasons and the kinds of Turn

Taking Mechanism are mostly used in conversation and tells the reasons of the

turn-taking that occur in conversation. Piers Morgan Tonight is chosen because

language is used in it is natural language such as informal language.

B. Focus of the Study

Based on the background of the study, in order to get a specific explanation

and avoid the large explanation, this research is limited on analyzing of turn-

Michael A. Forrester. 2002 . How to Do Conversation Analysis : a brief guide.
(University of kent) p. 11
Jacob L Mey, Op.Cit p.139

taking mechanism which consists of taking the floor ( starting up, interruption,

overlapping) holding the floor, yielding the floor, TRP and back channeling. And

explaining the reasons of turn taking which occur in conversation by analyzing

discourse in transcription on Piers Morgan Tonight episode January 6, 2012 by

using conversation analysis according to Jacob L.Mey.

C. Research Question

According to explanation above, this research tries to find the answer of

research question below:

1. What kinds of turn-taking mostly used in conversation on Piers

Morgan Tonight episode January 6, 2012?

2. How does the mechanism of turn-taking occur in conversation on Piers

Morgan Tonight episode January 6, 2012?

D. Objective of Study

Based on the research question above, so the aims of this research are:.

1) To identify the kinds of Turn-Taking Mechanism which includes

Taking the Floor, Holding the Floor and Yielding the Floor on Piers

Morgan Tonight Talk Show Episode January 6, 2012.

2) To analyze Turn-Taking Mechanism which includes Taking the Floor,

Holding the Floor and Yielding the Floor on Piers Morgan Tonight

Talk Show Episode January 6, 2012.


E. Significance of the Study

1. Theoretical

The researcher expects that this thesis gives some advantages for the

reader and next researcher. it can become an additional references or

knowledge for reader in understanding of conversation analysis.

2. Practical

The thesis can be expected that the researcher can get more knowledge

about Conversation Analysis (CA) especially turn taking. Furthermore, it

will be useful to improve knowledge of English Letters Departement’s

Student who are interested in Linguistics.

F. Research Methodology

1. The Method of Research

This research uses qualitative method in conversation analysis on Piers

Morgan Tonight talk show. According to Bogdan and Biklen (1982), as

quoted by Subroto, qualitative method is a research method, which is used in

a problem that is not designed using procedural statistics.15 This method is

descriptive, meaning that the researcher makes a note on the data from words,

sentences, discourse, pictures or photos and video. This method is used to

find out how the mechanism of turn taking, the reasons and the kinds of turn

taking mostly occur.

D. Edi Subroto. 1992. Pengantar Metoda Penelitian Linguistik Struktural. (Surakarta:
Sebelas Maret University Press).p. 5

2. The Technique of Data Collecting and Data Analysis

To collect data, this research uses bibliography technique. Biblioghraphy

technique means using written sources to get data. Written sources are

chosen which describe synchronic language used.16 The synchronic is a

study which formulates indications of language which is produced by

speaker at the certain time (past or present).17 Technique of data collecting

follows some steps:

a. Download the video of Piers Morgan Tonight Talk Show at

b. Download the dialogue transcription of Piers Morgan Tonight Talk Show


c. Read the whole dialogue transcription and watch the video of Piers

Morgan Tonight Talk Show

d. Give a transcription symbol on dialogue such as the symbol [word] is

using when overlapping occurs.

e. Compile the dialogues into data card. So the data card contains number

of data, the clasification of mechanisme of turn taking that occured in

conversation and the dialogue text. On this object was found 42 corpus

data. The details are shown in this table.

Ibid. p.42
Roekhan and Martutik. 1991. Kebahasaan I (Linguistik Umum). (Malang: YA3 Malang).

Processes of data analysis are: analyze data which are collected before

and classify data based on types of turn taking with using data card. After

collecting data, data is put in data card and choose some of data finding

and analyze one by one the mechanism of turn taking that occured on

Piers Morgan Tonight talk show by using conversation analysis

according to Jacob L.Mey.

f. After the data have been collected, the next step is processing the data.

In this point, the amount of samples will be specified. The data will be

chosen and use random sampling technique to specify the samples. There

are are four techniques in random sampling, such as: simple random

sampling, systematic random sampling, stratified random sampling and

cluster sampling.18 And the most suitable for this research is simple

random sampling technique and using raffle method with some steps:

1) Each component of populations is arranged into list and numbered.

2) Each of numbered lists of population’s member is written on the


3) The papers are rolled up and inserted in the box.

Hermawan Wasito, 1992, Pengantar Metodologi Penelitian, (Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka
Utama), p.54-58

4) After shake the box, the rolls of paper are taken in accordance with

the amounts of wanted sample.19

5) Classifying the data. As stated by Jacob L.Mey, the mechanism of

turn taking is divided into three types: (1) Taking the floor includes

starting up, interruption, and overlapping, (2) Holding the floor and

(3) Yielding the floor.

3. The Instruments of Research

The instrument of this research is data card. Data card is a card which is

used to put relevant data with data sources at the end of line.20 After

collecting data, data is put in data card and choose some of data findings and

analyze one by one the conversations that occured on Piers Morgan Tonight

talk show by using conversation analysis according to Jacob L.Mey.

4. Unit of Analysis

As a unit of Analysis, this research uses transcript as a primary object

and video of Piers Morgan Tonight Talk Show episode January 6, 2012 as a

secondary object.

D. Edi Subroto. Op.Cit. p. 43


A. Previous Research

There are some previous researches which related to this research. The first is

the research about discourse conversation analysis on TV one‟s debates by Amir

Mustofa (2010) from Sebelas Maret University Surakarta on the title “Analisis

Wacana Percakapan Debat Tv One”. The results of Amir Mustofa‟s research are:

the speech event TV One debate has the characteristics of turn taking, finding 8

adjancy pairs in the object of his research, and occurring divergence in

conversation such as interruption and overlaps.1 The differences between this

research and Amir Mustofa‟s research are on the theory, corpus and objects which

were analyzed.

The second is the research about Conversation Analysis on The Kingdom‟s

movie script by Lia Lestari Mulya Diana from Widyatama University Bandung

entitled “Analisis Percakapan pada Naskah Film The Kingdom (Kajian

Pragmatik) (2008). The results of Lia Lestari‟s research are the conversation of

The Kingdom‟s movie script is uncommon has a low complexity level and also

there are quite numbers of violation over maxim of conversation especially of

maxim of relation.2 In her research described the kinds of adjancy pairs and find

weather there are any violations over maxim of conversation in it. The difference

Amir Mustofa, 2010, “ Analisis Wacana Percakapan Debat TV One”, Unpublished
Thesis. (Surakarta : Sebelas Maret University ).
Lia Lestari Mulya Diana, 2008, “ Analisis Percakapan pada Naskah Film The Kingdom”,
Unpublished Thesis (Bandung : Widyatama University).


between this research and Lia Lestari‟s research is the theory, corpus and focused

of the research.

The third is a thesis from Universitas Indonesia‟s Student, Maria Margaretha

Tika Larasati Guritno. Her thesis entitled “Analisis Percakapan Tiga Sahabat

Wanita Bilingual di Jakarta” (2008). The purpose of her research is to investigate

the way in which they develop and maintain verbal interactions between each

other by studying their conversational characteristics including the use more than

one language, code switching and sequential organization which appears in the

conversation.3 The differences between this research and Maria‟s research is on

combining code mixing and sequential organization. This research focused on

turn taking mechanism and there is no combining as Maria did.

The fourth is the research about conversation analysis with object in tv talk

show, by the title “ Conversation of Overlaps in Talk show, Conversation with

Michael Eisner” (2008) by Martha Yoriza Handayani from Andalas University

Padang.4 The differences of the research is Martha‟s research focuses on only

overlaps in conversation and using theory according to Levinson, Jefferson, Sack

et al and Yule. In another case, this research differs from Martha‟s research. This

research focuses on turn taking mechanism and analysis is deeper than Martha‟s


Maria Margaretha Tika Larasati Guritno, 2008, “Analisis Percakapan Tiga Sahabat
Wanita Bilingual di Jakarta”, Unpublished Thesis (Depok : Indonesia University).
Martha Yoriza Handayani, 2008, “Conversation Analysis of Overlaps in Talk show
Conversation with Michael Eisner”, Unpublished Thesis (Padang : Andalas University).

B. Concept.

1. The Definition of Discourse

The Discourse has many various definition according to some linguists.

There are some differences and there are also some similarities among them.

Here are the definition of discourse according to some linguists:

Discourse can be defined as a stretch of language consisting of several

sentences which are perceived as being related in some ways. 5 In another case,

discourses are ways with words, deeds and interactions, thoughts and feeling,

object and tools, time and place that allow us to enact and recognize different

socially situated identities.6 According to Renkema in his book Introduction to

Discourse Studies, discourse is discipline to the investigation of the

relationship between form and function in verbal communication.7 From all

definition above, it can be concluded that discourse is the biggest unit of

language with coherence and cohesion which has continuity on written or

spoken. It not only analyzes form and meaning, but also analyzes form and

function in communication and language as a media to communicate in daily


Discourse and pragmatics have much in common. They are: firstly, as

mentioned above, is context. Both pragmatics and discourse analyze the

David Nunan, 1993, Introducing Discourse Analysis. (London: Pinguin English).p.5
James Paul Gee, 2005, An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method,
Second Edition. (London : Rotledge)p.35
Jan Renkema, 2004, Introduction to Discourse Studies. ( Philadelphia : John Benjamins
Publishing Company). p.1

meaning of word in context that can be explained by knowledge of the physical

and social world, and the socio-psychological factors influencing

communication.8 Secondly, pragmatics and discourse have in common that

they both look at discourse or the use of language and text, or pieces of spoken

or written discourse concentrate on how stretches of language become

meaningful and unified for their users.9 And the last, pragmatics and discourse

have in common the fact that they are both concern with function: the

speakers‟ short term purposes in speaking, long term goals in interacting

verbally.10 So, pragmatics and discourse have some in common and have

relation each other.

2. The Definition of Discourse Analysis

As mentioned above about definition of discourse. This part will explain

about definition of discourse analysis ( Henceforth is called DA) according to

some linguists. According to Nunan, DA involves the study of language in

use.11 It means that the analysis of discourse involves the analysis of language

in use, compared with an analysis of the structural properties of language

divorced from their communicative functions.12 And Nunan also said that

Discourse Analysts study these text-forming devices. However, they do so with

reference to the purposes and functions for which the discourse was produced,

as well as the context within which the discourse was created. Their ultimate

Joan Cutting. 2002. Pragmatics and Discourse. (london: Routledge) p.2
David Nunan. Op.Cit. p.7

aim is to show how the linguistic elements enable language users to

communicate in context.13 Schiffrin explains that there is a discourse marker in

DA study. Discourse marker like expressions well, oh, but and y’know. They

are one set of linguistic item that functions in cognitive, expressive, social,

textual domain.14 And also discourse markers are one type commentary

pragmatic marker: they are a class of expressions, each of which signals how

the speaker intend the basic message that follows to relate to the prior

discourse.15 So, in discourse neither spoken discourse or written discourse is

needed pragmatics markers to relate the message of the speakers to previous

discourse and so on.

3. Context

Context is an important thing in pragmatics because to figure the

ambiguities in spoken or written language. Context is dynamic not a static

concept.16 It means that all of event need context, as Chomsky gave an

example, as quoted by Mey “The presence of food in the mouth while speaking

may be part of some context, yet it is not a linguistic factor, and may be not

even pragmatic one”.17 The context is more than reference. Context is action, it

is about understanding what things are for; it is also what gives our utterances

their true pragmatic meaning and allows them to be counted as a true

Deborah Schiffrin, 2001, “Discourse Markers: Language, Meaning and Context” in
Deborah Schiffrin, Deborah Tannen and Heidi E.Hamilton (Ed). The Handbook of Discourse
Analysis. (Malden : Blackwell Publisher) p. 59
Jacob L Mey Op.Cit.p.39
Ibid., p.40

pragmatics acts.18 And according to Kridalaksana in kamus linguistik context is

physical environment aspects which related to certain statement or knowledge

which is had between speaker and listener so that listener understands what

speaker means.19 So, context is vitally important not only in assigning the

proper values to reference and implicature, but also in dealing with other

pragmatic issues.

4. The Definition of Pragmatics

According to Yule, pragmatics is the study of what speaker means or

invisible meaning, or how we organize what is meant even when it is not

actually said or written.20 Mey said that pragmatics studies the use of the way

humans use their language in communication, bases itself on a study of those

premises and determines how they effect and effectualize, human language

use.21 So, pragmatics is a study which relate to meaning such as semantics but

pragmatics relate to context. If the word bank is used in a sentence together

with words like steep or overgrown, it has no problem deciding which type of

bank is meant. People know from this linguistic context which type of bank is

intended. That is called the context.22 According to Mey, Pragmatics includes

Harimukti Kridalaksana, 2008, Kamus Linguistik Edisi ke-Empat, (Jakarta: Gramedia
Pustaka Utama), p.134
Geoge Yule, 2006, The study of Language. (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press).p.
Jacob L Mey, Op.Cit. p.6
George Yule, Loc.Cit.

Speech act, conversational implicature, Politeness, and conversation


5. The definition of Conversation Analysis

Conversation Analysis (Henceforth called CA) is an approach which is

used for analysis of spoken interaction. CA is a minimalist approach, which

allows only so much hypothesizing as is strictly required to explain the

phenomena at hand.24 On the other hand, Reay said that CA is a technique

developed relatively recently for examining and exploring spoken language.25

In other word, CA is fairly approach to analysing spoken language which is

possible to find common observable rules and procedures by which participants

organize and manage their conversation behavior such as who gets to speak

next, when and how they get to speak. And a set of basic features which

constitute the machinery of conversation such as turn-taking, interruption and

simple overlapping talk.

Mey has noted in the framework of CA, the various mechanisms

determining people‟s use of the language in an extended, open conversational

settings are explored: who holds the right to speak (called „Turn‟), what kind of

rules are there for taking, yielding or holding the floor, what makes a particular

point in the conversation particularly appropriate for a turn (one speaker

Jacob L Mey. Op.Cit. p.135
Shirley Reay. 1998. “Conversation Analysis” in Alion Wray, Kate Trott, Aileen
Bloomer. Projects in Linguistics : Practical Guide to Researching Language .(Great Britain : J W
Arrowsmith Ltd) p.54

relinquishing the floor, another taking it) and so on.26 Another definition of CA

is stated by Cutting that CA is a studying the way what speakers say, dictates

the type of answer expected and that speakers take turns when they interact.27

And according to Hutchby and Woffitt, CA is defined as study of talk where it

is interpreted as the systematic analysis of talk produced in every day situation

of human interaction.28 So, CA is the way how speakers say as a systematic

analysis of talk produced in daily interaction.

6. The definition of Turn-Taking

In conversation, there are two people or more communicate each other.

Only one of them speaks in one time. So that, to make conversation flows

well, the participants of conversation have to know when they speak and

when they listen. In this case, linguist always called by Turn. Turn is a shift in

the direction of the speaking flow which is characteristic of normal

conversation. As Sack, quoted by Mey said that a central feature of

conversation is that exactly one person (at least one and no more than one)

talks at a time.29 According to Yule, Turn is having the control of

conversation or floor and attempt to get the turn is called turn-taking. Turns

occur normally at certain well-defined junctures in conversation such points

are called Transition Relevant Place‟ (TRPs). TRPs can be exploited by the

Jacob L Mey. Op.Cit p. 134
Joan Cutting. 2002. Pragmatics and Discourse. (London: Routledge) p. 24
Ian Hutchby and Robin Woffitt. 1998. Conversation Analysis: Principles, Practices and
Applications. (Malden: Blackwell) p. 11
Ibid. p.139

speaker holding the floor. Floor is defined as the right to speak. 30 In the case

of floor, it is made an analogy of conversation with the market economy

which has a valuable commodity. A valuable commodity in conversation is

the floor. So the people who have a floor, they have a control of conversation.

The natural breaks occurring in every conversation, it is called Transition

Relevant Place (TRPs) as mentioned above. A speaker has to pause for

breath, or runs out of things to say or simply declares his or her contribution

to be finished: all those points in the conversation are places where a natural

transition, a relay of the right to speak to the next speakers may occur. 31 On

the other hand, there are the formal rules of next speaker selection (turn

allocation) that regulate the turn taking.

7. Procedure for turn Allocation

The turn allocation procedures for conversation are distributed into two

groups: First, the current speaker selects the next speakers. Second, the next

speakers are self-selected.32 So, the initial transition relevant place of a turn,

the following options are relevant:

1) If the current speaker has identified, or selected, a particular next

speaker, that the next speaker should take a turn at that place. For

example :

George Yule, 1996, Pragmatics. (Oxford: Oxford University Press) p.127
Jacob L Mey. Op.Cit p. 139
Robin Woffitt, 2005, Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis : A Comparative
and Critical Introduction ( London : SAGE Publication) . p.27

(3) Piers Morgan : Bruno Mars, welcome.

Bruno Mars : Good to be here.

In this case, Piers Morgan uses person‟s name to identify the

appropriate the next speaker.

2) If no such selection has been made, then any next speaker may (but

need not) self-selection occur, then first speaker has the right to the turn.

For example :

(4) A : John‟s lost on our scale, about fourteen pounds.

B : Oh [ no]

C : [twelve ponds I think, wasn‟t it?]

In the example (4), A‟s announcement is not directed to a specific

recipient, and thus two people select themselves as the next speaker at the

transition relevant place at the end of “Pounds”.

3) If no next speaker has been selected, then alternatively the current

speaker may, but need not, continue talking with another turn

constructional unit, unless another speaker has self-selected, in which

case that speaker gains the right to the turn. For example :

(5) Ava : He, He and Joe were like on the outs, you know?

[So uh,]

Bee : [They always are.]

In the example (5), after Ava‟s observation, no next speaker has self-

selected up to nearly a second into the onset of transition relevance place.

Then Ava attempts to continue her turn. At the same time that Bee self-

selects. Ava abandons her turn.

4) Whichever option has operated, then rules 1-3 come into play again

for the next transition relevance place.33

The discussion of the principles above reflects that it is designed to

account the smooth turn transition which can be found in conversation. In

other words, turn taking consists of a set of rules which enacted through

the use of signals. Those signals indicate to take, to hold or yield the turn

at talk.

8. The Turn Taking Mechanisms

The turn taking system involves three basic strategies: taking the floor,

holding the floor, and yielding the floor.34

a. Taking the floor

When conversation occurs, it means that the participants have

initiative to begin speak or bring the topic to be discussed in the

conversation. Of course, it must be cooperative among participants as

speaker and listener. So, it makes conversation flows well. The

Ibid. p.28
Jacob L.Mey. Op.Cit. p. 134

response from the listener to give comment or to answer the current

speaker‟s question are called taking the floor which has been done by

the listener. In the other word, taking the floor is when the participants

take a turn to speak. Kinds of taking the floor :

a. Starting up means that the beginning of conversation. It can be

done by hesitent star and clean start. For example :

(6). PM : I switch to the rather more glamorous

Avalon Club in Hollywood. I found

somebody even more glamorous than Rob

Lowe. And that is Bruno Mars.

Bruno, welcome

BM : (.) Good to be here.

In the example (6), Piers Morgan is as a first speaker who takes

the floor with clear start. Piers Morgan is a nice host because in the

beginning of conversation with his guest, he made a praise so the

guest felt proud and happy to be in that event. Piers Morgan gave

the turn to Bruno Mars with greeting such as welcome. And Bruno

Mars answered with hesitent start, it is signified with pause or

silent (.) for a moment before answering because Bruno Mars

seems nervous when he spoke in TV talkshow. In this case, the

beginning of conversation above is simple one of talk show

category. Piers Morgan just gave a praise and asking by saying „

Bruno Welcome‟ followed by smile and good mannered.


b. Taking over means take a turn to speak. Can be done by using


c. Interruption means when speaker do not want to wait until the

TRP. next speaker cannot be sure that the current speaker‟s turn is

complete, but they usually take the end of a sentence to indicate

that the turn is possibly complete.35 It can be said that take a turn to

speak while the current speaker haven‟t finished his speaking yet.

The next speaker think the current speaker‟s talk is enough. For

example :

(7). Bruno Mars : I definitely don't plead guilty to being a

heartthrob. I don't think my friends

will ever let me say that I'm a //

Piers Morgan : // Some mornings you look in the


Bruno Mars : And I say, yeah, you are the most

beautiful man I've ever seen. But

that's just me, Piers.

In the example (7), strategy which is used by Piers Morgan to

take the floor is Interruption which is signed by “//”. Bruno Mars

told about facing the heartthrob, Bruno Mars didn‟t finish the

speaking then Piers Morgan directly took the turn before Bruno

Joan Cutting. Op.Cit. p.29

Mars takes on TRP. When Bruno Mars said „That I‟m a...‟ it means

that Bruno Mars is still thinking to continue the speaking but Piers

Morgan takes the floor without waiting TRP‟s. Interruption was

done by Piers Morgan when Bruno Mars was speaking and looking

for the words to say. Because of interruption, Bruno Mars can‟t

take on the TRP then the words are missing. But after PM speaks,

BM continues the speaking and it makes the conversation is still


d. Overlaps means that the participants talk in a time together. For


(8) Piers Morgan : That‟s going to really eat away at

Rob Lowe. You‟re younger.

[you’re better looking]

Bruno Mars : [That’s my goal in life]. Eat your

heart out, Mr. Lowe. (LAUGHTER)

In the example (8), Piers Morgan accolades Bruno Mars as a

starting to open the nice topic and also as a reception to a guest

star. Bruno Mars receives the reception with a great answer and

makes a joking. Before Piers Morgan takes on TRP, Bruno Mars

also speaks and then both of them speak in a time togrther and it is

called by Overlapping ([]). It means that as a appreciation for a

great reception which is given by a host.


b. Holding the floor

Holding the floor means to carry on talking. The participant who hold

the floor has right to bring conversation as well as he/she wants. Pay

attention for the example below :

(9).Piers Morgan : Was that a dream of yours to do that?

Bruno Mars : Absolutely. She had been taking care of me

for quite some time. It's time for her to sit back and relax.

Piers Morgan : How did she react when you did that?

Bruno Mars : She said, it's not big enough. Get me out of




Bruno Mars : She was in tears. It was a very special moment for

me. So-

Piers Morgan : The thing I like about your story is it hasn't all just

been easy. A lot of entertainers your age, it all goes crazy very

young, it carries on and burns out.

In the example (9), Piers Morgan starts the conversation with asking

question about BM‟s dream for his mother. Bruno Mars wanted to give

his mother the happiness and enjoyed the time, just sit and relax because

he knew that his mother always took care of him until now. Bruno Mars

answered without hesitant and his face looked having a big anthusiasm.

And continuing with asking question about reactions of Bruno Mars‟

mother when Bruno Mars‟ dream comes true. Bruno Mars answered after

TRP‟s and both of them laugh, making a pause (.) for a moment and then

Bruno Mars took the turn again or it is called holding the floor. Keep the

turn before Piers Morgan take the turn to speak. Bruno Mars felt his

speaking don‟t enough so he continues his speaking although in the end

of his speaking are taken by interruption by Piers Morgan. As far as this

conversation flows well.

c. Yielding the floor

Yielding the floor means give a turn to the next speaker. To yield

someone the turn can use a question and a statement. For example :

(10). Piers Morgan : If I could take away the money or the women,

which would you rather keep? ↓

Bruno Mars : Definitely the women, Piers. What kind of

question is that? What is this, a setup? ↑

Piers Morgan : It's a good answer.

In the example (10), Piers Morgan gave the floor by asking question

with fall intonation in the end of the sentence. He asked about Bruno

Mars‟ life, woman or money would be chosen when both of it were a

choice. Bruno Mars answered that he would choose his woman. Bruno

Mars made a joke with asking „what kind of question is that?‟, he felt that

Piers Morgan just wanted to make him shy and confused. And Bruno

Mars knew his turn to speak. Bruno Mars answered clearly without

hesitant because no pause before he answers, and he gave a turn by

statement with rise intonation in the end. It is not a question, it is just a

rhetorical question which need not the answer.



A. The Data Description

In this chapter, the compiled data and the selected one will be analyzed.

This research is using qualitative case study and for the data collecting is using

bibliography technique. Bibliography technique uses written sources to get the


Data have been collected and identified by some steps which is mentioned

in the previous chapter. Then, Compiled in the table as below.

Table I: The Types of Turn Taking Mechanism of Piers Morgan Tonight.

NO Types of Turn Taking Mechanism Total

1 Taking the Floor

a). Starting up 2
b). Interruption 10
c). Overlapping 8
2 Holding the Floor 4
3 Yielding the Floor 18

From 42 data collected, 21 data have been elected by using simple random

sampling technique and then, 21 will analyze. Data elected are: Data card 40, 5,

28, 17, 22, 20, 37, 33, 41, 9, 18, 36, 8, 11, 31, 25, 2, 39, 13, 38, dan 1. As

Compiled on the table.


Table II : The Result of Simple Random Sampling on Research Data.

NO Types of Turn Taking Mechanism Total

1 Taking the Floor

a). Starting up 1
b). Interruption 6
c). Overlapping 7
2 Holding the Floor 2
3 Yielding the Floor 5

B. The Data Analysis

In this chapter, this research uses the data from the conversation between

host and guest in the talk show. First, observing the context which supported the

analysis. Second, identifying the mechanisme of turn taking in the dialogue of talk

show. Third, giving the symbol on sentences or words that contain mechanismof

turn taking in conversation.

Table III : Transcription Conventions

Trancription Conventions

Trancription Element Meaning

↑ or ↓ Marked rise (or fall)
in intonation
// Interruptions

[ ] Overlaps, cases of simultaneous speech

(.) Small pauses

= When there is nearly no gap at all between one utterance and another

::: indicates the length of stretching

(Sources : Michael A. Forrester, Department of Psychology: University of Kent (2002))


(Participants code)

PM : Piers Morgan

BM : Bruno Mars

1. Taking the floor

a. Starting up

 Datum Number 1

PM : I switch to the rather more glamorous Avalon Club in

Hollywood. I found somebody even more glamorous than Rob

Lowe. And that is Bruno Mars.

Bruno, welcome

BM : (.) Good to be here.

In this data, PM is as a first speaker who takes the floor with clear start. PM is a

nice host because in the beginning of conversation with his guest, he made a

praise so the guest felt proud and happy to be in that event. PM gave the turn to

BM with greeting such as welcome. And BM answered with hesitent start, it is

signified with pause or silent (.) for a moment before answering because BM

seems nervous when he spoke in TV talkshow. In this case, the beginning of

conversation above is simple one of talk show category. PM just gave a praise and

asking by saying „ Bruno Welcome‟ followed by smile and well mannered.


b. Interruption

 Datum Number 8

PM : The thing I like about your story is it hasn't all just been

easy. A lot of entertainers your age, it all goes crazy very young, it

carries on and burns out. In your case, you had this big wakeup call.

You were 18 years old. You come to Hollywood. Motown signs you

up. And you thought, whoa emm //

BM : //This is it.

PM : I have arrived.

BM : Yes.

In this data, BM doesn‟t wait TRP and then interruption occurs. The conversation

above told about BM‟s life and the carrier. PM admired and felt proud of BM

carrier because it had been easy, a lot of entertainers in his age, it all went crazy

very young. When BM was 18 years old, he had come to hollywood and motown

sign. PM was still speaking, BM took a turn by Interruption. He took a turn

without waiting TRP‟s of PM so missing text of PM. PM was still looking for the

words to continue with signed by pause at the moment and saying „whoa emm‟. It

means that PM still thinks to continue speak but directly BM speak without

waiting TRP from PM. Interruption causes of participant (BM) feel that

information is enough.

 Datum Number 9

BM : It was taking a step back. I used to be able to walk into a

room and say, hey, I'm Bruno Mars, I'm signed with

Motown Records. Now I have to say I got dropped from

Motown Records. You lose leverage. You lose people

believing in you because, then, why didn't it work?


PM : //How did you get told the news?

In this data, BM told about story of his career. BM had been signed with Motown

records but he have to be patient and strong when Motown Records dropped him

and told to everyone what happened with him. In the end of his sentences, he

showed a question but it doesn‟t need to be answered. When BM was still

thinking to continue with saying „emmmm‟, PM took a turn by interruption

because PM thought that BM‟s speaking was enough and informative so he

doesn‟t need more information. PM took a turn by interruption and yield a turn

again with asking question in the end of the sentences. Taking the floor was done

by PM without waiting the TRP and Interruption occured. When BM is still

looking for the word to continue, PM directly speaks without waiting the TRP so

that some words are missing. It is because of PM thinks that information that BM

conveys clearly.

 Datum Number 22

BM : I think it was the Milton Berle show. I believe. I think it

was the Milton Berle show. I don't if it was Ed Sullivan. But he sang

"Hound Dog." He had girls in the palm of his hand. He said, you

know what, watch this. You could tell that it was like an improve

thing, because the band kind of didn't know what to do. I don't know

if that was live TV or not. But as he started, he got -- he milked it for

everything it was worth. I remember being a kid watching that and

saying, I want that. I want girls to scream like that.

PM : Now they do, Bruno. It’s emm//

BM : //That's right. Rob Lowe, you hear that?

In this data, BM told history about his dream when he was kid. He wanted to be

like other super star, people screamed his name like a super star. PM takes a turn

with waiting TRP from BM and when PM is still speaking, BM take a turn by

doing interruption signed by (//) when PM still thinks to continues the sentences

with saying „it‟s mmm..‟. It means PM still wants to continue the speaking but

BM directly takes the turn because BM feels what was spoken by PM are enough.

In this case Interruption (//) occured when one of the participants feel enough

information then he doesn‟t wait the TRP.

 Datum Number 28

BM : I definitely don't plead guilty to being a heartthrob. I don't

think my friends will ever let me say that I'm a //


PM : // Some mornings you look in the mirror.

BM : And I say, yeah, you are the most beautiful man I've ever

seen. But that's just me, Piers.

In this data, strategy which is used by PM to take the floor is Interruption which is

signed by “//”. BM told about facing the heartthrob, BM didn‟t finish the speaking

then PM directly took the turn before BM takes on TRP. When BM said „That I‟m

a...‟ it means that BM is still thinking to continue the speaking but PM takes the

floor without waiting TRP‟s. Interruption was done by PM when BM was

speaking and looking for the words to say. Because of interruption, BM can‟t take

on the TRP then the words are missing. But after PM speaks, BM continues the

speaking and it makes the conversation is still informative.

 Datum Number 39

PM : You've been involved with songs about desperately

wanting to be a billionaire.

BM : That's the beauty about "Billionaire." If you listen to the

lyrics, it, it's really not about -- it is. We touch on it a little

bit. Why I wrote that -- I wrote "Billionaire" when I was flat

broke. I just helped write a song for Flo Rider. It was the

number one song in the world, biggest downloads ever. It

was the number one song for I don't know how many

weeks. It broke records.

I was flat broke. Another//

PM : //How?

In this data, PM yields the floor by giving a statement and BM answers clearly.

But when BM is still speaking, PM directly speaks without waiting TRP so that

BM can‟t continue his words and some informations might be missing. The

conversation above told about writing a song when BM was flat broke. When BM

was still thinking to continue the speaking, PM took a turn by interruption then

missing text of BM. PM took the floor by doing interruption because he thought

information is enough. In this case, conversation above often occured and

however, when participants of conversation feel comfortable, the conversation

still flows well. The important thing that their discussion or their talking

connected each other.

 Datum Number 40

PM :You've been involved with songs about desperately

wanting to be a billionare.

BM : That's the beauty about "Billionaire." If you listen to the

lyrics, it, it's really not about -- it is. We touch on it a little

bit. Why I wrote that -- I wrote "Billionaire" when I was

flat broke. I just helped write a song for Flo Rider. It was

the number one song in the world, biggest downloads ever.

It was the number one song for I don't know how many

weeks. It broke records. I was flat broke. Another //

PM : // How?↑

BM : Because we're going to -- I can explain all of that. It works

differently for songwriters. Songwriters, you have to work -- you

have to wait for residuals. You have to pray that the song's going to

be a hit. And then a year later, you might get a check.

In this data, PM asked about involving BM‟s life with his song title „Billionare‟.

BM told about the history of the writing of song lyrics. When he wrote a song

„Billionare‟, BM had been in Flat broke and he explained about songwriter job.

Songwriters have to work, have to wait for residuals and have to pray that song

will be a hit and famous and then he will get a check. BM looked sad when tells

the story of that, the words seems stammer. When BM will continue the words,

PM directly took a turn by Interruption (//) and gave a turn by asking question

with rise intonation (↑) in the end of words because PM looked very curious with

the story which is told. PM as a host gave a turn to speak with ask the question. In

conversation analysis theory, it is called yielding the floor. It means one of

participants in conversation give a turn to other participant with asking the

question or giving the statement. In this case, PM using question with saying

„How‟ and rising intonation in the end of the word to give a turn to BM as his


c. Overlapping

 Datum Number 2

PM : That‟s going to really eat away at Rob Lowe. You‟re

younger. [you’re better looking]

BM : [That’s my goal in life]. Eat your heart

out, Mr. Lowe. (LAUGHTER)

In this data, PM accolades BM as a starting to open the nice topic and also as a

reception to a guest star. BM receives the reception with a great answer and makes

a joking. Before PM takes on TRP, BM also speaks and then both of them speak

in a time togrther and it is called by Overlapping ([]). It means that as a

appreciation for a great reception which is given by a host.

 Datum Number 17

PM : For the CNN worldwide audience, the worst Bruno Mars

song you have ever written, the one that even now makes you come

out in a weird sweat? ↓

BM : Me and my partner Phil wrote a song called "Bedroom

Bandit." That's all I have to say. [LAUGHTER]

PM : I can't even imagine [how bad those lyrics are.]

BM : [But I promise you, Piers] had you


been in the studio, we thought we were going to win 18 Grammys

off this song. The next day, we called each other up like, what were

we thinking?

In this data, PM asked with falling intonation (↓) at the end of the sentences about

news from CNN that Bruno Mars has ever had a bad song. BM admits it that he

ever writes a song with his friend under the title Bedroom Bandit. it is a funny

title then PM laughs and took a turn and made a joke but when PM is still

speaking, BM also speaks and then both speaks in a time together and it called by

Overlapping. Overlapping sometimes occured in every conversation and in this

case, overlapping don‟t disturb the way of conversation.

 Datum Number 18

PM : You told a good story, that I read about you, when you

were talking about Elvis Presley and a bit of footage you'd

seen of him performing I think on a TV show, with a big

audience of women. There was a moment when Elvis

spotted the girls were going crazy. Rather than doing

what most guys do, [which is speed up], get to the

moment, he slowed it all down.

BM : [That’s Right]

This data is a clear start which is done by a host. To begin the conversation, PM

told the story about BM when he was child and watched the Elvis Presley

Performance and something was happened about the audience who was going

crazy and Elvis is slowed to face it. BM was giving a response for PM‟s statement

by saying „that‟s right‟ while PM was still speaking. In that conversation has

occured Overlapping ([....]) because PM has predicted what will be spoken by BM

and BM asserted the answer by saying „that‟s right‟. It called Back Chanelling.

Assertion the answering with using word like right, huuh, yeah etc. In this case,

overlapping doesn‟t disturb this conversation and it was still informative and BM

can predict so that overlapping also occured in this conversation. PM is still

speaking but BM direct answer with simple word like he‟em, right, yes. It is

called back chanelling. It shows that the participant listen and understand what is

going to speak by other participant.

 Datum Number 20

PM : You told a good story, that I read about you, when you

were talking about Elvis Presley and a bit of footage you'd seen

of him performing I think on a TV show, with a big audience of

women. There was a moment when Elvis spotted the girls were

going crazy. Rather than doing what most guys do, [which is

speed up,] get to the moment, he slowed it all down.

BM : [That's right.]

PM : [Everyone went to slow motion]


In this data, PM as a host told a story about BM that when BM was child and

watched the Elvis Presley Performance and something was happened about the

audience who was going crazy and Elvis is slowed to face it. BM was giving a

response for PM‟s statement by saying „that‟s right‟ while PM was still speaking.

In that conversation has occured Overlapping ([....]) because PM has predicted

what will be spoken by BM and BM asserted the answer by saying „that‟s right‟.

It called Back Chanelling. Assertion the answering with using word like right,

huuh, yeah etc. In this case, overlapping doesn‟t disturb this conversation and it

was still informative.

 Datum Number 25

PM : [Don't do the usual, me], a heartthrob?[ Me, Bruno

Mars? ]

BM : [Oh come on] .[ Not me.]

In this data, overlapping also occured with the symbol ([ ]). The conversation

above is full of joking so that when PM still speaks, BM also spoke to answer

what PM asked. BM told about facing the heartthrob, PM was still speaking then

BM was also speaking then they were speaking in a time together. Although

overlapping occured, the information of the conversation was still informed and

conversation still flows well.


 Datum Number 31

PM : I've seen your parents say that unlike the other kids in the

family, who were quite shy when it actually came to performing on

stage, you loved it.

BM : [I was a ham bone]

PM : [You wanted ] to be there You wanted to be little Elvis

running around. Is that true? Do you remember that part of it?

In this data, overlapping occured. When BM wass speaking, PM was also

speaking because PM has predict what will be spoken by BM. Piece of

conversation told about his family life. PM gave a turn by giving a statement that

he looked BM was unlike the other kids. BM wasn‟t shy when it actually came to

perform on stage. BM took a turn and then PM also took a turn then they were

speaking in a time together. But as far sa that, Conversation still flows well

although both speak in a time together but information still realize and understan

each other.

 Datum Number 37

BM : Don't you take away my women, please. Don't you do

that to me.

PM : Take all the money away, all the cars, the house. Think

about this, Bruno? [This is a big question.]


BM : [I'm good.]

In this data, both of them make a joke about women and money. BM made a

statement that he would choose woman than money. PM took a turn after BM

finished the speaking. But BM took a turn without waiting PM reached his TRP

then overlapping also accured in this conversation. When PM say „This is a big

question‟, BM has predicted so he directly say „I‟m good‟. This words were as a

response from joking above. In this conversation, although participants spoke in a

time together but the information of their conversation was still expressed, so that

there is no problem with strategy which is used in piece of the conversation


2. Holding the floor

 Datum Number 5

PM : Was that a dream of yours to do that?

BM : Absolutely. She had been taking care of me for quite some

time. It's time for her to sit back and relax.

PM : How did she react when you did that?

BM : She said, it's not big enough. Get me out of it.



BM : She was in tears. It was a very special moment for me. So-

PM : The thing I like about your story is it hasn't all just been

easy. A lot of entertainers your age, it all goes crazy very young, it

carries on and burns out.

In this data, PM starts the conversation with asking question about BM‟s dream

for his mother. BM wants to give his mother the happiness and enjoys the time,

just sit and relax because he knew that his mother always took care of him until

now. BM answered without hesitant and his face looked having a big anthusiasm.

And continuing with asking question about reactions of BM‟s mother when BM‟s

dream comes true. BM answered after TRP‟s and both of them laugh, making a

pause (.) for a moment and then BM took the turn again or it is called holding the

floor. Keep the turn before PM take the turn to speak. BM felt his speaking don‟t

enough so he continues his speaking although in the end of his speaking are taken

by interruption by PM. As far as this conversation flows well.

 Datum Number 11

PM : As brutal as that?↑

BM : It wasn't as brutal as that. And you know what? It's not

Motown's fault. I was too young. I didn't know what it was like.


I knew I could sing. I knew I can sing, but there's so much more I

had to learn. I didn't come from the recording background. I came

from doing live shows and performing with bands and that was my

craft. I didn't know what it took to become -- to record and be a

recording artist.


Now, you got to write songs. Now, you got to establish who you are.

I don't know if anyone who knows they are at 18 years old.

In this data, BM told about his carrier when he got dropped by Motown records.

He told the chronology of dropping him from motown. He said that he was too

young and can‟t remember only a litle bit. He thought that it was motown‟s fault

because he was just younger who hasn‟t known yet about recording. He can sing

but to record there was steps which he knew and learned. When he told a story, he

made a pause (.) at the moment and he always continued his speaking. In this

case, PM as a nice hearer because he waited until BM reached TRP‟s. holding the

floor by BM. BM doesn‟t give a turn to PM to take the turn.

3. Yielding the floor

 Datum Number 13

PM : Did a part of you believe that, that maybe you weren't

good enough?↓

BM : You definitely have those nights where you fell a little

insecure, but I didn't want to give up, I wasn't going to --

my goal was, I'm not going to go back home. I'm not going

back to Hawaii and face my friends and my family saying it

didn't pan out. I've got to do something.

PM : What did you change about what you were doing? How

did you move from has been at 18 to back on track? ↓

BM : I think I grew. I grew as an artist. I grew as a writer. I

wrote songs every day. I started producing. And you know,

practice is what you need. I've written a lot of awful songs.

Hopefully –

In this data, PM gave the turn by asking question and fall intonation (↓) in the end

of sentence. It shows that give a turn or yielding the floor is clear, it give a

contribution in making a good conversation so it flows well. The intonation can be

rised or fallen to give a sign that the next speaker is selected. The conversation

above told about BM‟s life, the journey of life to reach a successful life like now.

BM never gave up to make his dream come true and he always kept the strugle for

it. PM as a host gave some question to BM and BM answered without hesitant and

he knew when he must speak and when he must listen.


 Datum Number 33

PM : What values did they instill in you? ↓

BM : Just family is everything for us. You know, I wouldn't be

where I am today without the support and the love that my

parents gave me and the knowledge that my father gave

me. He's the one that put me on to music. He's the one that

showed me Jackie Wilson and James Brown.

PM : What kind of advice did he give you, your dad?↓ Because

he's putting you into a business he knew well. It can be a

rough business. It can be a lonely place.

BM : Right.

In this data, the strategy to give a turn by asking question with fall intonation in

the end of the sentences. It is called Yielding the floor. PM select the next speaker

with giving a question to BM and BM answer without hesitant and without

pauses. In the conversation above, PM as a host asked about BM family‟s life.

BM answered with compassionate face when he told about his family. He told that

his family is everything, always supporting him in all conditions, giving

knowledge especially about music from his father. PM gave the second question

after BM reached his TRP. The second question is still about family. PM used a

question to give a turn but he also made a statement so that BM just answered

with short word, it is usually called back chanelling. Back chanelling is the

response of participants statement with using the short word but the meaning can

be understood by participants. like aha, right, hemm, etc.

 Data Number 36

PM : If I could take away the money or the women, which

would you rather keep? ↓

BM : Definitely the women, Piers. What kind of question is

that? What is this, a setup? ↑

PM : It's a good answer.

In this data, PM gave the floor by asking question with fall intonation in the end

of the sentence. He asked about BM‟s life, woman or money would be chosen

when both of it were a choice. BM answered that he would choose his woman.

BM made a joke with asking „what kind of question is that?‟, he felt that PM just

wanted to make him shy and confused. And BM knew his turn to speak. BM

answered clearly without hesitant because no pause before he answers, and he

gave a turn by statement with rise intonation in the end. It is not a question, it is

just a rhetorical question which do not the answer.

 Datum Number 38

PM : Does the money, in the end, mean that much? It's

obviously great to have it, but does it mean that much

to you? ↑

BM : (.) emm No. No. I'm not doing emmm of course, like I

said, being able to buy my mom a house, that's

something awesome that I've always wanted to do. I

don't think emm if you're doing music for money, I

don't know if you can be taken seriously.

In this data, yielding the floor by asking question with rise intonation (↑) at the

end of the sentence. PM gives a turn with a question and BM answerer a hesitant

answer. It signed by pause (.) and saying „emmm‟ in some times. It shows that BM

isn‟t ready to answer. The piece of conversation above told that when BM was

success, Money was everything because he said that with money, he made his

mom happy, bought a house for his mom and family, and gave everything for his

family with own money.

 Datum Number 41

PM : You're seeing this song go round the world, massive, huge

international hit. And you're making nothing.

BM : And I can't buy a sandwich.

In piece of conversation above, PM started with joking about the job, about a song

which famous, hit and go international but the writer doing nothing. PM took a

turn and said a statement, yield the BM by a statement. And BM answered with

contuining sentences without waiting PM gave a turn. In this case, BM did a self

sellection because the previous speaker haven‟t chosen yet the next speaker.


A. Conclusions

According to research findings, it can be concluded that there are some

points which can answer this research questions.

Interaction strategy in turn taking mechanism includes three main points,

taking the floor, holding the floor and yielding the floor. In this research on Piers

Morgan Tonight Talk Show, yielding the floor is mostly used in conversation. In

taking the turn, participants often speak in a time together and it is usually called

by overlapping. In conversation, overlapping is not a big problem as long as

participants understand each other. Besides overlapping, interruption also occurs

in the conversation. Interruption is taking a turn without waiting speaker take on

TRP. Almost participants as a listener do interruption because they have predicted

what will be spoken by speaker. Listener feels getting enough information from

the speaker so that he/she cuts the speaking. Sometimes some words are missing

but it doesn’t influence that conversation. The other strategy is starting up. In this

conversation on Piers Morgan Tonight Talk Show, Piers Morgan as a host always

begins the conversation by asking questions or flattering to make the conversation

more enjoyable. When yielding occurs in conversation, there are two strategies

which are used by participants, they are: a). Using utterance which includes a


question or a statement and then the listener responds directly from the speaker.

b). Rising and falling intonation clearly in the end of sentences.

From explanation above, it can be concluded that every conversation has

many various strategies. Whatever strategies chosen, the important thing in

conversation is coherence and cohesion in the utterances by the participants.

B. Suggestions

Learning Pragmatics, especially Conversation Analysis in turn taking

mechanism is quite important for the next researchers who concern with

communication in social life and for all readers. Because in social community

must have their own rules, regarded to culture, language and mentality to reach an

ideal and understanding comminucation.

This research may give a few suggestions for the next researchers that analyze

conversation among three participants or more, they also can analyze conversation

between participants use different language and then using theory code mixing

and code switching. For example, three participants talk about something in

conversation and each participants use different language and other participant

understand what speaker say, so conversation flows well.


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Transcript of Piers Morgan Tonight Interviews Bruno Mars

Aired January 6, 2012 - 21:00 ET



MORGAN : I switch to the rather more glamorous Avalon Club in Hollywood.

I found somebody even more glamorous than Rob Lowe. And that is Bruno Mars.

Bruno, welcome.

MARS : Good to be here.

MORGAN: That's going to really eat away at Rob Lowe. You're younger. You're
better looking.

MARS : That's my goal in life. Eat your heart out, Mr. Lowe.

(LAUGHTER) MORGAN: Listen, you tweeted, "I thought 2010 was a great year
but thanks to you guys 2011 has been the greatest year of my life." Why?

MARS : For many reasons. I toured the world this year. I've been to places
that I never dreamt of going singing these songs and promoting my album, and
got a tremendous response. It's funny, that day I tweeted that I just bought my
mother a house.

MORGAN : Really?

MARS : Yes. And it's thanks to these fans.

MORGAN : Was that a dream of yours to do that?

MARS : Absolutely. She had been taking care of me for quite some time.
It's time for her to sit back and relax.

MORGAN : How did she react when you did that?

MARS : She said, it's not big enough. Get me out of it.


MARS : She was in tears. It was a very special moment for me. So --


MORGAN : The thing I like about your story is it hasn't all just been easy. A
lot of entertainers your age, it all goes crazy very young, it carries on and burns

In your case, you had this big wakeup call. You were 18 years old. You come to
Hollywood. Motown signs you up. And you thought, whoa --

MARS : This is it.

MORGAN : I have arrived.

MARS : Yes.

MORGAN : I, Bruno Mars, am a Motown sensation. I mean, boom, almost as

fast as you got it, they dropped you.

How did that feel, that time in your life?

MARS : It was taking a step back. I used to be able to walk into a room
and say, hey, I'm Bruno Mars, I'm signed with Motown Records. Now I have to
say I got dropped from Motown Records. You lose leverage. You lose people
believing in you because, then, why didn't it work?

MORGAN : How did you get told the news?

MARS : It was like this. Hey, we don't want you anymore.

MORGAN : As brutal as that?

MARS : It wasn't as brutal as that. And you know what? It's not Motown's
fault. I was too young. I didn't know what it was like.

I knew I could sing. I knew I can sing, but there's so much more I had to learn. I
didn't come from the recording background. I came from doing live shows and
performing with bands and that was my craft. I didn't know what it took to
become -- to record and be a recording artist.

Now, you got to write songs. Now, you got to establish who you are. I don't know
if anyone knows who they are at 18 years old.

MORGAN : Did you react well? Or like most 18 year olds when --

MARS : I might have cried. I might have shed some tears.

MORGAN : Did a part of you believe that, that maybe you weren't good

MARS : You definitely have those nights where you fell a little insecure,
but I didn't want to give up, I wasn't going to -- my goal was, I'm not going to go
back home. I'm not going back to Hawaii and face my friends and my family
saying it didn't pan out. I've got to do something.

MORGAN : What did you change about what you were doing? How did you
move from has been at 18 to back on track?

MARS : I think I grew. I grew as an artist. I grew as a writer. I wrote songs

every day. I started producing. And you know, practice is what you need. I've
written a lot of awful songs. Hopefully --

MORGAN : What's the worst song you've ever written?

MARS : I don't even want to say it. This is CNN, come on.

MORGAN : For the CNN worldwide audience, the worst Bruno Mars song
you have ever written, the one that even now makes you come out in a weird

MARS : Me and my partner Phil wrote a song called "Bedroom Bandit."

That's all I have to say.

MORGAN : I can't even imagine how bad those lyrics are.

MARS : But I promise you, Piers, had you been in the studio, we thought
we were going to win 18 Grammys off this song. The next day, we called each
other up like, what were we thinking?

MORGAN : You told a good story, that I read about you, when you were
talking about Elvis Presley and a bit of footage you'd seen of him performing I
think on a TV show, with a big audience of women. There was a moment when
Elvis spotted the girls were going crazy.

Rather than doing what most guys do, which is speed up, get to the moment, he
slowed it all down.

MARS : That's right.

MORGAN : Everyone went to slow motion.

MARS : I think it was the Milton Berle show. I believe. I think it was the
Milton Berle show. I don't if it was Ed Sullivan. But he sang "Hound Dog." He
had girls in the palm of his hand. He said, you know what, watch this. You could
tell that it was like an improv thing, because the band kind of didn't know what to


I don't know if that was live TV or not. But as he started, he got -- he milked it for
everything it was worth. I remember being a kid watching that and saying, I want
that. I want girls to scream like that.

MORGAN : Now they do, Bruno.

MARS : That's right. Rob Lowe, you hear that?

MORGAN : In numbers only Rob Lowe could dream about. What is the
reality of being a heartthrob?

MARS : Heartthrob?

MORGAN : Don't do the usual, me, a heartthrob? Me, Bruno Mars?

MARS : Not me.

MORGAN : Really, me? No, you're kidding me. Let's cut through all that crap,
shall we?

MARS : What's the question.

MORGAN : Do you plead guilty to being a heartthrob.

MARS : I definitely don't plead guilty to being a heartthrob. I don't think

my friends will ever let me say that I'm a -- they keep me --

MORGAN : Some mornings you look in the mirror.

MARS : And I say, yeah, you are the most beautiful man I've ever seen.
But that's just me, Piers.

MORGAN : This is a stupid question, but when you look out now and you see
a sea of beautiful women screaming at you --

MARS : What else is new?

MORGAN : It's got to feel good, right? How good does it feel? Is it actually a
bit weird?

MARS: It's the greatest feeling on Earth. You can't deny that. Like I said, I don't
know if it's a sea of women. It's fun. It's fun. MORGAN: Let's have a little break. I
want to talk to you when we come back about your early life in Hawaii, the time
before this craziness was going on. Also how you felt about "Time Magazine"

putting you in their 100 most influential people of the year, because that's quite an



UNIDENTIFIED MALE : Four-year-old Bruno, tomorrow's king of rock an

roll, the world's youngest Elvis impersonator, Bruno.


MORGAN : Back with my special guest, Bruno Mars. Bruno, that's you as a
four-year-old doing your Elvis impression. You were a good little Elvis, weren't

MARS : Man, I see those. I don't even remember that. I can't remember
doing that. I don't even remember -- I don't think I even knew what I was doing,
that I was actually impersonating somebody else.

MORGAN : I've seen your parents say that unlike the other kids in the family,
who were quite shy when it actually came to performing on stage, you loved it.

MARS : I was a ham bone.

MORGAN: You wanted to be there. You wanted to be little Elvis running around.
Is that true? Do you remember that part of it?

MARS : Yeah. I remember one night I had 100 some odd fever. I was
about five years old, six years old, something like that. My mother wouldn't let me
perform. I was bawling all night up in the room. I had to call in sick that night.
And I couldn't get to put my jumpsuit on.

I was just crying. That's the one thing I remember.

MORGAN : What was early life for you and the family like in Hawaii?

MARS : You know, Hawaii is a special place. And -- because when I think
about my childhood, I think about my family, my sisters, my brother, us going to
the beach, doing things that you would think a family that grew up in Hawaii
would do.

But, you know, my father who put this show together where you see these little
Elvis clips, you know, he had this show six nights a week at the Sheraton Waikiki.
So it was me going to school and then at nighttime I turned into Batman.

MORGAN : What values did they instill in you? MARS: Just family is
everything for us. You know, I wouldn't be where I am today without the support
and the love that my parents gave me and the knowledge that my father gave me.
He's the one that put me on to music. He's the one that showed me Jackie Wilson
and James Brown.

MORGAN : What kind of advice did he give you, your dad? Because he's
putting you into a business he knew well. It can be a rough business. It can be a
lonely place.

MARS : Right.

MORGAN : It can be a place, as you discovered at 18, can be full of great

highs and full of terrible lows.

MARS : Right. His advice -- you see, my dad was a show man. My mom's
the singer in the family. My dad is -- my dad was kind of the leader, as far as
putting shows together and finding guys that could sing and doing this doo-wop
stuff. That was the show we were in. It was called the Love Note Show.

My dad has this love for 1950s doo-wop music. So he knows that he's not the best
singer in the world. But he knows he can find the best singers in the world and put
them all together on the stage and make magic happen. That's what he did with

I think as far as like -- my father was like leadership qualities. That's what he
showed me.

MORGAN : How do they feel, your family, when "Time Magazine," one of
the most prestigious publications in the world, comes out with its famous annual
list of the 100 most influential people in the world and you're on that list. You're
sharing this with people like Benjamin Netanyahu, Barack Obama, Mark
Zuckerberg, General David Petraeus, and Justin Bieber.

So you weren't the only heartthrob who cracked the list. But that's a big moment,
isn't it? That's a moment that recognizes not just you as a performer, but as a
businessman and as a young man with real influence over millions of people.

MARS : I guess proud. I think my mother and father are extremely proud.
To them, I'll always be little Bruno. And that's what I need. Doing what I do, I
need my family and I need to go back home and feel like I'm safe and everything
is cool.

MORGAN : If I could take away the money or the women, which would you
rather keep?

MARS : Definitely the women, Piers. What kind of question is that? What
is this, a setup?

MORGAN : It's a good answer.

MARS : Don't you take away my women, please. Don't you do that to me.
MORGAN : Take all the money away, all the cars, the house. Think about this,
Bruno? This is a big question.

MARS : I'm good.

MORGAN : Does the money, in the end, mean that much? It's obviously great
to have it, but does it mean that much to you?

MARS : No. No. I'm not doing -- of course, like I said, being able to buy
my mom a house, that's something awesome that I've always wanted to do. I don't
think -- if you're doing music for money, I don't know if you can be taken

MORGAN : You've been involved with songs about desperately wanting to be

a billionaire.

MARS: That's the beauty about "Billionaire." If you listen to the lyrics, it, it's
really not about -- it is. We touch on it a little bit. Why I wrote that -- I wrote
"Billionaire" when I was flat broke. I just helped write a song for Flo Rider. It was
the number one song in the world, biggest downloads ever. It was the number one
song for I don't know how many weeks. It broke records.

I was flat broke.


MARS : Because we're going to -- I can explain all of that. It works

differently for songwriters. Songwriters, you have to work -- you have to wait for
residuals. You have to pray that the song's going to be a hit. And then a year later,
you might get a check.

MORGAN : You're seeing this song go round the world, massive, huge
international hit. And you're making nothing.

MARS : And I can't buy a sandwich.

MORGAN : Literally?

MARS : Literally.

MORGAN : What do you think brings happiness?

MARS : The simple things, little things in life.

MORGAN : Hold that.


MORGAN : Let's come back after the break. I want you to think carefully. I
want the Bruno Mars secret recipe to happiness.


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