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I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d!

Text for number 1 to 6
My Daily Activities
My name is Julie. This is my daily activities. I get up at five o'clock in the morning. I brush my teeth
at five ten. I take a bath at five fifteen, and then I have breakfast at half past five every morning.
I go to school at six thirty in the morning. I arrive at school at seven o'clock. The school begins at
quarter past seven every morning. And the school finishes at one fifteen in the afternoon. I arrive at
home at two o'clock in the afternoon. I have lunch at ten past two in the afternoon.
At home, I take a nap at three o'clock. I watch television at a quarter to five in the afternoon. I have
dinner at seven in the evening. I study at seven thirty. I go to bed at nine. On Sunday I help my
mother in the kitchen. 
1. Julie gets up at ....
    a. quarter to five AM                                      c. a quarter past five Am
    b. half past five AM                                       d. five AM
2. Julie has to take a bath at ....
    a. half past six AM                                         c. half past six PM
    b. a quarter past five                                      d. half past five PM
3. Julie goes to school at ....
    a. five past six in the morning                         c. quarter past six
    b. a quarter past seven                                   d. half past six
4. Julie arrives at home at ....
    a. one past ten PM                                        c. ten to two PM
    b. one past two PM                                      d. two o'clock
5. Julie studies her lesson at ....
   a. ten to seven PM                                         c. half past seven
   b. ten past seven PM                                      d. half past twenty five PM
6. Julie helps her mother on ....
   a. Monday                 b. Tuesday                     c. Saturday                 d. Sunday
7. The students usually have flag ceremony on ....
  a. Sunday                   b. Monday                     c. Friday                     d. Saturday
8. Moslems usually go to mosque to pray on ....
   a. Sunday                 b. Thursday                    c. Friday                     d. Sunday
9. The first month of the year is ....
    a. January               b. February                     c. March                     d. April
10. There are .... moths in a year.
     a. eleven                b. twelve                         c. thirteen                   d. fourteen
11. The Kartini's day is on....
     a. January              b. February                     c. March                    d. April
12. Indonesia independence day is on ....
    a. July                    b. August                        c. September              d. October
13. Today is Saturday. Yesterday was ....
      a. Monday            b. Thursday                     c. Friday                    d. Sunday
14. "Hari apa hari ini?" in English is ....
      a. Yesterday was Sunday                             c. What day is today?
      b. Tomorrow will be Tuesday                      d. Today is Tuesday
15. Before you go to bed, brush your ....
     a. teeth                 b. chin                           c. cheek                        d. head
16. They are ..... in the swimming pool.
     a. Volley ball          b. playing foot ball          c. swimming                 d. basket ball
17. We need .... to play foot ball.
     a. racket                b. shuttle cock               c. ball                           d. net
18. There ... seven pencils in the pencil box.
     a. We                    b. are                            c. is                              d. you
19. Mira : Are there three books on the table?
     Dinda: Yes, ....
     a. There are            b. There is                   c. She is                        d. We are
20. Diana : .... are you?
     Doni   : I am fine thanks.
     a. Why                    b. Who                       c. How                          d. What

II. Fill in the blank by using the word in the box!

21. Monkeys eat ....
22. Mother buys fruit and vegetables in the ....
23. Today is Monday, yesterday was ....
24. There are .... days in a week.
25. Before May is ....
26. After June is ....
27. This is .... pencils.
28. Mango, apple, water melon are the names of ....
29. spinach, carrot, cucumber are the names of ....
30. I go Surabaya by .... 
31. We need .... to play badminton.
32. The last month of the year is ....
33. My mother .... rice in the kitchen.
34. The students play foot ball in the ....
35. ... she a teacher?
a.  April f.  vegetables k. banana
b.  your g. is l. market
c.  July h. fruits m. Sunday
d.  shuttle cock i. plane n. December
e.  field j. cooks o. Seven

III. Answer these questions bellow!

36. Write five names of land transportation!
37. Write five names of the days!
38. Write five names of vegetables!

IV. Arrange the words into the good sentence!

39. Santi - Bandung - goes - by - to - Bus.
40. school - go - I - to - six - at - o'clock - in - morning - the.

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d!

   Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (X) huruf a, b, c, atau d!
“Our Body”
Our body is dedived into three parts. There are parts of the head, body and legs. On the head we
have hair, fore head, eyebrow, eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, mouth, lips, teeth, tongue, etc. We use our
eyes for seeing, we use ears for hearing, we use nose for smelling, and we use our mouth for eating.
We also have shoulder, chest and stomach on the body. We have two hands. There are five fingers
in each hand. So we have ten fingers. We use our hand to hold something. For walking, we have two
legs, right and left legs.
1. How many parts are there on our body?
   a. Three parts             b. Two parts              c. Four parts             d. Five parts
2. What do we use our eyes for?
   a. Seeing                    b. hearing                   c. Eating                  d. Smelling
3. How many fingers do we have?
   a. Two fingers            b. eight fingers            c. Ten fingers          d. Nine fingers
4. What do we use our legs for?
   a. Seeing                    b. Walking                  c. Hearing                d. Eating
5. What do we use for smelling?
   a. Mouth                    b. Eyes                       c. Lips                     d. Nose
6. Mr. Prasetyo : Hello boy! How do you do!
    Boy              : Hi ....
   a. Good Luck             b. How do you do        c. Nice to meet you   d. Thank you
7. Tania : I will have an English Test tomorrow, Dewi.
    Dewi : Well ... Tania
    a. Good luck             b. Good bye                 c. Good morning      d. Good night
8. This is ... eraser.
    a. are                        b. a                             c. an                       d. am
9. What colour of Indonesian flag?
    a. Black and white      b. Yellow nd white       c. green and white    d. red and white
10. Arrange these words!
     is - bag - The - red.
     a. Is bag the red       b. The red bag is            c. The bag is red      d. Bag is the red
11. Complete the missing letters!
      B _ _ CK B _ _ RD
      a. Eraser                 b. Blackboard               c. Whiteboard          d. Pencil Box
12. Whiteboard, table, chair, book, pencils, students are in the ...
      a. kitchen                b. bed room                  c. living room          d. classroom
13. We are watching ... in the living room.
      a. television             b. radio                         c. telephone             d. clock
14. Write in English : Bagaimana kabarmu?
      a. Thank you           b. I am fine                    c. How are you?      d. What is your name?
15. Translate into English!
      Ada lima tas biru.
      a. There is five blue bags.                             c. There are five red bags
      b. There are five blue bags                            d. There are five black bags
II. Fill in the blank by using words in the box!
    (Isilah titik-titik dengan kata-kata yang ada di dalam kotak!)
16. Narita : Hi, I am Narita. What is your name?
     Marisa : My name ... Marisa.
17. Hallo, ... are you Windi?
18. The colour of our hair is ....
19. There is ... mango in the refrigerator.
20. We have two ... for holding something.
21. It is 07.00 in the evening. We must say ....
22. My mother cook rice in the ....
23. Mr. Anto sleeps in the ....
24. I clean my hair with ....
25. We use ... for hearing.
26. We have .... ears.
27. We use our mouth for ....
28. This is ... apple.
29. Those ... five pens.
30. Sonia : Do you have breakfast?
      Tasya: Yes, ....
31. Restu : Does she your mother?
      Dian  : No, ....
32. I have breakfast in the ....
33. It is 08.00 in the morning. I say ... to my teacher.
34. I take a bath in the ....
35. The colour of blood is ....

a. a f. An k. Shampoo p. bedroom
b. are g. red l. good evening q. eating
c. two h. good morning m. I do r. bathroom
d. hands i. how n. She doesn't s. black
e. ears j. is o. kitchen t. morning

III. Answer these questions bellow!

     (Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini!)

36. Write five name of colours!

37. Translate into English!
      Ibu Rina adalah ibu saya.
38. Translate into Indonesian!
      I have two brothers and one sister.
39. Arrange this sentence!
     am - I - you - thank - fine.
40. Write five names of parts of body!
MTs Salafiyah Takeran Magetan

I. Find the meaning by using words in the box! Score 20

(Carilah arti dengan kata-kata yang ada di dalam kotak!)
1. Handsome : ……………… a. Cantik f. tinggi
2. Ugly : ………………
b. Tampan h. gemuk
3. Thin : ………………
c. Murah i. kurus
4. Beautiful : ………………
5. Cheap : ……………… d. Rajin k. tua
6. High : ……………… e. Mahal l. jelek
7. Expensive : ………………
8. Fat : ………………
9. Old : ………………
10. Diligent : ………………
II. Change the sentence like example! Score 20
(Ubahlah kalimat seperti contoh!)
Example: (+) They write a letter to their friend every year.
(-) They do not write a letter to their friend every year.
(?) Do they write a letter to their friend every year?
1. (+) I go to school everyday.
(-) …………………………………………………………
2. (+) My mother cooks fried chicken every week.
3. (+) She drinks a glass of tea every morning.
4. (+) You clean the whiteboard every Friday.
5. (+) He plays football every Sunday.
III. Find the antonym of these words! Score 10
(Temukan lawan kata dari kata-kata ini!)
1. Young >< ……………
2. Expensive >< ……………
3. Beautiful >< ……………..
4. Fat >< ………………..
5. Long >< ………………
MTs Salafiyah Takeran Magetan

I. Fill in the blanks by using comparative and superlative! Score 10

(Isilah titik-titik dengan menggunakan kata-kata “lebih…” dan “paling….”!)
No. Adjective Comparative Superlative
1. Beautiful …………………….. Most beautiful
2. ………………. Cleverer Cleverest
3. Cheap …………………….. Cheapest
4. Handsome More handsome ……………………..
5 ………………. More difficult Most difficult

II. Change the sentence like example! Score 20

(Ubahlah kalimat seperti contoh!)
Example: (+) They are writing a letter to their friend now.
(-) They are not writing a letter to their friend now
(?) Are they writing a letter to their friend now?
1. (+) We are going to school by bicycle right now.
(-) …………………………………………………………
2. (+) My mother is cooking fried chicken in the kitchen at this moment.
3. (+) She is drinking a glass of tea now.
4. (+) You are cleaning the whiteboard now.
5. (+) He is playing football in the field now.
III. Fill in the blanks! Score 20
(Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini!)
No. V1 V2 Meaning
1. Eat …………… ……………
2. …………. drank minum
3. Sweep swept …………….
4. Write …………… …………….
5. …………. listened …………….
6. Play …………… bermain
7. ………… spoke berbicara

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