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NAME : ................................................

NIM : ................................................

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e.

1. Shop assistant : Good afternoon. May I help you?
Andy : Yes. ___________________. I bought this pair of shoes yesterday. I believe I have
asked for size 43, but you gave me 42.
a. I want to blame you.
b. I propose to exchange the shoes.
c. I have a complaint to make.
d. I am really curious.
e. I am not satisfied with your service.
2. Retno : ____________________He used to raise protest against the drug abuse.
Denias : People change.
a. No wonder that now he becomes a drug dealer.
b. It is unquestionable that he is now becoming a drug dealer.
c. It is no doubt that he becomes a drug dealer.
d. You don’t have to be surprised that he is now becoming a drug dealer.
e. How on earth can he become a drug dealer?
3. Adib : Don’t be sad. ____________ he’s not the Mr. Right who you’re waiting for. I’m sure
you’ll fi nd another guy who is really right for you, in the right time and in the right place.
Anita : Yeah, maybe you’re right. Every cloud has a silver lining.
a. Believe me
b. Perhaps
c. Trust me
d. I’m not lying
e. I tell you the truth
4. Ayu : If you were to choose, would you take your future children to public school or would you
homeschool them?
Adib : Even though homeschooling to some extent develop high quality academic skills,
a. I would prefer my children to go to public school.
b. I would rather homeschool my future children.
c. I think I would rather teach them myself.
d. I’ll do my best to educate them at home.
e. I believe that mother should be a primary source to learn.
5. Anita : Dad, _____________________ I really need some fun after the exam.
Father : Well, okay. But promise me to go home before 11 sharp.
a. I propose to hang around.
b. I promise to hang around.
c. Give me some time to hang around.
d. May I join my friends to hang around?
e. I am sorry.
Read the dialog and answer these questions number 6 up to 10!
Adib and Ayu have a talk before the class begins.
Adib : Do you think there is a possibility for the drug addicts to stop using drugs?
Ayu : I’m sure there is. As a matter of fact, there have been many drug users rehabilitation centres
Adib: Is it possible that they can stop without treatment?
Ayu : Well, I don’t think it is. Addiction is a disease, in the same way that cancer is a disease. You
wouldn’t expect a cancer patient to get better without help from a hospital. Equally, you
shouldn’t expect a drug addict to get better without help from a rehabilitation centre.
Adib : But I often hear people say that it depends on the drug addicts themselves, whether or not
they have a strong will to stop using drugs.
Ayu : Well, I believe so. There must be a motivation that the drug addicts want to stop using drugs.
Adib : Family and friends’ support will indeed be very helpful.
Ayu : Yes, indeed.
6. Does Ayu think that there is a possibility for the drug addicts to recover? Why?
7. Why doesn’t Ayu think that the drug addicts cannot quit without treatment?
8. Why does it depend on the drug addicts themselves if they want to recover?
9. What things should the drug addicts have if they want to stop using drugs?
10.Who can help the drug addicts to stop using drugs?
Match the terms to their meanings! (1-6)

Correct the verb in the brackets into Present Perfect Tense! (1-9)
1. Ferhat (be) in Magetan since 2011.
2. I (not have) the opportunity of being acquainted with you yet.
3. They (lost) their pen so they can’t do their exercise.
4. He (just, arrive) from Lampung.
5. Father (go) to Mecca for a week so he fells very tired.
6. Alloh (keep) His promise.
7. My mother (visit) Bali twice.
8. We (not see) Ma’rufah for many years.
9. Mrs. Laili (write) five novels of real story.
10. GOOD LUCK!!!

A. Correct the verb in the brackets into Simple Past Tense and translate that sentence in
1. Aminah and Aisyah …………..(spend) their vacation in Bali last holiday.
2. The police …………..(catch) the thieve last night.
3. Mr. Smith ……………(not attend) the wedding party last week.
4. They (work) ………… in that office for three years.
5. My parents (be) …….. here four weeks ago.
B. Fill the blank with the appropriate form!

No. Present Past Past Participle Meaning

2. Break ………………… Broken ……………….
3. …………….. Wore ………………… Memakai
4. Keep ………………… Kept ……………….
5. …………….. Carried ………………… ……………….
6. Fly ………………… ………………… Terbang
7. …………….. Taught Taught ……………….
8. Stop ………………… ………………… Berhenti
…………….. Dug ………………… Menggali

C. Fill the blank with tag-ending!

1. That is the most well-written book of the 21th century, …..?
2. Maryam has never gotten in touch with you, …..?
3. We won’t have to stand in line, …..?
4. Bob’s sister is cooking tonight, …..?
5. You live in Bromo street, …..?
6. Your dad works in a bank, …..?
7. My car really needs a wash, …..?
8. I don’t have to finish my homework, …..?
9. I think the play has already started, …..?
10. You are not feeling well, …..?
D. Make a sentence based on the word given!
1. Bow :
2. Worship:
3. Terrible :
4. Heart :
5. Lift :
E. Make a question using WH. Question based on the sentence given!
1. My mother visited Surabaya zoo two days ago..
2. Because I am very tired.
3. I need 3 kilograms of sugar.
4. Aisyah and Aminah were studying when I came.
5. Zakky has learned English for five months in Pare Kediri.
A. Correct the verb in the brackets ”SIMPLE PAST OR PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE”!
1. The door …………..(knock) while I ……………..(study).
2. She ……………….(sleep) when you ………….(call) her.
3. Someone ………(try) to steal her phone while she ……………(queue) for a railway ticket.
4. The fire alarm ………..(ring) while the boarding school students ………..(sleep).
5. While I …………(cross) the street, two cars …………(race) by me at full speed.
6. When my sister …………..(clean) the house, she ………..(find) some old love letters.
7. My mother ………..(cook) fried rice in the kitchen when the phone ……….(ring).
8. When the lecturer ………….(enter) the class, the students …………(discuss) about
education problems.

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