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Non Audio Configurator Training

C:\network files\presentations\FX-2000N\FX-2000 phase 2 network configurator Training.ppt

FleX-Net™ Network Laptop Configuration Utility
FleX-Net™ Network Laptop Configuration Utility
Job Info
Shows details of
the job's name,
number, creation
date and author.

Two Stage - check to

enable two stage system

Fire Drill - check to enable

the panel's Fire Drill

Manual Signal Silence-

check to enable the
panel's Signal Silence

Class A Conv Inputs -

check this box to indicate
that the panel has Class
A conventional inputs.

Class A Input Modules -

check this box to indicate
that input modules' field
wiring is Class A
FleX-Net™ Network Laptop Configuration Utility
Class A Loop - check this
box to indicate that the
panel has Class A
addressable loop(s).
Class A Fire Phone - check
this box to indicate that
the wiring from an
addressable fire phone
module and the handset is
Class A.
Class A Network - check
this box to indicate that the
wiring between Network
Nodes is Class A.

Digital Audio - check this

box to indicate that the
audio signals use the
Arcnet wiring between
Network Nodes. If not
checked, then the audio
runs over a separate pair
of wires.
Digital Phone - check this
box to indicate that the
Fire Phones use the
Arcnet wiring between
Network Nodes. If not
checked, then the phone
conversations use a
separate pair of wires.
FleX-Net™ Network Laptop Configuration Utility
Monitor Alert Buzzer

Second stage alarm relay -

Sets alarm relay to operate
on 2nd stage alarm.
Disabled unless Two Stage
Relays follow node alarm -
Sets Alarm relay to activate
on node level alarm - else
system level alarm. Mutually
exclusive with Second
stage alarm relay.
Relays follow node supv -
Sets Supervisory relay to
activate on node level
supervisory - else system
level supervisory

Relays follow node trbl -

Sets Trouble relay to
activate on node level
trouble - else system
level trouble.
FleX-Net™ Network Laptop Configuration Utility
Drift Compensation

Device LEDS flash when

polled System Wide

Alarm transmit silence used

with City tie boxes

Disable Auto Test - check

this box to disable the
automatic testing of
System Sensor
addressable devices.

Automatic All Call - check

this box to enable
automatic "ALL-CALL"
when PTT or Digital
message SW is pressed.
FleX-Net™ Network Laptop Configuration Utility
Signal Coding
Coded System - check
to enable coded system
Extended Code - Code
pulse duration. 1/4
(disabled) 1/2(enabled).
Delay Code - Time
between codes. 3
(disabled) 10 (enabled).

Signal Rates
Evac - choose the
evacuation signal
Alert - choose the alert
signal rate. .

Audio Setup... - launches the
Audio Setup dialog.
FleX-Net™ Network Laptop Configuration Utility
Auto GA Timer -
Choose from 0-30
minutes or Disabled.
The control is
disabled unless Two
Stage Operation is
Auto signal silence timer -
Choose from 0-30 minutes
or Disabled. The auto
signal silence timer cannot
be set shorter that auto GA
or signal silence inhibit
Power-fail delay for trouble
transmit. If the only trouble
on the system is an AC
power failure, transmision
of the status through the
UDACT can be delayed up
to 18 hours

Signal silence inhibit

timer - 0-3 minutes

Proving delay time

- 5-90 seconds
FleX-Net™ Network Laptop Configuration Utility
New Alarm - 10-120
seconds. The timer
is started by a new
alarm. When it
expires, the new
alarm system status
is cleared. It is
stopped by system
Auto Resound – 5-12
minutes. The timer is
started by the New
Alarm Active Timer
timeout event. When
it expires, the system
RESOUND is set. The
timer is stopped by
(1) new alarm (2)
Alarm Acknowledge
or (3) system reset.

Page Inhibit – 10-120

seconds. Started by the
first active alarm. Paging is
inhibited while the timer is
running. The internal
system status Page Inhibit
is TRUE while the timer is
FleX-Net™ Network Laptop Configuration Utility
Date and Time
Daily clock adjustment
Specifies the number of seconds
(positive or negative) by which the
panel's clock is to be adjusted every
24 hours. The adjustment, if any, is
made at 01:55 every day.
Daylight Saving
Enable Daylight Saving - Enables
automatic change to and from
daylight saving. The rules
specifying when daylight saving
time begins and ends are specified
After Hours
Enable Auto After Hours
Daytime Start and End - specify when
daytime begins and ends.
Weekend Start and End - specify when
the weekend begins and ends.
Holidays - list the defined holidays.
Modify... - opens the Edit Holidays

Reprogram Holiday Trouble - check this box to put

the panel into trouble when there are no future
holidays programmed. Specify the date after which
there are no programmed holidays. The panel will be
in trouble until the job is re-configured to have more
holidays or the check box is un-checked.
File Menu
Backup Database: Backup data base puts a
backup copy of the Master Database in the File
folder specified in the User Preferences screen.
Backup your Master Database at least daily and
store a copy of this database outside of your
main computer.

Restore Database: Restores the data base to

database directory for use or modification.

Compact Database: If you have purged your

old versions or deleted databases Compacting
the Database files in main database directory
will save space on drive.

Note: All Jobs with all versions are stored in the

Master Database.
File Menu
User Preferences: This screen
defines where all files related to the
FleX-Net™ configurator are kept. The
default values are as shown and must
be entered as shown at right.

Serial Port & Security Key are unique

to the individual laptop
File Menu
Show Tools Menu: Checking this
box will load a extra pull down for use
in trouble shooting of the FleX-Net™
File Menu
Show Tools Menu: Provides
service tools for testing the configurator used in conjunction
with customer service or engineering.
File Menu
Print / Print Preview / Print Setup:
Provides direct access to Windows print /
Printer Setup and preview functions. The same
as any other Windows software.

Exit: Exits the FleX-Net™ Configurator

File Menu
Print / Print Preview / Print Setup:
The print command will allow you to make a hard copy of the configuration.
You will have options to print the complete Job or just the current node and
Sub nodes as well as Input Correlations / Output correlations and Display
File Menu
Print / Print Preview / Print
The print command will make
a hard copy of the
Job Menu
New Job: This command will start a new job from the beginning (You must fill in the shown
information before a new database is opened).
- Keep job names the same so they will be stored as multiple versions of that job.
- Name must not contain special characters.
Copy current Job Data (check box): When creating a new job this powerful command will
create a job copying the setup of the present job which is open. Example: To duplicate
databases for duplicate building or very similar ones by only modifying instead of recreating
(you will not have to recreate all the information again)
Job Menu (continued)
Open Job: This command will open a existing job from your database directory.
The Master Database given out in this course has specific examples that may help
you see several approaches to meeting specific requirements.

Import Job: This command will import a existing job from your backup archived
database or older configurator and move it to your active new database.
Job Menu
New Version: This command will start a new version of the open job using the present database
as a start (You must enter comments before it will proceed).
Each time you plan to edit a version, you should select new version command.
Once a job has been sent to the panel, we recommend that you make a new version of that job
before further editing the job.
Delete Job Version: This command enables the User to delete a specific version of a job.
Version History: This command enables the User to see all versions of the job in the database.
Job Menu
Compare Job Versions: The Compare
Command permits the User to compare two jobs
or two versions of jobs.
- It will show in detail which items have been
modified or whether correlations have been
added or removed.
- In differences mode a report can be printed.
The scope and depth of the print report can be
chosen, similar to when printing a job.
The differences report is intended primarily to
provide the authorities with a detailed list of
what has (and what has not) been changed.
Such a report can be used to justify only minor
re-testing of an installation.
Job Menu
Compare Job Versions: When you initiate
Job Compare, this dialog is displayed.
Primary Job: This field reminds you which
job you have already established as primary
job: the base job against which the
secondary job will be compared.
Select Secondary Job:
Select Version: Use the combination of
Job and Version to select the secondary job.
The job defaults to the same one you
established as Primary. Normally you will
only need to choose a newer version of the
same job. You are prevented from choosing
the same Job and Version for Primary and
Job Menu
Compare Job:
Modified – Check this box to include any
item that has been modified. (Modified
means that it is the same adder, circuit,
switch, etc. but some attribute has been
Present only in Secondary Job – Check
this box to include items that are only
present in the secondary job.
Present only in Primary Job – Check
this box to include items that were only
present in the primary job. This means
that that Loop Adders, Annunciators,
Display Adders, circuits, etc that were
removed from the primary job will be
File Menu
Compare Job Versions Printing:
In differences mode the print command will allow you to make a hard copy
of the compare report. The scope and depth of the print report can be
chosen, similar to when printing a job.
You will have options to print the complete Job or just the current node and
Sub nodes as well as Input Correlations / Output correlations and Display
Job Menu
Import Job: The Import Job Command permits the User to select a
extracted copy of a particular job for importing into the configurator database
which has been exported from the configurator or from an older version.
Export Job: The Extract Command permits the User to select to copy a
particular version of a job for transfer or backup to another database.
Convert Job: Not used in Network configurator.
Job Menu
Validate Job: This Command will build a data structure for the
job (a self test of the configuration prior to sending the data to
the FleX-Net™ panel.
Job Menu
Edit Job: This Command will allow you to modify a database
that has already been sent to the panel or the configurator has
just been opened.
High-lite the area you are adding to
In this case the Base Panel

Insert Menu
Add Network Nodes: This command will add selected
item to the area you are working in. This shows the “Base
Panel”. You will add additional Network Panels
You may add a Tag to each for your own reference.
High-lite the area you are adding to
In this case the Base Panel

Insert Menu
Add Loop Controllers: This command will add selected item to the
area you are working in. This shows the “Base Panel”. You will add
additional Loop controllers (Loop Adder or Conv (conventional) Adder)
You may add a Tag to each for your own reference.
High-lite the area you are adding to
In this case the Node Panel

Insert Menu
Add Annunciators: Remote annunciators (LCD annunciator) You
may add a Tag to each for your own reference.
High-lite the area you are adding to
In this case the Main display of the Node

Insert Menu
Add Display Adder: This command will allow you to add Display
adders to the selected Display or Remote Annunciator
(48 LED Adder, 24 Switch Adder, Hand-Off-Auto Fan control adder,
Graphic LED adder or Master Paging Microphone or Phone and
Selector switches)
High-lite the area you are adding to
In this case the Node where UDAC is located

Insert Menu
Add UDACT: This command will allow you to add a UDAC to the
selected panel (Node) You will be able to set the Report Format SIA or
Contact ID. You will also have the choice to Auto Assign the Fire Zones
to the UDAC or you can assign them individually later on in the
Insert Menu
Add UUKL Groups: This command will allow you to add a UUKL Groups to the
System of panels (Nodes)
Insert Menu
Add UUKL Groups: A right click on the right screen will allow you to
add a UUKL Group to the System of panels (Nodes) Name it and setup
Weekly Auto Test Times and days if required for UUKL
High-lite the area you are adding to
In this case the Conventional Loops

Insert Menu
Add Ckt Adder: This command will allow you to add to Hardwired
loops “0” and “1” additional modules (DM-1008A 8 input circuits, SGM-
1004A 4 signal circuits or RM-1008A 8 Relay circuits)
High-lite the area you are adding to
In this case the Addressable Loop 2

Insert Menu
Add Device: This command will allow you to add to Addressable loops,
additional devices (1251 or 1551 Ion Detector, Acclimate, Dual Acclimate,
Fire phone Input, Heat Detector, Input module, Laser etc.)
You will also be able to set the process, address and number of devices to
be added.
High-lite the area you are adding to
In this case the Addressable Loop 2

Insert Menu
Add Device: This command will allow you to add to
Addressable loops, additional devices (1251 or 1551
Ion Detector, Acclimate, Dual Acclimate, Fire phone
Input, Heat Detector, Input module, Laser etc.)
You will also be able to set the process each new
device will be required to do.
Main Menu
Input Zones: This command will allow
you to add Input zone
A screen will allow you to enter a input
zones and its process. You will add
correlations to these later (You must use
these when using the UDAC dialer as the
zone information is the information that is
sent to the monitoring station
Main Menu
Input Zones: These command will
allow you to modify and delete input
Main Menu
Input Zones: This command will allow
you to add correlations to each zone
High-lite the device you are correlating
In this case the Photo Detector

Insert Menu
Add Device Correlations:
This command will allow you
to add correlations of devices
to Input Zones
A screen will show what you
have entered as input zones.
High-lite the area you are intend to delete
In this case a addressable
Photo Detector on Loop 2

Edit Menu
Delete Item: This command v

will allow you to delete selected

items or modules from the
database. You will be prompted
to confirm (as shown at right).
High-lite the area you are intend to modify
In this case a addressable Photo Detector on Loop 2

Edit Menu
Modify Item: This command will allow you to modify items
or devices in the database. You will have to have the item
Edit Menu
Modify Item: This command will allow you to modify
items or devices in the database. You will have to have
the item highlighted. Using the enter or tab it will step
through all item that can be set for the selected item.
This screen show the
Addressable Photo detector on
Loop 2 will be copied.

Edit Menu
Copy: This command will allow you to copy the selected item or items.
Once you have selected the item and the copy command the Paste and
Paste Special will become available.
This screen allows you to Paste
the device selected previously to
Loop 2. It will add the device at
the lowest available address.

Edit Menu
Paste: This command will paste a copy of the selected item or items
from the clipboard the point you have indicated with the mouse arrow.
This screen allows you to Paste
Special the device selected
previously to Loop 2. It will show
an additional screen to allow you
options in copying the device

Edit Menu
Paste Special: This command will
paste a copy of the selected item or
items from the clipboard at the point you
have indicated with the mouse arrow
with options like
Number of copies, Copy I/O correlations,
Display correlations and if you wish you
can retain the address.
Panel Menu
Connect: This command will connect the laptop using the UIMA to the
FleX-Net™ preparing it for Send (upload) or Get (download) of the
configuration. Note: the Security Key must be present on the Laptop.
Panel Menu
Send Job: This command will send the configuration from the laptop to the
FleX-Net™ panel using the UIMA.
Get Job: This command will get a copy of the configuration from FleX-Net™
Panel to the laptop using the UIMA.
When sending you will be given a choice of just a node or the complete
Panel Menu
Panel Information: This command will read while connected the
FleX-Net™ the information about the FleX-Net™ panel.
Panel Menu
Security Key Info: This command will
read the FleX-Net™ Security Key
Information that is connected to your
FleX-Net™ Main Board
FleX-Net™ Main Board
P3 – Used for
configuration Field Wiring
P4 – JW1 Used
for UDACT and
its supervision
P9 – RS-232
Printer CRT
JW5 - Buzzer P5 – Loop 1
silenced Hardwiredl
when Expansion
P14 – JW4 – Watchdog
Ribbon Do not touch P6 – Loop 0
cable to Hardwiredl
Shared Expansion
Display P8 – Power
Distribution fo

20 Amp
P10-P11- Battery Fuse
P19 – P1-P2-Power Battery
P7 – Ethernet JW2 – SW2 – DIP Network Connections
Hardwareswitch 1-6 Transformer
Jack Card Observe Polarity Observe Polarity
Reset network
address Connector
Panel Menu
Upgrade Firmware: This command will upgrade
the operating Firmware in the FleX-Net™ only.
UIMA Interface Cable

• Connects to FleX-Net™ Master CPU for laptop programming.

• Interfaces laptop with FleX-Net™ for upload and download of
configuration and
FleX-Net™ Firmware UIMA Cable

Firmware Upgrades Network will be

done using the UIMA Interface module
to the whole system.
The firmware upgrade versions will be
available on the Mircom ESD Website.
FleX-Net™ Firmware

Upgrade System using

UIMA Interface
About: This push button will show you the version
of the FleX-Net™ Configurator.
Help Topics: This command will take you to the
Help file for the FleX-Net™ Configurator.
Context Sensitive Help: Use this Help command
to obtain help on some portion of the Mircom FleX-
Net™ configurator. When you choose the Toolbar’s
Context Help button, the mouse pointer will change
to an arrow and question mark. Then click
somewhere in the Mircom FleX-Net™ Configurator
window, such as another Toolbar button. The Help
topic will be shown for the item you clicked on will
take you to the Help file for the FleX-Net™
Configurator if available.
Summary View
Common System Status:
This screen will show you
the common points in the
software that can be
correlated to. i.e. Init Done,
Common Alarm, Reset etc.
System Summary View
Custom Timers: This screen will show
you a copy of the Custom Timers.
System Summary View
Custom Intervals: This screen will show
you a copy of the Custom Intervals.
System Summary View
Input Summary: This screen will show
you a copy of the Input summary.
System Summary View
Output Summary: This screen will show you a
printable copy of the Output summary.
FleX-Net™ Configuration Utility
File Management System
Setting User Preferences
Insert (Your Name)

COM port

Key type
FleX-Net™ Configuration Utility
File Management System

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