Experiment No. 5: Z-Transform Operations and Properties

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Experiment No.


• To manipulate the Z-transform properties using MATLAB.

• Computer System with MATLAB software Installed on it


In mathematics and signal processing, the Z-transform converts a discrete time-domain signal,
which is a sequence of real or complex numbers, into a complex frequency-domain

The Z-transform, like many other integral transforms, can be defined as either a one-sided or
two-sided transform.

Bilateral Z-transform
The bilateral or two-sided Z-transform of a discrete-time signal x[n] is the function X(z) defined

Unilateral Z-transform
Alternatively, in cases where x[n] is defined only for n ≥ 0, the single-sided or unilateral
Ztransform is defined as

In signal processing, this definition is used when the signal is causal.

As analog filters are designed using the Laplace transform, recursive digital filters are developed
with a parallel technique called the z-transform. The overall strategy of these two transforms is the
same: probe the impulse response with sinusoids and exponentials to find the system's poles and
zeros. The Laplace transforms deals with differential equations, the s-domain, and the s-plane.
Correspondingly, the z-transform deals with difference equations, the z-domain, and the z-plane.
However, the two techniques are not a mirror image of each other; the s-plane is arranged in a
rectangular coordinate system, while the z-plane uses a polar format. Recursive digital filters are
often designed by starting with one of the classic analog filters, such as the Butterworth,
Chebyshev, or elliptic. A series of mathematical conversions are then used to obtain the desired
digital filter. The Z transform of a discrete time system X[n] is defined as Power Series.

Pole Zero Diagrams For A Function In Z Domain:

Z plane command computes and display the pole-zero diagram of Z function. The
Command is
To display the pole value, use root(a)
To display the zero value, use root(b)

Frequency Response:

The Freqz function computes and display the frequency response of given Z- Transform
of the function freqz(b,a,Fs)
b= Coeff. Of Numerator a=
Coeff. Of Denominator
Fs= Sampling Frequency

1. Find z-plane command computes and display the pole-zero diagram of Z function.

2. Find and display the frequency response of Z- Transform. Assume any function.

3. For data sampled at 1000 Hz, plot the poles and zeros of a 4th-order elliptic low pass
digital filter with cutoff frequency 200 Hz, 3 dB of ripple in the pass band, and 30 dB of
attenuation in the stop band.

4. Plot the magnitude and phase of the frequency response of the given digital filter using
freqz function:
y(n) = 0.2x(n) + 0.52y(n-1) – 0.68(y(n-2)
no Criteria Beginning (1) Developing (2) Accomplished (3) Exemplary (4)

Apply Student is unable to apply With instructor/ supervisor’s With instructor/ Student is able to apply all
Procedural described procedure to guidance, student is able to supervisor’s guidance, procedural knowledge to
5 Knowledge to perform activity despite apply some of the described student is able to apply all independently perform
perform an instructor/ supervisor’s procedure to partially described procedure to activity without instructor/
activity guidance. perform activity. fully perform activity. supervisor’s guidance.

Student is able to
Student is unable to Student is able to partially Student is able to effectively and
effectively document/ document/ communicate effectively document/ independently document/
10 communicate
communicate performed performed activities despite communicate performed communicate performed
activities despite guidance. guidance. activities with guidance. activities form without any

Psychomotor Domain Rubrics

Activity Name  EXPERIMENT No. 5

Group No. 

Student Roll No.

 12438
N C PL Domain +
o L O Taxonomy Criteria Awarded Score (out of 4 for each cell)
. O

1 P3 Apply Procedural Knowledge to perform an

4 1
2 5 10 A3 Effectively reported the activity performed in lab

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