The Pineal Gland and The Nectar of Immortality

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3/24/2021 The Pineal Gland and the Nectar of Immortality

The Pineal Gland and the Nectar of Immortality

Posted on January 23, 2014 by Nienke —

With the days shorter and the weather cold and dark, it’s no wonder we might feel less motivated and even a bit down during the
winter. The winter blues is an experience many of us can relate to. If you find yourself feeling drained, withdrawn and depressed,
you could even be one of the many people affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

Yoga is a holistic practice that can help alleviate the symptoms of “low energy” or even SAD. Practicing yoga can help you sleep
better, reduce stress and anxiety, and refresh your mind and spirit. Even after one class you can feel the positive affects.

The pineal gland, a small, conelike gland which sits in the centre of the your
head,is responsible for synthezing and secreting melatonin, the hormone that
controls your body’s sleep/wake cycle. Your pineal gland also manufactures a
number of important neurotransmitters, including serotonin, which affects mood
and sleep.

In the winter when we have less natural light it affects our pineal gland and we may
feel more sleepy and sluggish. It is important to receive some natural daylight every
day. Try to go for a walk, especially if it is sunny out. Or even sitting in a sunny
window for about 20 minutes if it is too cold to go outside. Meditating, inverted
yoga postures and forward bends, and some breathing practices can also help
regulate the pineal gland.

The ancient yogis believed that your pineal gland secreted a fluid called “amrita,”
which was thought to be the fluid of immortality. Keeping your body in a
continuously upright position causes this fluid to drip down into your solar plexus, where it would evaporate. The yogis thought that
you could retain some of this fluid by practicing inversions, since these poses would cause the fluid to drip back down into your

So let’s hang out upside down together and retain some of that nectar of immortality 

Namaste 1/1

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