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How have the eating habits in Bulgaria changed?

Over the last century, our eating habits have changed dramatically, with our diets becoming
almost unrecognisable to those of our grandparents. The way we dine has been altered by our
attitudes towards food – yet is the modern way the better way?

Eating with family vs. eating alone

Nowadays eating alone is a growing trend. Never before had our past generations imagined,
that it will be possible to skip family dinner without having a good excuse. However, research is
revealing the negative impacts of eating alone - depression and diabetes. Hopefully, in the
future more people will become aware of these negative effects and will go back to dining with

Traditional food vs. fast food

Long gone are the hours spent slaving over the stove. Instead, convenience food has become
much more popular, with people reaching for microwave meals several times a week.
Unfortunately, since the fast food was invented, it has been a steady increase in the numbers of
people who suffer from obesity but luckily, nowadays more and more people go back to the
traditional food.

Eating times
A few decades ago, it was typical for a family to have an eating routine, so your body was
accustomed to knowing when to expect food. In the modern day, however, a lot of people have
lost this disciplined approach to meals. This resulting in over 65% of the population in Bulgaria
suffering from various diseases. Fortunately, having a healthier lifestyle has become a trend
and it is likely for most of the people to go back to having eating routines.

Word count : 262

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