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FERNANDEZ Time&schedule: MW 8:00-9:00 AM

Year&Section: BPED-2 Subject: FIT. O.A

Reflection paper


One of the most significant activities that we can compete in is sports. Many sports by the
physical body are done and others are not. Esport is one of the sports in which individuals are
involved. Esport is a game used in or by applications such as video gaming or sports. In essence,
esports is the collective term used at a professional level to describe competitive gaming, with top
esports players frequently becoming the world's best in their respective games.
Since the pandemic started, many of us have become more interested in technology. Since
every student is enrolled in online courses, and because of the pandemic we are facing right now, the
technical staff often work online. Many play online games such as mobile legend bang bang, call of
duty, and legend league and so on due to this involvement in technologies. One of the online games
that can be regarded as an eSport is the smartphone legend. Every season, there is also a
competition in mobile legend, and there are several groups consisting of 5 members. I don't know
how to play ML or Mobile Legend, at first, because I'm one of the students interested in technology,
before I leaned on how to play mobile legend. I also have experience in entering a tournament such
as in MCL for almost 8 months of playing mobile legend, it is one of the ml rivalry, but there are also a
lot of tournaments in every way that your barangay depends on the occasion. All I can say that in
playing mobile legend is so fun and it can and it can help also to improve your planning skills or
making techniques and also to your thinking skills even though sometimes it can upset the player and
one of the most important also in playing ML is that the team shoud have a good communication,
another is that we should have team cooperation. And in our subject the FIT. O.A, our teacher gives
us a choices if where are comfortable I choose esports for our final output in final, so our teacher
assigned us to play mobile legend or to have a tournament. Then last Sunday we played mobile
legend for the final we started at 8 pm and my team lost the game. I don’t know I think it’s because of
the internet connection and also someone is bothering me in my phone that can cause the game and
my connection low, and that is the reason I cant played well. Though we are defeated lets accept the
fact, in a competition we should accept the fact win or lost accept it because that was just a game.
Though we are lost but it so much fun and interesting in playing the game. And thanks to my teacher
because it’s our firs time playing with them well played and great time to us.
And also I was invited in the nest game for the other section and I can say that the other group
are more knowledgeable in playing the game, and also they have they cooperate each other like each
of them has a partner to help each other. Like in farming each of then cooperate to be able to get the
buff faster, and because they have well and great cooperation and strategy one of the team has won
the game.
In addition in I loved playing the game and it's so nice to know that I already have the skills to
play the mobile legend. I would guarantee that it will help you to develop your thinking skills by
playing in esports, and you will also learn new strategies and good cooperation. Playing the game is
not just for the enjoyment of developing one's abilities and skills. That is why participating in Esport is
not bad.

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