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Dirección: Díaz de la Madrid S/N y Abel Gallegos

Telf.: 023200525 - 023200230 – 023203956

Irregular verbs

Present Past Past Participle Meaning

1. Be (am, is, are) was, were been
2. Become Became Become
3. Begin Began begun
4. Break broke broken
5. Bring brought brought
6. Buy bought bought
7. Choose chose chosen
8. Come came come
9. Cost cost cost
10. Cut cut cut Homework:
11. Do / does did done
1. Copy the 4 columns
12. Draw drew drawn
and the 45 verbs in
13. Drink drank drunk
your notebook or
14. Drive drove driven
sheet a paper.
15. Eat ate eaten
2. Look for the meaning
16. Fall fell fallen
in Spanish.
17. Feel felt felt
3. Study the 45 verbs.
18. Fight fought fought
19. Find found found
20. Fly flew flown
21. Forget forgot forgot (forgotten)
22. Forgive forgave forgiven
23. Get got got (gotten)
24. Give gave given
25. Go went gone
26. Have, has had had
27. Hear heard heard
28. Leave left left
29. Make made made
30. Meet met met
31. Put put put
32. Read read read
33. Run ran run
34. See saw seen
35. Sell sold sold
36. Sit sat sat
37. Sleep slept slept
38. Speak spoke spoken
39. Swim swam swum
40. Take took taken
41. Teach taught taught
42. Think thought thought
43. Understand understood understood
44. Win won won
45. Write wrote written

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