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1704, TFDEN-018-003, 001


3rd edition

・Before attempting to operate the robot, please read through this operating manual
carefully, and comply with all the safety-related items and instructions in the text.
・The installation, operation and maintenance of this robot should be undertaken only
by those individuals who have attended one of our robot course.
・When using this robot, observe the low related with industrial robot and with
safety issues in each country.
・This operating manual must be given without fail to the individual who will be actually
operating the robot.
・Please direct any queries about parts of this operating manual which may not be
completely clear or any inquiries concerning the after-sale service of this robot to any
of the service centers listed on the back cover.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Chapter1 Outline
1.1 What is CC-Link......................................................................................................................... 1-1

1.2 CC-Link functions of this controller............................................................................................ 1-2

1.2.1 Construction of I/O signals ................................................................................................ 1-2
1.2.2 Performance table ............................................................................................................. 1-3
1.2.3 Installing location ............................................................................................................... 1-4
1.2.4 Hardware ........................................................................................................................... 1-5
1.2.5 Cable connections ............................................................................................................. 1-6

Chapter2 Needed Parts

2.1 Needed parts ............................................................................................................................. 2-1

Chapter3 Signal allocation

3.1 The field bus input/output signals .............................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.1 When the software PLC is enabled ................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 When the software PLC is disabled .................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.3 Input/output allocation across channels ............................................................................ 3-1
3.2 CC-Link signal allocation ........................................................................................................... 3-2
3.2.1 When used as a slave ....................................................................................................... 3-2
3.2.2 When used as the master ................................................................................................. 3-3

Chapter4 Operation
4.1 Setting procedure ...................................................................................................................... 4-1

4.2 CC-Link settings ........................................................................................................................ 4-2

4.2.1 Field bus settings............................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.2 CC-Link (master) settings.................................................................................................. 4-3
4.2.3 CC-Link (slave) settings .................................................................................................... 4-5
4.2.4 Operation check ................................................................................................................ 4-6

Chapter5 Error detection

5.1 Error detection on CC-Link board.............................................................................................. 5-1

5.2 Error detection on this controller................................................................................................ 5-2

5.3 Detail setting of Fieldbus Error .................................................................................................. 5-3

Table of Contents

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

Appendix1.1 Functional overview .................................................................................................... 1

Appendix1.2 Cyclic Transfer ............................................................................................................ 2

Appendix 1.2.1 Format of Transferred Data ............................................................................... 2
Appendix 1.2.2 Setting of Field bus .......................................................................................... 6
Appendix1.3 Remote Command.................................................................................................... 10
Appendix 1.3.1 Command protocol .......................................................................................... 10
Appendix 1.3.2 Settings of Fieldbus ......................................................................................... 12
Appendix 1.3.3 Remote command specification ...................................................................... 13

1.1 What is CC-Link

Chapter1 Outline
1.1 What is CC-Link
CC-Link (Control & Communication Link) refers to a field network system that can achieve controlling and
processing information data simultaneously and rapidly, in order to meet the various needs of the users of FA
system. By enabling network connections for limit switches, photo sensors, operation boards, robots and other
industrial devices and by enabling logical access to the inputs and output (network I/O) provided by each of
these devices,
CC-Link improves communication between devices which is difficult to achieve through hardware connections,
and it enables diagnoses for each individual device. The maximum number of nodes in the network is 64, and
the baud rate can be set from 156 Kbps to 10 Mbps in accordance with the size of the network.

Following figure is an example where this controller is connected to CC-Link as a slave.

Robot body

Terminating Terminating
resistor resistor

Sequencers Sensors I/O devices

Fig. 1.1.1 CC-Link connections diagram

The CC-Link function enables to be connected to CC-Link as shown above. These functions make it possible
for this controller to function as the master or as a slave (or both) in CC-Link and for the I signals and other
general-purpose input/output signals to be operated across the network.

CC-Link is a registered trademark of CC-Link Partner Association.

1.2 CC-Link functions of this controller

1.2 CC-Link functions of this controller

1.2.1 Construction of I/O signals

Up to four independent networks (channels) are supported by the CC-Link functions of this controller. In
each of these channels, this controller functions independently either as the master or as a slave.
An operation block diagram of the CC-Link functions is presented below.

I/O board (standard)

I/O that can be operated by Inputs :X0000~X0031

this controller outputs:Y0000~Y0031
Software PLC
Inputs :I1~I2048 Inputs :I0001~I2048
Fieldbus in use
outputs:O1~O2048 outputs:O0001~O2048
Inputs :X1000~X3047

I/O board (standard)

Inputs :I0001~I0032

Software PLC
Fieldbus not in use

Inputs :I0161~I2048

(Supplement) I/O board and field-bus function are both optional.

When purchasing, either one need to be selected.

Fig. 1.2.1 CC-Link function operation block diagram

There are two ways of accessing the network I/O from this controller.

When the software PLC is used, access is performed through the field bus I/O with 2,048 input contacts
(X1000– X3047) and 2,048 output contacts (Y1000–Y3047).

When the software PLC is not used, it is performed through the logical I/O with 1,888 input contacts
(I161–I2048) and 1,888 output contacts (O161–O2048). (See Note 1)

Note 1: If all logic port numbers are allocated to Fieldbus I/O through the “Hardware Settings”, the I/O will
be 2,048 contacts.

1.2 CC-Link functions of this controller

1.2.2 Performance table

Table 1.2.1 Performance table
Item Specification
Number of channels Maximum number of channels installed: 3
Master/Slave Can function as master or slave.
Master or slave can be set independently for each channel.
When using it as a slave, set it as an “intelligent device station” on the master
Number of A maximum of 2,048 inputs (256 bytes) and 2,048 outputs (256 bytes) can be
inputs/outputs used for all the channels, and these numbers cover all the general-purpose
(when used as a signals of this controller. (when the software PLC is used.)
Number of When remote registers are not used, up to 112 inputs and 112 outputs can be
inputs/outputs used.
(when used as a slave) When remote registers are used, a maximum of 368 inputs and 368 outputs can
be used.
Number of slaves Up to 64 slave stations can be connected to one master station.
connected Note that the following conditions must be satisfied.
(1) { (1 * a) + (2 * b) + (3 * c) + (4 * d) } ≤ 64
a: number of stations occupying 1 station
b: number of stations occupying 2 stations
c: number of stations occupying 3 stations
d: number of stations occupying 4 stations
(2) { (16 * A) + (54 * B) + (88 * C) } ≤ 2304
A: number of remote I/O stations (64 or less)
B: number of remote device stations (42 or less)
C: number of local stations, waiting master stations, and intelligent device
stations (26 or less)
(3) { 32×α + (32+64)×β } ≤ 2048 (PLC is used)
1888 (PLC is not in use)
α: Number of stations using no remote registers
β: Number of stations using remote registers.

Node address By means of key input from the teach pendant, the node addresses at this
controller side can be selected from 1 to 64 and set for each channel.
Baud rate 5 steps, from 156 Kbps to 10 Mbps, can be set enabling the optical rate for the
scale of the network to be selected.
Input data processing It is possible to select whether the input signal statuses are to be held or cleared
when communication when communication trouble has occurred.
trouble has occurred
Connection precautions If this controller is the last device connected to the network, a terminator
(terminating resistance) should be connected.

Listed below are the possible causes of trouble.

・ Broken or disconnected cable
・ Mismatched baud rate
・ Erroneous node address setting
・ Trouble in CC-Link board hardware

If an error has occurred or a LED indicating trouble lights up, the I/O statuses may not be
correct. Care should be taken since this may cause the robot, jigs and other interlocks to
fail to operate correctly, possibly resulting in a sudden or unanticipated operation.

There is a case that “intelligent device station” can not been selected according to the
device type. Before use, please confirm that “intelligent device station” can been
IMPORTANT selected.

1.2 CC-Link functions of this controller

1.2.3 Installing location

CC-Link board is in use by installing to one of PCI slot. Please remember its location (slot ID #1 to #3),
because this number needs to be set later.

#1 #2 #3

Slot ID

Setting screen of PCI slot ID

Fig. 1.2.2 PCI slot

1.2 CC-Link functions of this controller

1.2.4 Hardware
CC-Link board (Q80BD-J61BT11N)
Although CC-Link board (Q80BD-J61BT11N) itself can support CC-Link V.2, this controller can support only
CC-Link V1.0.

The connectors are as shown below.






Cable connectors




Fig. 1.2.3 CC-Link board (Q80BD-J61BT11N)





Fig. 1.2.4 Detailed diagram of cable connectors

If the channel is located at the end of the network, terminating resistances must be connected.

1.2 CC-Link functions of this controller

1.2.5 Cable connections

Connect the CC-Link connector bracket to the CC-Link board, and then mount this assembly to the CPU rack
of this controller.

CC-Link board Connector connection bracket

Cable provided

Fig. 1.2.5 Connection between CC-Link board and CC-Link bracket

After the completion of mounting the printed circuit board, connect the cable directly to the connector provided
on the connector connection bracket.

CPU rack

CC-Link cable

CC-Link connector connection bracket

Fig. 1.2.6 Connection of CC-Link cable

Pin num ber

2 Pin number S ignal name Function

1 - Terminal block mounting hole

2 DA Signal line A
4 3 DB Signal line B
5 4 DG Digital GND
5 S LD Shield

6 - Terminal block mounting hole

Fig. 1.2.7 Enlarged view of terminal block

2.1 Needed parts

Chapter2 Needed Parts

2.1 Needed parts
Following optional are needed to implement CC-Link function.

Table 2.1.1 Optional parts for CC-Link function

Parts name Type

CC-Link board or AX10-OP98-B

2.1 Needed parts


3.1 The field bus input/output signals

Chapter3 Signal allocation

3.1 The field bus input/output signals
The field bus input/output signal attributes differ depending on whether the software PLC is enabled or disabled.
The signal allocation positions are also determined by the numbers of the field bus channels used.
3.1.1 When the software PLC is enabled
If the software PLC is enabled, the signals are allocated to the field bus relay inputs (X1000– X3047) and
outputs (Y1000–Y3047).
Channel number Input Output Number of signals
Channel 1 X1000~X1511 Y1000~Y1511 512 (64 bytes)
Channel 2 X1512~X2023 Y1512~Y2023 512 (64 bytes)
Channel 3 X2024~X2535 Y2024~Y2535 512 (64 bytes)
Channel 4 X2536~X3047 Y2536~Y3047 512 (64 bytes)
Total 2048

3.1.2 When the software PLC is disabled

If the software PLC is disabled, the signals are allocated to the inputs (I161–I2048) and outputs
(O161–O2048) of the general-purpose input/output signals.
Channel number Input Output Number of signals
Channel 1 I161~I672 O161~O672 512 (64 bytes)
Channel 2 I673~I1184 O673~O1184 512 (64 bytes)
Channel 3 I1185~I1696 O1185~O1696 512 (64 bytes)
Channel 4 I1697~I2048 O1697~O2048 352 (44 bytes)
Total 1888

3.1.3 Input/output allocation across channels

The field bus can use up to four channels. However, if not all four channels are going to be used, the signal
allocation area of the disabled channels can be used. (The description below uses a case where the
software PLC is enabled as an example. Even when the software PLC is disabled, the allocation can be
used under the same approach.)

If only one channel is going to be used, all 2,048 inputs and outputs can be used by channel 1 alone if
channel 1 is used.
Channel number Input Output Number of signals
Channel 1
Channel 2
X1000~X3047 Y1000~Y3047 2048 (256bytes)
Channel 3
Channel 4

If two channels are going to be used, 1,024 inputs and outputs can be used by each channel if channels 1
and 3 are used.

Channel number Input Output Number of signals

Channel 1
X1000~X2023 Y1000~Y2023 1024 (128 bytes)
Channel 2
Channel 3
X2024~X3047 Y2024~Y3047 1024 (128 bytes)
Channel 4

3.2 CC-Link signal allocation

3.2 CC-Link signal allocation

The head signal position is determined depending on which field bus channel the signals have been set in. In the
case of CC-Link, the signal positions are also determined by the number of the occupied stations which has been
set for the slave.

3.2.1 When used as a slave

If this controller is going to be used as a slave, the signals are simply allocated from the signal positions
determined by the channels. The number of the occupied stations is fixed at 4. Therefore, 112 inputs/outputs
are available.

*1: If no remote registers are used, a local station will be able to use 128 I/O at maximum. Since 16 of them are occupied as
the system I/O, however, the station will be able to freely use 112 I/O at maximum.

*2: If remote registers are used, a local station will be able to use 384 I/O at maximum. Since 16 of them are occupied as the
system I/O, however, the station will be able to freely use 368 I/O at maximum.

The following section shows the signal allocation when this controller is used as the slave.

Table 3.2.1 Signal allocation when no remote registers are used

Channel1 Channel2 Channel3 Channel4 Number of
enabled disabled enabled disabled enabled disabled enabled disabled
Remote I/O X1000 I161 X1512 I673 X2024 I1185 X2536 I1697
to X1111 to I272 to X1623 to I784 to X2135 to I1296 to X2647 to I1808
Y1000 O161 Y1512 O673 Y2024 O1185 Y2536 O1697
to Y1111 to O272 to Y1623 to O784 to Y2135 to O1296 to Y2647 to O1808
System region X1112 I273 X1624 I785 X2136 I1297 X2648 I1809
(unusable) to X1127 to I288 to X1639 to I800 to X2151 to I1312 to X2663 to I1824
Y1112 O273 Y1624 O785 Y2136 O1297 Y2648 O1809
to Y1127 to O288 to Y1639 to O800 to Y2151 to O1312 to Y2663 to O1824
Unallocated region X1128 I289 X1640 I801 X2152 I1313 X2664 I1825
to X1511 to I672 to X2023 to I1184 to X2535 to I1696 to X3047 to I2048
Y1128 O289 Y1640 O801 Y2152 O1313 X2664 O1825
to Y1511 to O672 to Y2023 to O1184 to Y2535 to O1696 to X3047 to O2048
* With PLC disabled, the number of I/O for the unallocated region of Channel 4 will be 224.

Table 3.2.2 Signal allocation when remote registers are used

Channel1 Number of
Channel2 Channel3 Channel4
enabled disabled enabled disabled enabled disabled enabled disabled
Remote I/O X1000 I161 X1512 I673 X2024 I1185 X2536 I1697
to X1111 to I272 to X1623 to I784 to X2135 to I1296 to X2647 to I1808
Y1000 O161 Y1512 O673 Y2024 O1185 Y2536 O1697
to Y1111 to O272 to Y1623 to O784 to Y2135 to O1296 to Y2647 to O1808
System region X1112 I273 X1624 I785 X2136 I1297 X2648 I1809
(unusable) to X1127 to I288 to X1639 to I800 to X2151 to I1312 to X2663 to I1824
Y1112 O273 Y1624 O785 Y2136 O1297 Y2648 O1809
to Y1127 to O288 to Y1639 to O800 to Y2151 to O1312 to Y2663 to O1824
Remote register X1128 I289 X1640 I801 X2152 I1313 X2664 I1825
to X1383 to I544 to X1895 to I1056 to X2407 to I1568 to X2919 to I2048
Y1128 O289 Y1640 O801 Y2152 O1313 Y2664 O1825
to Y1383 to O544 to Y1895 to O1056 to Y2407 to O1568 to Y2919 to O2048
- 128
Unallocated region X1384 I545 X1896 I1057 X2408 I1569 X2920
to X1511 to I672 to X2023 to I1184 to X2535 to I1696 to X3047
Y1384 O545 Y1896 O1057 Y2408 O1569 X2920 -
to Y1511 to O672 to Y2023 to O1184 to Y2535 to O1696 to X3047
*1 With PLC disabled, the number of I/O for remote registers of Channel 4 will be 224.
*2 With PLC disabled, Channel 4 has no unallocated region.

3.2 CC-Link signal allocation

3.2.2 When used as the master

If this controller is going to be used as the master, the signal positions are determined by the sequence in
which the slaves are displayed on the slave list screen.
The slave list is set on the screen below. (For the operating procedure, refer to Chapter 4.)

The signal allocation is determined by the number of occupancy stations by each slave.
Given below is an example of signal allocation when channel 1 is made to serve as the master.

Table 3.2.2 Example of master signal allocation

Signal Signal
Number of Number of
Type of station Signal name allocation with allocation with
station signals
PLC enabled PLC disabled
1 Remote I/O station Remote I/O X1000 to X1111 I161 to I272 112
Y1000 to Y1111 O161 to O272
System region X1112 to X1127 I273 to I288 16
(unusable) Y1112 to Y1127 O273 to O288
5 Remote device Remote I/O X1128 to X1175 I289 to I336 48
Y1128 to Y1175 O289 to O336
System region X1176 to X1191 I337 to I352 16
(unusable) Y1176 to Y1191 O337 to O352
7 Intelligent station Remote I/O X1192 to X1207 I353 to I368 16
Y1192 to Y1207 O353 to O368
System region X1208 to X1223 I369 to I384 16
(unusable) Y1208 to Y1223 O369 to O384
Remote register X1224 to X1287 I385 to I448 64
Y1224 to Y1287 O385 to O448
8 Remote I/O station Remote I/O X1288 to X1303 I449 to I464 16
Y1288 to Y1303 O449 to O464
System region X1304 to X1319 I465 to I480 16
(unusable) Y1304 to Y1319 O465 to O480
9 Remote I/O station Remote I/O X1320 to X1335 I481 to I496 16
Y1320 to Y1335 O481 to O496
System region X1336 to X1351 I497 to I512 16
(unusable) Y1336 to Y1351 O497 to O512

Depending on the station type (slave/master), manufacturer etc. of the device, there are
some cases where the device does not have a system region. For the details of the
CAUTION system region, please refer to the instruction manual of those devices.

3.2 CC-Link signal allocation


4.1 Setting procedure

Chapter4 Operation
4.1 Setting procedure
Shown below is the general sequence of the steps for performing the setting.


Hardware connections

Field bus settings

Set the number of the field bus channel to
be used, the master and the slaves, and the
slot ID where the CC-Link board has been



CC-Link (master) settings CC-Link (slave) settings

Set the baud rate, master node number Set the baud rate, slave node numbers,
and the action to take when transmission number of input/output bytes, and the action
errors occur. to take when transmission errors occur.

Slave list settings

Set the type of the local stations, the number
of stations occupied, and select
whether to reserve or disable the stations.


Fig. 4.1.1 Setting procedure flowchart

When the software PLC is used for field bus input/output signals, the software PLC settings must be performed
as well. For further details, refer to “Software PLC manual”.

4.2 CC-Link settings

4.2 CC-Link settings

4.2.1 Field bus settings

Protocol settings
1 Open <Constant Setting> - [8 Communication] – [3 Fieldbus].
≫A setting screen for each channels such as the one shown below appears

2 Align cursor with channel combo box, and select [CC-Link].

3 Select master or slave with [ENABLE] and [Left] or [Right] cursor keys.

4 Align cursor with slot ID combo box, and select slot ID number where CC-link
board is inserted. (#1 to #3).

Now proceed to set the CC-Link (master) or CC-Link (slave).

4.2 CC-Link settings

4.2.2 CC-Link (master) settings

Channel settings
1 On the “Fieldbus” screen, align cursor with the channel where CC-Link (master)
has been selected, and press “Refer” f-key. (In the figure below, channel 1 is

≫ Following screen now appears.

2 Align cursor and set needed parameters.

Baud Rate A baud rate from 156 Kbps to 10 Mbps can be selected. The same
baud rate must be set for all the devices in one network.
Connect No. Input the number of slaves to be connected to the master.
AUTO CLEAR It is possible to select whether the input signals from the CC-Link
INPUTS are to be held or cleared when communication trouble has occurred.

3 This now completes the settings of the master. However, for use as the master,
the slave devices connected to the master must also be set. Proceed with the
slave list settings starting with the next item.

4 Upon completion of the settings, press the f12 <OK> key.

Now continue to the setting of slave list.

4.2 CC-Link settings

Slave list settings

1 Press “Slave List” f-key on the CC-Link (master) detailed setting screen.
≫ Following screen now appears.

2 Align cursor and set needed parameters.

Sta. type Select one of remote I/O, remote device, or intelligent, and press
[Enter] key.
When this controller is to be connected as a slave, select
“Intelligent device station.”
Occupancy sta. Select one of 1, 2, 3, or 4 stations, and press [Enter] key.
When this controller is to be connected as a slave, select “4
stations.” As soon as the number of the occupancy stations is set,
the station number is updated automatically.
Reserve sta. Select one of “No setup,” “Reserve,” “Disenable”, and press [Enter]
Normally select “No setting.” If “reserved” is selected, no error is
detected even though it is not connected to the network. If
“disabled” is selected, this station is considered not to exist.
Register Select one of “Disabled” or “Enabled”, and press [Enter] key.
If “Enabled” is selected, in addition to normal I/O, remote registers
with 64 I/O per station can be used. If the type of station is set to
“Remote I/O station”, this item cannot be set to “Enabled”.
Furthermore, if the type of station is switched to “Remote I/O
station”, the set value of this item will be automatically switched to

3 Upon completion of the settings, press the f12 <OK> key.

≫The display now returns to the CC-Link master setting screen.

In order to use remote registers, the remote registers should be set to “Enabled” on both
the slave and the master. If the setting of remote register Enabled/Disabled on the
master disagrees with that on the slave, any error or else is not detected but the remote
registers cannot be used.
IMPORTANT For the method of enabling the remote registers of devices to be connected to this
controller, refer to information in the Operating manual of each device.

4.2 CC-Link settings

4.2.3 CC-Link (slave) settings

Channel settings
1 On the “Fieldbus” screen, align cursor with the channel where CC-Link (slave)
has been selected, and press “Refer” f-key. (In the figure below, channel 2 is

≫ Following screen now appears.

2 Align cursor and set needed parameters.

BAUD RATE A baud rate from 156 Kbps to 10 Mbps can be selected. The same
baud rate must be set for all the devices in one network.
SLAVE MAC ID The node numbers (1 to 64) denote the station numbers of the
Remote register If “Enabled” is selected, in addition to normal I/O, remote registers
with 64 I/O per station can be used.
AUTO CLEAR It is possible to select whether the input signals from the CC-Link
INPUTS are to be held or cleared when communication trouble has

6 Upon completion of the settings, press the f12 <OK> key.

≫The display now returns to the Fieldbus screen.

Settings for the master

When this controller is used as a slave, perform the following settings for
the master.
・Sta. type: Intelligent device
・Occupancy sta.: 4 stations
It is not necessary to set “Buffer specification for intelligent devices.”

I In order to use remote registers, the remote registers should be set to “Enabled” on
both the slave and the master. If the setting of remote register Enabled/Disabled on the
master disagrees with that on the slave, any error or else is not detected but the remote
registers cannot be used.
IMPORTANT For the method of enabling the remote registers, refer to information in the Operating
manual of each device.

4.2 CC-Link settings

4.2.4 Operation check

The “fieldbus monitor” is used for confirming that CC-Link channels that have been set are working correctly.
Note that the fieldbus monitor can be operated only by an operator with qualifications class of EXPERT or

FieldBus monitor

1 Open <Service Utilities> – [Monitor 1/2/3/4] – [Fieldbus monitor].

≫ Following monitor screen now appears.

2 Scroll the monitor.

Item Content
CH* This is the channel number.
CC This denotes the network type. “CC” is displayed for the CC-Link.
MSTR(Q)/SLV(Q) This indicates whether this channel is set as the master/slave of
NODE**[**] This indicates a node (slaves) connected to the network when the channel
concerned is used as the master. In the [ ] the node number is displayed.
Device begin The device is working correctly.
Device idel The device is not working (if the device is not working correctly, the status is
displayed in a red frame).

5.1 Error detection on CC-Link board

Chapter5 Error detection

5.1 Error detection on CC-Link board
The CC-Link board uses the four LEDs shown in the figure below to indicate the current status.






Fig. 5.1.1 Four LEDs

Table 5.1.1 Status of LED and the CC-Link board

Name of LED ON OFF Details
Lights when the CC-Link board is in the
CC-Link board in • WDT error
RUN normal status, and goes off when a WDT
the normal status • Power off
error occurs.

Data link
Data link Lights when a network communication
ERR. communication
communication error error occurs.
Flashes when sending the data on the
SD Lights when sending the data
data link
Flashes when receiving the data on the
RD Lights when receiving the data
data link

5.2 Error detection on this controller

5.2 Error detection on this controller

When this controller detects an error, it displays one of the error messages listed below.

E0956 Communication trouble has occurred.

[Cause] The following causes are possible.
・Trouble in the CC-Link board
・Broken or disconnected cable
・Mismatched baud rate
・Erroneous node address setting
[Remedy]Communication resumes when the trouble above is remedied.

E0957 System trouble has been detected.

[Cause] The CC-Link configuration file does not exist, or its contents are illegal.
[Remedy]On the fieldbus hardware setting screen, check whether the CC-Link settings are correct.

E0958 Trouble has been detected by the communication board's self-check function.
[Cause] The CC-Link board may have a defect.
[Remedy]Replace the CC-Link board.

E0959 Communication board cannot be found.

[Cause] The CC-Link board specified on the constants setting screen cannot be found.
[Remedy]Check the slot ID among the fieldbus hardware settings.
If this error occurs even if the CC-Link board is connected correctly, the CC-Link board itself
may have some defects. Replace the CC-Link board.

E0960 Some or all I/O links are shut down.

[Cause] I/O links are shut down.
[Remedy]Operation is automatically restored when the problem is solved.
(It may be necessary to turn off the power and turn it back on again in order to solve the problem.)

I3960 Some or all I/O links are shut down.

[Cause] I/O links are shut down.
[Remedy]Operation is automatically restored when the problem is solved.
(It may be necessary to turn off the power and turn it back on again in order to solve the problem.)

* As to E0960 and I3960, either of errors set on the Error Details Setting screen is output.
For details, refer to information in “5.3 Detail setting of Fieldbus Error”.

5.3 Detail setting of Fieldbus Error

5.3 Detail setting of Fieldbus Error

For operations when an I/O link error occurs, the following settings can be made.
Type of error when a communication error occurs
Method of resetting the communication error when communication is recovered

The following section shows the method of settings.

1 Open <Constant Setting> - [8 Communication] - [3 Fieldbus].

>> The Setting screen shown below appears

2 Press down the f8 <Fieldbus error details setting> key.

>> Following screen now appears

(Supplement) “HMS timeout” is not used in this function. Not to be changed.

3 Select “Error” or “Information” with [ENABLE] and the [Right] or [Left] cursor
+ key.
>> If an I/O link error occurs
If “Error” is selected, E0960 will occur.
If “Information” is selected, I3960 will occur.

4 Sselect “Error resetting” or “Automatic resetting” with [ENABLE] and the [Right]
+ or [Left] cursor key.
>> If a communication error is recovered
If “Error resetting” is selected, the communication error will be held until it is reset.
If “Automatic resetting” is selected, the communication error will be automatically
If an error occurs in the setting of communication error, this item cannot be selected.

5 Press down the f12 <Complete> key to save the settings.

5.3 Detail setting of Fieldbus Error


Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

Appendix1.1 Functional overview

Explanations are given for the cyclic transfer that performs transmitting/ receiving of designated data using
remote register and the remote command that performs response and control according to the request. This
transfer method operates only when the controller is at slave mode.

Transfer method using remote register

Data transfer method Functional overview

IO signal ・Perform the usual signal I/O operation.
Transmit (From controller ・Send all sorts of data of the controller, which had set
to external device) to the external device.
Cyclic transfer
Receive (From external ・Receive signals, which has sent from external device,
device to the controller) and substitute for variables.
・Send the designated command request from external
Remote command device to the controller, and the controller performs
response/ control according to the command.

Cyclic transfer
Controller can transmit all sorts of data which has set to external device and also can assign to the variable by
receiving signals sent from external device. These two data transfer do not cooperate with each other, so it is the
simplex data transfer of independent.

Data (16 WORDS)

データ(16 WORD)

Data 16 WORD)
(16 WORDS)
Robot Controller

Remote command
Transmit the designated command request from external device to controller, and the controller return back
response according to the command. It is possible to perform various controls (command) besides the command
that transfers designated data.

Command (16 WORDS)

コマンド(16 WORD)

Status/response 16 WORD)
(16 WORDS)

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

Appendix1.2 Cyclic Transfer

Appendix 1.2.1 Format of Transferred Data

1)Transfer from controller to external device
Transferable data types are indicated below.

Transferable data types

Data Unit Data format
Current A Format (1)
Torque kgfm Format (1)
Acceleration deg/s Format (1)
Velocity rpm Format (1)
Integer variable - Format (1) or (2)
Real variables - Format (1)

Data 16 WORD)
(16 WORDS)
Robot 制御装置
制御装置 外部機器device
Image of data transfer

Transfer data are 16 fixed word length (Remote register area size), and transferred by any of the format indicated
below. Data will be located by little-endian. RWr and RWw indicate the address of remote register of CC-Link.

Format of transmission data

Address Format(1) *1 Format(2)
RWrn Data 1
Data 1
RWrn+1 Data 2
RWrn+2 Data 3
Data 2
RWrn+3 Data 4
RWrn+4 Data 5
Data 3
RWrn+5 Data 6
RWrn+6 Data 7
Data 4
RWrn+7 Data 8
RWrn+8 Data 9
Data 5
RWrn+9 Data 10
RWrn+10 Data 11
Data 6
RWrn+11 Data 12
RWrn+12 Data 13
Data 7
RWrn+13 Data 14
RWrn+14 Data 15
Data 8
RWm+15 Data 16

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

2)Transfer from external device to the controller

Types of transferable data are indicated at the table below. Designate the types of data and the head variable
number at the controller. Types of transferable data will be shown as below.

Transferable data types

Data Receiving variable Remarks
Integer(WORD) V%[n] n=1 to 200
Integer(DWORD) V%[n] n=1 to 200
Real number V![n] n=1 to 200
Character string V$[n] n=1 to 10

Data (16 WORDS)

データ(16 WORD)

Robot 制御装置
制御装置 External
外部機器 device
Image of data transfer

Transfer data are 16 fixed word length (Remote register area size), and becomes the data format by each types
of data indicated below. Data will be located by little-endian. RWr and RWw indicate the address of remote
register of CC-Link.

Format of transmission data

Integer(WORD) Integer(DWORD) Real number
Address Character string *4
*1 *2 *3
RWrn Variable number N 1st letter(LSB),2nd letter(MSB)
Variable number Variable number N rd th
RWrn+1 number N 3 letter(LSB)、4 letter(MSB)
Variable number
RWrn+2 5th letter(LSB)、6th letter(MSB)
N+2 Variable number Variable
Variable number N+1 number N+1
RWrn+3 7th letter(LSB)、8th letter(MSB)
Variable number
RWrn+4 9th letter(LSB),10th letter(MSB)
N+4 Variable number Variable
Variable number N+2 number N+2
RWrn+5 11th letter(LSB)、12th letter(MSB)
Variable number
RWrn+6 13th letter(LSB)、14th letter(MSB)
N+6 Variable number Variable
Variable number N+3 number N+3
RWrn+7 15th letter(LSB)、16th letter(MSB)
Variable number
RWrn+8 17th letter(LSB)、18th letter(MSB)
N+8 Variable number Variable
Variable number N+4 number N+4
RWrn+9 19th letter(LSB)、20th letter(MSB)
Variable number
RWrn+10 21st letter(LSB)、22nd letter (MSB)
N+10 Variable number Variable
Variable number N+5 number N+5
RWrn+11 23rd letter(LSB)、24th letter(MSB)
Variable number
RWrn+12 25th letter(LSB)、26th letter(MSB)
N+12 Variable number Variable
Variable number N+6 number N+6
RWrn+13 27th letter(LSB)、28th letter(MSB)

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

Variable number th th
RWrn+14 Variable number Variable 29 letter(LSB)、30 letter(MSB)
Variable number N+7 number N+7 st nd
RWrn+15 31 letter(LSB)、32 letter (MSB)

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

*1 Range of the value: -32768~+32767

Return -32768 back, if the value is less than the minimum value, and return +32767, if the value is more than
the maximum value.
Examples of signal assignment and value are shown below.

Example of the signal assignment against the value of integer variable (WORD)
Remote Input Value
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
register signal (Decimal)
304 303 302 301 300 299 298 297 296 295 294 293 292 291 290 289
RWrn+0 I289~304 32767
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
320 319 318 317 316 315 314 313 312 311 310 309 308 307 306 305
RWrn+1 I305~320 -1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
336 335 334 333 332 331 330 329 328 327 326 325 324 323 322 321
RWrn+2 I321~336 -32768
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
352 351 350 349 348 347 346 345 344 343 342 341 340 339 338 337
RWrn+3 I337~352 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

544 543 542 541 540 539 538 537 536 535 534 533 532 531 530 529
RWrn+15 I529~544 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

*2 Range of the value: -2147483648~+2147483647

Examples of signal assignment and value are shown below.

Example of signal assignment against the value of integer variable (DWORD)

*3 Range of the value: -1.0E38~+1.0E387

Real numbers are shown as single-precision floating point (IEEE Standard 754 Floating Point Numbers).
Examples of signal assignment and value are shown below.
Example of signal assignment against the value of real variable

*4 Transferable characters will be half-width alphanumeric. CRLF will not be added to the last character string to be

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

Appendix 1.2.2 Setting of Field bus

Perform the setting of cyclic transfer at the setting screen of fieldbus.

1)Transfer from controller to external device

1 Select [Constant Setting] - “8 Communication”- “3 Field bus”.

Perform the fieldbus settings of below.
Channel# #: CC-Link (Example from channel1)
PCIslot#n (n=Set 1 to 3.)

2 By pressing “Refer” button, perform setting for each individual channel.

Set the “Remote register” to “Enable”.
Select “Cyclic Transfer” since TRANSFER PROTOCOL becomes available.
>> When selecting “Cyclic Transfer” then, “Refer” button becomes available.

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

3 Press “Refer” button, and perform setting for cyclic transfer.

Set the Cyclic transfer (Send) to “Enable(WORD)” or “Enable(DWORD)”. Input
value at P1, P2 and P3 according to the selected data by selecting data from
Axis data: Input the mechanism number at P1, axis number at P2 and value at
Variable: Input the variable number at P1. P2 and P3 will not be able to input
since the edit box will become gray.

< The screen, when selecting “Enable(WORD)”.>

< The screen, when selecting “Enable(DWORD)”.>

>> When selecting No Data, the value of the transmission data will be “0” (Zero).

4 Press “OK” button.

5 Press f12 “Complete” button.

>> Performs initialization of the fieldbus.

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

2) Transfer from external device to controller

1 Select [Constant Setting] - “8 Communication”- “3 Field bus”.

Perform the fieldbus settings of below.
Channel# #: CC-Link (Example from channel1)
PCIslot#n (n=Set 1 to 3.)

By pressing “Refer” button, perform setting for each individual channel.

Set the “Remote register” to “Enable”.
Select “Cyclic Transfer” since TRANSFER PROTOCOL becomes available.
>> When selecting “Cyclic Transfer” then, “Refer” button becomes available.

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

3 Press “Refer” button, and perform setting for cyclic transfer.

Set the Cyclic transfer (Send) to “Enable(WORD)”.
Please set the Variable type and number since it becomes available for setting.

>> When setting “N” as a set value at “Variable number”, input of the value
cannot be done if N to N+7become out of range of the variable number.

4 Press “OK” button.

5 Press f12 “Complete” button.

>> Performs initialization of the fieldbus.

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

Appendix1.3 Remote Command

Appendix 1.3.1 Command protocol

Specification of Command/ Status
Controller conducts exchange of command/ response through the remote register RWr/RWw. This function is
called Remote Command. RWr and RWw indicate the address of CC-Link remote register.
Controller executes the process once receiving the command, and transmit the status (results) to external device
side through remote register RWrn. Please refer to specification of each command regarding with the response
data at the time of successful termination and the error code and/or additional information at the time of
abnormal termination.
Command specification
Address Contents
RWwn Execution command code
RWwn+3 Command data


Status specification
Command Command
Successful Abnormal
Address preparation processing
termination termination
status status
RWrn 0x0000 0x0100 0x0200 0x4000
RWrn+1 Error code
RWrn+2 Additional info
RWrn+3 0x0000 0x0000
~ 0x0000

Timing diagram
Indicating the timing diagrams of send and receive of Command and Response data.

① External device sets the command data. (RWwn+1~RWwn+15)

② External device sets the command number. (RWwn)
③ After controller receives the command, status is set (RWrn) to command execution status. (0x0100)
(When the command processing is fast at controller, there is a case that the status may change to
termination status (0x0200 or 0x4000) without changing to command execution status. (0x0100)
④ Controller sets the response data. (RWrn+1~RWrn+15)
⑤ Controller sets the successful termination status (0x0200) or abnormal termination status (0x4000).
⑥ External device sets the status initialization command (0x0000) (RWwn).
⑦ External device and controller change to the command preparation status of Status and Response.
(RWrn~RWrn+15) External device should hold the command until the status of the controller changes
to termination status (Successful termination(0X200) or abnormal termination (0X4000)). Controller
does not receive the command if changed the command before the status changes to the termination

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

Command list
Command list which controller supports are indicated below.

Category Command number Contents

Controllers 0x0000 Reset status
0x0100 Referral of currant data
0x0101 Referral of axis torque data
0x0102 Referral of acceleration data
0x0103 Referral of velocity
0x0200 Referral of integer variable
0x0201 Setting of integer variable
0x0202 Referral of real variable
0x0203 Setting of real variable
Referral of character string
Setting of character string

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

Appendix 1.3.2 Settings of Fieldbus

Perform the setting of CC-Link so that the remote command will be available at the setting screen of fieldbus.

1 Select [Constant Setting] - “8 Communication”- “3 Field bus”.

Perform the fieldbus settings of below.
Channel# #: CC-Link (Example from channel1)
PCIslot#n (n=Set 1 to 3.)

2 By pressing “Refer” button, perform setting for each individual channel.

Set the “Remote register” to “Enable”.
Select “Remote Cmd” since TRANSFER PROTOCOL becomes available.

>> When selecting “Remote Cmd” then, “Refer” button becomes available.

3 Press “OK” button.

4 Press f12 “Complete” button.

>> Performs initialization of the fieldbus.

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

Appendix 1.3.3 Remote command specification

This section explains specifications of each command.

Reset the status (0x0000)

・ Perform this to make the status to command preparation status (0x0000).
・ If performing when the status is not at command preparation status, it cannot receive response of the
previous command.

a) Command
Address Contents Value
RWwn Command 0x0000
RWwn+1 Reserved 0x0000


b) Status/ Response
Address Contents Value
RWrn Status 0x0000
RWrn+1 Reserved 0x0000


Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

Referral of current data (0x0100)

・ Acquire the current data [Apeak] of each axis (J1 to J6 axis) of designated mechanism.

a) Command
Address Contents Value
RWwn Command 0x0100
RWwn+1 Mechanism number 1 to 9
RWwn+2 Numbers of axis 1 to 6
RWwn+3 Reserved 0x0000


b) Status/ Response (Normal)

Address Contents Value
RWrn Status 0x0200
RWrn+1 Reserved 0x0000

RWrn+4 J1 axis data Low word
RWrn+5 High word *1
RWrn+6 J2 axis data Low word
RWrn+7 High word *1
RWrn+8 J3 axis data Low word
RWrn+9 High word *1
RWrn+10 J4 axis data Low word
RWrn+11 High word *1
RWrn+12 J5 axis data Low word
RWrn+13 High word *1
RWrn+14 J6 axis data Low word
RWrn+15 High word *1
*1 Value, which multiply 1000 times of little-endian / real number.

c) Status/ Response (Abnormal)

Address Contents Value
RWrn Status 0x4000
RWrn+1 Error Code ※2
RWrn+2 Reserved 0x0000


*2 Error Code
0x0001 Could not acquire the value.

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

Referral of axis torque data (0x0101)

・ Acquire the torque data [kgfm] of each axis (J1-J6) of the designated mechanism.

a) Command
Address Contents Value
RWwn Command 0x0101
RWwn+1 Mechanism number 1 to 9
RWwn+2 Numbers of axis 1 to 6
RWwn+3 Reserved 0x0000


b) Status/ Response (Normal)

Address Contents Value
RWrn Status 0x0200
RWrn+1 Reserved 0x0000

RWrn+4 J1 axis data Low word
RWrn+5 High word *1
RWrn+6 J2 axis data Low word
RWrn+7 High word *1
RWrn+8 J3 axis data Low word
RWrn+9 High word *1
RWrn+10 J4 axis data Low word
RWrn+11 High word *1
RWrn+12 J5 axis data Low word
RWrn+13 High word *1
RWrn+14 J6 axis data Low word
RWrn+15 High word *1
*1 Value, which multiply 1000 times of little-endian / real number.

c) Status/ Response (Abnormal)

Address Contents Value
RWrn Status 0x4000
RWrn+1 Error Code *2
RWrn+2 Reserved 0x0000


*2 Error Code
0x0001 Could not acquire the value.

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

Referral of acceleration data (0x0102)

・ Acquire the acceleration data [rpm] of each axis (J1-J6) of the designated mechanism.

a) Command
Address Contents Value
RWwn Command 0x0102
RWwn+1 Mechanism number 1 to 9
RWwn+2 Reserved 0x0000


b) Status/ Response (Normal)

Address Contents Value
RWrn Status 0x0200
RWrn+1 Reserved 0x0000

RWrn+4 J1 axis data Low word
RWrn+5 High word *1
RWrn+6 J2 axis data Low word
RWrn+7 High word *1
RWrn+8 J3 axis data Low word
RWrn+9 High word *1
RWrn+10 J4 axis data Low word
RWrn+11 High word *1
RWrn+12 J5 axis data Low word
RWrn+13 High word *1
RWrn+14 J6 axis data Low word
RWrn+15 High word *1
*1 Value, which multiply 1000 times of little-endian / real number.

c) Status/ Response (Abnormal)

Address Contents Value
RWrn Status 0x4000
RWrn+1 Error Code *2
RWrn+2 Reserved 0x0000


*2 Error Code
0x0001 Could not acquire the value.

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

Referral of velocity data (0x0103)

・ Acquire the velocity data [rpm] of each axis (J1-J6) of the designated mechanism.

a) Command
Address Contents Value
RWwn Command 0x0103
RWwn+1 Mechanism number 1 to 9
RWwn+2 Numbers of axis 1 to 6
RWwn+3 Reserved 0x0000


b) Status/ Response (Normal)

Address Contents Value
RWrn Status 0x0200
RWrn+1 Reserved 0x0000

RWrn+4 J1 axis data Low word
RWrn+5 High word *1
RWrn+6 J2 axis data Low word
RWrn+7 High word *1
RWrn+8 J3 axis data Low word
RWrn+9 High word *1
RWrn+10 J4 axis data Low word
RWrn+11 High word *1
RWrn+12 J5 axis data Low word
RWrn+13 High word *1
RWrn+14 J6 axis data Low word
RWrn+15 High word *1
*1 Value, which multiply 1000 times of little-endian / real number.

c) Status/ Response (Abnormal)

Address Contents Value
RWrn Status 0x4000
RWrn+1 Error Code ※2
RWrn+2 Reserved 0x0000


*2 Error Code
0x0001 Could not acquire the value.

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

Settings of integer variables (0x0201)

・ Set the value of designated global variable. (Integer variable)
・ Possible to set maximum six variables at the same time.
・ If designating the variable numbers, which is out of range, nothing will be performed to the applied
variable number.

a) Command
Address Contents Value
RWwn Command 0x0201
RWwn+1 Variable number1 *1 Low byte: Number 1
Variable number 2 *1 High byte: Number 2
RWwn+2 Variable number 3 *1 Low byte: Number 3
Variable number 4 *1 High byte: Number 4
RWwn+3 Variable number 5 *1 Low byte: Number 5
Variable number 6 *1 High byte: Number 6
RWwn+4 Value to be set at *2
RWwn+5 variable no.1.
RWwn+6 Value to be set at *2
RWwn+7 variable no.2.
RWwn+8 Value to be set at *2
RWwn+9 variable no.3.
RWwn+10 Value to be set at *2
RWwn+11 variable no.4.
RWwn+12 Value to be set at *2
RWwn+13 variable no.5.
RWwn+14 Value to be set at *2
RWwn+15 variable no.6.
*1 Range of variable number: 1 to 200
*2 Range of value: -2147483648 to +2147483647

b) Status/ Response (Normal)

Address Contents Value
RWrn Status 0x0200
RWrn+1 Reserved 0x0000


c) Status/ Response (Abnormal)

Address Contents Value
RWrn Status 0x4000
RWrn+1 Error Code *3
RWrn+2 Reserved 0x0000


*3 Error Code
0x0002 Could not acquire the value.

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

Referral of real variable (0x0202)

・ Acquire the value of designated global variable. (Real variable)
・ Possible to acquire maximum 7 variables at the same time.
・ If designating the variable numbers, which is out of range then the value of applied variable will be
0 (Zero).

a) Command
Address Contents Value
RWwn Command 0x0202
RWwn+1 Variable number 1 1- 200
RWwn+2 Variable number 2 1- 200
RWwn+3 Variable number 3 1- 200
RWwn+4 Variable number 4 1- 200
RWwn+5 Variable number 5 1- 200
RWwn+6 Variable number 6 1- 200
RWwn+7 Variable number 7 1- 200
RWwn+8 Reserved 0x0000


b) Status/ Response (Normal)

Address Contents Value
RWrn Status 0x0200
RWrn+1 Reserved 0x0000
RWrn+2 Variable value, Low word
RWrn+3 designated at variable High word *2
no.1. *1
RWrn+4 Variable number 2 Low word
RWrn+5 *1 High word *2
RWrn+6 Variable number 3 Low word
RWrn+7 *1 High word *2
RWrn+8 Variable number 4 Low word
RWrn+9 *1 High word *2
RWrn+10 Variable number 5 Low word
RWrn+11 *1 High word *2
RWrn+12 Variable number 6 Low word
RWrn+13 *1 High word *2
RWrn+14 Variable number 7 Low word
RWrn+15 *1 High word *2
*1 Range of value: -1.0E38~+1.0E38
*2 Little-endian

c) Status/ Response (Abnormal)

Address Contents Value
RWrn Status 0x4000
RWrn+1 Error Code *3
RWrn+2 Reserved 0x0000


*3 Error Code
0x0001 Could not acquire the value.

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

Settings of real variable (0x0203)

・ Set the value of designated global variable. (Real variable)
・ Possible to set maximum six variables at the same time.
・ If designating the variable numbers, which is out of range, nothing will be performed to the applied
variable number.

a) Command
Address Contents Value
RWwn Command 0x0203
RWwn+1 Variable number1 *1 Low byte: Number 1
Variable number 2 *1 High byte: Number 2
RWwn+2 Variable number 3 *1 Low byte: Number 3
Variable number 4 *1 High byte: Number 4
RWwn+3 Variable number 5 *1 Low byte: Number 5
Variable number 6 *1 High byte: Number 6
RWwn+4 Value to be set at *2
RWwn+5 variable no.1.
RWwn+6 Value to be set at *2
RWwn+7 variable no.2.
RWwn+8 Value to be set at *2
RWwn+9 variable no.3.
RWwn+10 Value to be set at *2
RWwn+11 variable no.4.
RWwn+12 Value to be set at *2
RWwn+13 variable no.5.
RWwn+14 Value to be set at *2
RWwn+15 variable no.6.
*1 Range of variable number: 1 to 200
*2 Range of value: -1.0E38 to+1.0E38

b) Status/ Response (Normal)

Address Contents Value
RWrn Status 0x0200
RWrn+1 Reserved 0x0000


c) Status/ Response (Abnormal)

Address Contents Value
RWrn Status 0x4000
RWrn+1 Error Code *3
RWrn+2 Reserved 0x0000


*3 Error Code
0x0002 Could not acquire the value.

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

Referral of character string variable (0x0204)

・ Acquire the value of designated global variable. (Character string variable)
・ Number of characters which can acquire are maximum 30 characters.
・ If the characters are less than 30, 0x00 are inserted to the rest of the value.

a) Command
Address Contents Value
RWwn Command 0x0204
RWwn+1 Variable number 1 to 10
RWwn+2 Reserved 0x0000


b) Status/ Response (Normal)

Address Contents Value
RWrn Status 0x0200
RWrn+1 ASCII character Low byte
RWrn+2 (30 characters) High byte *1

*1 Little-endian

c) Status/ Response (Abnormal)

Address Contents Value
RWrn Status 0x4000
RWrn+1 Error Code *2
RWrn+2 Reserved 0x0000


*2 Error Code
0x0001 Could not acquire the value.

Appendix: Data transfer using remote register

Settings of character string variable (0x0205)

・ Set the value of designated global variable. (Character string variable)
・ Number of characters which can set are maximum 29 characters.
・ If the characters are less than 29 characters, please insert 0x00 to the rest of the value.
・ Acceptable character is half-width alphanumeric. If designating the character other than that, an
error occurs.

a) Command
Address Contents Value
RWwn Command 0x0205
RWwn+1 Low byte Variable number 1~10
RWwn+1 High byte ASCII character
RWwn+2 (29 characters) Low byte
~ High byte *1
*1 Little-endian

b) Status/ Response (Normal)

Address Contents Value
RWrn Status 0x0200
RWrn+1 Reserved 0x0000


c) Status/ Response (Abnormal)

Address Contents Value
RWrn Status 0x4000
RWrn+1 Error Code *2
RWrn+2 Reserved 0x0000


*2 Error Code
0x0002 Could not acquire the value.


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Original manual is written in Japanese.

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