Value of US in Diagnosis of Inguinal Hernia

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Original Article

Value of Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Inguinal Hernia –

A Retrospective Study
Wertigkeit der Sonographie in der Diagnostik der Leistenhernie –
eine retrospektive Studie

Tanja Maisenbacher1, Wolfgang Kratzer1, Andrea Formentini2, Julian Schmidberger1, Tanja Kaltenbach1,
Doris Henne-Bruns2, Tilmann Graeter3, Andreas Hillenbrand2

Affiliations allowing us to assess the accuracy of negative ultrasound find-

1 Department of Internal Medicine I, University Hospital ings as well.
Ulm, Germany Results The findings on ultrasonography were positive in 248
2 Department of General and Visceral Surgery, University patients and negative in 78 patients. In addition to 201 oper-

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Hospital Ulm, Germany ated patients, we were able to validate a further 40 patients
3 Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, by means of a questionnaire and the alternative ultrasound di-
University Hospital Ulm, Germany agnoses. The correlation with all three references resulted in a
sensitivity of 97 %, a specificity of 77 %, a positive predictive
Key words
value of 95 %, and a negative predictive value of 87 %.
ultrasonography, inguinal hernia, diagnostics,
Conclusion Ultrasonography is an accurate method for eval-
retrospective study
uating inguinal hernias. High sensitivity makes it particularly
received 19.09.2017 suitable for ruling out an inguinal hernia when the findings
accepted 16.05.2018 are negative. An ultrasound scan carried out in addition to
clinical examination can therefore help to determine the right
Bibliography indication for surgical intervention.
Published online: 2018 Z US A M M E N FA SS U N G
Ultraschall in Med Ziel Leistenhernien werden primär klinisch diagnostiziert.
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG, Stuttgart · New York Eine genaue Bildgebung erscheint notwendig, wenn die kli-
ISSN 0172-4614 nische Untersuchung kein eindeutiges Ergebnis liefert. Ziel
dieser Studie war es, die Wertigkeit der Sonografie in der Di-
agnostik von Leistenhernien zu bestimmen und deren Einfluss
Prof. Wolfgang Kratzer
in der Entscheidungsfindung für oder gegen eine Operation
Department of Internal Medicine I, University Hospital Ulm,
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23, 89081 Ulm, Germany
Material und Methoden Es handelte sich bei dieser Studie
Tel.: ++ 49/7 31/50 04 47 30
um eine retrospektive Studie, die als Single-Center-Studie
Fax: ++ 49/7 31/50 04 46 20
von Januar 2012 bis Dezember 2016 durchgeführt wurde.
Untersucht wurden 326 Patienten, die zur differentialdiag-
ABSTR AC T nostischen Abklärung eine Ultraschalluntersuchung der Leiste
erhalten hatten. Neben Operationsbefunden als Goldstandard
Purpose The diagnosis of an inguinal hernia is usually made
wurden Angaben aus einem Follow-up und alternative sono-
clinically. Precise imaging appears to be necessary when the
grafische Diagnosen als Referenz betrachtet, um den Stellen-
clinical examination is inconclusive. The aim of this study was
wert der Sonografie bei negativen Ultraschallbefunden mög-
to determine the diagnostic value of ultrasonography for
lichst genau einschätzen zu können.
inguinal hernias and whether it influences the decision for or
Ergebnisse Die Sonografie war bei 248 Patienten positiv und
against surgery.
bei 78 Patienten negativ. 201 Patienten wurden operiert und
Materials and Methods This study was a single-center retro-
weitere 40 Patienten konnten durch einen Fragebogen und
spective study carried out from January 2012 to December
die alternativen sonografischen Diagnosen validiert werden.
2016. All 326 patients had undergone ultrasound scanning
Die Korrelation mit diesen Referenzen ergab eine Sensitivität
of the groin as part of the diagnostic workup. Besides surgical
von 97 %, eine Spezifität von 77 %, einen positiv prädiktiven
findings being the gold standard, follow-up data and alterna-
Wert von 95 % und einen negativ prädiktiven Wert von 87 %.
tive ultrasound diagnoses were considered as references,

Maisenbacher T et al. Value of Ultrasonography… Ultraschall in Med

Original Article

Schlussfolgerungen Die Sonografie stellt eine sehr genaue hernie. Eine zusätzlich zur klinischen Untersuchung durchge-
Methode für die Evaluierung von Leistenhernien dar. Mit einer führte Sonografie kann daher die korrekte Indikation und
hohen Sensitivität eignet sie sich bei einem negativen Ultra- Entscheidung für eine chirurgische Intervention vereinfachen.
schallbefund insbesondere gut zum Ausschluss einer Leisten-

Introduction Scanning technique

Surgical procedures for inguinal hernia were the second most All patients were initially examined on the symptomatic side in a
common surgeries performed on men treated as inpatients in supine position. If necessary, the patient was also examined
Germany in 2015 [1] and represent a high cost factor for the standing up, in order to enhance any ultrasound evidence of an
healthcare system [2]. In the presence of the classic constellation inguinal hernia. For orientation the examination started with a
of symptoms and signs, the diagnosis of an inguinal hernia can convex transducer with 1 – 6 MHz. First, the transducer was
usually be made clinically. However, if the clinical examination is placed in a slightly oblique section between the anterior superior
inconclusive, questions arise as to whether an inguinal hernia is iliac spine and the pectineal line of the pubis. The inferior epigas-
really the cause of the symptoms and which diagnostic investiga- tric artery served as a landmark for the deep inguinal ring. The in-
tions should then be carried out. In such cases, noninvasive ima- guinal canal was then assessed in cross section, i. e. in the anato-
mical sagittal axis. Each plane was assessed at rest and with raised

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ging is required for a reliable diagnosis and appropriate treat-
ment. Ultrasonography is the method most frequently used in intra-abdominal pressure (Valsalva maneuver, coughing, or strain-
routine clinical practice to assess an inconclusive clinical examina- ing) to demonstrate any transient inguinal hernias that were com-
tion of the groin. It has the advantage of being a noninvasive, pletely reduced at rest and therefore could not be seen earlier.
readily available, cost-effective modality with the possibility of dy- Any widening of the inguinal canal was taken to be pathological,
namic real-time demonstration of soft tissues, without exposure whereas movement of the spermatic cord under pressure was
to ionizing radiation [3, 4]. Its disadvantages, however, include considered physiological. These steps were then repeated using a
the fact that the results depend greatly on the examiner and that high-resolution linear transducer with 5 – 12 MHz.
it is difficult to perform adequately in obese patients [5, 6]. There An inguinal hernia was diagnosed by fulfilling one or more of
is good evidence that ultrasonography can identify clinically palp- the following criteria on ultrasound scanning:
able inguinal hernias very accurately [7]. On the other hand, stud- 1. Evidence of a hernial gap and/or hernial sac
ies on occult inguinal hernias are less clear-cut [3 – 5, 8 – 10]. 2. Typical movements of the intestine and/or fatty structures in
The aim of the present study was to determine the diagnostic the hernial gap and sac during a Valsalva maneuver
value of ultrasonography for inguinal hernias. In this context, we 3. Reduction of the hernial contents
aimed to evaluate the role of ultrasonography in the diagnostic al- 4. Evidence of an incarcerated hernia
gorithm of inguinal hernias and work out a proposal for the manage-
ment of the individual patient, subject to the ultrasound findings. If an inguinal hernia was demonstrated, its contents, the size of
the gap, and the size of the hernial sac were ascertained whenever
possible (▶ Fig. 2 – 5).

Materials and methods

Study schedule
The present study was a single-center retrospective follow-up
Clinical data, ultrasound scan findings, and operation reports
study, conducted from January 2012 to December 2016. The local
were gathered retrospectively from the electronic patient re-
Ethics Committee approved the study (application no. 46/16).
cords. To ensure a clear distinction, a positive cough impulse on
By means of a database search, we found 551 ultrasound
physical examination was not considered to be a clinically palp-
examinations carried out in the Central Ultrasound Unit between
able hernia but was classified and recorded separately. Data were
January 2012 and April 2016, with the query or finding of an ingu-
then collected prospectively from a follow-up by means of a ques-
inal hernia. Generally, we included patients who had undergone
tionnaire. We contacted all patients who, according to our infor-
ultrasound scanning of the groin with subsequent surgery or the
mation, had not yet had surgery. The questionnaire asked for de-
option to participate in the follow-up. After applying the inclusion
tails of weight, height, occupation, concomitant diseases,
and exclusion criteria, the study population consisted of 326 pa-
medication, and previous surgeries, as this information could pro-
tients (▶ Fig. 1). Most patients were referred by the surgical de-
vide evidence of other possible causes of the symptoms. More-
partment after clinical examination. Therefore, there has been a
over, the patients were asked about surgeries for inguinal hernias,
preselection of patients resulting in mainly clinical equivocal cases
including the date, place, and findings, in order to identify pa-
being sent to the ultrasound unit.
tients who had undergone surgery at another hospital, possibly
even as an emergency. In addition, we asked whether the symp-
toms in the groin had persisted, their duration, site, and nature,
and if there was any association with particular situations.

Maisenbacher T et al. Value of Ultrasonography… Ultraschall in Med

▶ Fig. 4 Inguinal hernia left type B to Gai [18].

▶ Fig. 1 Selection of the study population (BMI = Body Mass Index).

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▶ Fig. 5 Inguinal hernia left type C to Gai [18].

▶ Fig. 2 Ultrasound image of an inguinal hernia (BL = hernial gap Reference standard
measuring 8 mm, hernial sac measuring 46 × 21 mm).
Besides taking the surgical findings as the gold standard to con-
firm an inguinal hernia, the findings from follow-up and alterna-
tive ultrasound diagnoses were considered as further references
for determining the accuracy of ultrasonography, especially with
negative findings.
Whenever available, an operation report was used as the refer-
ence. Patients who participated in the follow-up were grouped ac-
cording to their ultrasound findings and answers to the question-
naire. If no inguinal hernia had been seen on ultrasound scanning
and the patient was symptom-free at follow-up, this was counted
as “no inguinal hernia” and therefore a “true negative”. It was as-
sumed that the symptoms experienced at the time of the ultraso-
nography were most likely due to another cause. We also attemp-
ted to determine this cause. When patients with negative
ultrasound findings reported persistent symptoms, we could not
draw any firm conclusions purely from the symptoms themselves.
If another possible cause of the symptoms could be identified
▶ Fig. 3 Inguinal hernia left type A to Gai [18]. from the history in these cases, we also deemed these patients
to be “true negatives”. If no other possible cause was found, the
patients were not included in determining the value of ultrasono-

Maisenbacher T et al. Value of Ultrasonography… Ultraschall in Med

Original Article

▶ Table 1 Follow-up constellations (negative = no inguinal hernia, positive = inguinal hernia, CE = clinical examination).

ultrasound persistent symptoms at follow-up number of patients valuation

negative no 11 5 true negative

6 with other causes of symptoms true negative
negative yes 12 5 not possible
7 with other causes of symptoms true negative
positive no 7 4 not possible
3 asymptomatic at the time of CE not possible
positive yes 9 true positive
ultrasound surgery in another hospital number of patients valuation
negative yes 1 false negative
(included in the calculation with reference standard surgery)
positive yes 7 true positive
(included in the calculation with reference standard surgery)

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graphy. Patients with an inguinal hernia diagnosed on ultrasound questionnaire. Of the inguinal hernias confirmed at surgery, 39 %
who were asymptomatic at follow-up could not be classed as clear were on the left, 41 % on the right, and 17 % bilateral (no informa-
true or false positives and were therefore not taken into consid- tion given in the operation report in 3 %). Indirect inguinal hernias
eration in determining the value either. Patients with an inguinal were the most common, followed by direct and recurrent inguinal
hernia seen on ultrasound and persistent symptoms were alloca- hernias. Correlation with surgical findings revealed ten false-posi-
ted to the group of true positives. tive and five false-negative ultrasound findings.
Alternative ultrasound diagnoses were taken as a further refer- The ultrasound scans offered an alternative diagnosis to ingu-
ence in patients who had not had surgery and did not participate inal hernia in 13 of the patients who did not have surgery. These
in follow-up, as an inguinal hernia seemed unlikely in these findings included swollen lymph nodes (n = 5), musculoskeletal
patients. causes (n = 2), gastrointestinal causes (n = 3), an ovarian cyst
(n = 1), an incisional hernia (n = 1) and an abdominal wall hernia
Statistical analysis in the lower abdomen (n = 1).
The patient data were first analyzed descriptively. The sensitivity, 47 patients participated in the follow-up. A total of 23 patients
specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive val- had a positive ultrasound finding, and 24 had a negative ultrasound
ue (NPV), and positive and negative likelihood ratio (LR) were cal- finding. 8 out of 47 patients had surgery in another hospital. From
culated separately for each of the reference standards using a the patients with positive US finding (n = 23), 9 without surgery
2 × 2 contingency table. Data were not complete for all patients. had persistent symptoms, the other 7 were asymptomatic. From
The calculations were therefore based on the available data. the patients with negative ultrasound (n = 24), 12 showed persistent
symptoms and 11 patients had no symptoms (▶ Fig. 6, ▶ Table 1).
From the information given in the questionnaires, we were able to
identify other possible causes of the symptoms in 13 of the patients
who had no evidence of an inguinal hernia on ultrasound: musculos-
The studied patient population consisted of 266 men (81.6 %) and keletal (n = 7), gastrointestinal (n = 3), urological (n = 1), and pre-
60 women (18.4 %). This gave a male:female ratio of about 4.5:1. vious surgery (n = 2) (▶ Fig. 6, ▶ Table 1).
The mean age ± standard deviation was 54.67 ± 17.67 years with a Correlation with one of the references was possible in 241 of
range of 18 to 94 years at the time of ultrasound scanning. The the 326 patients (201 patients with surgery, 27 patients validated
mean body mass index (BMI) was 26.1 kg/m² (± 4.25 kg/m²), with through follow-up and 13 patients with alternative ultrasound di-
a minimum of 15.2 kg/m² and a maximum of 49.3 kg/m². agnoses). This gave a sensitivity of 97 %, specificity of 77 %, PPV of
On clinical examination, about 6 % of the patients were asymp- 95 %, NPV of 87 %, positive LR of 4.29 and negative LR of 0.033.
tomatic, while 87 % reported symptoms (missing data in 7 %). For The operation rate for the whole study population was 62 %.
symptomatic patients the main reason presenting to the hospital When looking at the rate of operation based on clinical findings,
was pain (in over 80 %). Symptoms were localized to the groin in surgery was performed in 62 out of 66 patients (94 %) with clini-
most cases (87 %), with a slight predominance on the right side. cally palpable inguinal hernias, 15 out of 17 (88 %) with a positive
Ultrasound showed an inguinal hernia in 248 patients (76 %). cough impulse, and 124 of 243 (51 %) with a negative clinical ex-
Surgery was carried out on 201 patients (62 %) including 8 pa- amination. The rate based on ultrasound findings was 78 % when
tients who stated having had surgery elsewhere on the follow-up an inguinal hernia was demonstrated on ultrasound and 10 % with

Maisenbacher T et al. Value of Ultrasonography… Ultraschall in Med

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▶ Fig. 6 : Study flowchart (US = ultrasound)

negative ultrasound findings. When the clinical examination was provided initial information for the preoperative assessment of
negative but the ultrasonography positive, 120 out of 170 pa- whether mesh would be required to close the gap. The hernia con-
tients (71 %) had surgery. tents and size of the gap also seem to be useful in assessing the
urgency of an operation, as large gaps and the absence of bowel
in the hernial sac present a much lower risk of incarceration [12].
Discussion False-positive findings on ultrasound examination occur espe-
cially with lipomas of the spermatic cord or the round ligament
Ultrasonography seems to be unnecessary in patients with a palp-
and with lymphadenopathy [6, 10]. The reasons for the false-posi-
able inguinal hernia, because the indication for surgery can usual-
tive findings in our study were seven femoral hernias, one abscess,
ly be determined clinically (▶ Fig. 7). In such cases ultrasonogra-
and one varicocele. The reasons for false-negative findings include
phy provides only limited additional information and the use of
a lack of patient cooperation in the Valsalva maneuver, a poor ex-
imaging resources may be criticized as being inefficient, even
amination technique, and slight or only intermittent herniations
with a mixed study population [11]. However, as our patients
[6, 10]. Another possible cause is too much pressure applied to
were selected retrospectively, any effects of this study on the re-
the transducer, which can reduce an inguinal hernia or prevent
ferral practice at the time can be ruled out. On this basis, it can be
the bulge from forming [6]. Three recurrent inguinal hernias may
argued that the results from a mixed population most likely re-
be possible reasons for our false negatives, because assessment
flect the real clinical situation. The reasons for referring patients
can be difficult due to implanted mesh and its reflections.
with palpable inguinal hernias for ultrasound could not be deter-
The sensitivity found in this study was 97 %, which is in agree-
mined retrospectively in all cases. The request forms for these pa-
ment with other recent studies [9, 13]. There was a greater differ-
tients usually queried the size of the hernial gap/sac and its con-
ence in the PPV of 95 %, compared with the figures of 70 % found
tents. The size of the hernial gap measured on ultrasound

Maisenbacher T et al. Value of Ultrasonography… Ultraschall in Med

Original Article

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▶ Fig. 7 : Diagnostic algorithm (US = ultrasound)

by Light et al. and Alabraba et al. [8, 10]. Differences can be attrib- Role of ultrasonography in the diagnostic algorithm
uted to the methodology, with the selection of the patient popu- (▶ Fig. 7)
lation probably being largely responsible [5, 10, 11]. Studies on
The high sensitivity of ultrasonography means that it is well suited
clinically palpable inguinal hernias, such as Bradley et al. [7],
to rule out an inguinal hernia when the findings are negative.
showed the highest sensitivity and PPV. The ultrasound technique
Accordingly, patients with an unremarkable clinical examination
and the various transducers used may also offer an explanation
and negative ultrasound findings can be treated conservatively
[11]. The lower resolution and “poorer” hardware and software
(▶ Fig. 7). Besides ruling out an inguinal hernia, an ultrasound
in the older studies may also be relevant in this context.
examination can help to identify other causes of the symptoms
The specificity of 77 % in the present study is slightly lower than
in these patients and guide treatment in the right direction.
the 82 – 100 % found in other studies [6, 7, 9, 14]. Only three stud-
With only a few false-positive findings, a high PPV, and a speci-
ies have reported the NPV, with figures of 85 – 100 % [6, 7, 14]. Dif-
ficity of 77 %, surgery can be recommended for patients with an
ferences in the specificity and the NPV can be explained mainly by
inguinal hernia detected on ultrasound. However, the results of
the choice of reference standards, as under- or overestimation of
the present study also show that about one quarter of patients
these two values is possible, depending on the reference standard
with positive ultrasound findings did not undergo surgery. In only
used. Furthermore, differences may also be attributed to the dif-
a few patients we were able to determine a direct cause, such as a
ference in the number of validated negative ultrasound findings.
high surgical risk, patient preference, or symptomatic improve-
A large number seems to be associated with a higher specificity
ment. An alternative explanation might be the increasing use of
and a higher NPV.
a watchful waiting strategy. This approach is thought to be safe
in men with only minimal or no symptoms, given the low risk of
incarceration and the high incidence of chronic postoperative

Maisenbacher T et al. Value of Ultrasonography… Ultraschall in Med

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Maisenbacher T et al. Value of Ultrasonography… Ultraschall in Med

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