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HEATING SBU Cooling & Hoatirg Dvsion THERMAX THERMOPAC. VTcy Solid Fuel Fired Vertical Thermal Oil Heater with Cyclonic Combustor TA cc & si Bmw & @ © Vicy is a revolutionary product from Thermax that replaces conventional thermal oil heaters. It is a solid fuel fired vertical thermal oil heater, with an advanced cyclonic combustor, of modular construction and a compact layout. Product offering + Vertical closed loop thermal oil heater with cyclonic combustor + Capacity 1,90,000 to 20,00,000 kcelfhr : + Operating temperature - 280°C + Fuel -Coal, wood and biomass briquette Options available Operating temperature -up to 300°C + Complete heater hause and accessories on turnkey basis + Other fuels on request Product highlights Circular furnace construction + Provision for introduction of eycloidal air for complete combustion + Heat and thus efficiency maintained for a prolonged period due to reduction in refractory damage + Noingress of air through leakages, as furnace structure acts as shell lined with refractory on the inside + Compact design and layeut af furnace wth aligned primary and secondary ducting Cycloidal ai + VToy comes with the unique cycloidalair injection technology, ‘here airis injected into the combustion zone in @ cycloidal motion thus leading to higher residence time and lower excess air due to better turbulence levels injection + Betier combustion of volatiles in fuelsis achieved, hence incomplete combustion losses are reduced + Optimum combustion volume and better utilization of furnace aids in effective and complete combustion Hybrid combustor design Inany combustor, spreading and distibution of fue! is not Uniform. While itis densely injected loaded at the centre «end spread thinner a the periphery, the temperature cisteibution is exactly reverse the walls radiating at the Periphery have higher temperatures. Special ir distribution is required for effective cir utilization which then leads 10 effective combustion, VIey addresses al these aspects by ‘means of. specially designed hybrid grate layout. lis special features are: + Mixed grate at the centre of the combustor, which handles the densely spread fuel ensuring proper air ingress and complete combustion, by utilizing primary air from grate bars plus secondary air irom the cycloidal airinjection + Sectoral grate bar with tapered pin holes atthe peripheral section, which ensures thatthe precise quantity of required air reaches the periphery of the combustor, without disturbing radiating/peripheral heat zones Get more from less \Vley i a thermal il heater of mocular construction anda small footprint, which comes with pre-insulated ceil and sleek aesthetics. thas been designed and engineeied for a host af benefits that also makeit the mest cost effective andefficient thermic uid heater in is lass. tis so quick to install end have up and running, that it could even be compared with mary plug and play, ol fired coll type urits. + More effective heat transfer area than conventional heaters - Ensures highly effective response to heat load. Also online soot blower operates when the blower stops, ensuring clean coil surfaces, good coefficient of heat transfer and better efficiency. + Specially designed ait pre-heater - Incorporates a cross flow design, which makes the direction af flue gas end air flows opposite and perpendicular to each other, thereby guaranteeing maximum heat transter From flue gas toa Maximised heat transfer + InVIcy, both inner and outer surfaces of the raciant coil contribute to heat transier unlike conventional thermal oil heaters, where only te inner surface ofthe radiant oll contributes to heat transfer + Higher capacities of vey have root coils which provide more heat trensfer area and thermic uid holdup + Higher radiation surface counters fouling atconvective ol and radiation losses are also effectively reduced due toless surface being exposed to ir Automatic cleaning Vicy uses a soot blowing system te keep the tube surface clean and maintain uniform heat transfer. This reduces variation inefficiency when compared with the effect of manual