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School Counseling Program
Name and Address of School:

Kempsville High School

5194 Chief Trail
Virginia Beach, VA 23464

Name of Counselor(s) Leading the Initiative:

Jaclyn Cordero (Intern) under the supervision of the EBA school counselor, Victoria Thompson,

Principal: Melissa George

Enrollment: 1,622

School Demographics:
Caucasian/Non-Hispanic: 54%
Hispanic: 12%
African American: 24%
Asian: 3%
Pacific Islander: <1%
Native American: <1%
Two or more Races: 6%
Free-Reduced Lunch: 37%

Entrepreneurial Business Academy Enrollment: 417

EBA Principal: Megan Timlin


School Mission:

Kempsville High School is committed to equipping students to be independent,

responsible, academically proficient, technically and globally literate critical and creative

Our mission is to provide a quality education through shared responsibility in a safe

supportive environment for all students to meet the challenges of a global society. We are
“Committed to Excellence”, and we work hard to make the site a primary source for
timely information for all users, and a main gateway for improved communication
between parents, teachers, students and other members of our community.

Entrepreneurial Business Academy Goals:

The overall goal of the Entrepreneurship and Business Academy is to provide students
the business skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in any career related fields of
study in post-secondary education and in the workforce. Specific academy objectives
include the following:

Students will:

● Successfully complete a sequential program of study that focuses on specific

skills, knowledge, and technology in the fields of entrepreneurship, business information
technology and corporate finance.
● Have opportunities to earn an associate’s degree/post-secondary credit.
● Exceed the objectives of Virginia Beach City Public Schools curricula and
Commonwealth of Virginia Standards of Learning tests.
● Participate in job shadowing, mentoring, and/or internship programs that extend,
enrich, and refine student learning and create linkages with the academic and business
● Complete a long-term project through an internship/mentorship experience with a
culminating presentation in the senior year featuring an in-depth study of an issue of
related concern to their related industry and present ideas/solutions as viable options to
address the issue to a panel of business and community leaders.


Current Critical Data Element(s):
The school counselor and the school counseling intern identified this critical data element
pertaining to the Entrepreneurial Business Academy to try to impact:

1. Freshmen are starting the 2020-21 school year virtually without the benefit of in-
school learning and with no guarantee of in-person learning.

2. Multiple incoming freshmen accepted into the EBA were accepted under the terms of
an academic contract (they had less than a 2.5 cumulative GPA as of the end of 8th grade)
for the 2020-21 school year. If their GPAs are not raised by the end of the first term, they
may be exited from the Academy.

3. One current 10th grader is also in danger of being exited from the EBA.


Baseline Data: Goals:

 Seven freshmen have been accepted 1. All students with academic contracts
into the EBA for the 2020-21 who are receiving extra support will
school year under the terms and increase their GPAs to at least a 2.5 by

condition of the academic contract. December 16th (the end of the grading
If these students do not raise their period 3).
GPAs to at least a 2.5 by the end of
the first term (Jan. 29), then they 2. All students with academic contracts
will be exited from the EBA and who are receiving extra support will be on
must return to their home schools. track to pass their classes by December
 One sophomore also has an 16th.
academic contract and is in danger
of being exited from the EBA.

Students with Academic Contracts

Student Gender Grade GPA

Initials From
ZS F 9th 1.9
JM M 9th 2
BP M 9th 2
MR M 10th 2.33
AM F 9th 2.333
SF F 9th 2.34
MN M 9th 2.35
JE F 9th 2.4333


Stakeholders Strategies
The School Improvement Team has already Beginning date: October 5th, 2020
identified the students with academic Ending date: December 22nd, 2020
contracts. Students with academic contracts
in the EBA are provided with a teacher
mentor to meet with and to monitor their
grades; however, the school counselor and
school counseling intern are particularly
concerned about setting these incoming
freshmen and one tenth grader with
academic contracts up for success in a
virtual and/or hybrid environment. Thus,
the school counseling intern has agreed to
provide extra support for these students.

School Counseling Intern  Contacted parents of students with

(Jaclyn Cordero) academic contracts via email to
request consent to meet on a weekly
basis with students
 Contacted each student’s teacher
 Set up regular meetings with the
students who were given consent
 Met either in-person or virtually
every week with students through
the week of Dec. 16th
 Helped students with organizational
skills, time management skills, and
stress management skills
 Provided resources to help students
in the aforementioned skills
 Provided students with
encouragement and support
 Kept in touch with parents as
 Consulted with supervisor on a
weekly (often daily) basis
School Counselor/Supervisor  Helped identify at-risk students
(Victoria Thompson) with academic contracts
 Provided intern with those students’
and their parents’ contact
 Supervised intern and provided
feedback to intern when requested
and/or needed
EBA Principal  Supported and approved of intern
(Megan Timlin) and school counselor’s efforts to
provide extra support for students
 Contacted parents of students who
were at risk of failing or currently
failing any Term 1 classes
Teacher Mentors  Met with students as needed/by
Ms. Harrell request
Ms. Schoettlin  Provided any further support
Ms. Nurse students needed
Mr. Barfield  Made themselves available to
 Reached out to parents when

 Were aware of intern’s meetings

with students
Teachers of Students with Academic  Responded to intern’s emails
Contracts  Helped remind students of meeting
 Allowed intern to meet with
students during class as needed

Parents of Students with Academic  Consented to the intern meeting

Contracts with their child virtually and/or in-
person by signing a form
 Kept in contact with intern and
responded intern’s concerns about
student progress and/or well-being
 Responded to emails and/or phone
calls from aforementioned
Students with Academic Contracts  If their parents consented, students
agreed to meet with intern on a
weekly basis
 Created goals and objectives to
reach by each grading period in
collaboration with the intern
 Expected to stay in contact with
intern throughout the week as
needed regarding concerns about
 Utilized resources provided by the
intern to assist in time management,
organizational skills, and stress


Reanalyze baseline data:

Students with Academic Contracts and Consent to Meet Weekly: Term 1

Before Action Plan  After Action Plan

Students Gender Grade Baseline GP1 GP2 Progress Cumulativ GP3

Consent 2019-20 10/7 11/10 12/4 GPA 12/16
to Meet SY 12/4
BP M 9th 2 2.78 2.78 1.33 2.15 TBD
MR M 10th 2.33 2.92 2.42 1.0 2.22 TBD
SF F 9th 2.34 3.33 3.83 1.83 2.67 TBD
JE F 9th 2.4333 3.83 3.25 2.67 2.84 TBD

Student Progress: Sept. 8, 2020 – Dec. 4, 2020 (Projected until 12/16)


Student #1: BP Meetings

Meetings Format Scheduled Date Did Length of No show:
Student Meeting Rescheduled
Show Up? for…
Meeting #1 Virtual Oct. 6, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #2 In-Person Oct. 13, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #3 In-Person Oct. 20, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #4 In-Person Oct. 27, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #5 In-Person Nov. 5, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #6 In-Person Nov. 12, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #7 Virtual Nov. 19, 2020 No Nov. 20, 2020
Virtual Nov. 20, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #8 Virtual Nov. 24, 2020 No Dec. 3, 2020
Virtual Dec. 3, 2020 No Dec. 4, 2020
Virtual Dec. 4, 2020 Yes 40 minutes
Meeting #9 Virtual Dec. 9, 2020 No Dec. 15, 2020
Virtual Dec. 15, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #10 Virtual Dec. 21, 2020 TBD
Student #1: B.P. GPA (as of Dec. 4th)

Student #2: M.R. Meetings

Meetings Format Scheduled Date Did the Length of No show:
Student Meeting Rescheduled
Show Up? for…
Meeting #1 Virtual Oct. 6, 2020 Yes 10 minutes
Meeting #2 Virtual Oct. 13, 2020 No Oct. 20, 2020
Virtual Oct. 20, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #3 Virtual Oct. 27, 2020 No Nov. 6, 2020
Virtual Nov. 6, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #4 Virtual Nov. 10, 2020 No Nov. 17, 2020
Virtual Nov. 17, 2020 No Nov. 24, 2020
Virtual Nov. 24, 2020 No Dec. 1, 2020
Virtual Dec. 1, 2020 No Dec. 8, 2020
Virtual Dec. 8, 2020 No Dec. 15, 2020
Meeting #5 Virtual Dec. 15, 2020 No
Student #2: M.R. GPA (as of Dec. 4th)

Student #3: S.F. Meetings

Meetings Format Scheduled Date Did the Length of No show:
Student Meeting Rescheduled
Show Up? for…
Meeting #1 Virtual Oct. 5, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #2 Virtual Oct. 12, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #3 Virtual Oct. 19, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #4 Virtual Oct. 26, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #5 Virtual Nov. 2, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #6 Virtual Nov. 9, 2020 No Nov. 16, 2020
Virtual Nov. 16, 2020 No Nov. 23, 2020
Virtual Nov. 23, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #7 Virtual Nov. 30, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #8 Virtual Dec. 7, 2020 Yes 40 minutes
Meeting #9 Virtual Dec. 14, 2020 No Dec. 21, 2020
Meeting #10 Virtual Dec. 21, 2020 TBD
Student #3: S.F. GPA (as of Dec. 4th)

Student #4: J.E. Meetings

Meetings Format Scheduled Date Did the Length of No show:
Student Meeting Rescheduled
Show Up? for…
Meeting #1 Virtual Oct. 7, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #2 Virtual Oct. 12, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #3 Virtual Oct. 19, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #4 Virtual Oct. 26, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #5 Virtual Nov. 2, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #6 Virtual Nov. 9, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #7 Virtual Nov. 16, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #8 Virtual Nov. 23, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #9 Virtual Nov. 30, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #10 Virtual Dec. 7, 2020 Yes 45 minutes
Meeting #11 Virtual Dec. 14, 2020 Yes 30 minutes
Meeting #12 Virtual Dec. 21, 2020 TBD
Student #4: J.E. GPA (As of Dec. 4th)

Effective Strategies

 Initiating contact with parents and making them aware of the goals for their child
 Keeping in touch with parents as needed
 Meeting with students on a weekly basis
 Working with students to create achievable goals
 Meeting with students for an extra week in order to provide more closure

Areas of Improvement

 Contacting parents every week instead of as needed or out of concern

 Updating parents and students of their progress (involving the parents more)
 Reminding students and parents of meetings the evening before we are scheduled to
meet instead of the same day
 Setting goals earlier instead of after a couple of meetings

Systemic Changes Made

 Mrs. Thompson (EBA School Counselor) will take over meeting with these students
 These EBA freshmen now know of Mrs. Thompson, their school counselor, and have a
positive relationship and view of school counseling
 These EBA freshmen feel welcome and are set up for success for the next term and for
the next several years of high school
 These EBA freshmen and sophomore know that they can contact Mrs. Thompson if
they have any concerns or are struggling


Virginia Beach City Public Schools
School Counseling Program Accountability Report Card

School: Kempsville High School

Enrollment: 1,622
Principal: Melissa George
EBA Principal: Megan Timlin
EBA Enrollment: 417
Counselor in Training: Jaclyn Cordero
Supervising Counselor: Victoria Thompson

EBA Principal’s Comments: Results:

(a paraphrase): I greatly appreciate
the effort Ms. Cordero has put into Students with Academic Contracts and Consent to Meet Weekly: Term 1
meeting with these students. The
students she was able to meet with Before Action Plan  After Action Plan
regularly evidently benefitted from
their meetings with her, and I know
that she put a lot of care and time into Students Gender Grade Baseline GP1 GP2 Progress Cumulative GP3
ensuring that she met with them each Consent 2019-20 10/7 11/10 12/4 12/4 12/16
week. to Meet SY
School Improvement Issues: BP M 9th 2 2.78 2.78 1.33 2.15 TBD
The School Improvement Team has
already identified the students with MR M 10th 2.33 2.92 2.42 1.0 2.22 TBD
academic contracts. Students with
academic contracts in the EBA are SF F 9th 2.34 3.33 3.83 1.83 2.67 TBD

provided with a teacher mentor to meet

JE F 9th 2.4333 3.83 3.25 2.67 2.84 TBD
with and to monitor their grades;
however, the school counselor and
school counseling intern are particularly
concerned about setting these incoming Participation in Individual Counseling Sessions:
freshmen and one tenth grader with  50% of the students with academic contracts participated in
academic contracts up for success in a individual counseling sessions with the intern.
virtual and/or hybrid environment. Thus,  Only one student (JE) attended all meetings with the intern.
the school counseling intern has agreed  Progress grades reported on Dec. 4 are not accurate reflections of
to provide extra support for these the grades that students will earn by the end of the third grading
students. period.
 By Dec. 16, it is predicted that 3 of the 4 students the intern
worked with will reach a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or greater and
perhaps maintain that through the final grading period.

Critical Data Element(s):


The school counselor and the school counseling intern identified this critical data element pertaining to the
Entrepreneurial Business Academy to try to impact:

1. Freshmen are starting the 2020-21 school year virtually without the benefit of in-school learning and with no
guarantee of in-person learning.

2. Multiple incoming freshmen accepted into the EBA were accepted under the terms of an academic contract (they had
less than a 2.5 cumulative GPA as of the end of 8th grade) for the 2020-21 school year. If their GPAs are not raised by the
end of the first term, they may be exited from the Academy.

3. One current 10th grader is also in danger of being exited from the EBA.

Jaclyn Cordero (School Counseling Intern): Initiated contact with parents of students to
request consent, contacted students’ teacher mentors, scheduled weekly meetings with
students, met with students, rescheduled meetings as needed, contacted parents regarding any
concerns, helped students with organization/time management/stress management, supported
students socially/emotionally/academically, consulted with supervisor on a weekly (often
daily) basis

Victoria Thompson (School Counselor/Supervisor): Helped identify at-risk students with

academic contracts, provided intern with those students’ and their parents’ contact
information, supervised intern and provided feedback to intern when requested and/or needed

Megan Timlin (EBA Principal): Supported and approved of intern and school counselor’s
efforts to provide extra support for students, contacted parents of students who were at risk of
failing or currently failing any Term 1 classes

Teacher Mentors: Met with students as needed/by request, provided any further support
students needed, made themselves available to students, reached out to parents when
concerned, were aware of intern’s meetings with students

Teachers of Students: Responded to intern’s emails, helped remind students of meeting

times, allowed intern to meet with students during class as needed

Parents: Provided consent for intern to meet with their child, kept in contact with intern,
responded to emails/phone calls from aforementioned stakeholders

Students: Agreed to meet with intern on a weekly basis, created goals/objectives in

collaboration with intern, stayed in contact with intern throughout the week as needed, utilized
resources provided by the intern to help with time management/organization/stress

Human Faces Behind the Data


Anecdotal Outcomes:

In a post-survey all of the students (except for MR who did not respond) reported that they
believed that the weekly meetings had a positive effect on their grades. Students JE and SF
reported that the resources the school counseling intern provided were helpful (assignment
tracker, stress management resources). JE’s favorite part of the individual sessions was the
Zoom poll that the intern created to help encourage her to talk more. The poll asked the
student how she was feeling, and she was able to select multiple options. SF’s favorite part
was being held accountable for completing her work from someone other than her teachers or

Mrs. Thompson stated that the intern did a great job building rapport with the students. Ms.
Timlin greatly appreciated the intern’s efforts in supporting these students.

Email Sent to All Parents of Students with Academic Contracts


Sent to All Parents between Sept. 21st and Sept. 23rd

Hello, [First name of student] and Mr./Ms./Mrs. [Last Name]

My name is Ms. Cordero, and I am a school counseling intern here at Kempsville. I am

nearly finished with my master’s degree in School Counseling from Regent University. I
am also an alumnus of KHS, so I am thrilled to be interning here.  

I am working under the supervision of [name of student]’s school counselor, Mrs.

Thompson, until December 4. I actually received [name of student]’s name from Mrs.
Thompson, and she informed me that [name of student] is under an academic contract
with the EBA. I am looking for students to work with, and I would love to meet with
him/her weekly to check in with him/her and to provide him/her with any support I can.

Mr./Ms./Mrs. [Last Name]: I have attached a form that gives you an idea of how I
would like to help [name of student]. Please give me your consent in a response to this
email. I would like to start meeting with [name of student] on the week of October 5 th.
Initially, I will meet with him/her individually, but if Mrs. Thompson and I think that small
group counseling is something he/she would benefit from, we may move toward that
direction. I will be sure to notify you. I look forward to helping your son/daughter
succeed this semester! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

[Name of Student]: With your parents’ consent, please let me know if you are
interested and what day(s) would work for you. I would like to meet with you at least
once a week. I have courtesy copied Mrs. Thompson, and your teacher mentor. I look
forward to helping you succeed this semester! Please do not hesitate to reach out if you
have any questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Ms. Cordero
School Counseling Intern
Kempsville High School

Email to Students upon Receiving Parental Consent

Sent to all Students on September 25th

Good afternoon, [First name of student].

My name is Ms. Cordero, and I am working as a school counseling intern under the supervision
of your school counselor, Mrs. Thompson. I hope you have had a good week! I’m reaching out to
you because your parent/guardian gave me consent to meet with you on a weekly basis to help
support you emotionally, socially, and academically. I know that this year looks different and
that you never expected 9th /10th grade to be like this. I am here to support you and help you as
you navigate your first/second year in the EBA.

I would like to know your preference for meeting times. I am available to meet with you starting
the week of October 5th. We will be meeting once a week for about 30 minutes. I can either meet
with you during your study block (Block #), during lunch, after school, or every Monday. Which
time would you prefer? Furthermore, are there any days of the week that work best for you?

If you are coming into the building on October 8th, I look forward to seeing you and meeting with
you in person. Otherwise, I look forward to meeting you via Zoom.

Please let me know your preference as soon as possible.

Have a great weekend! 😊

Thank you,

Ms. Cordero
School Counseling Intern
Kempsville High School

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