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Essay: Read of Answer the following questions comprehensively

1. Do you agree that environment is more potent factor than heredity

influencing one’s behavior
-Yes, I agree that the environment is a more potent factor than heredity in
influencing one’s behavior because when it comes to the attitudes and
characteristics that are gained through heredity, it is already provided that they
are inherent to the child since birth or childhood which means that there is a less
chance for more heredity influenced behavior to add up to that certain child.
While as of the environment, it greatly influences one’s behavior because
through the diversity of cultures that one is surrounded by in which there is room
for adaptation and growth, there is a bigger chance that the environment would
be more powerful in influencing because as one ages in a certain community,
he/she is exposed to various behaviors and attitudes that she/he may learn and
grow from throughout the years.

2. Does intelligent of the child affects by the size of the family? If yes/no
depend your answer.
-No, the size of the family does not affect a child’s intelligence. This is because
the way a child thinks or the amount of intelligence he/she withholds within the
brain has no direct linkage with that of the family size. There is no further
evidence that family size directly affects a child’s intellectual. However, there are
various factors that could directly affect the intelligence such as the genes
coming from the parent’s IG, the environment, and the genetic heritage.

3. Who is more intelligent, males or female? Depend your answer.

-Males are more intelligent than females. Despite the fact that males have larger
brains than females, this does not make it valid why males are more intelligent
rather, it is because there have been various researches that have proved that
males are more intellectual in certain aspects such as in adults, males have
slightly higher verbal and reasoning abilities than females. Moreover according to
other researches, there was a significant effect of gender role on hypothetical
persons’ intelligence evaluations, with masculine targets receiving significantly
higher intelligence estimates compared to feminine targets. More intelligent
hypothetical figures were judged as more masculine and less feminine than less
intelligent ones.
4. Do you agree that men’s’ brain weight is heavier than woman’s brain? If
yes/no. Explain
-Yes, I agree that the male’s brain weight is heavier than the female’s brain
weight because the relative brain size is somehow connected with that of the
body height or body surface area of the person. Moreover, there are also science
studies that says that the brain size is affected due to how the organ develops
since birth. In some studies, it has been shown that there are about lb differences
when these brains are weighed and compared with one another. Nevertheless,
these differences partly reflect the fact that men are generally bigger and taller
than women but does not equate that it also applies to the differences in terms of

5. Discuss the types of lobes in the brain and its functions

 Frontal Lobes: The frontal lobes are considered to be our emotional
control center. They play a central role in our personality and how we act.
They are also involved in attention skills and controlling movement. The
frontal lobes manage skills known as Executive Functions. These are very
important skills we use for things such as solving problems, planning,
making decisions, and controlling our behavior. The frontal lobes work like
the conductor of an orchestra who keeps all the musicians playing
together harmoniously.
 Temporal Lobes: One of their important functions is to help us process
and understand sounds such as musical notes and speech. Other
functions include managing our emotions and recognizing faces. A part of
the temporal lobe, called the Hippocampus, also plays an important role in
 Parietal Lobes: One of their main functions is to allow us to make sense of
things we touch – for example, whether an object is smooth or sharp, firm
or soft. The parietal lobes also tell us where our body is in relation to the
objects around us. This allows us to move around without bumping in to
things. This function is known as Visuospatial Processing.
 Occipital Lobes: They have an important role in vision because they allow
us to make sense of information that comes from our eyes. This process is
known as Visual Perception.

6. Are left handed people abnormal in a sense?

-No, left handed people are not abnormal in a sense because first of all, there is
no evidence that is linking that left handed people have any sort of physical or
psychological disadvantage. There are some studies that shows that there are
different characteristics of left handed people that explains why they work
differently amongst others. However, these characteristics that makes them
distinct from right handed people does not justify that they are abnormal in a

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