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*Chi-hon speaking to her mom*

Dear mom, for all the times that I have neglected to lend my ear and follow your promptings, im
Dear mom, for all the kind gestures you have bestowed upon me and Hyong-Chol, and we
neglected to make you feel that we appreciate your gestures, im sorry.
Dear mom, for not having to experience another gathering with us and your grandchildren
bustling around the house, Im sorry
Your fondness of buying socks for everyone will be remembered
Just like how you could be compared to a person assembler
Celebrations would not be the same without you
Along with the kimchi and onion juice you share through
You hated it being photographed, but I would always have a photographic memory of you
smiling within me.
A photograph I’ll deeply cherish.
A memory that I hope will never vanish
Just like what happened to you
Eternally, searching for you I will pursue.
Dead mom, I hope that I’ll get to see you again soon
Without you, life is just full of gloom.

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