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Convert to English

1. ∀x IsABunny(x) ⇒ IsCute(x)
2. ∀x IsAStudent(x) ∧ IsTakingAI(x) ⇒ IsCool(x)
3. ∀x IsABunny(x) ∧ IsAStudent(x) ∧ IsTakingAI(x) ⇒ IsCute(x) ∧ IsCool(x)
4. ∀x EatsRamen(x) ⇒ IsHomeless(x) ∨ IsAGradStudent(x)
5. ∃s ∀h IsAStudent(s) ∧ IsTaking(s,AI) ∧ HomeworkFor(h,AI) ∧ ¬Hates(s,h)
6. ∀a (IsACat(a) ⇒ Rules(a)) ∧ (IsADog(a) ⇒ Drools(a))

Convert to First-Order Logic

There is a bunny who is a cute
Elder gods do not like Hello Kitty
There is only one Elvis (do not use ∃!)
Every child who has a Chinpokomon card is cool
Some students took AI1 in Spring 2008 (using Take(person, course, semester))
Every student who takes AI1 passes it
Lucy is a professor
All professors are people.
John is the dean.
Deans are professors.
All professors consider the dean a friend or don’t know him.
Everyone is a friend of someone.
People only criticize people that are not their friends.
Lucy criticized John

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