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Troika Character – Lu Ban, Scholarly Crane

A large humanoid gray crane, disguised as a thin old Asian man carrying an umbrella. His black eyes
have an orange gleam. He is apparently a scholar or philosopher of some kind, spouting occasional
brief nonsensical non-sequitors in a calm voice. He has some odd powers which he uses his umbrella to
direct. Should he require it he may shift between human and crane form. He may also unsheathe his
forearm saw-blades for combat. In the latter case, slits open in his forearms revealing unfolding large
dripping saw-blades. The slits will knit closed afterwards. When he is a crane his belongings come with
him. In less serious situations he may fight using Tai Chi methods.

Powers: Shapeshift between human and crane form (for flying). Saw-blades in forearms. Cloud Ladder
power (friends may come along). Grappling Hook and Rope power (friends may come along). Ram

He collects odd bits and makes perfumes from them, which he will gift or sell. He boils them in a little
pot, and pours them into little bottles. They may have game effects as potions. He also makes his own
ink. Some glowing minerals.

Where he is from, and why he is bound for the Black City in the west, is a mystery. (Actually he has
flown here from his palace on the moon, and wants to experience the Qi of the Black City and take
metaphysical measurements there. Qi is the source of his powers; the umbrella is a tool to make it
easier to wield. He has some odd implements he will use when he arrives at the Black City: astrolabe,
compass, telescope, divining rod, sextant.) He has blank scrolls and what amounts to a fountain pen, for
diagrams and notes. He has a map he will show people, drawn on a slippery parchment of some sort,
labeled “Map of Lu Ban.” He points to the words “Lu Ban,” and then to himself, thus his name. He
points to “Black City” on the page, and then gestures about, to indicate his destination. Why can his
friends read the words on his map? Who knows. But the map itself appears to be nonsense.

He will need a list of obtuse phrases, Confucian poetry and such. He doesn’t actually communicate
literally, although he can converse normally with avians (who hold him in great respect).

Rulebook Notes

Possessions: Assortment of tiny stoppered bottles, small crucible of unknown metal, odd bits to make
into perfumes and ink. Flint and steel, tinderbox. The “Map of Lu Ban.” A varnished purple oil-paper
and bamboo umbrella, painted with flowers and cranes. Odd Qi measuring devices, including a
telescope and a new astrolabe from a wizard’s tower. Blank scrolls and fountain pen, small bottle of

Advanced Skills: Unarmed Fighting. Forearm-Sawblade Fighting. Cloud Ladder Power. Grappling
Hook and Rope Power. Ram Power. Perfume/Potion Making.

Special: Shapechange (between man and crane).

Rules Mechanics Notes

Basically all the powers are 1-point (at this point) advanced skills, most of the time you'll roll under,
costs you 2 stamina per attempt. In non-combat situations you can just keep repeating the roll unless
you roll boxcars, in which case something bad will happen. In combat situations they will all be
opposed rolls. For the things that bring other people along, you can spend 2 stamina per additional
person, and for the ram you can spend 2 stamina per plus to the opposing-the-door roll.

Spell-like Abilities: Shapeshift / Cloud Ladder / Ram / Grapple & Rope: base cost 2 stamina, 1 point in
each. 2 extra stamina cost per additional person for ladder/rope, roll-under in non-stressful situations,
opposed in combat, to use rope or ladder in combat others would need to make an acrobatics check or
something similar. For ram, you can spend 2 extra stamina for each plus to the contested roll against the
door or whatever.

Perfume-Potion-Making: Generally unopposed roll-under for that, I think? Possibly with advantage or
disadvantage depending on how good your work environment and materials at hand are?

Tai Chi Combat: describing a cool Tai Chi move lets you roll with advantage. Double 6s get you the 7

Wrestling Rules for Sparring: any hit does 1 actual Stamina damage, but you track "apparent stamina"
too where it does full damage, and when someone is at 0 they are out of the fight. Except, if you roll a
critical hit, it's real damage, which puts some threat into the combat.

Session Notes
Session One: 40 cash, 300 xp. Gathering ingredients at hotel restaurant. XP Balance = 300.
Session Two: 300 xp. Let others see Map. Cast Cloud Ladder. Spend 500xp to increase Tai Chi
Fighting from Rank 2 to Rank 3. XP Balance = 100.
Session Three: 105 cash, 1,000 xp. Reveals sawblades. XP Balance = 1100.
Session Four: 400 xp, new balance 1500 xp.
Session Five: 350 xp, new balance 1850 xp.
Session Six: 500 xp, new balance 2350 xp.
Session Seven: anemone from Near Moon interior. Revealed shape-shift to crane. 600 xp, new balance
2950 xp.

Raise general skill level from five to six by spending 500 x level 6 = 3,000 xp.

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