Far Western University Faculty of Engineering Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) Course of Study

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Far Western University

Faculty of Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil)
Course of Study

Course Title: Safety Engineering Credit: 3

Course Code: CE 474 Number of lecture/week: 3
Nature of the Course: Theory Tutorial/week: 1
Year/Semester: Fourth/ Seventh Total hours: 60

1. Course Introduction:

The course is aimed to provide the basic knowledge of safety concept in construction project.
Understand accidents and safety, different aspects of safety engineering

2. Course Objectives:

At the end of this course the student should be able:

• To understand the fundamentals of safety concept in engineeringconstruction project

• To understand accidents and safety, different aspects of Safety , be able to manage Site
Safety.Understand Safety Rules in detail , To understand Psychological and Ergonomics of Safety
• To understand human factors in construction safety, To understand human factors in
construction safety
• To understand aspects of personal protection equipment, be able to implement Safety
Legislation, understand aspects of personal protection equipment’s

3. Specific Objectives and Contents:

Specific Contents
• To UNIT 1. Introduction [3hours]
about • Accidents
Accidents and • Nature and Causes of Accidents
• Impact of Accidents
• Evolution of Safety Concepts
Specific Contents
• To understand UNIT 2. An Overview of Construction Safety [4 hours]
aspects of • Construction Safety
Safety. • Current Situation
• Organizational Aspect
• Behavioral Aspect 

• To understand UNIT 3. Important Safety Rules [4 hours]

Safety Rules in  
detail. • Accident Reporting
• Storage of  Materials
• Atmosphere in Confined Place
• Prevention from Drowning
• Fire Prevention and Protection
• First Aid and Medical Care
• Personal Protective Equipments

• To be able to UNIT 4. Site Safety Management [4 hours]

manage Site  
Safety • Workplace and Equipment
• Structures and Equipments
• Working Platforms
• Safety Organizations

• To understand UNIT 5. Safety in Construction Operations [6 hours]

and be able to  
manage • Planning For Safety
Safety in • Excavation
• Blasting
• Tunneling
• Building Works
• Scaffolding
• Lifting
• Use of Electricity

• To understand UNIT 6. Safety in the Use of Construction Equipments[4 hours]

and be able to  
manage • Psychology of Construction Workers
Safety in use • Rights and Obligation of Parties
• Health of Equipment Operators
• Vehicles
• Cranes
equipments •  Lifting Gears
Specific Contents
• Temporary Power Supply

• To understand UNIT 7. Safety and Economy [3 hours]

Economics • Direct Costs of Accidents
• Indirect Costs of  Accidents
• Cost of  Safety Programs
• Safety Cost Optimization.

• To understand UNIT 8. Psychological Aspects and Ergonomics[3 hours]

and • Carelessness
Ergonomics of • Related Physical Factors
• Other Factors
• The Shop Environment and Safe Behavior
• Job Stress and its Effect
• Human Factors, Biomechanics and Ergonomics
• To understand UNIT 9. Human Factors in Construction Safety [2 hours]
human factors  
in • Employee Selection
construction • Placement
• Motivation: Awareness and Training
• To understand UNIT 10. Personal Protection Equipments[4 hours]
aspects of  
personal • Eye Protection
protection • Finger, Arm and Hand Protection
• Foot and Leg Protection
• Noise Safeguard
• Head Protection
• Safety Belt

• To understand UNIT 11. Safety Legislation in Construction Industry[4 hours]

and be able to  
implements • Safety Codes Applicable to Construction Industry
Safety • ILO Standards
• OSHA regulations
• Health and Safety Provision in Nepal
• Contract Conditions on Safety in Civil Works Projects
• To understand UNIT 12. Safety Management: Roles of Various Parties[4 hours]
and roles of  
various • Employers
Specific Contents
parties in • Designers
Safety • Supervisors
Management • Manufacturers / Dealers
• Workers / Employees
• Motivation Management
• Contractual provisions

Prescribed Text:
1. Safety rules implementation
2. Accident Analysis
3. Safety cost Analysis and Optimization
Field Visit: Minimum of one day Field Visit of Construction Projects to observe site safety
practices is required
1.GrimaldiJohn. V. and Simonds R.H., “Safety Management” 1991, All India Traveller Book
Seller, Fifth Edition.
2. Vaid, K.N. “Construction Safety Management”, NICMAR Publication,1988.

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