Paper 'Human Resource Planning'

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Human Resource Planning

Arranged By:

Name / ID : Emha Maulana Firdaus /19080574064

Fariz Akbar Firmansyah /19080574073
Irbatul Umniyyah /19080574144
Januandini Rossalda M. /19080574147

Class : Management-2019I
Dosen Pengampu : Nurul Indawati, S.E., M.M.


Praise be to God Almighty, Allah SWT. With His bless and grace, we were able to
complete the assignment of writing this HRM course paper on time. Do not forget to give prayers
and greetings to Rasulullah SAW whose syafa'at we are waiting for in the future.
Writing a paper entitled "Human Resource Management" can be completed because of the help of
many parties. We hope that this paper can become a reference for those interested in HRM study.
Apart from that, we also hope that readers get a new perspective after reading this paper.
On this occasion the author did not forget to thank Mrs. Nurul Indawati, S.E., M.M. as a lecturer
in HRM, as well as other parties who have helped in the preparation and writing of this proposal.
Authors realizes that this paper is far from perfect. Therefore, the authors really hope for
suggestions and constructive criticism from various parties, for the sake of perfection in writing
this paper.

Surabaya, February, 22 2021


Table of Content
Preface............................................................................................................................................. 1

Table of Content ............................................................................................................................. 2

CHAPTER I .................................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3

A. Background ......................................................................................................................... 3
B. Problem Formulation .......................................................................................................... 3
C. Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 3
CHAPTER II................................................................................................................................... 4

Discussion ....................................................................................................................................... 4

1. Human Resource Planning ................................................................................................... 4

2. Forecasting Techniques and Models .................................................................................... 5
3. Demand and Availability ..................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER III ................................................................................................................................. 9

Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Conclusion................................................................................................................................... 9
References ..................................................................................................................................... 10


A. Background
HR planning as an activity is a process of how to meet current and future workforce needs
for an organization. In meeting the current workforce needs, the HR planning process means
an effort to fill / cover labor shortages both in quantity and quality. Meanwhile, in fulfilling
future workforce needs, HR planning emphasizes the existence of forecasting efforts
regarding the availability of labor based on needs in accordance with future business plans.

HR planning is basically needed when business planning as the implementation of the

company's vision and mission has been determined. The company's vision is to guide the
direction of a business where it will go and with what strategy the business will run. Starting
from the business strategy, what HR planning strategy will be selected. The HR strategy that
is selected and determined really determines what kind of HR needs you want, both in
quantity and quality.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What is meant by human resource planning?
2. What are the forecasting techniques and models?
3. What is meant by forecasting demand and availability?

C. Objectives
1. Able to define human resource planning
2. Able to explain forecasting techniques and models
3. Be able to explain demand and availability forecasts


1. Human Resource Planning

Human Resource Planning is the process of forecasting the future human resource
requirements of the organization and determining as to how the existing human resource
capacity of the organization can be utilized to fulfill these requirements. It, thus, focuses
on the basic economic concept of demand and supply in context to the human resource
capacity of the organization.

It’s the human resource planning process which helps the management of the organization
in meeting the future demand of human resource in the organization with the supply of
the appropriate people in appropriate numbers at the appropriate time and place. Further,
it is only after proper analysis of the human resource requirements can the process of
recruitment and selection be initiated by the management. Also, human resource planning
is essential in successfully achieving the strategies and objectives of organization. In fact,
with the element of strategies and long term objectives of the organization being widely
associated with human resource planning these days, human resource planning has now
became strategic human resource planning.

Though, human resource planning may sound quite simple a process of managing the
numbers in terms of human resource requirement of the organization, yet, the actual
activity may involve the human resource manager to face many roadblocks owing to the
effect of the current workforce in the organization, pressure to meet the business
objectives and prevailing workforce market condition. Human resource planning, thus,
help the organization in many ways as follows:

1. .Human resource managers are in a stage of anticipating the workforce

requirements rather than getting surprised by the change of events.
2. Prevent the business from falling into the trap of shifting workforce market, a
common concern among all industries and sectors.
3. Work proactively as the expansion in the workforce market is not always in
conjunction with the workforce requirement of the organization in terms of
professional experience, talent needs, skills, etc.

4. Organizations in growth phase may face the challenge of meeting the need for
critical set of skills, competencies and talent to meet their strategic objectives so
they can stand well prepared to meet the human resource needs.
5. .Considering the organizational goals, human resource planning allows the
identification, selection and development of required talent or competency within
the organization.

It’s, therefore, suitable on the part of the organization to opt for human resource planning
to prevent any unnecessary hurdles in its workforce needs. An human resource Consulting
Firm can provide the organization with a comprehensive human resource assessment and
planning to meet its future requirements in the most cost-effective and timely manner.

2. Forecasting Techniques and Models

Forecasting is a very important tool in effective and efficient planning, and the success of
a company or organization depends on both types of events. Forecasting has a direct role
in the types of external events, while decision making plays a role in internal events of
the organization or company. Planning is a link that combines the two things.

Forecasting is a scientific HR planning technique, meaning that HR planning is carried

out based on the results of analysis and data, information and forecasting and good
planning. This kind of HR planning has a relatively small risk because everything has
been calculated in advance. In this technique, data and information must be accurate with
good and correct analysis.

Forecasting also means business forecasting (prediction) needs of employees (at least
informally) at a time when that will come based on the sharpness of HR planning ahead
despite predictions may not be required. Forecasting human resource needs is an
important element in human resource planning. Employee HR forecasting tries to
determine what is needed, both the demand for skills or specific expertise and how many
employees are needed. So it is necessary in planning are: number, type, quality. So the
overall understanding of forecasting is an attempt to predict the needs - needs analysis of
the organizational acuity underlying future planning both short term, medium term and
long term with the demands of expertise or skills according to the number, type and


1. Delphi Technique
The personnel department planner functions as an intermediary,
summarizes the various opinions and reports the conclusions back to the
experts, then the experts conduct another survey after they receive the
feedback, the activity is repeated until the experts reach consensus.

2. Trend analysis
There are two simplest forecasting methods, namely:
a. Extrapolation is based on the rate of change in the past to
make projections in the future.
b. Indection is the future needs of employees by marking the
level of employee development in an index.

3. Incrementalism (or decrementalism)

is an estimation method that projects straight-line changes in employee
needs based on budget fluctuations.

4. Collective opinion
This technique involves gathering information from various sources inside
and outside the organization and then reaching a group agreement on the
interpretation of the data.

5. Categorical and Cluster Forecasting

This category technique further estimates the need for different groups of
positions and this cluster technique predicts groups with these positions
with general skills requirements and demands. This is often used in large

6. Modeling
This method uses mathematics and computers where managers must use
modeling techniques to estimate the demand and supply of human
resources. This assumption is based on the state of the economy,

technological development, the education system, competition for
employers, the nature of the labor market, the compensation system, the
number of vacancies and recruitment practices.

7. Another opinion
• Budget and planning analysis, in general there are budgets and
plans for the short and long term by giving the employees authority.
• Analysis new venture, estimates HR through comparisons with
similar organizations.
• Computer analysis, a series of mathematical formulations that are
used simultaneously to calculate future HR requirements.
• Analysis of organizational structure, is a form of reflection of all
the company's operating activities.

With the seven techniques or methods forecasting HR in addition to the

planning process, management will find it easier to determine the planning
of various activities related to HR, starting from the recruitment process,
scheduling, determining strategy, etc.

3. Demand and Availability

Forecasting definition is like predictions, estimates and forecasts in the future. While, HR
forecasting, known as an attempt to predict / predict the workforce requirements of a company /
organization in the future.

3.1 Main problem for forecasting:

1. Demand in forecast, Are there really human resources available on the market?
How many people we need? How many employees we need to reach the revenue?
2 things we can do for it, like:
• see trends, how the needs of employees for the last 5 years in the
• looking at the analysis ratio, the simplicity is when one salesman makes
500k, the company hopes that when he recruits 6 salesmen it will
generate 3 million

While for availability in forecast,

• involves determining the number, skills and location of future employees

• Forecasting is needed to help show the probability of fulfilling the
number of employees needed
• with this forecasting the company can guarantee the company will
continue to stand in the future


Human resource planning is strongly influenced by various factors, both from within the
organization itself (internal) and from both within the organization (external). The benefits and
objectives of planning will provide positive values for the interests of an organization or a
company. HR planning as an activity is a process of how to meet current and future workforce
needs for an organization. In meeting the current workforce needs, the HR planning process means
an effort to fill / cover labor shortages both in quantity and quality.

In planning there are also procedures, planning requirements and constraints faced in the
planning process.


Dessler, G. (2020). Human Resource Management (16th Edition). In G. Dessler, Human Resource
Management (16th Edition) (pp. 87-89). New York: Pearson.


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