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From the Director’s Desk Activities

“Experience is the only teacher we have. We may talk and Guru Purnima Celebration
reason all our lives, but we shall not understand a word of truth, until
we experience”. Swami Vivekananda Guru Purnima was celebrated on 12th July 2020 through
Google Meet.
We are passing through an eventful era-never expected.
Nature has shown its power of intermingling of all expressions of life. Shri Diganta Biswa Sarma, Saha Sansalak, Vivekananda Kendra,
The covid 19 has created an unprecedented situation in living Assam Prant and a researcher on Swami Vivekananda & Sri
memory. The stereotyped lifestyle, mad race for luxury all went out Aurobindo's works and Dr Dipanka Saikia, Member, VKIC-RAC and
of gear in all countries, for whole of mankind. Every Nation is Muktiyar, Sri Sri Auniati Sattra were the two speakers.
struggling with existing information and knowledge and then quietly
plunged into darkness. No known resources and knowledge is Shri Diganta Biswa Sarma speaking on 'Guru Purnima – the Indian
sufficient enough to come out of the slender. Ego both at national Tradition' deliberating on the topic also highlighted the salient
and personal level shifted to the background. The wisdom for the features of Ma. Nivedita Didi's letter to all VK Karyakarta's on the
whole of mankind is yet to come. occasion. His deliberation stressed on the following points -
The normal activities of the VKIC had our stipulated and time
bound activities listed, some were also planned and finalised just
prior to the on slot of the deadly virus of unknown origin. Hence, the
activities for the last year almost come to a lot for a few months
demanding the realignment of our activities with our core mission.
Amongst the identifiable changes is the application of
technologies in our conversations with friends and families and came
back to the goal and mission. The online meeting sets in. And we also,
with some initial fumbling have now at per.
During this period – on line monthly Yoga Vimarsh series : a
cultural survival in pandemic was organised and successfully
conducted. The encouraging sign was the participation of large
number of people including college groups, school children, house
makers apart from Vivekananda Karyakartas. It started in the month u The practices in the Kendra by chanting the Omkar, reciting the
of July continued till February 2021. Aikyamatra or Sahanabhabatu together is to awaken the divine
Yoga and Pranayam satras was organised in a big way- both consciousness within.
online and whenever feasible off line
The Guru Purnima festival celebrated through Google meet u To feel the presence of Ishvara in Charachar (creation – both
where VKIC RAC members very beautifully spoke about the animate & inanimate).
importance of the Guru Purnima, Guru Shishya Parampara (Gurukul) u That our parents are our first Guru.
and also the significance of the prayer “Om Sahna Bhavatu.”
Due to the pandemic situation this time a virtual lecture titled u The significance of the 'Om Sahanabhabatu' prayer is how the
“Minati Hazarika Memorial” lecture was also organised on You Tube. teacher and students prays together and also seeks His blessing
Where Dr. Nirupama Mahanta, Researcher and former Cultural together in the whole process of learning and evolution.
Secretary of Assam Sattra Mahasabha graced the occasion as the
u ‘Om’ is both idea and power. It is also the signature of the Lord –
Guest of Honour.
this was said by Mother.
The practical visualisation of the Indian philosophy
“Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” i e “All human being of the world are of u Guru Purnima is celebrated on the Jayanti of Vedavyasa who
the same family”. Our believe in this was amply demonstrated by gave us the Vedas. Vedas are Apaurusheya i.e., they are not man-
sending India manufactured Covid vaccine to as many as 70 made. They are knowledge versed in Mantras which the Rishis
countries, majority of them were poor or not easily accessible. Some see and have heard and have been passing on to their disciples
of the large developing and underdeveloped country were also
benefited by the timely supply of the vaccine. Hence it is the life for the well being of all.
philosophy which matters than the individual achievements. u Vedas are the knowledge for living and for realising Ishvara. We
Readers 'suggestions are always welcome and appreciated on pay our gratitude to Vedavyasa for having structured the 'Guru-
the given News Letter Portal of VKIC. Sishya' parampara and organising it to carry forward these
Dr Parimal Ch. Bhattacharjee eternal truths and enabling all to realise the Divine.
u To see God in others and to learn from them. To do away with the Dr. Minati Hazarika Memorial Lecture
limitation and the narrow sense of 'I'.
u Our body and mind are instruments to know the reality. We
prostrate to that Guru who makes me realise my true self.
u We are the expanding source of this consciousness – family –
society – nation – universe – all interconnected, interrelated and
u Guru Poornima is an occasion to receive teachings from Ishvara
through the whole Universe. We have to purify our mind to
receive such teachings and serve as instruments of Ishvar (God).
Dr Dipanka Saikia speaking on 'Guru–Sishya Parampara: the
Sankaradeva Parampara' shared his thoughts about this tradition
from the teachings of Mahapurusha Sankaradeva and Madhavdeva. The 5th Dr. Minoti Hazarika Memorial Annual Lecture was
A few of the salient features of his deliberations are - held on 9th August 2020 on a virtual platform which was streamed
live on YouTube. The Memorial Lecture was delivered by Prof.
u The word 'Guru' is a Sanskrit word and anyone who leads a person Karabi Deka Hazarika, Retired Professor of Assamese Department,
from Ignorance (darkness) to Knowledge (light) can be a Guru. Dibrugarh University. She deliberated on the topic “Srimanta
u Guru' and 'Gurukul' are two important terms in our society. The Sankardeva r Gana Sanjog Kaushal: Samaj Sahitya Sanskritir Bibidh
Guru imparts all round education to his students (sishyas) while Dixor Bishlexonere”. Dr. Nirupama Mahanta, Researcher and
they stay in his 'Gurukul' (residential school) where morality, former Cultural Secretary of Assam Sattra Mahasabha graced the
values and social teachings are being taught. During this learning occasion as the Guest of Honour.
period of the sishya in the Gurukul he learns about do's & don't in The program began with Susri Princhi Buragohain, student of
life, discipline, patience, perseverance, creativity and over all Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Dhemaji rendering an auspicious
personality and character building. Borgeet composed by Mahapurush Sri Madhavdeva. Prof.
u The Bhakti Dharma ushered by Srimanta Sankaradeva in this part Hazarika delivered a scholarly and analytical lecture on Srimanta
of the country gives importance to four elements viz., Guru, Sankardeva's expertise in unifying the various communities
Deva, Naam & Bhakat where Guru is the first and foremost through literature and culture. She elaborated on the different
element. 'Guru Sewa' is an important practice in the methods by which Srimanta Sankardeva's teachings reached to all
Sankaradeva tradition. the people regardless of their caste and creed.
u Referring to Srimanta Sankaradeva's 'Bhakti Ratnakar', one of the Dr. Nirupama Mahanta too deliberated on Srimanta
Mahapurushas principle creations and the only one in Sanskrit, Sankardeva's teachings through different methods like Kirtan
the Mahapurusha refers to 'Guru Sewa' where he says more than Ghosa, Satrriya Nritya, Bhaona, Borgeet, Masks, Naamghar etc.
ardently following the Brahmacharya, Grahyasthya, Vanaprastha and that they are relevant even in the present times.
and Sanyasa Ashrams, the Guru is pleased more when the The vote of thanks was delivered by Prof Parimal
disciple follows the 'Guru Sewa'. This reflects the concept and Bhattacharjee, Director, Research Advisory Council, VKIC.
importance as to how a Guru can lead his sishya to realise the
Ishvara (Divine).
u In his Bhakti Ratnakar, Srimanta Sankaradeva has laid down 12 Online Yoga Vimarsh Series - A Cultural Survival in Pandemic
Yamas & 12 Niyamas to be followed by any sishyas in the path of
Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha
Bhakti to realise the supreme Knowledge and Truth.
Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha was held online on 26th July, 2020.
u Sankaradeva had emphasised to take the shelter in a Guru who
Mananeeya Himadri Purkayastha who is the Khetra Yoga Pramukh
has deep knowledge in the Shastras and has deep devotion in
of Seva Bharati Purbottar, was the speaker. He spoke on the
Krishna Bhakti. It is only such a Guru who can lead one to self-
second Sutra of Patanjali Yoga practice “Yogas Chitta Vritti
Nirodha”. He explained Yoga means to join or unite the mind and
u It was Madhavdeva who later on organised the Guru-Sishya body. Chitta means mind, Vritti means the thought waves and
parampara after the mahaparayan of Srimanta Sankaradeva. The Nirodha means to control. From the physical point of view, we
tradition of Guru-Sishya still prevails in the Sattras here in Assam. have only one thing that is constantly with us and that is our
shadow. On the Yoga Karmasu Kaushalam
other hand, our mind is
Yoga Karmasu Kaushalam
always influx and th
was held on 26 September,
undergoes many
2020 online. Dr. Shalini
fluctuations. This
Sharma, a senior Ayurvedic
should not be the case.
Panchakarma consultant was
Our mind should always
the speaker.
be steady and kept
under control. Our mind Dr. Sharma explained on
is full of desires, various Yoga and its perspective and
stages of needs, shared a very vital formula
thoughts and emotional about Yoga Karmasu Kaushalam.
upheavals. Our mind is Explained the meaning of life
never steady, it keeps and its spiritual motto, Moksha
flitting from one (Emancipation)
idea/thought to By applying the formula of 'Yoga Karmasu Kaushalam' one can
another, from past to get the feeling of emancipation while living. Thus, spiritually our goal
present and then to is 'Moksha’
future. Our mind
There were Yog Yogeshwar Shri Krishna, Swami Vivekananda and
seldom dwells on
many other gurus / saints in India who have enlightened different
present and therein
paths of doing yoga because every persons character are different
arises our shortcoming.
from each other.
We s h o u l d a l w ay s
endeavor to fix our mind Karma Yoga (path of action):
on present happenings. Karma Yoga is for those who are very active in their field of work.
i.e. Doctor, Carpenter, Engineer etc. who can become a yogi. Karma
He also mentioned
Yoga purifies the heart and burns away selfish tendencies by
that it should be our conscious effort to practice deep breathing.
encouraging a detachment from the fruits of actions. In this way, there
We should both inhale and exhale deeply and with full
is no expectation of personal gain or recognition. All actions are done
concentration on our breathing. This will enable us to remain in
with a focus on Oneness, therefore establishing a connection with the
the present. This is what is called Pranayama. Our control over
Atman or True Self.
breathing can be achieved only if continued religiously for
maximum 3 months. Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of devotion)
In Bhakti Yoga those who are not very active but always think
Thus, there are two ways to reduce distraction of mind and
good about others and totally surrender themselves to the nature
empower our intellect.
can become a yogi. According to this path, a lack of faith in the Divine
They are Pranayama and
or Sacred Essence has caused us to lose connection to our Divine Self.
Asana. The best time to
The solution, therefore, is love, surrender, and devotion to the Divine
do Pranayama is at
qualities in everything. Bhakti Yoga asks us to purify and transform
dawn, between 3 am to 5
our egoistic self-love by focusing the mind on sacred thoughts and
am or at dusk. Guruji
transferring all our love and emotions into the Divine essence that
stressed on practicing
permeates all. Examples of Bhakti Yoga are chanting, puja, and
re g u l a r l y A n u l o m a -
devotional rituals etc. This path resonates most with those of an
Viloma and Nadi Suddhi.
emotional nature.
Patanjali Yoga Sutra
guides the mind in the Raja yoga (the yoga of meditation):
right path, diverts our This has been given by Patanjali Maharshi. This is very
mind from negative important and many of us do these. This is done to purify ourselves in
thoughts and helps us physical level. The restlessness of the mind has caused our attention
live a life of spiritual to be carried away in stories and disconnected from our True
fulfillment which Essence, according to this path. The solution, then, is to calm the
removes stress and mind through meditation in order to reveal the Oneness that we are
in our truest essence. This is done via the Ashtanga (8 limbs) Sooror Deul - a theme based cultural program
system, as outlined by Patañjali in the Raja Yoga Sutras. Most yoga
Sooror Deul - a theme based cultural program is held once in
classes in today's society are steeped in the Raja Yoga path. This
every month. Artists present folk music, folk dances and other art
path is most suited for those with a nature that resonates with
forms. On 30th September, 2020 such program was organized
method-based practice.
online. Prof. Niranjana Deka Pathak, DK Girls' College share about
the Sooror Deul and its founder Chanchal De.
Rabindranath Pathak from VK, Panbazar hosted the program.
Many students from Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya of Golaghat,
Tezpur and Nalbari participated in the program and presented
Borgeet, Lokogeet etc. Chandrabala Roy presented Goalparia
Lokopriya geet.

After a long period of time when relaxation was given by the

Govt. to organize social gathering following certain protocols for
COVID-19, this programme was organized at WM Auditorium of
Gyan Yoga (the yoga of will and intellect) VKIC, Uzan Bazar on 28th February 2021. It was hosted by Ma.
In this yoga our physical body, and soul synchronizes with each Mitali De. Ma Pandit Satyakrushna Mishra and Mrs. Nirupama
other and we get self realization. Mishra parents of renowned Violinist Sri Bidyut Mishra have
graced the occasion and were honored in the presence of eminent
Although listed individually, like everything that exists, the
performers of the classical music and dance fraternity. Brilliant
paths are actually intertwined and co-exist together. Usually, there
performances by the students of the State Music College,
is one particular path which resonates most, according to a
Handique College kept the audience spellbound for 2 hrs. Vocal
person's nature, but there are elements of each path within all the
Classical presented by Rahul Das and a beautiful Kathak dance was
others. As all the paths point the way in the direction of Oneness,
presented by the group of Himasri Sarma, Jugasmita Goswami,
the paths themselves blend together and it is impossible to tread
Lakshyajyoti Baruah where tabla was accomplished by Hrishikesh
only one path exclusively.
Sarma, harmonium by Hirok Das and vocal by Rahul Das.
Yoga Karmasu Kaushalam Instrumental violin performed by Sanjukta Phukan and Sitar
बुद्धियुक्तो जहातीह उभे सुकृतदुष्कृते | presented by Sri Anand Dikhit and tabla was accomplished by
तस्माद्योगाय युज्यस्व योग: कर्मसु कौशलम् Kalpajyoti Bania.
Prudent practices to work (Karma) to get rid of both good and
bad reactions in this life itself. Therefore, strive for Yog, which is the
art of working skillfully to come out of good and bad.
This shlok, explains that if we do our work without thinking
that we will achieve something (good) or lose something (bad) and
do it as it is our duty to do it then, we will not be in the Bondage
(Karma-Bandhan) and will be able to do it more skillfully.
Yoga Vimarsh series was started on offline mode in the month
of Feb.2020 and also concluded successfully in offline mode in the
month of February, 2021. Ma. Hanumant Rao (vice President,VKK)
graced both the sessions as a main speaker.
Sanskriti Anveshak NTFP including elephant dung, rhino dung, bamboo etc. to be
A Panel Discussion on Strategies of Natural Farming used as inputs for certain essential products and products demanded
in targeted markets. Discussion may be required to look at the legal
A Panel Discussion was held on September 20th 2020 at VKIC dimensions and subsequent policy advocacy to address well-being of
Uzan Bazaar for its proposed series of Sanskriti Anveshak on the people at the margins dependent on natural resources.
“Development through Culture: Nature-Culture-Wellbeing fostering
Sustainability” with special reference to North East India. Concern was also expressed by the members that all our efforts
and exercises should contribute to the policy towards ensuring well-
Shri P. C. Bhattacharjee, Director, RAC, VKIC welcomed the being of the people involved. Citing example of the artisans of
distinguished invitees and explained the purpose of the meeting. Terracotta products of Asharikandi of Dhubri carrying their activities
A threadbare discussion took place on the importance of based on natural resources, but have failed to ensure a decent return
Natural Farming in the Northeast region of India; and how this system for their living. Discussion sessions at Sanskriti Anveshak should
of farming is different from organic farming. In natural farming, the contribute towards finding ways out to ensure best share for the
process happens naturally, and everything is left to the existing land efforts made by the farmers and artisans.
by the people; whereas, in organic farming inputs are used, whatever Sanskriti Anveshak sessions should focus on documenting
may be in forms, nature and types, to prepare the soils and manage successful initiatives as case studies (equinox tea plucking in Singpho
the biological activities towards achieving desired results. Often inhabited localities, Nilam Dutta of Pabhoi Green) and draw lessons.
certification is required.
The participants also discussed about negative outcomes of
Various examples were cited about naturally grown products of adopting certain exotic species in the region (small cardamom in
the region and activities to be initiated to reach niche or targeted Arunachal Himalayas). The implementation of the Water Hyacinth
markets considering the need of the economy of the region. Control Act of 1926 by the colonial rulers to prevent threat to the
Examples of passion fruits (Baksa region, also found in abundance in ecology was cited as an example. The region requires certain
Nagaland and Mizoram), bamboo shoots (ubiquitous in the region), regulations to prevent negative externalities generated by certain
avocado (Mizoram), bird's eye chilli (Nagaland, Mizoram), etc. endeavour on ecology and ecosystems in the region.
An esteemed member mentioned that ‘known aroma’ of joha All the esteemed members opined that the perspectives for the
rice varies across the region; the reason may be because of locality Sanskriti Anveshak in addition to Natural History and Cultural History
specific variations of nature of the soils. The species of crops Dimensions of the region (as discussed) could be how Economic
mentioned are very unique. And there are many more to add which perspectives can be drawn on the above two dimensions towards
are embedded in the different natural ecosystems of the region. addressing and understanding the domain of 'nature-culture-
The discussion emphasized on the need of documenting natural wellbeing' route and foster sustainability (which cannot be ensured
farming systems in Northeast region of India towards understanding without economic viability) of the region.
the natural history and cultural history of emergence, development
and adaptation of agriculture and farm commodities in the region. International Yoga Day 2020
The discussion subsequently stressed on economic value of
embedded natural farming and cultural practices. There is need to The International Yoga
assess and understand economic viability of naturally grown Day 21st June, 2020 was
celebrated by various
commodities in small holdings. This is considered important to value
educational institutions
the practices and endeavour of people and their well-being.
of Guwahati in
The concern is that the commodities grown in natural setting c o l l a b o rat i o n w i t h
are in small quantity in common land and individual plots or Vivekananda Kendra
homesteads. The objective is to find ways out to accumulate the small through online and
quantities grown in the region through a system of collective mode offline mode due
and place the commodities in the niche markets, rather than placing to the pandemic.
them in low valued common market where the price premium is not International Yoga Day
received for the quality and properties of the products. The entire 2020 at IIT, Guwahati,
process of the trade however needs to take the ethical route so that was conducted by Kum.
the producers/gatherers receive a fair share. M e e ra Ku l a ka r n i ,
Kalpana Mehta and
In this context, an esteemed member mentioned few models Thangalaxmi and spoke
adopted in Kerala and Chhattisgarh states to derive and share the about yoga and its applications and benefits. The session was
best benefits to the forests dependents collectors of NTFPs. attended by the students and faculty members of IIT Guwahati.
The discussion also raised the points - how the wildlife laws and Another Yoga session was also conducted at IIITG and S.B Deorah
Forest Acts, would support and accommodate extraction of certain
25th Foundation Day of VKIC, 2021 this is where the VKIC aims and objective lies. And this would be
The Vivekanand Kendra Institute of Culture (VKIC) celebrated its considered as successful when the success of different tribal
glorious 25th Foundation day on 31st Jan 2021 at WM Auditorium of community’s faith like Rangfra, Donyi Polo etc. is safeguarded. He
VKIC premise at Riverside, Uzan Bazar, Guwahati. The celebration concluded his speech with a remark ‘No homogenization of culture
started with Mangalacharan. The programme was attended by but diversity as the unique garden’.
dignitaries, invitees, eminent personalities and Vivekanand Kendra's Ku. Talamsi Newmai, an indigenous faith promoter and
Karyakakartas. traditional community organizer, from Nagaland was honored with
the prestigious VKIC Sanmaan for 2021 at the function for her social
commitment and contributions in the Zeliangrong area of Assam,
Manipur and Nagaland. She has been associated with Janajati Vikash
Samiti, Nagaland and Heraka Women Society since decades. Ku.
Newmai is presently the Head Mistress of the Zeliangrong Heraka
School, Tening, Nagaland and also sincerely committed to the cause of
indigenous faith movement i.e. Heraka movement. She has also been
successful in thwarting the efforts of some people who wanted to
prevent the traditional practices of the Zeliangrong.

The Report of Activities was presented by VKIC, depicting its

vision as well as both the offline and online work conducted by the
Institute during the pandemic-hit year 2020.
Dr. P.C. Bhattacharya, Director - Research Advisory Council (RAC)
of VKIC delivered the welcome address. Speaking on the significance
of the Foundation day of the VKIC, launched in 1996 by the
Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, which is an initiative for research
and documentation of the communities of India’s North-East.
VKIC’s prime motive is Sanskriti Aikyam Pushanaati, which
The VKIC Sanmaan was presented by the Chief Guest of the
means Culture Nurtures Unity. He said VKIC is committed to
function Dr. Upadhyayula Suryanarayana Murty, who is Chairman,
safeguard and keep alive the unique cultural elements of the region
Bio-NEST and Director, National Institute of Pharmaceutical
which are available in more than 236 tribes but are eroding for
Education and Research, Guwahati. The award comprised a Seleng
various reasons like external influence and its pressure where a single
chadar, citation, a memento, a plaque and a set of VKIC publications
homogeneous culture should not be encouraged and the Northeast
along with a cash component of Rs. 25,000/- (Twenty-Five Thousand
region should not be alienated from the oriental studies; rather all
beautiful elements which are present in different tribes and
communities should be explored, recorded, studied and focused and Ku. Newmai felt overwhelmed for recognition of her efforts as
indigenous faith promoter and traditional community organizer, and
expressed her gratitude to the VKIC in her acceptance speech. She
proudly mentioned that she is first time addressing such an august
gathering. Ku. Newmai also shared that she is third person from her
community to receive the VKIC Sanmaan. She noted that she has been
doing all these selflessly and will continue to do so for the cause in the
Zeliangrong area, including far flung villages across Assam, Manipur
and Nagaland.
Dr. U. S. Murty, Chief Guest of the function, shared his insights on
invaluable scientific heritage possessed by the indigenous
communities of the North-East, learnt and passed upon through their
generations. He accounted such an immense scientific lineage of
these communities to their strong cultural roots and selfless
Curtain Raising Program of Sanskriti Anveshak Forum
commitment to serve the local; and noted to have created a Sanskriti Anveshak is an interdisciplinary and interactive
programme, being held over the years under themes like exploring,
repository of more than 70 such meritorious traditional knowledge practicing and understanding the traditional knowledge preserving
systems. He noted with heavy heart that we are excellent in working, our traditional heritage, Education, Medicare etc.
but very poor in networking. Dr. Murty emphasized desperate need
to scout such individuals and communities in possession of socially
and scientifically significant knowledge, and help them in connecting
with government initiatives, such as Bio-NEST, to validate their
practices and explore entrepreneurial opportunities out of the same.
He opinionated that validation and enterprising from traditional
knowledge could help sustain and foster local practices of the
indigenous communities. Dr. Murty has held significant positions in
the institutes of national and international importance, and has
worked in various capacities in the North-Eastern states of Arunachal
Pradesh and Mizoram. He has 140 scientific papers to his credit.
The Chief Guest and the other dignitaries released the Quest
Vol. XIV with a theme ‘Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Culture
of Agriculture of Northeast India’ and another book titled ‘Asamiya
Human endeavour of developing a cultural landscape on a
Language and Literature’ (As affecting religious development) by natural landscape forms interface, and symbiosis between culture
Prof. Bisweswar Hazarika respectively of VKIC Publication. and nature which are interlink to well-being of nature and human
being. Therefore, culture is the outcome of human observation and
Next most awaited attraction of the function was a presentation learning from the nature around them to design their way of life. Even
of rituals by the artists of Deori Troupe from Assam. The indigenous before the very start of exclusive religions or dominion of
faith promoters from the group performed a ritual of the Deori international materialistic ideology everywhere, we had such
traditions that brought us close to the nature. In a cultural system
Community, followed by a traditional folk dance of Deori Tribe. The through traditional knowledge based practices many communities
members of Deori Troupe was felicitated by Mananeeya Rekha Dave, manage and use natural resources in a wiser way catering and
Joint General Secretary of Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari. restoring the natural capital and ecological services, which in return
provides ecological security and ensure well-being of the people.
The formal vote of thanks was offered by Shri Dipankar
Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture, Guwahati as well as
Mahanta, where he invited the attendees to join for the launch event
Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari has done commendable work in
of VKIC's year-round celebration, on February 6, 2021, to mark the various fields which has grown and got stability too. In this 25th
25th Foundation Day on the central theme of Nature, Culture, Well- anniversary of Sanskriti Anveshak Forum, the Curtain Raising
being and Sustainability. The Foundation Day 2021 celebration was programme was held on 6th February, 2021 and we had our guest
speaker Dr. Rajiv Mohan Pant, Director, National Institute of Rural
concluded with Shantimantra chanted by Karykartas of VKIC and Development and Panchayati Raj, Natural Environment Research
attendees. Council (NERC) has also highlighted Vedic Culture wherein attitude
towards nature have always been under strict regulation.
Mananeeya Nivedita Raghunath Bhide, Padma Shree Awardee
and Vice-President of Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari has
presented an invigorating speech on preserving our traditional
knowledge and thereby regaining the lost position of our country as
Jagatguru, which it has always been.
She said, fortunately in our country, this instinctive oneness or
interconnection with the family, with the society, with the nature was
very properly understood and given a very solid, rational, scientific
basis to it and through various sampradayas, teaching tradition
continuity was given to it. Developing certain traditions and practices
will enhance or further strengthen our bondages with nature, with
the societies which were then developed. This is how in spite of so
many years of invasion and attack, even today international designs
which are very much going to destroy our nation; our culture have still
survived. At least, one billion people are still practicing this culture.
VKIC, this year is
proposing a new series of Brainstorming of Sattras and Namghars
Sanskriti Anvesak – year As a part of VKIC's 25 years celebration a seminar on the Sattras
long virtual session on and Namghars of Assam under the theme of 'Traditional Systems:
D eve l o p m e nt t h ro u g h
Change and Continuity' is being planned towards the end of 2021 or
Culture: nature-culture-
well-being fostering the beginning of next year. In order to identify the various changes
sustainability with special taking place in these two institutions and the continuity of the rich
reference to North East heritage that is being continued by these institutions serving the
India. The proposed society, a brainstorming session was organised in VKIC on 8th March,
initiative primarily focuses 2021 which was participated by some of the EC and RAC members, the
on the broader perspectives
Research Team of VKIC and special invitees such as Dr Nirupama
to know about diverse cultural and traditional knowledge base
practices of different communities of North East India. For vivid Mahanta, renowned Sattriya researcher and practitioner, Shri Diganta
understanding and learning, the effort will emphasise on Biswa Sarma, ardent researcher and follower of Swami Vivekananda
discussion and review of different practices of the communities of and Sri Aurobindo, Shri Anil Borah, Principal of VKV Jengraimukh,
the region covering the approaches of adaptation with nature, Majuli, Shri Manik Bora, Teacher of VKV, Dibrugarh and Shri Debajyoti
strategies of resilience development to face the nature induced Dutta, Jeevanbrati Karyakarta of Kendra.
challenges, ways and approach of natural resource management,
culture based resource inventories, agriculture and food system,
settlement and housing systems, practices of social institutions to
manage social capital, heritage practices around art, craft,
handloom, means of communication, and diverse language and
dialect as repository of knowledge system. Concurrently, it will
also focuses on finding out ways and approaches for the
development of North East India based on its natural capital,
cultural assets and social capital of different communities.

Universal Youth Day

On 12th January, 2021, Gandhi Smriti & Darshan Samiti, Purpose of the session - To discuss and identify the various
Sabdam along with State Bal Bhawan, Assam organized a webinar aspects of changes occurring in the Sattras and Namghars over the
on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, period and how the society is adapting to it keeping the continuity of
under the Ministry of the principles of the tradition and heritage till today.
Culture, collaborated
with Vivekananda
Kendra Institute of
Culture (VKIC) with the
view of articulating to
to d ay ' s yo u t h w i t h
Swamiji's message.
Barnali Chakraborty, R &
D. Dept. represented
VKIC, in this webinar on
giving a speech on
“Understanding Self”.
She explored Swamiji's scientific outlook towards solution of
universal problems and the primary process includes
understanding oneself. The talk included step by step explanation
of the need and process of self conscience as root of nationalist
ideology. From :
Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture
Riverside, Uzan Bazar, M. G. Road, Guwahati - 781001
Published By : The Secretary, VKIC, Guwahati - 1 Ph. 0361- 2736945. E-mail :
Editorial Team : P. C. Bhattacharjee, Neeranjana Dubey, P. Newme,
Barnali Chakraborty, Ananya Das Paul and Ramani Deka
Please visit us at :

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