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Petroleum systems in the Jiangling-Dangyang Area, Jianghan

Basin, China

Article  in  Organic Geochemistry · October 1996

DOI: 10.1016/S0146-6380(96)00080-0


81 143

5 authors, including:

Kenneth E. Peters Clifford Walters

Schlumberger Limited ExxonMobil


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Oil families and their inferred source rocks in the Barents Sea and northern Timan-Pechora Basin, Russia View project

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0~. 6e0chem. V~. 2~ N0. 1~11, pp. 1035-1060, 1996
C0pyr19~ • 1996 ~ v 1 e r 5c~n~ ~d
Pr1med 1n 6 ~ 8 f t ~ AH r19ht5 ~ e ( 1
P1~ 50146-6380(96)00080-0 014~6~96 $15.00 + 0.~)

Petr0~um 5y~em5 1n the J1an9~n9-Dan9Yan9 area,

J1an9han 8a~n, Ch1na
KENNE7H E. P E 7 E R 5 ~, A L A N E. C U N N 1 N 6 H A M • C L 1 F F 0 R D C. W A L 7 E R ~ ,
J ] A N 6 M 6 A N 6 ~ ~nd F A N 2 H A 0 A N ~
•M0611 Exp10rat10n and Pr0duc1n9 7 e ~ c a 1 Center, Da11a5, 7X 75265, U.5.A., :M0~1 New 8u~ne~
Devd0pme~, D~h5, 7X ~ U.5.A. and ~hn9han P ~ u m Adm1n15~at10n 8 u ~ a ~ 6uan9hua,
Hu6d Pr0~nc~ C~na

A ~ u ~ - ~ d 9 e 0 c h e m ~ da~ def1ne at ~a5t ~ u r p~r0~um ~ e m 5 1n the f 1 ~ -

Dan9Yan9 a~a 0f ~ e Jhn9han 8af1n. E 0 ~ n ~ P a ~ 0 ~ an0~c evap0f1t1c 1acu~r1ne 50urce r0ck5 9en-
erated m05t 0f the crude 0t15 1n the a~a.
• E0cene ~ a ~ r0ck ff0m the 5ha 13 w ~ ( 1 ~ 2 ~ c0nt~n5 ~ a ~ , 5 ~ r 1 c h 7ype 15
0~a~c m~ and 1t5 extract ~ m05t f 1 ~ h r t0 the 5ha 13 ~ 5and ~ m e n ~ 9 re5er-
• L0wer E0cene-Pa~0cene X~90u2hm r0ck5 ff0m the ~ n 73 w ~ ~42 and 862 ~ c0nt~n ~0w-
~a~, ~ w - 5 ~ r 7ype 1 0 ~ a ~ c m a t ~ and th~r exWac~ a ~ m0~ f 1 ~ h r t0 the 5ha 26 ~1
5and ~ m e n (E0cene ~n5ha re5erv010 and the ~ n 9 L 5ha 24, and 7u0 3 ~ h ~ ~ re5ev
• 7w0 umde~1f1ed M ~ e 7f1a5~c 0r ~der mar1ne car60na~vap0r1~ 50urce r0ck5 0r ~ r e ~
~ e 5 0f the 5ame 50urce r0ck 9 e n ~ e d the Da~ak0u 011 f f r 1 ~ c ~ a h n ~ n 9 ~ 0uv
cr0p, ~ n ~ n C 0 u ~ and the m 0 d ~ d y 610de9raded ~ a n w ~ 5eep 011 (P~m~n Chan9~n9
0u~r0~ Chen9~ C0unt~, re5pect1vdy.
• 0ne 0r m0re un1dent1f1ed mar1ne 50u~e r0ck~ w~ch c0~d ~ d u d e the L0wer ~ n ~a 0r
the Upper ~ a n D 0 u ~ a ~ u 0 ~ ~ ~ r ~ the M~05~ and Yanmenku0 ~ep ~ 5 ~ e ~
m1an ~ a 0u~r0p~. 7he ~n95han 5eep 0~ ( 0 ~ a n 8a0ta 0 ~ 0 ~ pr06a~y 15 r d a ~ d t0
• ~e ~ 6ut c0u1d repre5ent an0ther p~r0~um ~ e m .
~ m ~ 5 ~ r hydr0car60n ~ r ~ am~9 E~e ~ a ~ 1 ~ 9 and L0wer E0cene-P~e0cene
X1~0~h~ ~ 50urce r0ck5 and ~ e ~ ~ a m ~ 9 the ~ a t e d ~ 5 are cau5ed 6y 0~
9amc ~ e 5 vaf1at10n~ H~h ~ ~ d 10w Eh enhanced the pre5ervat10n 0f 0H-pr0ne 0 ~ a ~ c m ~ r
1n the5e 1acu~f1ne 5 ~ 9 5 and ~ d h ~ d 1 ~ 0 ~ a f 1 0 n 0f 5 ~ r ~t0 the 0r9an~ m ~ An0~a and
the unu5u~ p ~ n c e 0f a6undant 5 ~ a5 9yp~m ~ 5 ~ d ~ the m ~ r 0 ~ ~ducf10n 0f 5 d ~ t0
5u~de and m ~ W ~ n 0f t~5 5 ~ r 1nt0 the ker09en. F0r ~ a m ~ ~ 0 m ~ k ~ 5 5h0w that 50urce
r0ck 1n the 5ha 13 wd1 (1322 m) wa5 dep0f1~d under m0~ 5 ~ , ~ w ~ Eh c0n~t10n5 than that 1n the
~ n 9 80 wd1 (1~8 ~ , ~ h 60th are ~0m the ~ a ~ ~ . 7he 5ha 13 r0ck ~ m ~ e 15
m0re ~ n ~ h (6.62 v5. 1.27 wt.% 7 0 Q and ha5 a ~9her hydr09en 1ndex ~94 v5. 501 m9 H ~
9 7 0 Q and ~ e r react10n ~net1~ than the ~n9 80 ~ m ~ e . K~09en ~0m ~ e 5ha 13 ~ m p ~ 15 7ype
15 6ecau5e 1t ha5 a h19h hydr09en 1ndex and an a t 0 ~ c 5 ~ rat10 ~.07~ 1n the ran9e 0f ~ 1 ~ r 1 ~ ,
~ e a c t 1 n 9 ker09en5 0f the M0me~y F ~ m ~ n (~C > 0~4~.
0r9am~r1ch L0wer Jura5f1c c0~y r0ck5 ~0m 0 ~ 0 ~ at Da~ak0u c 0 n ~ n 1 m m ~ e t0 m a ~
9~ne ~ 9 a n ~ m ~ r that 15 n0t r d ~ e d ~ any 0115 1n the 5~dy.
5evera1 ~ n ~ h Upper ~ a n t0 ~ h n ~m~ c0~d have 6een 50urce r0ck5 1n the pa5t, 6ut
a ~ n0w h~h1y m ~ e 6a5ed 0n ~9h ~ ~ ° Q and ~f1m~ed f 1 t r 1 ~ ~f1e~an~ (R~ va1ue5.
Ma55 6a1ance c~cu~t10n5 were u5ed t0 ~t1m~e the ~ 1 7 0 C ~ 0 C °) 1n the5e ~ m p ~ pr10r t0
m~u~f10~ 7 h ~ e ~ m ~ c0u~ n ~ 6e c 0 ~ d a ~ d ~ t ~ ~ uf1n9 ~ 0 m ~ k ~ 5 6 ~ a ~ e 0f ~9h
m~uf1f1~ and 10w extract f1dd5. H0weveL 5ta~e car60n ~0~pe f f p ~ c u ~ 5u99e5t that the M h ~ ,
Yanmenku0 ( ~ h n ~a F 0 r m ~ n ) and the J1n95han ( 0 ~ 0 ~ d a n 8a0ta ~ r m ~ ) 5eep ~15 0r1-
~ n a ~ d ~0m ~ u ~ e mck5 1n the L0w~ ~ ~a (3~0 wt.% 7 0 C ~ 0r U p p ~ ~ a n D 0 ~ h a n ~ 0
F0rmaf10~ (5.% ~ . % 70C°). Lack 0f t r 1 ~ 0 m ~ ~ n 0 ~ d 5 1n the M ~ and Yanmenku0 5eep
~5 ~0~, 6ut d~5 n0t p ~ a P~m~n ~u~e ~. Ve~ ~ 9 ~ ~a~e c ~ n ~0~ m~ ~r
~m~ ~0m the L0wer Cam6r1an 5 h u ~ u 0 F 0 r m ~ n (-33.5 m ~ 3 . 6 % ; ~85-1~64 ~ . % 7 0 ~ )
5h0w that they are n0t rda~d t0 any 0f the ana1y2ed 0115. C0pyr19ht 4~ 1996 ~ 5dence L ~

Key w0rd5J1an9han 8af1n petr0~um~ an0x~ 1acu5tr1ne 50urce r0ck~ wh01e-011 6C, ker09en crack1n9

1N7R0DUC110N Q 1 a ~ h n ~ M h n y a n ~ X1a06an, and Y u n ~ n 9 (Phf1p

7 h e J1an9han 8af1n C0Ve~ a60Ut 28,000 km 2 1n and Fan 2 h a 0 a n , 198~. M 0 ~ 0 f the ~ m ~ 1n th15
HU6e1 P r 0 ~ n C ~ e a ~ e r n Ch1na, and C0nt~n5 f1Ve 5tudy are fr0m He J~n~9 and Q1a~1an9
5epara~ depre5510n5 ~ 0 m We5t t0 ea5t: ~ a n ~ 1 n 9 Dep~10n5 1n an area ~ e d t0 a5 the ~an911n9-

1036 Kenneth E. Peter5 et aL

111 ° E 11~E 11~E

1 1 1

~udy A~a

31 ° N 31 ° N
~ n
0 c~
~ m ~
~ ~ ~

Ma 17 ~ ~
~ /

3~ N ~ 1 ~., ~*°%~--..~ ..~
.. ~n
31 R~0 3~ N

17, ,. ....
< 005,
0~5 - ~10
1•. -~1
~......-..-~ ~10 - 0.15
,~~1 71anwan
M1a°5h10 •
~15 - ~
0 50
• 1 1 >~

1 1
~ 1111 11~ E 113 ° E

F19. 1. Map 0f the J1an911n9-Dan9yan9 area, Hu6e1 Pr0f1nce, Pe0p1C5 Repu611c 0f Ch1na 5h0w5
5amp1e 10cat10n5. Ker09en tran5f0rmat10n c0nt0ur5 f0r the 1acu5tr1ne E0cene Q1anj1an9 F0rmat10n
50urce r0ck are 6a5ed 0n therma1 maturat10n uf1n9 7ype 15 ker09en k1net1c5. 7he5e k1net1c paramete~
were mea5ured 6y Pyr0mat H ana1y5150f Q1anj1an9 r0ck ff0m the 5ha 13 we11(1322 m)(7a61e 7).

Dan9Yan9 5tudy area (F19. 1). 7he Q1anj1an9 the f19ure5. 7a61e 2 f15t5 011 and 011-5and 5ampM5
Depre5510n c0ver5 2500 km 2 and ha5 m05t 0f the and 10cat10n5. 50me 0f the 5amp1e5 1nduded 1n the
current petr01eum pr0duct10n. 7he J1an911n9 ~udy are ~0m 0 u t f d e the ~an911n9 Depre5f0n
Depre5510n ~ much 1ar9er than the adjacent 6ecau5e 0f 0ur a~empt5 t0 06ta1n PMe0201c 0r
Q1anj1an9 Depre5f0n, 6ut ha5 1e55 pr0duct10n. 01der r0ck 5amp1e5 that were n0t p0~mature w1th
re5pect t0 011 9enerat10n. F0r examp1~ the 5amp1e5
06ject1ve5 ff0m Daf1ak0u (0ne 5eep 011 and tw0 ~05f61e
7he ma1n 06ject1ve5 0f the J1an911n9-Dan9Yan9 50urce r0ck~, M1a05h1, and 71anwan are ~0m 0ut-
5tudy are t0: (1) eva1uate the petr01eum 9enerat1ve f1de the f1an911n9 Depre5f0n (F19. 1). An 011 5amp1e
p0tent1a1 0f 7ert1ary t0 Upper 51n1an mar1ne and ~ 0 m the 7u0 3 we11 and 50urce-r0ck 5amp1e5 ~0m
n0nmar1ne 50urce-r0ck cand1date5, 1nc1ud1n9 the the 7u0 5, 7u0 18, Ma 17, X1n 31, and X1n 73
4uant1ty, 4ua11ty, and therma1 matur1ty 0f the 0r- we115 are ~0m the Q1anj1an9 Depre5f0n.
9an1c maaeL (2) e5ta6f15h 011~0-011 and 01Pt0-
50urce-r0ck c0rre1at10n5 t0 def1ne petr0~um 5y5-
tem5, and (3) 6etter def1ne the ev01ut10nary h15t0ry ME7H0D5
0f hydr0car60n 9enerat10n u f n 9 therma1 matu-
rat10n m0de11n9. Wh01e-011 9a5 chr0mat09raphy
011 5amp~5 are p ~ p a r e d 6y a d ~ n 9 kn0wn
am0unt5 0f ~ r n ~ 5tandard and 5~vent Car60n
7a61e 1 f15t5 the r0ck 5amp1e5 c0~ected fr0m the • 5~f1de; C5~. Car60n ~5~f1de 15 u5ed a5 a 5~vent
5tudy area. F19ure5 1 and 2 5h0w the 10cat10n5 0f 6ecau5e ~ ~ d 5 a m1~mum f 9 n ~ ~0m the f1ame
the 011, 5eep 011, and key r0ck 5amp1e5 0n a map 10~2at10n detect0r (F1D). 7he Hew1~t Packard
and 5trat19raph1c 5ect10n, re5pect1ve1y. 0n1y th05e 5980 5er1e5 11 9a5 chr0mat09raph ~ e4~pped w1th
r0ck5 5h0w1n9 fav0ra61e R0ck-Eva1 pyr01yf5 and an aut05amp~r and 60th 5p11t-5p11t1e~ and 0n-cA-
t0ta1 0r9an1c car60n ( 7 0 C ) re5p0n5e are 1a6e1ed 1n umn 1~e~0~. C h r 0 m ~ 0 9 r a p ~ c 5eparat10n 15 per-
P~r~eum ~ e m 5 ~ ~ e ~an9han 8af1n 1037

f0rmed uf1n9 a J and W 30 m x 0.25 mm fu5ed f1f1ca 5 ~ c h 0 h n e and 500 ~ 0f a 0.05 ~1 hexane 501ut10n
cap11hry c01umn w1th a 0.1 mm f11m th1ckne55 0f 0f anthracene are added t0 0f1 0r extract mm~e5 at
100% m~h~f1f1c0ne pha5e (D8-17H). 7he 5amp1e ~e ~t ~ ~e ~9h p~rman~ f14~d ~ m m ~ 0 ~
15 v0ht1112ed 6y 1nject10n at 270°C. 7he 1n1t1~ 0ven raphy ~ P L ~ 9r0up-type ~pamt10n pr0cedu~ t0
~mperature 15 -15°C and 15 heated at 10°C/m1n t0 06t~n 5aturated and ~0mat1c hydr0car60n5, p01ar
380°C. A11 data are 5t0red u51n9 a Hew1ett Packard ~ m p 0 u n ~ , and ~ ~ 8ecau~ n~ther 5 ~
1000 La60rat0ry Aut0mat10n 5y5~m (LA5) f0r ch~ane n0r anthracene are ~ u n d 1n ~15 0r 61tu-
data pr0ce551n9 and 9raph1c d15p1ay. Re50Ned c0m- men5, they can 5e~e a5 ~ r n ~ 5tandard5. F0r
p0nent5 are 1n~9ra~d 6y peak area and 4uant1f1ed e x a m ~ 5~chCane 6ehave5 ~ the 6 C - M 5 1n the
re~t1ve t0 the 1nterna1 5tandard. 7he unre501ved 5ame m a n n ~ a5 0ther 5terane5 and 5 ~ u r a ~ d p01y-
c0mp~x m1xture that under11e5 the re50Ned c0m- c y ~ c ~ 0 m ~ k ~ 5 . 1t5 pre5ence 1n the ~1 c0mpem
p0nen~ 15 ~50 4uant1f1ed 6y peak area. A mea5ure- 5ate5 ~ r 5amp~ 1055, N 0 m ~ k ~ ~act10nat10n, and
ment 0f the am0unt 0f n0n-e1ur1n9 c0mp0und5 15 var1at10n5 m ~ e ~ ~ c h ~ 4 u ~ 9a5 c h r 0 m ~
06t~ned 6y d1fference u51n9 the 5um 0f the re50Ned 9mp~c ~ r ~ and ma55 5pe~r0m~f1c 5en5~
and unre50Ned c0mp0nen~. 7he m ~ h 0 d 15 5em1- f1f1~. R ~ p 0 n ~ ~ 0 ~ ~r ~du~ ~0ma~5
4uant1tat1ve ~ecau5e ~1 mea5ured c0mp0nent5 a~e ~at1ve t0 5pe~f1c 10n5 and the ch01ane 1nterna1
a55umed t0 have the 5ame detect0r re5p0n5e fact0r 5tandard are ~ c ~ t t0 d ~ m ~ e and vary ~ t h
a5 the 1nterna1 5tandard. ~me~ c0n~f10~. 7 h e ~ , the 4uant1mf10n
~ 5 u m ~ that ~ c0mp0und5 pr0duce a re5p0n5e 0f
6a5 chr0mat09raphy-ma55 5pectr0metry ( 6 C - M 5 ) u~. ~ 1 n 9 the 1nterna1 5tandard appr0ach, 0ne
can 0 ~ y ca1cu1ate the 4uant1t1e5 0f 5aturated and
810marker c0mp0und5 1n the C~5 • 5aturated hy-
~0m~ N0mark~5 a5 re1~Ne rather than a6501ute
dr0car60n fract10n5 0f 0115 and r0ck extrac~ were
ana1y2ed u51n9 a Hew1ett Packard 5890 5ef1e5 11 9a5
chr0mat09raph c0up~d ~ther t0 a H e w ~ Packard ~a6~ car60n ~ ~d ~ c ~
5970 0r 5972 ma55 5pectr0mete~ 5eparat10n 0f the
5aturated hydr0car60n ffacf10n wa5 ach1eved 0n a ~ a ~ e car60n 1 ~ p e ~ ~ were mea5ur~1
50 m Hew1ett Packard U1tra 2 (5% pheny1-methy1 uf1n9 m~h0d5 de5cr16ed 6y 5ch0d1 et aL (1983) 1n
511~0ne c01umm 0.2 mm 1.d. x 0.25 ~m f11m th1ck- pa~5 per th0u5and ~ e r ~ 0 re1at1ve t0 the PD8
ne5~. Affer 1nject10n at 270°C, v01at11e c0mp0und5 5tandard. N 8 ~ 2 2 011 wa5 u5ed ~ r c ~ ~
were c0ncentrated at 50°C f0r 4 m1n. 7he 0ven tem- me~ur1n9 -29.75 • 0.05 per ~ 1 a9a1n5t PD8.
perature wa5 1ncrea5ed at 4°C/m1n t0 150°C, then K~09en wa5 ~ e d 6y a~d m a ~ f 1 0 n and
1ncrea5ed at 2°C/m1n t0 325°C where 1t wa5 he1d f0r an~y2ed 6y 6 0 ~ ~ 5 ~ and ~f1e~ed4~ht
5 m1n. He11um wa5 u5ed a5 the carr1er 9a5 at 40 p~. ~ 0 ~ y u~n9 5~ndard ~ c h n ~ u ~ ( 8 0 ~ k and
7he ma55 5pectr0meter wa5 run 1n e~ctr0n 10n12- ~m, 1977) t0 ~ N ~ h ma~1 c0mp0f1f10n,
at10n m0de (70 eV) and data were ac4u1red a5 m0n- • ~ m ~ aRerat10n 1ndex (7AD, and ~1-1mmer1f10n
1t0red ~n91e 10n5 character15t1c 0f 5terane5, ~ t f 1 ~ ref1ectance (R~ va1ue5.7a6~ 3 1ne1ude5 the
d1a5terane~ and terpan01d hydr0car60n5 (dwe11 n u m 6 ~ 0f ~ t r 1 ~ p h y m d ~ 1n each ~ m p ~ u5ed
t1me5 0f 100m5/10n). A11 data were c01~cted and t0 ~ each rec0rded mean R ~ v ~ u ~
pr0ce55ed u~n9 a H e w ~ Packard Chem5taf10n.
M~1~ ~t~
7he ar0mat~ hydr0car60n fract10n5 0f the 0115
and extract5 were 5eparated u51n9 a 50 m Hew1e~ 5tat15t1ca1 ana1yf15 0f m~t1var1a~ 9 e 0 c h e m ~
Packard U1tra 2 c01umn (5% pheny1-methy1 ~f1- d a ~ wa5 ~ m p ~ u~n9 a c 0 m m ~ d ~ av~h6~
c0ne c01umn, 0.2 mm 1.d. × 0.25 #m f11m th1ckne55). chem0m~r1~ pr09mm ~ R 0 U ~ Verf10n 1.21.
A~er 1nject10n at 270°C, v01at1~ c0mp0und5 were ~ m ~ 1nc.). E ~ a ~ data ~ 1~1ud-
c0ncentrated at 60°C f0r 5 m1n. 7he 0ven tempera- 1n9 c0mp~at10n and 9 r a p ~ c ~ ~ h y 0f the pat-
ture wa5 1ncrea5ed at 5°C/m1n t0 250°C, where 1t tern5 0f a~0c~f10n 1n the data 5et, wa5 c 0 m ~ e ~ d
wa5 he1d f0r 20 m1n. 7he 0ven temperature wa5 u~n9 h ~ c a 1 d u 5 ~ r ana1y~5 and pr1n~pa1
then 1ncrea5ed at 2°C/m1n t0 325°C, where 1t wa5 c0mp0nem ~ 5 .
h d d f0r 15 m1n. He11um wa5 u5ed a5 the carr1er 9a5
at 40 p~. 7he ma55 5pectr0meter wa5 run 1n ~ectr0n ~e~a1 ex~ac~0n and ~ 5 ~ ~ma~
10n12at10n m0de (70 eV) and data were ac4u1red a5
m0n1t0red 51n91e 10n5 character15t1c 0f ar0mat12ed F0r ~ m ~ extract10n, the 5ea1ed tu6e5 c0nta1n-
51erane~ a1kyated 6en2ene5, phenanthrene5, d16en- 1n9 appm~ma~1y 50 m9 0f p0wdered 5amp~ are
20th10phene5, 6en20- and 5ec06en20-h0pane5 (dwe11 p~ced 1n a heated 1 ~ m r 0 ~ ° ~ m0umed 0n a
t1me5 0f 100m5/10n). A11 data were c0Hected and H e w ~ a Packard 5890 9a5 c h m m a ~ a p h . 7he
pr0ce55ed u~n9 a Hew1ett Parkard Chem5taf10n. 1 ~ m r 15 f1u5hed w1th hef1um t0 ~m0ve 5 u r ~
7he 6 C - M 5 pr0cedure5 f0H0wed a110w 5em1- ~ma~5. F10w then 15 r0uted t0 the ~ y
4uant1tat1ve ana1y~5 0f 610marker c0mp0und~ c ~ u m n 0 and W 30m x0.25mm, 0.2pm f11m
500 p1 0f a hexane 501ut10n c0nta1n1n9 0.05 9/1 0f 100% m~h~f1f1c0n~. 7he f10w 5~1t 15 a ~ u 5 ~ d ~ r
1038 Kenneth E. Peter5 et a1.

~ u6

, , , , , , , , ,
~ 11


~ m ~ ~ 2 2 ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ 9 ~ K ~ ~ ~ ~.~
.~ ~1 ~
~ ~
~~ . . .~ . ~ . .~ . . 0 .~ . . . ~ 0~ . . . . ~. . . 0 ~ . . . . . ~. . . . ~
~ . . . . . ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

1;;11;11;71:111;111111111;111111 1~ ~

r ~
P~r0Mum 5y~em5 1n the f1an9han 8af1n 1039

~ m n ~
~n1 Key 5amp~5 ~ 5 0 u r c e 11~~ ((%)
°:~31 ~ 7~0~

1° ~ . ~~1 ~ 1~ W
~ n9~

1~.5 E~n
/ ~ ~

• . V01~n15m
0,6,-1~ 1 ~ ~
L~ 0 v ~

~1~, ~
~ m M
5 ~

~0~0n f0110md 6y

~1~ ~ ~a~1a
e ~
~ 0 ~

~1~11n~ ~ a~
P01d~ 1 m 1 ~ n ~
~ a~ ~ C~
~1 ~ ~1 th~ ~t
~ N. and ~ ~ t ~ce
L,7~501~ ~ L ~ 1 ~ ~t

11~ /~1~1~n91~ D5~7u~p 011 • ~

~~1 ~

~ ~ - - .
1~1 • ~
~ ~
~h1,Y8~n~0 ~
~ a~ ~m1
m ~ n 9 1~1~te
1~1~ ~ ~ 0 ~ p ~ m ~ ~r M9~
mmm ~ m ~ 5
P0~ ~0~

; =11-°~- ~ k 5 ~ d 5u~r0p,
~ d ~
~ 9 ~ cem50~

7~1. 0 - -

50urce r0ck5

U ~ 1~n~m~c
~ ~5n
50urce r0ck5
~ ~ ~05
50urce r0ck5
719ht, cemented
Pr06a~e 6a5a1
0f f01d/thru5t6e1t

F19. 2. 51mp11f1ed ~raf19raph1c c01umn 5h0w5 9enera112ed 10cat10n5 0f 5dected 50urce r0ck and 011
5amp1e5 ff0m the ~an#1n9-Dan9Yan9 area.
1040 Kenneth E. Peter5 et aL

appr0pf1a~ 5amp~ ~2e and the tu6e 15 cracked. X1n 31, X1n 73 (842 m), X1n 73 (862 m), Ma 17, and
7 h e r m ~ ex~a~a66 hydr0car60n5 are ~apped Lu 10 we115 ~amp~5 1776-11-01 t0 -05) and L0wer
0nt0 the ~0nt 0f the c~umn that 15 f1tted w1th a Jura5~c c0a1y 0u~r0p 5amp1e5 ~0m Da~ak0u
7ef10n 5~eve carrf1n9 1~u1d n1~09en. C01d ~app1n9 (1776-0~11 and -05-12). 7he ~ m ~ n 9 r0ck
0ccur5 f0r 3 m1n. 7 h e r m ~ extrac~d hydr0car60n5 5amp1e5 we~e d1m1nated ~0m fu~her c0n~deraf10n
under90 chr0mat09raphy ~art1n9 at a ~mperature a5 p0tent1~ 50urce r0ck5 6ecau5e 0f 10w 4uant1t1e5
0 f - 1 0 ° C f0r 3 m1n. 7h15 15 f0f10wed 6y heat1n9 at
(70C < 0.5 wt.%) and/0r p00r 4uaf1ty (hydr09en
2°C/m1n t0 50°C, heat1n9 at 3°C/m1n t0 100°C, and 1ndex, H1 < 100 m9 HC/9 70C) 0f 0r9an~ mat~r.
f1naHy, heat1n9 at 3°C/m1n t0 a max1mum ~mpera- H0wever, 50me 0f the5e rem~n1n9 5amp1e5 may
ture 0f 325°C. E1uted c0mp0und5 are mea5ured have 6een 50urce r0ck5 1n the pa5t, a5 d15cu~ed
w1th a f1ame 10n12at10n detect0r and the data c0P 6~0w.
~c~d 6y a Hew1~t Packard 1000 La6 Aut0mat10n E0cene Q~nj1an9 F0rmat~n r0ck~ 7he E0cene
5y5~m. Q 1 a ~ n 9 r0ck ~0m the 5ha 13 we11 (1322 m) c0n-
Affer therm~ extract10n, the pyr0~2ate hydr0car- t~n5 a6undant (6.62wt.% 70C) therma11y 1mma-
60n5 can 6e character12ed 6y heat1n9 the 1~ect0r ture (7m~ = 421°C) 0H-pr0ne 7ype 1 0r9an1c
ff0m 325 t0 600°C at 25°C/m1n. Pyr01y2a~ hydr0- mat~r (H1 = 794 m9 HC/9 70C) 6a5ed 0n R0ck-
car60n5 9rea~r than methane are c0ncenUa~d 0n- Ev~ pyr~y~5 and 7 0 C 9~de11ne5 (7a61e 1; P e ~
c01umn 6y the f14u1d n1~09en c01d ~ap f0r the f1r~ and C a ~ 1994). M~r05c0py c0nf1rm5 that th15
10m1n. Ev0Ned methane ~ n0t ~apped 6ut 15 r0ck c0nt~n5 1mmatu~, d0m1nant1y 011-pr0ne ker0-
mea5ured dur1n9 the pyr01y~ H19her hydr0car60n5 9en (95% f1u0re5c1n9 am0rph0u5 ker09en; therm~
then are an~y2ed u~n9 the 5ame c0nd1t10n5 f15ted a~erat10n 1ndex, 7A1 = 1+/2; 7a~e 3). P y r 0 ~ 5
a60ve f0r therm~ extract5. 0f the 5ha 13 r0ck 5amp1e ~dd5 pr0m1nent n-
~kane and n-a1kene p ~ , typ1c~ 0f 50urce r0ck5
K1ne~c mea5uremen~
f0r waxy 0t15, and a6undant th10phen1c c0mp0und5
70 de~rm1ne the k1net1c5 0f ker09en crack1n9, (F19. 4). 7he Q 1 a ~ n 9 F0rmat10n r0ck ~0m the
c0re 5amp1e5 0f 10w matur1ty 50urce r0ck5 were L1n9 80 weH (1808m) c0nt~n5 900d 4uant1t1e5
an~y2ed u~n9 the Pyr0mat 11 m~r0pyr0~2er. (1.27 wt.% 70C) 0f mar~n~ mature
5m~1 4uant1t1e5 (10-100 m9) 0f each r0ck p0wder (7m~ = 436°C), ~1-pr0ne 7ype 11 0r9an1c matmr
were pyr01y2ed at d1fferent rate5 (1-56°C/m1n). 7he (H1 = 501 m9 HC/970C). 7he type and matur1ty
pyr09ram5 were f1~ed t0 a k1net1c m0dd u51n9 a 0f 0r9an1c mat~r 1n th15 5amp1e 15 c0nf1rmed 6y m1-
pr09ram ca11ed K1NE71C5 (8raun et a1., 1991). cr05c0py (70% f1u0re5c1n9 am0rph0u5 ker09en and
7h15 pr0•de5 a d1~r16ut10n 0f act1vat10n ener~e5 10% f1pt1n1te, 7A1 = 1+/2, ~tr1n1~ ref1e~anc~
(E, kca1/m01) f0r ~ther a ~n91e pre-de~rm1ned 0r a R0 = 0.37%).
6e5Vf1t fre4uency fact0r (A, 5-~). Unc0~ected k1n- L0wer E0cene-Pa1e0cene X1n90u2h~ F0rmat10n
et1c param~er5 der1ved ff0m Pyr0mat 11 expe~ r0ck5. C0re 5amp~5 ~0m the L0wer E0cene-Pa~0-
1ment5 are n0t ade4uate f0r d1rect u5e 1n 6a~n cene X1n90u2hu1 F0rmat10n 1n the X1n 31, X1n 73
m0de11n9. C0mparat1ve f1dd te5t5 5h0w that unc0r- ~42 and 862 m), Ma 17, and Lu 10 we115 repre5ent
rected Pyr0mat k1net1c5 are t00 ~0w and re5uR 1n 900d t0 very 900d p0~nt1a1 50urce r0ck5 f0r pet-
10wer ker09en c0nver~0n than mea5ured va1ue5 r0~um 6a5ed 0n ~9h 7 0 C (1.58-7.78 wt.%) and
(5weeney et a1., 1989; 8urnham et a1., 1992). 7he5e H1 (397-676 m9 HC/9 70C) and 10w 7m~ and P1
auth0r5 5u99e5~d that the c0rrect10n 15 needed due (423-435°C and 0.04-0.08, re5pect1vd~ 7a61e 1).
t0 1neff1dent v0~t1f12at10n and ~an5p0~ 0f the py~ M~r05c0py c0nf1rm5 10w therm~ matur1ty f0r the5e
01~2a~5 at 10w ~mperature5 (< 350°C). 70 ~0mFen- 5amp1e5 (R0 = 0.40-~48%) and h19h c0ntent 0f 0ff-
5ate, they 5u99e~ a c0rrect10n where each act1vat10n pr0ne, f1u0re5~n9 am0rph0u5 0r9an1c mat~L e~
ener9y 1n the d1~r16ut10n 15 reduced 6y 2 kca1/m01 peda11y the tw0 5amp1e5 ~0m the X1n 73 wd1 (70-
and the ffe4uency fact0r ~ 1ncrea5ed 6y a fact0r 0f 90%, 7a61e 3).
f0ur. 7he c0rrected re5u1~ 0f the5e an~y5e5 are A 5amp1e ~0m the X1n90u2hu1 F0rmat10n 1n the
5ummar12ed 1n 7a6~ 6. Hu 1 we11 (1776-01-09) c0u1d have 6een a 900d
50urce f0r p~r0~um 1n the pa~ 6a5ed part1y 0n
RE5UL75 h19h 7 0 C (2.30 wt.%L 7h15 5amp1e 5h0w5 e~den~e
0f h19h therm~ matur1ty, 1ndud1n9 h19h ~tf1n1~
50urce-~ck eva1ua~0n ref1ectance (R0 ~4u1v~ent = 0.9 10 1.3%, e5t1mated
R0ck-Ev~ pyrdy~5 and 7 0 C an~y~5 ~ent1~ ~0m 50f1d 61tumen), 5~ (1.58 m9 HC/9 70C), and
~v~ p0~nf1~ 50u~e ~ r v ~ 5 f0r pe~0~um pr0duct10n 1nd~x (P1 = 0.63) v~ue5. 7he 7 ~ f0r
~0m the ~an911n9-Dan9Yan9 a~a (F19. 3, 7aNe 1): th15 5amp1e 15 unre11a6~ due t0 a 10w 52 peak and
E0cene Q1anj1an9 F0rmat10n 5 a m ~ ~ the 5ha 13 ~ke~ 1n~r~rence 6y m19rated 011, a5 5upp0~ed 6y
~ a m ~ 177~05~1, ~8~1, ~8~2, and ~8~3) and the ~9h 5~ and P1 va1ue5 ( P e ~ , 1986). 80th the
L1n9 80 ( 1 7 7 ~ 0 5 ~ we115, L0wer E0cene- 10w H1 (40 m9 HC/9 70C) and the pre5ent 6ur1a1
P~e0cene X~90u2h~ F0rmat10n 5 a m ~ ~ the depth 0f t~5 5amp1e (3463 m) are c 0 n ~ e n t w1th
P~r~eum 5y~em5 ~ the ~an9han 8a~n 1041


Hydr09en 1ndex
(m9 HC19 70C)

~ ~ ~
~ ~a~n9
• 5~n~0 150
~0th~ 0x~en 1ndex
(m9 C 0 ~ 7 0 ~

8 0
F19. 3. M0d1f1ed Van Kreve~n40ta1 0r9an1c car60n d1a9ram 5h0w1n9 4uant1ty and 4ua11ty 0f 0r9an1c
matter f0r r0ck 5amp1e5. 5amp1e5 c0nta1n1n9 10w t0ta1 0r9an1c car60n (70C < ~5 wt.%) and/0r p00r
4ua11ty 0f 0r9an1c matter (H1, hydr09en 1ndex < 100 m9 HC/9 70C) were d1m1nated a5 p0tent1a1
50urce r0ck~ a1th0u9h 50me 0f the h19h1y mature, 0r9an1c-r1ch 5amp1e5 c0u1d have 6een 50urce r0ck5
1n the 9e010~c pa5t (7a61e 3).

h19h therm~ matur1ty, f1an9 ~9an9 and 2han9 0f1~n~ and mea5u~d 7 0 C w 0 d d 6e a60ut the
Q1an (1982) 1nd1cate that Q1anj~n9 F0rmat10n 5ame ~,3 wt.%) and n0 expu15~n 0f 011 c 0 ~ d have
r0ck5 1n the ~an9han 8af1n are mature at a60ut 0ccurred dur1n9 m~urat10n ~xp~f10n eff1-
2800 m. 810marker rat105 were unre11a61e f0r th15 ~ency = 0%, 7aMe 4).
5amp1e 6ecau5e 0f very 10w c0ncentrat10n5 and 1t L0wer Jura551c c0a~ r0ck5 fr0m Dax~k0u. L0wer
wa5 n0t 1nduded 1n the 5tat15t1ca1 an~yf15 de5cr16ed Jura5f1c c0a1y r0ck5 ~0m D a ~ a k 0 u (X1n95han
6d0w. C 0 u n t ~ pr06a6~ ~ d n0t 9enera~ 0r expe1 f19~f1-
0r9an1c p~r09raphy 5u99e5t5 that the Hu 1 r0ck cant am0unt5 0f 011. 7w0 r0ck 5am~e5 c0nt~n very
5amNe wa5 d0m1na~d 6y 011-pr0ne 0r9an1c m a t ~ r 900d 4uant1t1e5 0f therma11y 1mm~ure 6 a m ~ e
pr10r t0 maturat10n 6ecau5e 0f the am0rph0u5 cha~ 1 7 7 ~ 0 ~ 1 ~ 7max = 430°C; 7aMe 1) t0 mature
acter 0f the 0r9an1c m a t ~ r (R. Enr1c0, per5. c0m- (177~0~11; 7m~x = 445°C) 0r9a~c mat~r. 5 a m ~ e
mun.). A55um1n9 7ype 11 0r9an1c m a t ~ r 1776-05-11 15 at 6e5t 0 ~ y 9a5-pr0ne 6a5ed 0n 10w
(H1 = 500 m9 H C / 9 7 0 C ) , the ca1cu1ated 0f1~n~ H1 (149 m9 HC/9 7 0 C ) and p e ~ 0 9 r a p ~ c data ~ -
7 0 C ( 7 0 C °) 1n the Hu 1 r0ck w0u1d have 6een cat1n9 that 1t 15 d0m1na~d 6y 1nert1nRe ~ 0 % ) and
3.6wt.% and expu1f10n 0f hydr0car60n5 c0u1d n0nf1u0re5dn9 0r9a~c m ~ r ~ % ) w1th 0 ~ y a60ut
0ccur ~xpu1f10n eff1~ency = 91%, 7a61e 4). 7he5e 5% f1u0~5~n9 am0rph0u5 ker09en (7aMe 3). 7he
v~ue5 are 6a5ed 0n the ma55 6~ance e4uat10n5 R0ck-Ev~ pyr01yf15 r e 5 ~ f0r 5am~e 1776-05-12
def1ned 1n 7a61e 4 (c0urte5y 0f 6.E. C1ayp001, per5. are m151ea~n9 6ecau5e they 5u99e5t that 1t c0nta1n5
c0mmu~L 8 ~ n 9 ~55 0pt1m15t1c and a55um1n9 7ype mar~n~ 011-pr0ne 7ype 11 0r9a~c m a t ~ r
111 0r9an1c m a t ~ r (H1 = 1 0 0 m 9 H C / 9 7 0 C ) , the (H1 = 301 m 9 H C / 9 7 0 C ) . C e ~ n c 0 a ~ r0ck5 0f
1042 Kenneth E. Peter5 et a1.

n0W h19h1y mature 6a5ed 0n h19h 7m~x (464--540°C;

7a61e 1) and ~tf1n1~ ref1eCtanCe, e5t1mated ff0m
~ J u ~
1~ 2
the ref1eCtanCe 0f 50f1d 61tUmen ~.9., L. Cam6r1an
5ampM5 1776-01-12 and -01-05 (R0 e4u1va1-
ent = 3.18 and 1.68% , re5pect1ve1y); U. 51n1an
5amp~ 1776-01-03 (R0 e4u1vMent = 1.78%), Pe~
. . . . . . . .
m1an 5amp1e 1776-01-02A (n0 R0 e5t1mated)). 7he
~ . . . . 0f1Nn~ 7 0 C v~ue5 f0r the5e 5amp1e5 were f19n1f1-
cant1y h19her pr10r t0 therm~ maturat10n (7a61e 4).
1nput f0r 6af1n m0de11n9 0f the5e r0ck5 m19ht
...... - - . .
rea50na6~ a55ume the c a ~ u ~ d 7 0 C v~ue5 1n
7a61e 4 f0r 7ype 11 0r9an1c m a t ~ r ~.9.,
H1 = 5 0 0 m 9 H C / 9 7 0 C ) . F0r examp1e, Nven
F19. 4. Pyr~yf15-9a5 chr0mat09ram5 0f L0wer Jura5f1c mea5ured 7 0 C , H1, and P1 f0r the Perm1an Q1x1a
c0My r0ck ~0m Da~ak0u and E0cene Q 1 a ~ n 9 r0ck 5amp1e ff0m Yanmenku0 (1776-01-02A) and
F0rmat10n r0ck ff0m the 5ha 13 we11 (1322m). 7he
E0cene r0ck 5h0w5 pr0m1nent ~kane-Mkene d0uM~5, a55um1n9 an 0r1Nn~ P1 (0.02) and H1 (500 m9 HC/
~#cM 0f 011-pr0ne 0r9a~c mM~L wh11e the L0wer 9 7 0 C ) , the 0f1~n~ 7 0 C wa5 a60ut 3.0wt.%
Jura5f1c r0ck 5h0w5 charac~f1~5 0f 9a5-pr0ne 0r9a~c (7a61e 4). Rd~61e 610marker an~y5e5 0f the5e
5amp1e5 were n0t p05f161e 6ecau5e 0f very 10w
extract ~ d 5 .
h19her-p1ant 0r191n are kn0wn t0 y1dd R0ck-Eva1
pyr01yf15 re5u1t5 wh1ch 0vere5t1mam f14u1d-hydr0- 011-011 and 011-50urce~r0ck c0~e~t~n5
car60n 9enerat1ve p0~nt1a1 (Pe~r5, 1986). Pyr01- Petr01eum 5y~em5 were e5ta6115hed 6y uf1n9 h1er-
yf15-9a5 chr0mat09raphy 0f 60th L0wer Jura5f1c arch1c~ d u ~ e r ana~515 (HCA) 0f 5dected 50urce-
5amp1e5 5h0w5 that th~r pr0duct y1dd5 are typ~a1 re1ated 610marker and 5ta61e car60n ~0t0pe data
0f 9a5-pr0ne c0a1y r0ck5 (F19. 4). F0r examp1~ f0r the an~y2ed crude 0ff5, 5eep 0115, and 50urce-
5amp1e 1776-05-12 9enerate5 ne9119161e n-a1kane and r0ck 61tumen extract5 ~ 0 m the ~an911n9-Dan9Yan9
n-~kene pyr01yf15 pr0duct5. 7he5e c0mp0und5 are area (7a61e 5, F19. 5). HCA 15 a mu1t1var1ate 5tat-
9enerated 1n h19h am0unt5 when 016pr0ne macerM5 15t1c~ meth0d u5ed t0 9r0up 5amp1e5 1nt0 d u ~ e ~
are a6undant 1n r0ck 5amp1e5 (e.9., 11pt1n1te 0r 5h0w1n9 f1m1Nr a~f16ute5 (Man1ey, 1986). 50me
f1u0re5dn9 am0rph0u5 ker09en). M~r05c0py c0n- 0115 1n the ~udy d1d n0t d u 9 e r w1th any 0f the r0ck
f1rm5 that 5amp1e 1776-05-12 ~ d0m1nated 6y 9a5- extract5. 1n the5e ca5e5, the character 0f the 50urce
pr0ne vfff1n~e (85%) and n0nf1u0re5c1n9 am0r- r0ck wa5 1 n ~ e d 6a5ed 0n the 9 e 0 c h e m ~ c0mp0-
ph0u5 ker09en (5%) w1th 0n1y a60ut 5% f1pt1n1~ f1f10n 0f the 011. 6enet1c 011-0ff and 011-50urce r0ck
(7a61e 3). c0~dat10n5 are 6a5ed 0n the pr1n~pM that 5~e~ed
Upper 5M~n t0 Perm1an r0ck~ 5evera1 0r9an1c- c0mp0nent5 1n a 50urce r0ck are ~an5m1tted t0 the
r1ch Upper 51n1an (Pr0~r0201c) t0 Perm1an 5amp1e5 expdMd 0ff5. 7h15 ~f1m1Nr1ty thr0u9h her1ta9C• can
may have 6een 50urce r0ck5 1n the pa~, 6ut are ran9e ff0m 6u1k pr0pert1e5, 5uch a5 5ta61e car60n

7aMe 2. ~1 and ~ 5and5amp~, ~an#n~Dan~an9 area

Wd~am#e name 5am#e Wpe 5am#e num6er Re~rv~r L0cat10n
Depth, m A9e F0rmm~n
~n9 2 0~ 9907 1109-1132 pa~0ceneL0weE0cene/
r X1n90u2hu1
5ha 24 ~ 9908 2066-2071 L0wer E0cene X1n90u2hu1
7u0 3 ~ 9909 3204-3209 L0wer E0cene X1n90u2hu1
0f1 5an~
5ha 13 c0n 1776-06-01 1186 E0cene Q1anj1an9
5ha 26 cutt~95 1776-09-01 1184-1186 E0eene ~n95ha
~n95han 5eep 1776-03-01 0 0rd0v1~an (02) 8a0ta J~9~an C1~
Yanmenku0 5eep 1776-03-02 0 Perm1an(P1) Q1x1a Yanmenku0
Da~ak0u 5eep 1776-10-01 0 7f1a5~c ~af1n~1an9 Daf1ak0~
~anwan 5eep 1776-10-02 0 Perm1an Chan9x1n9 ~anwa~ Chen9x1
M~05~ 5eep 1776-10-03 0 Perm1an Q1f1a Mh05~, ~
Petr01eum 5y~em5 1n the ~an9han 8a51n 10~3

,,,, 111111 11 1
1£ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~8 1 1 ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ 5 ~ ~ ~°~ ~8 5 5 ~ 5

~ ~
+~ +~ ~+ +~ £ ~8 ~£
~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ £ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ £ ~

> 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1 ~ 1 6 ~ ~ ~ ~

£1 1£ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 ~ ~ ~ £ ~

~ $ £ ~ ~ 1 ~ $ $ ~ £ ~ $ ~ ~


~ ~ ~ ~ £

~° ~ 1 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~5 ~ ~ ~ 5

5~ 5~ 5~ 5~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~5 ~5 ~5 ~5

1044 Kenneth E. Peter5 et aL

~0t0pe rat105, t0 rat105 0f 1nd1~du~ c0mp0und5 the L1n9 80 extract (50% and 436°C, re5pect1ve1y)
(F19. 7; Peter5 and M01d0wan, 1993). A p0~t1ve appear5 t0 6e 6ardy w1th1n the eaf1y 011 w1nd0w.
c0rrdaf10n 15 n0t nece55ar11y pr00f that 5amp1e5 are 50urce-r0ck extract5 that have c ~ a d y en~red the
rdated. A ne9at1ve c0rr0at10n ~ 5~0n9 e~dence 011 w1nd0w have 225 rat105 0f at ~a5t 57% (Pe~r5
that 5amp1e5 are n0t r e ~ d . and M01d0wan, 1993). L0w therm~ matur1ty 0f the
E0cene-Pa1e0cene 1 a c u 5 ~ e 0115. 5tat15t1ca1 an~y- 011 ~0m the 5ha 13 5and5t0ne (%225 = 49%) 5up-
515 0f the data (F19. 5, 7a61e 5) 1nd~ate5 that p0~5 1t5 pr0p05ed 0r1~n D0m 10w matur1ty
50urce-r0ck extract ~0m the 1acu5tr1ne E0cene Q1anj1an9 F0rmat10n 50urce 1n~rv~5 near the wd1-
Q1anj1an9 F0rmat10n 1n the 5ha 13 weH (1322m) 60re. 7he5e 610marker re5uk5 are c 0 n ~ e n t w1th
and crude 011 1n the 5ame we11 (Q1anj~n9 re5erv019 maturat10n m0d01n9 0f the Q~nj1an9 F0rmat10n
1186 m) are d05e~ re~ted and d1ffer ~0m the 0ther 50urce r0ck u51n9 k1net1c p a r a m e ~ determ1ned
5amp1e5. 50urce-r0ck extract5 ~0m the 1acu~r1ne 6d0w.
E0cene-Pa~0cene X1n90u2hu1 F0rmat10n 1n the A11 0f the 1acu~r1ne r0ck 5amp1e5 and r 0 a ~ d 01~
X1n 73 w01 (842 and 862 m) are a d05e match t0 5h0w character15t1c5 0f ~ r 0 n ~ y redudn9 (10w Eh)
0115 ~0m the L1n9 2, 5ha 24, and 7u0 3 we~5 (X1n- and/0r hyper5afne 5y~em5, 1ndud1n9 h19h 9amma-
90u2hu1 re5erv01r5) and 011 5and 61tumen ~0m the cerane [9amm/(9amm + h0pan~ = 0.39 t0 0.6~,
5ha 26 we11 (E0cene ~n95ha F0rmat10n). h19h ~erane/(~erane + h0pane) rat105 (0.59 t0 0.78;
7he 9e0chem1ca1 character 0f the 1acu~r1ne 0115 15 7a61e 5), 10w 7 ~ 7 m (< 1) (F19. 8), 10w d1a~erane5,
c 0 n ~ e n t w1th th0r c0mm0n 0r1~n ~0m ~9~-f1ch even-0ve>0dd car60n num6er pred0m1nance 0f n-
50urce r0ck5 dep0~ted under a n 0 ~ evap0r1f1c a1kane5, and h19h C ~ h0pane5 (e.9., de Leeuw and
1acu~f1ne c0nd1t10n5 a5 d15cu~ed 600w. M05t 0f 51nn1n9he Dam5~, 1990; MeH0 et aL, 1993;
the 1acu5tr1ne 0115 are waxy (n-a1kane5 = 53-63% 0f 51nn1n9he D a m ~ et a1., 1995a, 19956). 7he term
5atura~d hydr0car60n ~act10n) and 5h0w 10w pr15- hyperafne 15 u5ed 1n the f0110w1n9 d15cu5~0n t0
tane/phytane rat105 (PffPh < 0.75L d15t1nct 0dd-t0- de5cr16e 6r1ne5 w1th 5~t c0ncentrat10n5 9reamr than
even n-a1kane pred0m1nance5 1n the ran9e nC~5 t0 5eawate> 0 u r u5a9e d0e5 n0t de5cr16e a 5pe0f1c 5a1-
nC17 and even-t0-0dd n-a1kane pred0m1nance5 1n 1n1ty ran9e. A6undant 9ammacerane ~ typ1ca1 0f
the ran9e nC20 t0 nC24 (F19. 6). 7he 5ha 13 011 5and hyper5afne 50urce-r0ck dep0~t10na1 c0nd1t10n5
61tumen and the 5ha 13 and L1n9 80 r0ck 5amp~5 (e.9., Yan9 2h1D0n9 et a1., 1983; M01d0wan et aL,
are n0t waxy (n-~kane5 < 33% 1n 5aturated hydr0- 1985; Fu J1am0 et a1., 1986; 5hen9 6 u 0 ~ n 9 et a1.,
car60n ~act10n) 6ecau5e 0f 10w therm~ matur1ty. 1991) and ha5 6een fnked t0 water-c01umn 5trat1f1-
7he Q1anj1an9 F0rmat10n 50urce r0ck 5amp1e5 1n cat10n (51nn1n9he D a m ~ et a1., 19956). L0w PffPh
the 5ha 13 and L1n9 80 we115 5h0w 10w therm~ and h19h Cx~ h0pane5 1nd~ate redudn9 t0 an0~c
matuf1t~ c 0 n ~ e n t w1th th~r 5haH0w 6ur1~ depth5 00w Eh) c0nd1t10n5, and 10w 7 ~ 7 m 15 c0n~5tent
(1322 and 1808 m, re5pect1v0y). F0r examp~, the w1th an0x~ car60nammvap0r1te dep0~t10n.
5ha 13 50urce-r0ck extract 5h0w5 10w C3~ h0pane N0ne 0f the5e 9 e 0 c h e m ~ character15t1c5 6y
%225 [ % 2 2 5 / ( 2 2 5 + 22R = 37%] and R0ck-Ev~ them5e1ve5 are pr00f 0f hype~a11n1ty (Peter5 and
7 ~ × (421°C) v~ue5 1nd1cat1n9 1mmatur1ty, wh11e M01d0wan, 1991). F0r examp~, h19h C35 h0pane5
and 10w P~Ph rat105 1nd1cate r e d u d n 9 6ut n0t
nece55af1~ hyper5afne c0nd1t10n5. 01~ der1ved ~0m
the M0n~rey F0rmat10n 1n C~1f0rn1a c0mm0n1y
Lu 10 ~ k 5h0w h19h Cx5 h0pane5 and 10w P~Ph rat105, 6ut
the 50urce r0ck wa5 n0t hyper5~1ne. H0wever, mu~
~ n 31 ~ c k t1p1e 0f f1ne5 0f e~dence 5h0w that 60th 10w Eh and

•1 5h~ ~ ~
5ha ~ ~
hyper5~1n1ty character12ed the 50urce-r0ck dep0~-
f10na1 en~r0nment f0r E0cene-Pa~0cene 1acu5tr1ne
0115. 6yp5um ( C a 5 0 ~ and 0ther evap0r1m m1nera15

11 . ~
~ n ~ 0
• n~n
are c0mm0n 1n the E0cene-Pa~0cene 50urce r0ck5
5amp~d 1n th15 5tudy (F19. 2; J1an9 J19an9 et a1.,
1988). 0ther 9e0chem1~ e~dence wh1ch 5upp0rt5
~ m a n ~1 hype~a11n1ty 15 d15cu55ed 6d0w.
~ k ~ ~
C0rr0at10n 6etween the rdat1ve a6undance rat105
C1u5ter ~ 5 ~ n c e
f0r 9ammacerane and Ca~ h0pane f0r the 1acu~r1ne
F19. 5. Dendr09ram 5h0w5 rdaf10n5~p5 am0n9 ~1, 011 5amp1e5 re5u1~ ~0m c0var1ance 0f the 5ed1mentary
~ e ~ and 50urc~r0ck extract5 6a5ed 0n h ~ r a r c h ~ duw red0x p0tent1a1 w1th 5a11n1ty (F19. 9). 7h15 15
ter an~y~5 0f 5e1ected 50urc~rda~d 9e0chem1ca1 data 6e11eved t0 6e due t0 5evera1 re1ated fact0r5.
(7a~e 3). 7he du5~r ~ a n c e (h0r120nta1 ~ a n c e ~0m Evap0rat1ve c0nd1t10n5 fav0r h19h water 5a11n1ty
any tw0 5am~e5 0n the ~ t0 th0r 6ranch 0r c0nnect1n9
p~nt t0 the f19h0 ~ a mea5u~ 0f 9enet1c ~mf1ar1~. 5h0rt and den~ty 5trat1f1cat10n, c0mm0n~ re5u1t1n9 1n the
du~er ~ a n c e 5 ~ c a t e d0~1y r~a~d ~ p 0 5 ~ y de- f0rmat10n 0f a ha10d1ne wh~h 1mpede5 vert1c~
r1ved ~0m the 5ame 50urce r0ck. m1f1n9 0f the water c01umn. 81010~ca1 0xY9en
P~r0~um 5y5tem51n the J1an9han 8af1n 1045


17 ,..1,r
°,, 1 ,1 0,,1

F19. 6. 5dected 9a5 chr0mat09ram5 f0r ~an911n9-~Dan9Yan9area ~15 and 0ne 50urce-r0ck extract. 7he
1acu5tdne E0cene-Pa1e0cene ~ 0eft) are waxy and 5h0w 10w pf1~ane/phytane (P~Ph) rat105 and
even-t0-0dd num6er n-~kane pred0m1nance5. M1~ weather1n9 0f the 5ha 26 011 5and 0e~ 60tt0m)
re5u1ted 1n ~55 0f f19ht end5 and c0ncentrat10n 0f heaf1er c0mp0nent5, 1nc1ud1n9f1-car0tane 0n5~,
610wup 0f nC37 re~0n). 50urce~0ck extract ~0m the X1n90u2h~ F0rmat10n 1n the X1n 73 we~
(842 m)(60tt0m cente~ ~ therma11y1mmatur~ 6ut ~w P~Ph, even-t0-0dd n-~kane pred0m1nance,and
f1-car0tane are ef1denL Da~ak0u 5eep 011 ~0p cente~ 5h0w5 60th even- and 0dd-n-~kane pred0m1-
nance~ depend1n9 0n the car60n num6er ran9e. 71anwan 5eep 011 ~ente0 ~ck5 n-~kane5, pr15tan~
and phytane ~ e n ~ 6ecau5e 0f 610de9radat10n. M~05h1, Yanmenku0, and ~n95han 5eep 0115(r19h~
5h0w h19h pd~an~phytane rat105 and n0 even 0r 0dd n-~kane pred0m1nanc~

demand cau5ed 6y the decay 0f 0r9an1c m a t ~ r centrated nutr1ent 5upp1y, and 0ther f a ~ 0 ~
dur1n9 5ett11n9 thr0u9h the water c01umn tend5 t0 (K1rk~nd and Evan5, 1981). A1th0u9h h19h pr0-
reduce the 0xy9en c0ntent 0f the 5ta9nant 60tt0m duct1~ty c e ~ n ~ c0ntr16ute5 t0 the accumu1at10n
wate~ P~Ph rat105 were n0t deaf1y r d a ~ d t0 9am- 0f 0r9an1c-r1ch 5ed1men~ (Peder5en and C~ve~0
macerane 1ndex 1n th15 ~udy, p05f161y 6ecau5e 0f a 1990), the c0rrdat10n 1n F~. 10 5h0w5 that an0x1a
5~0n9 matur1ty-dependence 0f th15 rat10 1n the p1ay5 a key r0~ 1n the 4u~1ty 0f 0r9an1c m a t ~ r
1mmature t0 eady mature ran9e and mu1f1p~ that 15 pre5erved.
50urce5 f0r pr1~ane and phytane ~.9., K00pman5 et 5ed1ment010~c ef1dence 5upp0~5 the 1mp0~ance
a1., 1995). H0wever, 1n ~ud1e5 0f 1acu5tr1ne 50urce 0f an0x1a f0r pre5er~n9 011-pr0ne 0r9an1c matter 1n
r0ck5 ~0m An901a (Pe~r5 and M01d0wan, 1993) the5e 1acu~r1ne r0ck 5amp1e5. 0r9an1~r1ch 5amp1e5
and Ch1na (Mann et aL, 1987), 1nver5e c0rrdat10n5 character12ed 6y 9e0chem1ca1 ef1dence 0f an0x1c
6etween P~Ph rat10 and the 9ammacerane 1ndex 5a~ne c0nd1t10n5, 1nc1ud1n9 the 5ha 13 (1322m),
were f0und. X1n 73 (842 and 862m) and X1n 31 r0ck5 (F19. 9),
Petr0~um 9enerat1ve p0tent1a1 a5 mea5ured 6y are ~ r 0 n ~ y ~m1nated 5ha1e5 0r mud~0ne5. 1n
R0ck-Eva1 pyr01y515 hydr09en 1ndex c0rre1ate5 w1th an0x~ 5ed1men~, 610tur6at10n d0e5 n0t 0ccur
the rehf1ve am0unt 0f 9ammacerane 1n the E0cene- 6ecau5e 0f the a65ence 0f meta20a. 7h15 ~ck 0f 610~
Pa1e0cene 1acu5tr1ne r0ck 5amp1e5 (F19. 10). 7h15 1n- tur6at10n ~10w5 the devd0pment 0f f1ne ~m1-
d1cate5 that h19h 5a11n1ty and 10w Eh exert m 0 0 r nat10n5 rec0rd1n9 dep0~t10na1 c y c ~ wh1ch are
c0n~01 0n the a6undance and pre5ervat10n 0f 01~ c0mm0n1y 065erved 1n effect1ve petr01eum 50urce
pr0ne 0r9an1c matter 1n the5e 1acu5tr1ne 5ett1n95. r0ck5.
H19h pr0duct1v1ty 1n 5~1ne dep0f1f10na1 5ett1n95 15 6ammacerane and f1-car0tane are u5uaHy a550c1-
9enera11y a550~ated w1th 10w 5pe~e5 d1verf1ty, c0n- a~d w1th w1de5pread ar1d 0r 5em~r1d 1acu~r1ne 5e6
1046 Kenneth E. Peter5 et aL

X C27


C28 C29
F19. 7.7ernary ~0t 0f C~ t0 C29 5~14~17~(H)-5t~ane ~f16uf10n5 f0r 0115and r0ck extract5 dete~
m1ned ur1n9 9a5 chr0m~09raphy-ma55 5pe~r0m~ry ~ mu1t1p1e ~n de~cf10n m0de (mQ 21~. 7he
M~05~ 5eep 011 15 n0t ~0~ed 6ecau5e c0ncen~af10n5 0f 5terane5 are t00 ~w f0r re11a~e mea5u~-

t1n95 where the 0r9an1c m a t ~ r 15 pf1mar11y ~0m h y m a n d ~ a m m a c e r a w 3 ~ ) (Venka~5an, 1989;

~9ae and 6acte6a, 5uch a5 the 6reen R1ver mad 0f ten Haven et a1., 198~. 7he pf1ndp~ 5 0 u ~ 0f tet-
U1nta 8af1n (H1115 and Wh1~head, 1966; M01d0wan mhyman01 appear t0 6e 6acter1a (K6emann et a1.,
et a1., 1985) and the 7ert1ary 6a~n5 0f Ch1na (J1an9 199~ and c11hte5 that ~ed 0n 6ac~r1a (Harvey and
and F0w1er, 1986; Fu J~m0 et a1., 1986; Fan et a1., McManu~ 1991; ~ n ~ n 9 h e D a m ~ et a1., 19956).
1987; 8ra~d1 et a1., 1988). 6ammacerane ~ W~ ~ 9 h a6undance5 0f 9ammac~ane are a5-
6e11eved t0 6e der1ved ~0m the reduct10n 0f tetra- 50da~d w1th hyper5af1ne c0nd1t~n5, 5uch dep051-

F19. 8. 5~ected terpane ma55 chr0mat09ram5 (rn/2 191) f0r ~an911n9-Dan9Yan9area 0115 and 0ne
50urce-r0ck extracL 7he E0cene--Pa~0cene 01150eft) are r1m11art0 the X1n90u2hu150urc~r0ck extract
~0m the X1n 73 we11(842 m)(60tt0m cente~ and 5h0w 10w 75/7m, h19h 9ammacerane, 01eanane, and
C35 h0pane~ Daf1ak0u 5eep 011 ~0p cente~ 5h0w5 h19h C34 and C~ h0pane5 and re1at1ve1y10w 9am-
macerane. 71anwan 5eep 011 (center) 5h0w5 h19h n0rh0pane and C35 h0pane~ and 10w 9ammacerane.
Chr0mat09ram5 f0r the M1a05h1,Yanmenku0, and J1n95han5eep 0115(r19ht) 5h0w f1r1n96a5d1ne~ typ1-
ca1 0f 5amp1e5c0nta1n1n910w terpane~ 7he5e 01155h0w 10w 75/7m rat105 and 10w 9ammacerane.
Pe~deum 5y~em5 1n the ~an9han 8af1n 1047

6am~ra.e ~ ....... ~ ~

0 0 ~ ' ~ ~ • ~'n 0 01 M ~ 1
~ ~ ~ ~ 70
% c~+~ H0~

F19. 9. Rdat1ve am0unt5 0f 9ammacerane ~at1f1ed wa~5~1n1ty 1nd~at0~ and C35 h0pane ~ed0x 1n-
d1cat0~ c0-vary f0r 1acu~r1ne E0cene-PMe0cene 5amp1e5 6f1pp1ed area), Dur1n9 50urc~r0ck dep0-
~f10n, h19her water 5a11n1ty~ pr0duced 6y den51ty ~raf1f1caf10n, wh1ch reduce5 the 0xy9en c0ntent 0f
the 60~0m water.

t10n~ enf1r0nment5 d0 n0t ~way5 re5u1t 1n h19h f0und 1n 91au6er 5~ter ~0m the ~an9han 8a~n 0f
9ammacerane. F0r examp1~ h19h 9ammacerane 15 Ch1na (8ra55e~ et a1., 1988). 7h15 5u99e5t5 that the
f0und 1n 5ed1men~ ~0m the hyper5~1ne, ~ka11ne 50urce 0r9an15m6) may 6e una61e t0 t06rate extre-
M0n0 Lake (705te, 1976), 6ut 1t wa5 n0t detected m d y 5a11ne c0nd1t10n5.
1n tw0 0ther m0dern hyper5a11ne 5ed1men~ ~en 50me 0f the 5amp1e5 5h0w d15t1nct ~-car0tane
Haven et a1., 1989~ p055161y 6ecau5e the5e 5y~em5 peak5 0n th0r 9a5 chr0mat09ram5 (e.9., L1n9 80
are n0t 5trat1f1ed. L1kew15e, 9ammacerane wa5 n0t extracL 5ha 13 011, 5ha 26 0f1; F19. 6). f1-Car0tane

5ha 13A


~ 40

~ ~
A Ma17

~ 1 1 1 f
350 450 550 650 750 850

Hydr09en ~dex
(m9 HU9 7 0 ~
F19. 10. C0-vadance 0f rdaf1ve am0unt5 0f 9ammacerane (5a11n1ty1nd~at00 and hydr09en 1ndex ~0m
R0ck-Eva1 pyr01y~5 1nd1cate5that h19h 5a11n1tyand an0x1a are m~0r c0nW0150n the 9enerat1ve p0~n-
t1a1 0f the E0cene-Pa~0cene ~cu5tf1ne 50urce r0ck 5amp1e5.
1048 Kennah E. Peter5 e1 aL

15 typ1ca1 0f 10w 5u1fur, a n 0 ~ ar1d, ~9~-r1ch 5han9 and J1an9 (1984) f0und that n0t a11 1acu5-
1acu~r1ne 5y~em~ and h19h ~eran~ tr1ne 0115 and 50urce r0ck5 ~0m Ch1ne5e 5ed1men-
~ r a n e + h0pane) rat105 1nd~ate 1mp0rtant ~9a1 tary 6af1n5 c0nta1n deanane. 7hey f0und that
rdat1ve t0 6acter1a1 1nput (P~er5 and M01d0wan, 01eanane 1n 1acu~r1ne 5ett1n95 15 pre5ent 0nD under
1993). 7he pre5ence 0f f1-car0tane 1n 50me 5amp~5 5pedf1c 9ed0~c c0nd1t10n5 ~wamp, deRa, and 5h~-
~.9., 5ha 13 01~ 15 pu2211n9 6ecau5e ker09en 1n the 10w 1ake dep0f1~ 0r 1n c0a1 mea5ure~, 6ut n0t 1n
rda~d 5ha 13 50urce r0ck ~ 5u1fu~r1ch ~ee 6d0w). 5apr0pd~ 50urce r0ck5 0f deep ~ke 0f1~n.
1n 10w~u1fur an0f1c 1acu~r1ne 5y~em~ f1-car0tene 01eanane wa5 d1rect1y c0~ehmd t0 the 0ccurrence
15 reduced t0 f1-car0tan~ 6ut 1n 5u1fu~r1ch mar1ne 0f hum1c 0r9an~ matmr ~0m h19her p1ant5.
5y~em5 ~mar0tane 15 rare, apparenf1y 6ecau5e the 6rantham et aL (1983), H0ffmann et aL (1984),
d0u61e 60nd5 1n f1~ar0~ne react w1th 5u1fur 5pe~e5 C20chan5ka et aL (1988), and 0un9 and 75a0
t0 f0rm cr055-11nked c0mp0nent5 that are effect1ve1y (1991) d0cumented h19h 0~anane 1n 0ther 0115 ff0m
rem0ved ~0m the ~ee hydr0car60n ~act10n (Adam Far Ea5t Af1a.
et aL, 1993; ~nn1n9he Dam~+ et a1., 1990). 7he Q1anj1an9 F0rmat10n 50urce r0ck 1n the 5ha
A11 0f the5e hcu~r1ne 5amp~5 (L1n9 2, 5ha 24, 13 we11 (1322m) wa5 dep0f1md under m0re 5af1ne
7u0 3 0115, 5ha 13 and 5ha 26 011 5and 61tumen5, and 10wer Eh c0nd1t10n5 than that 1n the L1n9
and L1n9 80, Lu 10, X1n 31, X1n 73 (842 m), X1n 72 80 wd1 6a5ed 0n h19her 9ammacerane and 10wer P~
(862 mL Ma 17, and 5ha 13 r0ck e x t r a ~ c0nt~n Ph rat105 1n the extract (7a61e 5). 7he5e c0nd1t10n5
01eanane (F~. 8), a 610marker der1ved ff0m f10we~ fav0r pre~rent1~ pre5ervat10n 0f 0r9an1c
1n9 p1an~ ca11ed an~05perm5 (Ekwe020r and Ud0, mat~r (Dema150n and M00re, 1980), c0nf1~ent
1987; Peter5 and M01d0wan, 1993; M01d0wan et w1th h19her hydr09en 1ndex and 10wer 0xy9en
a1., 1994). 8ecau5e f10wer1n9 p1ant5 d1d n0t 6ec0me 1ndex vMue5 1n the 5ha 13 5amp~
pr0m1nent unt11 the Late Cretace0u5, 01eanane 15 (H1 = 794 m9 HC/9 70C, 01 = 43 m9 C0~9 70C)
d1a9n05t1c 0f h19he~p1ant 1nput t0 Cretace0u5 0r than the L1n9 80 5amp~ (H1 = 501 m9 HC/9 70C,
7ert1ary 50urce r0ck5 and 0115. 7he waxy character 0 1 = 101m9C0~970C). 7he 5ha 13 ker09en
0f the mature 5amp1e5 1n th15 9r0up (L1n9 2, 5ha (1322m) 15 enr1ched 1n ~3C (-23.9%0), wh1~ the
2~ 7u0 3 0f15, 5ha 26 011 5and 61tumen) 6a5ed 0n L1n9 80 ker09en 15 re1at1vdy dep1med (-27.8~,
9a5 chr0mat09raphy 15 c0nf1~ent w1th f19n1f1cant 7a61e 5). Enr1chment 0f the heavy 5ta61e N0t0pe 0f
h19he~p1ant 1nput ~.9., waxy c0at1n95 ~0m ~ave~, car60n (~3C) 1n ker09en 15 typ1cN 0f 5a11ne ~ke en-
6ut ~9~ 1nput wa5 a150 1mp0~ant 6a5ed 0n h19h ~r0nment5 where a6undant ph0t05ynthet1c 0r9an-
5terane5 (F19. 11). ~an9 ~9an9 and 2han9 Q1an 15m5 cau5e a decrea5e 1n the am0unt 0f d1~0Ned
(1982) ~50 c0nc1uded that the J~n9han 8af1n wa5 car60n d10x1de avNN61e f0r ph0t05ynthe51~ 51m1Nr
character12ed 6y ~r0n~y redu~n9, 5a11ne 1acu~r1ne c0mp0~f10n~ var1at10n5 1n ~cu~r1ne 50urce r0ck5
dep0f1t10n under h0t, dry c0nd1t10n5 dur1n9 much have 6een n0ted d5ewhere. F0r examp1~
0f the 7ert1ary, part1cuhf1y dur1n9 the P~e09ene. Ne0c0m~n 1acu5tr1ne r0ck5 1n the E5p1r1t0 5ant0

Un9 ~ A

12 Un9 2 •
0 ~ •
~n 7~1)

71anwm 0ax1ak~ ~9~h~

0 ~1~ ~1~ 0 ~Y.~.ku0
~ ~ ~ ~ 1~
% 5~rane~(5t+H0p)

~9. 11. ~ 5~rane5 and ~eanane ~ the E0~ne-mh~d 5 a m ~ ~ c a ~ 50urce r0ck5 c 0 n ~

M9a1~ch 0 ~ a ~ c matter ~ ~ant Cretace0u5-7e~a~ a n ~ 0 ~ e ~ ~pm, ~ 5 ~ v e 1 y .
P~r0~um 5y~em5 1n the ~an9han 8af1n 1049

8af1n (R0dr14ue5 et a1., 1988) 5h0w tw0 end mem- f0r 339 01~ and def1ned the can0n1cf1 var1a61e (CV,
6er 0r9an1c fade5 character12ed 6y: (1) 13C-r1ch 7a61e 5). He f0und th~t mar1ne and ~rre~r1~ 0115
( - 2 6 ~ ) ker09en w1th h19h 9ammacerane 1n the a ~ have CV vf1ue5 ~55 than and 9reater than 0.47, re-
50da~d ~tumen 1nd~at1n9 h19h 5~1n1ty, and (2) 5pect1ve~. M 0 ~ 0f the 1acu~r1ne 011 5amp1e5 have
~3C-p00r ker09en (-28%~ w11h 10wer 9ammacerane CV v~ue5 typ1c~ 0f ~rre~r1~ 0r9an1c m a t ~ L
1nd1cat1n9 10wer 5af1n1ty. except the 5ha 24 011. CV va1ue5 d0 n0t a1way5 c0~
7he5e re5u1~ are c0nf1~ent w1th th05e 0f J1an9 rect1y pred1~ 0r9an1c m a t ~ r type (P~er5 et a1.,
f19an9 (1985) and Yan9 2h1~0n9 et aL (1983~ wh0 1986), part1c~ady am0n9 1acu~f1ne 011~ and the
5u99e5t that the th1rd and f0urth 5ect10n5 (mem6er5) 5ha 24 011 may 6e an examp1~ 7he 5ha 13 ~1 and
0f the Q1anjhn9 F0rmat10n act a5 60th 50urce and 50urce-r0ck extract ~50 5h0w ••mar1nC• CV va1ue5,
re5erv01r f0r 0115 1n the Jhn9han 8af1n. 1n the 1nd~at1n9 that hyper5a~ne 1acu~r1ne 5amp1e5 can
Q1anj~n9 Depre5f10~ Ph11p and Fan 2ha0an 5h0w ~0t0p1c charac~f15f1c5 0f mar1ne 0r9an1c
(1987) d~t1n9u~hed tw0 011 fam1~e5 re5erv01red 1n mat~r.
the Q1anj1an9 and X1n90u2hu1 F0rmat10n5. 7he 0115 5ta61e car60n 150t0pe typ~curve5 (F19. 13;
de5cr16ed 6y the5e auth0r5 ff0m Q1anj1an9 re5er- 6a11m0v, 1973) 5upp0~ the 011~0urce r0ck c0rre-
v N ~ are remarka61y f1m11ar t0 the ~cu~f1ne 0115 ~ ~t10n5 de5cr16ed a60ve. Car60n ~0t0p1c rat105 0f
tN5 5tudy 1n ha~n9 0 ~ a n a n ~ 10w P~Ph, 10w 75/ ker09en5 ~ 0 ~ d ~0m the 5ha 13 and L1n9 80
7m, h19h 9ammacerane, and 0ther character15t1c5 0f r0ck5 (-23.9 and -27.8%~ re5pect1ve1y; 7a61e 5) a ~
an0~ evap0r1t1c ~cu~f1ne 50urce-r0ck dep0f1- d15t1n~ and appear t0 repre5ent d1fference5 1n 0r-
f10nN c0nd1t10n~ 7he 5ha 13 c0re 5amp~ (1776-05- 9an1c fade5 w1th1n f1mf1ar 1acu5tr1ne 50urce r0ck5 a5
01) 1n 0ur 5tudy 15 ff0m 5ect10n 3 and 15 0r9an1c- d15cu~ed a60ve. 7he ~0t0p1c rat105 0f the 5ha 13
r1ch (6.62 wt.% 70C). Ph11p and Fan 2ha0an a150 r0ck ker09en and ~tumen 5upp0~ a 9enet1c re-
c0nduded that the 0115 re5erv01red 1n the ~t10n5h1p w1th the 011 1n the 5ha 13 5and~0ne
X1n90u2hu1 F0rmat10n 1n the Q1a~1an9 Depre5~0n (1776-06-01L 7he ~0t0p1c rat105 0f ker09en and
are m0re mature, pr06a6~ have 9reater 1nput 0f 61tumen ~act10n5 ~0m the X1n 73 r0ck5 5upp0~ a
~rr19en0u5 50u~ce mater1N, and m19ra~d fa~her 9enet1c re1at10n5h1p w1th the L1n9 2, 5ha 24, 7u0 3,
than 01~ re5erv01red 1n the Q1a~hn9 F0rmat10n, and 5ha 26 ~ .
6ut they d1d n0t 5u99e~ a 50urce r0ck. A n 0 x ~ m a r ~ e car60nate-evap0r1te 0115. 7he Dax-
5taNe car60n 90t0pe data f0r the 5aturated and ~ k 0 u (1776-10-01; 7f1a5f1c f1a11n~1an9 F0rmat10n
ar0mat1c hydr0car60n ~act10n5 0f the ~cu~r1ne 011 0utcr0p) and 71anwan 5eep 01~ (1776-10-02 Pe~
5amp1e5 (F19. 12, 7a61e 5) 5upp0~ ~h~r ~cu~f1ne m1an Chan9x1n9 F0rmat10n 0u~r0p) 5h0w 9e0-
0f1Nn. 5 0 ~ r (1984) eva1uated the ~af15t1cN d1ffe~ chem1c~ character15t1c5 1nd1cat1n9 that they were
ence 6etween the 5ta61e car60n 150t0pe c0mp0- 9enera~d ~0m an0f1c mar1ne car60nate-evap0r1~
f1t10n5 0f the 5aturated and ar0mat1c hydr0car60n5 50urce r0ck(~. 7he5e ~15 are 9e0chem1ca11y 50me-

0~% ~ ~ha 13
X1n 7~2) ~ ~ 5 h a 13
~ X1n7~1)~
u.~ ~ ~
U~ 2 ~ ~ e ~w~
X1n31 A ~
"1 -28

m 17 ~ ,
~a~ "7~3
• 0,x1~.
0 0 11
~ 10 / ~ 2 4 ~ ~ R0ck

~ 1 1 1
-~ -~ -~ -~ 24
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

F1~ 12. P10t 0f 5m~e car60n h0t0pe rat105 f0r 5aturated v5. ar0mat1c hydr0car60n5 5h0w5 ~fference5
6etween 5am~e 9r0up5 and can 6e u~d t0 ~ r mar1ne v5. n0nmar1ne 0r1~n (50~L 198~ (7aMe 5).
7he 5ha 13 011 and ~1 5and 5 a m ~ are enr1ched ~ ~3C c0mpared t0 the 0ther 5 a m ~ .
1050 Kenneth E. Peter5 et aL

what f1m11ar ~.9., F19. 5, 7a61e 5) and c0u1d have the M ~ d ~ 7r1a5f1c 0r eaf1~L w~ch 15 c0nf1~ent
6een der1ved fr0m d1fferent 0r9an1c fa~e5 0f the ~ t h a 1ack 0f ~eanane 1n the ~ m ~ e . 8ecau5e the
5ame 50urce r0ck. M0re f1kd~ the5e 5eep 0t15 0r1~- D a ~ a k 0 u 5eep 011 wa5 c01~cted f 0 m an 0 ~ 0 p 0f
nated f 0 m 5trat19raph1caHy d15t1nct M1dd1e 7r1a5f1c ~ ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ , 1t ~ ~ m ~ n 9 t0
0r 01der 50urce r0ck5 that were dep0f1~d under 5pec~a~ that 1t wa5 9 e n ~ a ~ d f 0 m 7r1a5f1c r0ck5.
f1m11ar c0nd1t10n5. 7f1a5f1c mar1ne ~ 0 n m e ~ p 0 r 1 ~ 50u~e r0ck5
e~5t ~ the f 1 ~ - D ~ 9 area ~ n 3
D a x ~ k 0 u 5eep 0 ~
w~, ~0u9h 0ne an~y2ed L0wer 7r1a5f1c r0ck
7he D a ~ a k 0 u 5eep 011 15 pr06a61y n0t r d a ~ d t0 5am~e ~ a n 9 1, 2682 m; 7aNe 1) c0nt~n5 t00 11tt~
any 0ther 5amp1e 1n the ~udy. 7he D a ~ a k 0 u 5eep 0r9a~c m ~ r t0 have 6een a 50urce r0ck
011 5h0w5 0dd- and even-num6ered n-~kane pred0- ~0C=0.11~.%). ~ 9 h C ~ 5terane5 1n the
m1nance5 1n the ran9e5 nC~5 t0 nC17 and nC20 t0 D a ~ a k 0 u 011 5 u 9 ~ that 1t wa5 9enerated f 0 m a
nC24 , re5pect1ve1y (F19. 6), a 10w PffPh rat10 (0.66), Dev0~an 0r 0 ~ e r 50u~e r0ck (~9. 7). ~ 9 h C ~
and a 5ta61e car60n ~0t0pe type-curve w1th1n the 5terane5 are ~ c ~ , 6ut n0t ~a9n05f1c 0f Dev0~an
ran9e 0f the E0cene-Pa~0cene 5amp1e5 (F19. 13). 0r 0 ~ e r ~15 and N m m ~ 5 (M0~0wan et ~ , 1985).
H0weveL the D a ~ a k 0 u 5eep 011 15 n0t a5 waxy a5
the5e 0115 (n-a1kane5 = 26% v5. 53-63% 1n 5atu- ~w~ ~ 0~
rated hydr0car60n ~act10nL 1t hck5 0 ~ a n a n ~ and D e 5 ~ m 0 d ~ e 610de9radat10n, w~ch a ~
R 5h0w5 reht1vdy 10w 9ammacerane and ~erane/ the m ~ k a n ~ , ~ 0 p ~ n ~ d 5 (~9. 6; ~ve1 4, Peter5
h0pane rat105 (F195 9, 11). 7he D a ~ a k 0 u 5eep 011 and M ~ d 0 w a ~ 1993) and the 5ta~e car60n ~ 0 ~ p e
5h0w5 h19her C29 5terane5 (6~6%, 7a61e 5) than rat10 0f the 5aturated hydr0car60n fact10n (~95 12
any 0ther ana~2ed 5amp1~ and 13), ~ 0 m a r k ~ 5 5u99e5t that the ~ a n w a n 5eep
Var10u5 p a r a m e ~ 1nd1cate that the D a ~ a k 0 u ~1 wa5 9enera~d f 0 m an an0~c mar1ne car60nate-
5eep 011 wa5 9enera~d f 0 m an an0~c mar1ne car- evap0r1~ 50u~e r0ck. 7he ~1 5h0w5 ~ 9 h
6 0 n a ~ v a p 0 f 1 ~ 50urce r0ck 0f P~e020~ 0r 01der 14~17~H~e~n~, C3~ h0pane5 ~ a ~ r ~ e d h y d r ~
a9e. 7he 5amp~ 5h0w5 a can0n1c~ var1a61e typ1ca1 car60n f a ~ 0 ~ 5ec06en20h0pane5 ~ Q 36~ and
0f mar1n~der1ved 0115 (7a61e 5). H19h re1at1ve 6en20h0pane5 ~ Q 191) ~ m a f 1 c ~a~0~
am0unt5 0f 14f1,17f1(H~5~rane5 and C ~ and C3~ ~e~n9 a n 0 ~ evap0r1t1c 50urce-r0ck dep0~f10n
h0pane5 (F19. 8), 10w PUPh (0.66; 7a61e 5) and an ~ e r 5 and M ~ d 0 w a ~ 1991, 1993). 7 ~ 5 5eep ~1
even-num6ered 0dd n-a1kane pred0m1nance (F19. 6) d0e5 n0t have ~ 9 h 9 a m m a ~ n e . ~ ~0m hype~
are typ1c~ 0f 01~ ~0m mar1ne c a r 6 0 n a ~ v a p 0 f 1 ~ 5af1ne 50urce r0ck5 d0 n0t a ~ a y 5 pr0duce ~ 9 h
50urce r0ck5 d e p 0 ~ d under 10w Eh c0nd1t10n5. 9 a m m a ~ n e (M0~0wan et ~ , 1985). Unf1ke ~ e
7he r e ~ 0 n ~ 9e0109y 0f the J~n9han 8a~n c0n- D a ~ a k 0 u 5eep 011 and 0ther 01~ 1n the ~udy, the
~r~n5 a mar1ne car60nam~vap0r1~ 50urce r0ck t0 ~w~ 5eep 011 ha5 h19h C ~ n0rh0pane ( C ~

1 1~~
Wh0~ ~1
0r ~
1 ~~
1 ~ ~

~6 ~
1 •
~ .~:~
4 ~
~ ~
" ~
P0~m ~ " 4
"~ ~
- ~
~ r1. ~~Lu
0.. 17

~P~ 1/ k
1 'I ~ 1 1 1 11 1 1 1
-~ -~ ~0 ~8 ~6 ~4 ~1 ~0 -29 -28 ~7 -~ -25 ~4

5ta6~ Car~n ~0~ R~0 ~ , ~)

F19. 13. 5ta61e car60n ~0t0pe type-curve5 (6a11m0~ 1973) 5upp0~ the pr0p05ed 9enet1c re1at10n5h1p5
am0n9 ~an911n9-Dan9Yan9 area 011~ 5eep 0115and 50urce-r0ck 61tumen5.
Pe~deum 5y5~m5 ~ the ~an9han 8a~n 1051

C30 > 1.0; F195 8 and 14), typ1ca1 0f 01h ~0m car- wa5h1n9 0f the ar0mat1c5.) 7he L0wer Jura5f1c
60nate/ph05phat1c 50urce r0ck5 (2um6er9e, 1987). c 0 ~ y r0ck5 pr06a61y d1d n0t 9enera~ 0r expd f19-
M1n0r am0unt5 0f C ~ 24-n-pr0py~h01e5tane5 and n1f1cant am0unt5 0f 011. A5 d15cu55ed a60ve, m1-
4a-meth~-eth~ch01e5tane5 1n the 5aturated hydr0- cr05c0py and pyr0~f15-9a5 chr0mat09raphy 0f
car60n ffact10n 0f the 71anwan 5eep 011 1nd1cate the5e tw0 0u~r0p 5amp1e5 5h0w that they are d0m1-
mar1ne 50urce-r0ck dep0f1t10n (M01d0wan et a1., nated 6y 1ne~ t0 9a5-pr0ne macer~5.
1990; Pete~ and M01d0wan, 1993). N0ne 0f the Pr06a6• m a r ~ e Upp~r 51n~n 0r P e r m ~ n 0115.
50urce-r0ck extrac~ have ~m1hr d1~r16ut10n~ 7he J1n95han (1776-03-01; 0rd0f1~an 8a0ta F 0 ~
5u99e5t1n9 that the 50urce 0f 71anwan 5eep 011 15 mar10n 0u~r0p near ~n95han C1ty), Yanmenku0
n0t w1th1n the 5amp1e 5u1te. (1776-03-0~ Perm~n Q1~a F0rmat10n 0utcr0p at
7he re910na1 9e0109y 0f the Jhn9han 8a~n c0n- Yanmenku0 Qua~y), and M~05h1 (1776-10-0~ Pev
~ra1n5 a mar1ne car60nate-evap0f1te 50urce r0ck, m1an Q1~a F0rmat10n 0utcr0p at Mm05h1, C1h
11ke that pr0p05ed f0r the 71anwan 5eep 011, t0 the C0unty) 5eep 0115 are 9 e 0 c h e m ~ ~m1~r and
M1dd1e 7r1a5f1c 0r eaf11er. 7he 71anwan 5eep 011 were pr06a6~ der1ved ff0m 0ne 0r m0re mar1ne
c0nt~n5 a6undant tr1ar0mat1c d1n05ter01d5 1n the 50urce r0ck5. 7he5e 0115 are character12ed 6y unu-
ar0mat1c fract10n (m/2 245). 7he5e c0mp0und5 are 5ua11y ne9at1ve 5ta61e car60n ~0t0pe v~ue5
der1ved ff0m d1n0f1a9e~ate5 0r r d a ~ d 0r9an15m5 ( < - 2 8 . 8 ~ ) and h19her PffPh rat105 (>0.9) than
and they are a65ent 1n 50urce-r0ck extract5 0f the 0ther 5amp1e5 (F19. 6). 5uch ne9at1ve 5ta61e car-
Permhn 0r Car60n1fer0u5 a9e (M01d0wan et a1., 60n ~0t0pe rat105 are c0mm0~ 6ut n0t um4ue
1996). am0n9 P~e020~ p~r01eum5 (Haye5 et a1., 1983;
5evera1 character15t1c5 0f the 71anwan 5eep 011 are Chun9 et a1., 1992). Un11ke the E0cene-Pa~0cene
f1m1hr t0 the L0wer Jura5f1c Dax1ak0u 50urce-r0ck 01h, the ~n95han C1ty, Yanmenku~ and M ~ 0 5 ~
extract5, 6ut a 9enet1c re1at10n5h1p ~ n0t p05~61~ 5eep 0115 ~ck 01eanane, and have ~ 9 h 7 ~ 7 m ( > 1)
7he 5ta61e car60n ~0t0pe type-curve f0r the and 10w 9ammacerane (F19. 8). 7he can0n1c~ var1-
71anwan 5eep 011 deaf1y d0e5 n0t c0rre1ate w1th a61e (50~L 1984) f0r the Yanmenku0 and M ~ 0 5 ~
th05e f0r the L0wer Jura5f1c Dax1ak0u 0r the 5amp1e5 15 typ1c~ 0f ~ der1ved ff0m mar1ne 50urce
E0cene-Pa~0cene 1acu~r1ne 5amp1e5 (F19. 13). r0ck~ wh11e that f0r the ~n95han C1ty 5amp1e 15
C~cu1a~d can0n1ca1 var1a6~5 f0r 60th D a ~ a k 0 u 6etween ~rre~r1~ and maf1n~
~0ck e~tract5 1nd1cate terre5tf1~ 0r9an1c matte~ A d05e 9enet1c re1at10n5h1p 6etween the M~05h1
whf1e that f0r the 71anwan 5eep 011 1nd~ate5 mar1ne (Perm~n Q1~a 0utcr0p) and Yanmenku0 5eep 0115
0r9an~ matter (7a61e 5). (CV va1ue5 f0r r0ck 15 5upp0~ed 6y th0r ~m1~r 5ta61e car60n ~0t0pe
extract5 are c0mm0n1y unre11a61~ Furtherm0re, the type~urve5 (F19. 13). 7he type-curve5 f0r the
CV f0r the 5eep 011 may 6e unref1a61e 6ecau5e 0f M~05h1 and Yanmenku0 5eep ~ h are c 0 n ~ e n t
610de9radat10n 0f the 5aturated ffacf10n and water w1th the1r 0r1~n ff0m ker09en5 1n tw0 0f the h19Hy





A ~ 1 3
0 1 1 1 1
10 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

% N0rh0pane/(N0r•H0p)
F1~ 14. H19h rc1af1ve am0unt5 0f C3t h0pane5 and n0rh0pan~ 5uch a5 th0~ ~ the 71anwan ~1, are
~ c ~ 0f crude 0115der1ved ~0m mar1ne car60na~ 50u~e r0ck5 5cc the ~rpane ma55 chr0ma~9ram
f0r the 71anwan ~1 ~ F1~ 8.
1052 Kenneth E. Peter5 et aL

7a61e 4. C~cu1a~d ~act10n~ c0nverf10n,0r191na170C, pe~0~um expd~d, and expu1f10neff1c1ency*

70C• A~umed A~umed Exp. e ~ ,
R0ck 5am~e A9e wt.% H1x P1~ P1° H1° f 0r19. 7 0 C 51 expe11ed %

1776-01-02A L. Perm1an 1.82 33 0.31 0.02 500 0.96 3.00 14A3 98

(Q1x1a) 1.82 33 0.31 0.02 300 0.91 2.33 6.27 96
1776-01-03 U. 51n1an 3.55 4 0.41 0.02 500 1.00 5.96 30.15 100
(D0u5hantu0) 3.55 4 0.41 0.02 300 0.99 4.67 14.07 99
1776-01-05 L. Cam6r1an 5.35 2 0.65 0.02 500 1,00 8.85 44.85 10~
(5hu~1ntu0) 5.35 2 0.65 0.02 300 1,00 7.00 21.12 99
1776-01-09 L. E0c.-Pa1. 2.30 40 0.63 0.02 500 0,95 3.58 15.83 91
(Hu 1, 2.30 40 0.63 0.02 300 0.89 2.79 6.08 80
X1n90u2hu1) 2.30 40 0.63 0.02 100 0.60 2.30 0 0
1776-01-12 L. Cam6r1an 7.78 2 0.26 0.02 500 1.00 12.64 64.28 100
(5hu1j1ntu0) 7.78 2 0.26 0.02 300 1.00 10.10 30.72 100
1776-01-14 L. Perm1an 0.71 62 0.62 0.02 500 0.92 1.06 4.27 86
(Q1x1a) 0.71 62 0.62 0.02 300 0.82 0.82 1.36 66

*70C ~ = me~ured ~ t ~ 0 ~ a ~ c ~ r ~ H1~ = m e ~ u ~ d ~ 0 ~ n 1n~x; ~ x = m ~ d W~uct10n ~ x 0~ ~uhf10n ~4~5

~med ~0~n ~ d ~ (H1~ ~ d ~ 0 d u ~ ~ d ~ (P1°) v~ue~. 7w0 H1 v ~ u ~ w ~ c ~ m e d ~ r e ~ h ~ m p ~ ~ c 0 ~ r ~ e ~ n ~
~ 0 m 7 y ~ H ~ 7 y ~ 1~11 0 r ~ m c m ~ r ( 5 ~ and ~ 0 m9 H ~ 9 7 0 ~ ~5p~f1ve~). P1 ° w ~ ~ m e d ~ 6e ~02, ~ c ~ 0f ~ e ~
m~y ~m~u~ r~.
f = ~t10n~ ~n~n = 1 - ~12~ - [H1~1 - ~ ° ) ] } / H ~ 1 2 ~ - ~ 1 ~ ( 1 - P ~ } ;
7 0 C ° = 0r1~n~ 7 0 C = ~.33(H1~)70Cx/[H1~1 - ~ . 3 3 - 7 0 ~ ) + H P f f 0 C ~ ;
P~m1¢um ~ 1 ) ~ 1 1 e d = 1 0 0 0 f f 0 ~ -70C~)/(83.33 - 7 0 C x ) ;
Expd510n e~c1en~ = 1 - (1 - ~ ( 1 - ~ + P1°~1 - ~ ) ] .

mature 50urce r0ck cand1date5: Upper 51n1an Ker09~n k~et1c mea5uremen~

D0u5hantu0 (1776-01-03) 0r the L0wer Perm1an Eady 9enerat10n 0f petr0~um ff0m the E0cene
Q1x1a 601-14) (-29.3 and - 2 9 . 6 ~ , re5pect1v~y). Q1anjhn9 F0rmat10n c0u1d 6e an 1mp0~ant fact0r
7he 0f1~na1 7 0 C ( 7 0 C °) c0nten~ 1n the
f0r exp10rat10n 1n the ~an911n9 Depre~10n (Fu
D0u5hantu0 and Q1x1a r0ck~ a55um1n9 7ype 11
f1am0 et a1., 1986; Pen9 P1n9an et a1., 1990). C0re
ker09en (H1 = 500m9 HC/9 7 0 C , 7 a 6 ~ 4), are
5amp1e5 0f Q1a~hn9 r0ck ~0m the 5ha 13 and
ca~u1ated t0 have 6een 5.96 and 1~6 wt.%, re5pec6
L1n9 80 we115 were 5e~c~d f0r ker09en k1net1c5
Ndy. 7he M1a05h1 and Yanmenku0 5eep 0115 1ack
mea5urement5 (7a61e 6). 1n add1t10n, c01e 5amp1e5
tr1ar0mat1c d1n0~er01d~ wh1ch 5 u p p 0 ~ 6ut d0e5
were an~y2ed ~0m the X1n90u2hu1 F0rmat10n 1n
n0t pr0ve a Perm1an 50urce r0ck. 7r1ar0maf1c
the Ma 17, Lu 10, X1n 31, and X1n 73 we115.
d1n0~er01d5 are 9eneraHy a65ent 1n extract5 0f
Pyr0mat 11 k1net1c v~ue5 f0r Q1an~1an9 and
Perm1an and Car60n1fer0u5 50urce r0ck5
X1n90u2hu1 F0rmat10n 50urce r0ck5 were c0rrected
(M01d0wan et a1., 1996). 7he ~0t0p1c c0mp0f1t10n
6ef0re u5e 1n 6af1n m0dd1n9 a5 de5cr16ed 1n the
0f the 0 r d 0 ~ a n 8a0ta ker09en ~776-01-018;
- 2 9 . 7 ~ ) ~ ~50 c0nf1~ent w1th 1t a5 a 50urce f0r m~h0d5 ~ect10n (7a6~ 6). D1fferent ~net1c r e 5 ~
the tw0 5eep 0115, 6ut th15 15 unf1kdy 6ecau5e 0f can 6e c0mpared 6y c0n5~uct1n9 p5eud0-6ur1a1 h1~
very 10w 7 0 C (0.50wt.%), wh1ch c0u1d n0t have t0ry p10t5 wh~h 5h0w ~act10n~ c0nverf10n w1th
6een much h19her 1n the pa~. F0r examp1e, a55um- t1me. A hnear 3°C/m11110n year heat1n9 rate wa5
1n9 7ype 11 ker09en, the c ~ c u h t e d 7 0 C ° 1n the 5 e ~ e d f0r th~ c0mpar150n (F19. 15).
therm~ 1mmature 0 r d 0 ~ a n r0ck 15 0n1y 0 r 9 a n ~ m a t ~ r type 15 n0rma11y def1ned 6y
0.65wt.% ~4uat10n5 1n 7a61e 4). 5terane data at0m~ H/C v5. 0 / C 0f ker09en (van Krevden d1a-
c0u1d n0t 6e u5ed f0r the M1a05h1 011 1n F19. 11 9ram) 0r, a5 1n t~5 pape~ 6y wh01~r0ck R0ck-Ev~
(7a61e 5) 6ecau5e 0f very 10w t0t~ 5terane c0ncen- pyr01yf15 hydr09en 1ndex v5. 0xy9en 1ndex p10t5
~at10n5 (62 ppm). (p~ud0-van Krevden dh9ram). 1n the f0110w1n9
7he type-curve f0r the J1n95han 5eep 011 15 ~m~ar d15cu5f10~ the k1net1c re5p0n5e5 0f r0ck 5amp~5 are
t0 the 0ther tw0 5eep 0115, except f0r the ~0t0p1c de5cr16ed ~ht1ve t0 the5e 0r9an~ m a t ~ r end mem-
rat10 0f the p 0 ~ r c0mp0und5 (p01a~ 0r N50-c0m- 6e~. 7he k1net1c5 0f 0r9an~ m a t ~ r 1n the
p0und5 1n F19. 13, 7a61e 5). 7he ~0t0p1c rat10 f0r Q1a~mn9 and X1n90u2hu1 F 0 r m a t ~ n 50urce r0ck5
the p01ar c0mp0und5 1n th15 011 ~ pr06a6~ 1naccu~ can 6e c0mpared t0 that f0r three ~andard end
ate 6ecau5e 0f 10w c0ncen~at10n5 cau5ed 6y 5ec0nd- mem6er 5amNe5 ( 7 a ~ e 6): fa~-~act1n9 7ype 115
ary pr0ce55e5, 5uch a5 water wa5h1n9. 7he J1n95han (M0n~rey F0rmat10n, 0ff5h0re Ca11f0rn1a), 1 n ~
5eep 011 c0nt~n5 0n1y 7.1% p01ar c0mp0und5 c0m- med1ate-react1n9 mar1ne 7ype 11 (K1mmer1d9e
pared t0 15.8% and 21.5% f0r the Yanmenku0 and F0rmat10n, N0rth 5ea), and f10w-~act1n9 1acu~r1ne
M1a05h1 5eep 0115, re5pect1vdy. Le55 hkd% 1he 7ype 1 (6reen R1ver F0rmat10n, U1nta 8af1n). F0r
J1n95han 5eep 011 c0u1d have 6een der1ved ~0m a examp~, the 5ha 13 r0ck ~0m 1322m c0nt~n5
d1fferent, a5 yet un1dent1f1ed 50urce r0ck than that 7ype 1 0r9an1c m a t ~ r 6a5ed 0n R0ck-Ev~ pyr01-
f0r the M1a05h1 and Yanmenku0 5eep 0115. y~5, 6ut 5h0w5 k1net1c5 11ke the fa~-rea~m9 7ype
P~r0~um 5y~em5 1n the J1an9han 8a~n 1053



• 8 V
~ •°• :
~7 ~ ~
~.~ ~
~.5 ~

~ ~.4
0~ -

~ ~.~

~ ~02


~0 ~
60 80 100 120 140 160

7emperature, °C

F19. 15. 5dec~d Q 1 a ~ n 9 and X1n90u2hu1 F0rmat10n 50urce r0ck5 5h0w5 a w1de ran9e 0f ker09en
rea~1~t1e5 and thu5 re5p0nd d1fferent1y dur1n9 ~mu1ated 6uf1~ maturat10n 0°C/MY heat1n9 rat~.
7he 5ha 13 (1322 m) r0ck f0~0w5 a pathway neaf1y 1denf1c~ t0 that f0r wdPchara~er12ed M0nterey
7ype 115 r0ck (7a61e 5), wh1~ the 5ha 13 (1198m) r0ck react5 50mewhat fa~er. 7he L1n9 80 r0ck
6ehave5 f1ke da5~c 6reen R1ver 7ype 1 ker09e~ 8ecau5e 0f h19h hydr09en 1ndex and 5u1fur c0ntenL
the 5ha 13 (1198 m) 5amp~ 15 de5cr16ed a5 7ype 15.

115 ker09en end mem6er (M0nterey F0rmat10n). the typ1ca1 7ype 11 ker09en5. 7he 0ther 5amp1e
7he L1n9 80 r0ck c0nta1n5 7ype 11 0r9an1c m a t ~ r (1776-08-03 at 1409m) ~ k1net1c~1y 1ntermed1a~
6a5ed 0n R0ck-Ev~ pyr01y~5, 6ut 5h0w5 k1net1c5 6etween the 7ype 11 and 1 ker09en end mem6er5.
f1ke the ~0w-react1n9 7ype 1 ker09en end mem6er 7ranf1t10n5 6etween the5e 0r9an1c fade5 appear t0
(6reen R1ver F0rmat10n). 1n th15 5ect10n care 15 have 0ccurred rap1d1y dur1n9 dep0f1t10n. A 5m~1
taken t0 5pedfy whether an 0r9an1c m a t ~ r type d1fference 15 065erved 6etween the tw0 c0re 5amp1e5
refer5 t0 R0ck-Ev~ pyr01y~5 0r k1net1c5 re5p0n5e. taken at appr0x1matdy the 5ame depth (1322 m).
F0r examp1e, 0r9an1c matter 1n the 5ha 13 r0ck 5u1fur-1nc0rp0rat10n 1nt0 0r9an1c matter ~ re-
(1322 m) can 6e de5cr16ed a5 ••7ype 15•• 6a5ed 0n a 5p0nf161e f0r 9enerat1n9 fa5t-react1n9 ker09en f1ke
h19h R0ck-Ev~ hydr09en 1ndex and h19h 5u1fur that f0und 1n the Q1anj1an9 F0rmat10n ( 0 r 5 1986;
c0ntenL 6ut ~5 k1net1c re5p0n5e 15 f1ke the fa5t- f1an9 ~9an9 et a1., 1988; 8a5k1n and Peter~ 1992;
react1n9 7ype 115 M0nterey ker09en end mem6er. 7 e 9 d a a r and N061e, 1994). E0cene dep0f1t10na1 en-
7ype 15 ker09en ~ def1ned a5 hav1n9 a h19h hydr0- v1r0nmen~ 1n the ~an9han 8 a ~ n were p a ~ u 1 a d y
9en 1ndex ( > 600 m9 HC/9 7 0 C ) and an at0m1c 5/C fav0ra61e f0r 1nc0rp0rat10n 0f 5u1fur 1nt0 the 0r-
rat10 1n the ran9e 0f 5u1fu~r1ch, fa~-react1n9 ker0- 9an1c matter dur1n9 d1a9ene~5 6ecau5e they were
9en5 0f the M0nterey F0rmat10n (5/C > ~040). character12ed 6y 10w Eh and a6undant 5u1fur 1n
7he 5amp1e ff0m the L1n9 80 we11 (1776-05-02) 9yp5um (J1an9 ~9an9 et a1., 1988). H0wever, h19h-
5h0w5 ~0w k1net1c5 f1ke the 6reen R1ver 7ype 1 end 5u1fur ker09en5 are rare 1n c0nt1nenta1 r0ck5
mem6er. 1t 5h0w5 a fa1f1y narr0w d1~r16uf10n 0f ac- 6ecau5e 5u1fa~ 15 f1m1ted 1n m05t 1acu5tr1ne 5y~em5
t1vat10n e n e r 9 ~ typ1c~ 0f the af1phat1c-r1ch, 10w- and 5upp11e5 0f k0n and 0ther ~nk5 f0r 5u1fur are
5u1fur ker09en5 that are dep0~ted 1n many 1acu5- ~9n1f1cant. E~menta1 ana1y~5 0f ker09en5 h 0 ~ t e d
tr1ne 5y~em5. H19her ~vd5 0f therm~ 5tre55 are ff0m three 0f the Q1anj1an9 F0rmat10n 5amp1e5
needed t0 9enerate 011 ~0m 7ype 1 ker09en5 than reve~ed h19h c0ncentrat10n5 0f 0r9an1c-60und 5u1-
the m0re react1ve 7ype 11 and 7ype 115 ker09en5. fur (at0m1c 5/C = 0.050 t0 0.074, 7a61e 7). 0 r r
7he 5amp1e5 ~ 0 m the 5ha 13 we11 exh161t a w1de (1986) def1ned 5u1fu~r1ch ker09en5 ~.9., 7ype H5)
ran9e 0f react1v1t~5. 7hree c0re 5amp1e5 6amp1e a5 hav1n9 at0m1c 5/C rat105 > 0.040.
1776-08-01 at 1198m and 5amp1e5 1776-05-01 and 7ype 15 ker09en f1ke that 1n the 5ha 13 wd1
1776-08-02 60th at 1322 m) 5h0w k1net1c5 1nter- (1322 m) ~ very rare and pr06a61y repre5ent5 a 5u1-
med1ate 6etween the fa5te56react1n9 7ype 115 and fate-r1ch, an0x1c 1acu5tr1ne 50urce-r0ck dep0~f10na1
1054 Kenneth E. P e ~ a L

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Petr01eum 5y~em51n the ~an9han 8a~n 1055




1056 K e n n ~ h E. P e ~ r 5 et a1.

7aMe 7. ~emema1 anMy515 ~ k ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 m ~an#1n9-Dan9Yan9 a ~ a

5ha 13 5ha 13 5ha 13 L1n9 80 X1n 73 X1n 73 X1n 31 Ma 17 Lu 10

1198 rn 1322 m 1409 m 1808 m 842 rn 862 m 1216 m 1774 m 2050 rn
1776-08-01 1776-08-02 1776-08-03 1776-05-02 1776-11-01 1776-11-02 1776-11-03 1776-11-04 1776-11-05

Raw e1ementn1 e0mp051f10n

Car60n 67.32 58.37 61.78 41.57 65.53 62.61 65.48 30.45 43.51
Hydr09en 8.47 7.34 7.77 5.36 7.18 7.59 7.48 3.29 4.73
0xy9en 5.64 4.67 4.7 7.06 7.52 7.23 4.85 7.79 3.37
N1tr09en 1.54 1.38 1.27 1.02 1.74 1.23 1.50 0.70 1.02
70ta1 5u1fur 10.33 16.52 13.05 6.47 8.80 7.66 19.85 23.15
Pyr1t1c 5u1fur 1.32 4.94 4.02 . . . . . . .
0r9an1c 9.01 11,58 9.03 . . . .
1r0n 1.15 4.3 3.5 . . . . . . .
A5h 8.13 20.22 17.36 19.88 7.75 11.08 9.30 50.40 30.45

Car60n 72.15 66.12 69.75 . . . . . . . .
Hydr09en 9.08 8.31 8.77 . . . .
0xy9en 6.05 5.29 5.31 . . . . .
N1tr09en 1.65 1.56 1.43 . . . . .
70ta1 5u1fur 11.07 18.71 14.73 . . . . .
Pyr1t1c 5u1fur 1.42 5.60 4.54 . . . . . .
0r9an1c 9.66 13.12 10.19 . . . . .

0r9an1c at0m1c rat105

H/C 1.50 1A9 1.50 1.53 1.30 1.44 1.38 1.28 1.29
N/C 0~20 0~20 0.018 . . . . .
0/C 0~63 ~060 0.057 0.127 0.086 0,087 0~56 0.192 0.058
5/C 0.050 0.074 0.055 . . . . .

enf1r0nment. 6yp5um-r1ch 1nterva15 character12e the d15501ved 5u1fate t0 5u1f1d~ wh1ch read1~ reac~ w1th
E0cene-P~e0cene r0ck5 5amp1ed 1n th15 5tudy ker09en 0r meta15 t0 pr0duce 5u1fu~f1ch ker09en
(F19. 2). Under an0~c c0nd1t10n~ m1cr06e5 reduce and met~ 5u1f1de5 ~.9., pyr1te), re5pect1ve1y.

,0"••°, .•°0,, ,.,. .,,. .,-••°,-•,,•°,=•,°,

1 ~7rap
~ 1~ Cam6aan<=~
~ W 0=a~5
~r==c =~=~0
•~ 11 x,n~=h= ~~
•1;= 9m. ~a~9 ~•
F19. 16. P e t r 0 ~ u m e v e n t c h a r t f 0 r the ~ a n 9 1 1 n 9 - D a n 9 Y a n 9 a r e a 5h0w5 f19n1f1cant p 0 ~ n t 1 ~ f 0 r a c c u m u -
h f 1 0 n 0 f E 0 c e n e - P a 1 e 0 c e n e petr01eum. 7 h e d a 5 h e d vert1ca1 f1ne c 0 ~ e 5 p 0 n d 5 t0 1n1t1~ 1 m p a ~ 0 f the
Y a n 5 h a n 1 a n 0 r 0 9 e n y 0 n the ~ u d y a r e a , wh1ch 1nf1uenced ~ a p f 0 r m a t 1 0 n . 5 h a d e d 610ck5 w h ~ h d 0 n 0 t
e x t e n d t0 the t 0 p 0 f e a c h h0r120nta1 f1ne 1n the 9 e n e r a t 1 0 n - m 1 9 r a t 1 0 n - a c c u m u 1 a t 1 0 n p0rt10n 0 f the
f19ure repre5ent 50urce r 0 c k t h a t wa5 n 0 t fu11y 5pent dur1n9 6ur1a1 m a t u r a t 1 0 n .
P~r~eum ~ e m 5 1n ~e ~an9han 8a~n 1057

51nn1n9he Dam~6 et aL (1993) pr0f1de a (1322 m) 15 m05t ~m1~r t0 the 5ha 13 011 5and ~ t u -
th0r0u9h de5cr1pt10n 0f 50urce r0ck5 ~0m 5 p ~ n men (1186m). 81tumen5 ex~ac~d fr0m L0wer
c0nta1n1n9 7ype 15 ker09en5. 7hey an~y2ed ker0- E0cene-Pa~0cene X1n90u2hu1 F0rmat10n 50urce
9en5 ~0m three 7ert1ary 1acu5tr1ne Cat~an 011 r0ck 1n the X1n 73 wd1 are m05t ~m1~r t0 the 5ha
5h~e5 uf1n9 m1cr05c0py, f1a5h pyr01yf15-9a5 chr0- 26 011 5and ~tumen (J1n95ha re5erv01~, and the
mat09raphy-ma55 5pec~0metry, and 6u1k c0mp0- L1n9 2, 5ha 24, and 7u0 3 0115 (X1n90u2hu1 re5e~
f1110n m~h0d5. 7w0 0f the three ker09en5 v01r~. H19h~ mature X1n90u2hu1 r0ck ~0m the Hu
(R16e5a16e5 and Camp1n5) c0nta1n a6undant 0r9an1c 1 0463 m) we11 c0u1d have 6een a 900d 50urce r0ck
5u1fur and hydr09en and are 0a5f1f1ed a5 7ype 15 1n the pa5t.
ker09en5. C h a r a c ~ r 1 ~ d1~r16ut10n pattern5 0f D1fferent ~net1c5 f0r hydr0car60n 9enerat10n
f1a5h pyr01y515 pr0duct5 ~0m the R16e5~6e5 ker0- am0n9 E0cene Q1a~hn9 and L0wer E0cene-
9en 5h0w that 1t 15 c0mp05ed m~n1y 0f rem~n5 0f Pa~0cene X1n90u2h~ F0rmat10n 50urce r0ck5 and
the fre5hwater ~9a 80try0c0ccu5 6raun~ Data 0n 9e0chem1ca1 d1fference5 am0n9 the te1ated 0115 are
the th1rd ker09en 5amp1e (Cerdanya) 5u99e~ that cau5ed 6y 0r9a~c fade5 var1at10n5. F0r examp1~
the ~e5hwa~r ~9a Ped1a5~um may c0nt~n a pa~1y the 5ha 13 r0ck (1322m) c0nta1n5 rare 7ype 15,
ar0mat1c 610macr0m01ecu1e that 15 5e~ct1vdy p r ~ fa5t-react1n9 ker09en. 7he 5ha 13 r0ck 5am~e wa5
5erved up0n d1a9ene515. D1~01ut10n 0f er0d1n9 d e p 0 ~ d under m0re 5ahne and 10wer Eh c0n-
anhydr1te pr0f1ded 5u1fate t0 the h k e 5y~em. 7he5e • t10n5 than the L1n9 80 r0ck 6a5ed 0n h19her 9am-
f1nd1n95 ~5t1fy t0 the ~r9e var1aNhty 1n p~e0dep0- macerane and C35 h0pane and 10wer PffPh rat105 1n
~f10na1 c0nd1110n5 1n ~cu~r1ne en~r0nmen~, the extract. 7he5e c0nd1110n5 fav0red pre~rent1~
wh1ch have ~50 6een n0ted 1n the5e 5amp1e5 ~0m pre5ervat10n 0f 0r9an~ m a t ~ c 0 n ~ e n t w11h
the J1an9han 8af1n. h19her t0t~ 0r9an1c car60n, h19her hydr09en
7he var1a61~ty 0f 0r9an1c fade5 w1th1n the 1ndex, and 10wer 0xy9en 1ndex v~ue5 1n the 5ha 13
Q1anj1an9 F0rmat10n 15 a m ~ 0 r c0n51derat10n 1n 5amp~ ( 7 0 C = 6.62 wL%, H1 = 794 m9 HC/
ev~uat1n9 the re5u~5 0f m0dd5 0f 011 9enerat10n. 9 7 0 C , 01 = 43 m9 C0ff9 7 0 C ) than the L1n9 80
8ecau5e t~5 f0rmat10n c0nt~n5 ker09en5 w1th 5amp~ ( 7 0 C = 1.27 w~%, H1 = 501 m9 HC/
w1ddy d1ffer1n9 react1f111e5, 6af1n m0de11n9 wa5 9 7 0 C , 01 = 101 m9 C 0 { 9 70C). 7he rdat1ve t1m-
c0nducted tw~e, 0nce uf1n9 the fa~e5t (7ype 15) 1n9 0f 50urce-r0ck maturat10~ and re5erv01r trap
ker09en and 0nce uf1n9 the ~0we~ (7ype 1) ker0- and 5e~ f0rmat10n wa5 fav0ra~e f0r the accumu-
9en. 7he re5u1t5 6racket the ran9e 0f pr06a61e t1m- ~t10n and pre5ervat10n 0f E0cence-Pa~0cene pet-
1n9 0f hydr0car60n 9enerat10n. 8y uf1n9 7ype 1 r0~um 1n the 6a~n.
ker09en k1net1c param~er5, the re5u111n9 6a~n 0ne 0r m0re un1dent1f1ed M1dd~ 7r1a5~c 0r
m0dd5 1nd1cate that n0 f19n1f1cant hydr0car60n 0Mer, an0~c mar1ne car60nate-evap0r1~ 50urce
9enerat10n c0u1d have 0ccurred ~0m Q1anj1an9 r0ck5 9enerated the D a ~ a k 0 u (7r1a551c ~a11n~1an9
F0rmat10n 50urce r0ck5 under the a55umed 6ur1a1 F0rmat10n 0u~r0p, X1n95han C0unty) and the
c0nd1110n5. H0wever, u5e 0f 7ype 15 ker09en ~ n - m0derate1y 610de9raded 71anwan 5eep 0115 (Perm~n
et1c5 a d e 4 u a ~ acc0un~ f0r the e~5f1n9 Q 1 a ~ n 9 Chan9~n9 0utcr0p, Chen9~ C0unty~ re5pect1ve1y.
011 ~.9.~ 5ha 13 we11) 1n the ~an9han 8af1n (F19. 1). A6undant tr1ar0mat1c d1n0~er~d5 1n the 71anwan
7he petr01eum event chart f0r the ~an911n9- 5eep 011 5u99e~ that the 50urce r0ck wa5 n0t
Dan9Yan9 area (F19. 16) 5h0w5 900d p0~nt1~ f0r Perm1an 0r Car60n1~r0u5 1n a9e.
accumu1at10n and pre5ervat10n 0f E0cene-Pa~0cene 0ne 0r m0re un1dent1f1ed mar1ne 50urce r0ck~
petr0~um. 7rap~ re5erv01~, and 5e~5 we~e 1n p1ace wh1ch c0u1d 1nc1ude the L0wer Perm~n Q1~a 0r
pr10r t0 9enerat10n and m19rat10n 0f petr01eum Upper 51n1an D0u5hantu0 F0rmat10n~ 9enera~d
fr0m the Q1anj1an9 and X1n90u2h~ F0rmat10n the M ~ 0 5 ~ (Permhn Q1~a 0u~r0p at M ~ 0 5 ~ ,
50urce r0ck5. C111 C0unty) and Perm1an (Perm~n Q1~a 0u~r0p
at Yanmenku0 Quarry) 5eep ~15. Lack 0f tr1ar0-
mat1c d1n0~er01d5 1n the5e tw0 5eep 0115 5 u p p 0 ~
6ut d0e5 n0t pr0ve a Perm1an 50urce r0ck. 7he
5 0 U r C ~ r e ~ d 9 e 0 C h e m ~ data 1nd1Cate the ~n95han 5eep 011 ( 0 r d 0 • d a n 8a0ta 0utcr0p near
e ~ e n ~ e 0f ~t La5t f0Ur p~r0~Um 5y5~m5 1n 1he J1n95han C1ty) 15 pr06a~y r d a ~ d t0 the5e ~ , 6ut
~an~1n9--Dan9Yan9 area 0f the ~an9han 8a~n, a5 c0uM repre5ent an0ther pe~0~um 5y~em.
d15cu55ed 6e10w. L0wer Jura5~c c0a1y r0ck5 ff0m 0u~r0p5 at
0115 and 5eep 0115 re5erv01red 1n the E0cene D a ~ a k 0 u c0nt~n a6undant 0r9an1c mat~r.
Q 1 a ~ n 9 and ~n95ha and the L0wer E0cene- H0weve~ m1cr05c0py and pyr01y~5-9a5 chr0mat09-
PMe0cene X1n90u2hu1 F0rmat10n5 are ~mf1ar and raphy 5h0w that the5e 5amp1e5 are at 6e5t 0 n ~ 9a5
5h0w 9 e 0 c h e m ~ character15t1c5 1nd1cat1n9 that pr0ne. 7he5e r0ck5 are n0t re1ated t0 any 01~ 1n the
they were der1ved ~0m a n 0 ~ evap0r111c 1acu~f1ne ~udy.
50urce r0ck5. 81tumen extracted ~ 0 m E0cene 5ever~ 0r9an~-r1ch Upper ~n1an t0 Perm~n
Q1anj1an9 F0rmat10n 50urce r0ck 1n the 5ha 13 wd1 5amp1e5 c0u1d have 6een 50urce r0ck5 1n the pa~,
1058 Kenneth E. Peter5 et a1.

6ut are n0w h19h1y mature 6a5ed 0n h19h 7m~ Chun9 H.M., R00ney M.A., 700n M.8. and C~yp001
(464-540°C) and e5t1mated f11f1n1~ ref1ectance ( R ~ 6.E. (1992) Car60n ~0t0p1c c0mp0f1t10n 0f mar1ne
crude 01h. Am. A550~ Pe~0L 6e0L 8u~ 7~ 1000-1007.
v~ue5. Ma55 6 ~ a n c e c~cu1af10n5 were u5ed t0 e5t1- C20chan5ka 2., 6116en 7.D., Ph11p R.P., 5heppard C.M.,
mate the 0r1~n~ 7 0 C ( 7 0 C °) 1n the5e 5amp1e5 We5t0n R.J., W00d 7.A. and W001h0u5e A.D. (1988)
pr10r t0 maturat10n. 7he5e 5amp1e5 c0u1d n0t 6e 6 e 0 c h e m ~ app1~at10n 0f ~erane and tr1~rpane 6~-
c0rre1ated w1th the 0t15 u51n9 610marker5 6ecau5e 0f marker5 t0 a de5cr1pt10n 0f 0115 ~0m the 7aranak1 8af1n
1n New 2e~and. 0r9. 6e0chem. 1~ 123-135.
10w extract f1dd5. H0wever, 5ta61e car60n ~0t0pe
de Leeuw J. W. and 51nn1n9he D a m ~ J. 5. (1990)
type-curve5 5u99e5t that the M~05h1 ( P e r m h n Q1~a 0r9an1c 5u1fur c0mp0und5 and ¢ther 610marker5 a5 1nd1-
F0rmat10n), Yanmenku0 (Permhn Q1x1a cat0r5 0f p~e05a11~ty. 1n: 6e0chem~try 0f 5u~ur ~
F0rmat10n) and pr06a61y the J1n95han ( 0 r d 0 v ~ n F055~ Fue~ (0rr W. L. and Wh1te C. M.) Amer1can
8a0ta F0rmat10n) 5eep 0115 c0u1d 6e der1ved ff0m Chem1c~ 50d~y 5ymp0f1um 5ede5 429, pp. 417-443.
(197th AC5 Nat10n~ Meet1n~ Da11a~.
50urce r0ck5 1n the Upper 51n1an D0u5hantu0 Dem~50n 6.J. and M00re 6.7. (1980) An0~c en~r0n-
(5.96wt.% 7 0 C °) 0r L0wer Perm~n Q1~a ment5 and ~1 50urce 6ed 9ene515. Am. A550c. Pe~01.
~ 0 wt.% 7 0 C °) F0rmat10n~ Very ne9at1ve ~ a 6 ~ 6e0L 8u~ 64, 1179-1209.
car60n ~0t0pe rat105 f0r ker09en5 ~ 0 m the L0wer Ekwe020r C.M. and Ud0 0.7. (1987) 7he 0~anane5: 0r1-
Cam6r1an 5hu~1ntu0 F0rmat10n (-33.5 t0 - 3 3 . 6 ~ ; ~n, maturat10n and ~m1t5 0f 0ccurrence 1n 50uthern
N19er1a 5ed1mentary 6af1n5.0r9. 6e0chem. 1~ 131-140.
8 . 8 5 - 1 ~ 6 4 w t . % 7 0 C °) 5h0w that they c0u1d n0tFan 5., Wan9 8., 5h1 J., 2han9 L., H0n9 2., Lu 6., L1n
6e the 50urce f0r any 0115 an~y2ed 1n th15 ~udy. H., Xu W. and X1a Y. (1987) 011-50urce c0rrdaf10n5 0f
the 10wer 7ert1ary 1n the D0n9t~ 5a9 0f the 5u6e1
Ackn0w1ed9emen~--5ucce55fu1 c0mp1et10n 0f t~5 w0rk 8a~n. Ch. 2 6e0chem. ~ 53-64.
wa5 made ~0551Ne 6y ~ e c00perat1ve eff0rt5 ef ~ e ~110w- Fu J~m0, 5hen9 6 u 0 ~ n ~ Pen9 P1n9an, 8ra55e11 5.C.,
~9 p e 0 ~ Dr. Jhn9 R0n9p~ (J1an9han P e ~ e u m E911nt0n 6. and ~an9 J. (1986) Pecu1~dt1e5 0f 5~t ~ke
A d m ~ a f 1 0 n 8 u ~ a ~ , M5. Cada Lac~da (M0611 New 5ed1ment5 a5 p0tent1~ 50urce r0ck5 1n C~na. 0r9.
8u~n~5 Deve10pment), and Mr. R0y Enr1c0 (M0611 6e0chem. 1~ 119-126.
Ex~0raf10n and Pr0du~n9 7 e c h n ~ Cente0. Mr. Dan 6a11m0v E. M. (1973) Car60n ~0t0pe5 1n ~1-9a5 9e0~9y.
Mc6~90~ Mr. 5teve 5chap~ Mr. R1ch W~ner (Exx0n), Nedra, M05c0w, 384 p. Naf10n~ Aer0naut1c5 and 5pace
and Mr. J1m 7a~0r ( M 0 ~ a5f1~ed w1th 5am~e c011ec- Adm1n~at10n, Wa5h1n9t0n, D.C. [1973 ~an5~t10n
t10n and d~cu~10n5 ~ the f1dd. 5 p e ~ thank5 are due t0 ~0m Ru5~a~ 395 p~.
the f0110w1n9 pe~0nnd at M0611•5 1a60ra~ry: Ruth 6rantham P. J., P05thuma J. and 8aak A. (1983)
8arr0w, M~had F1a99, C0n~e He11yeL and 8r0ck 700n. 7r1~rpane5 1n a num6er 0f Fa~Ea~ern crude ~ . 1n:
We thank 6e0r9e E, C1ayp0~ (M0611), A1~n L. Y0un~ Advance5 1n 0r9an1c 6e0chem~try, 1981 (Ed1ted 6y
and 5~ve H. 5chap5 (Exx0n) ~ r t1mdy peer ~ e w 5 0f 8j0r~y M. et aL), pp. 675-683. J. W1~y and 50n5, New
t~5 w0rk. H0pfu1 ~v~w5 6y J0hn E. 2um6~9e and Jaap Y0rk.
5. ~nn1~9he Dam5t~ 1mpr0ved 1he 5u6m1tted manu5cr1pt. Harvey H.R. and McManu5 6.8. (1991) Mar1ne c11~te5 a5
a w1de5pread 50urce 0f ~ahyman01 and h0pan-3f1-d 1n
5ed1men~. 6e0ch1m. C05m0ch1m. Acta 5~ 3387-3390.
Haye5 J. M., Kap1an 1. R. and Wedek1n9 J. W. (1983)
Precam6r1an 0r9amc 9e0chem1~ry, p ~ r v a t 1 0 n 0f the
rec0rd. 1n: E a r ~ Ea~1e5t 8105phere (Ed1~d 6y 5ch0pf
J. W.), pp. 93-134. Pr1ncet0n UnNer~ty P ~ ,
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