Cause and Effect - Khelana Ramadhan - XI IPS 1

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Nama : Khelana Ramadhan

Kelas : XI IPS 1
No Absen : 17
1. Causes and Effects of flooding in in Jakarta
Khelana: Have you saw today's news on You tube?
Faqih: Yes, I have. it is about flooding in Jakarta, right?
Khelana: Yes, you're right. Flooding has been a serious problem in Jakarta
Faqih: I knew this is all the fault of our too Indonesian citizen, because they
are disorderly and always littering but The government has to put more
attention on this problem. It has many negative effects for those whose
houses are sunk by the flood. For example, destruction of houses and its
property, loss of property, illness, and even death.
Khelana: I agree with you. the flood happens because of human's fault.
people often throw the rubbish in wrong places such as in the river or sewer. it
makes the river and sewer full of rubbish so that the water overflowed into the
streets when the rain comes and causes the flood.
Faqih: That's not the only cause. People also cut tree illegally. Because of
that, there's not water absorption by the trees. It makes the rainwater goes
into the river or sewer directly.
Khelana: yeah, it means the flood is caused by ourselves. it is our fault.
Faqih: Exactly, We must cooperate in order to solve this problem.
Khelana: we should.

2. Causes and Effects of corruption

Khelana: the corruption is very dangerous,Horrible and harmful, its

Dimas: yes, especially the consequences. We can summarize the
consequences of corruption as follows:
1. Lower investment, including foreign direct investment.
2. Reduced Economic growth.
3. A shift in the composition of government spending from more productive
to less productive activities.
4. Greater inequality and high incidence of poverty.
5. Reducing the efficiency of aid.
6. Exposing the country to currency crises.

Khelana: yes, And People are doing corruption without seeing what will
happen tomorrow
Dimas: although they take not much but the impact that will arise will surely
be great

Khelana: hopefully they are aware of the action being done.

Daughter: I hope so too.

3. Causes and Effects of bulliying on teenagers

Khelana: Hey Mina what do you think about the bullying
Mina: I feel so sad about the person who's getting bullied, bully in generally
Khelana : in your opinion what kind of negativity that affect the target?
Mina : the person who gets bullied usually got traumatic about socialicing with
other people, Bullier are so disgusting and horrible
Khelana: i agree the person who gets bullied will be wrecked physically and
mentally, And the Bullier are sucks.

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