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falls with consequent cardiac and respiratory arrest; cell destruction so severe that death is inevitable;
multiple organ system failure

Severe shock - Leads to widespread cellular injury and impairs the integrity of the capillary membranes

Fluid and osmotic proteins - Seep into the extravascular spaces, further reducing CO

Mean arterial pressure - Normal value in adults 100mmHg

Mean arterial pressure - Level of pressure in the central arterial bed measured indirectly by BP; measured
directly through arterial catheter insertion

MAP calculation - CO x total peripheral resistance = systolic BP + 2/3

Cardiac Output - Volume of blood ejected by the left ventricle per unit of time

Cardiac output - Normal value is 4-6L/min

CO calculation - Stroke volume (amount of blood ejected per beat) x HR

Peripheral resistance - Resistance to blood flow offered by the vessels in the peripheral vascular bed.

Central venous pressure - Pressure within the right atrium

Central venous pressure - Normal values are between 4-10cm H2O

Packed RBC - Less danger of fluid overload; used for acute blood loss

Frozen RBCs - Prepared from RBCs using glycerol for protection and then frozen

Frozen RBCs - Must be used within 24 hours of being thawed; used as an auto transfusion; infrequently
used because filters remove most of the WBCS

Platelets - pooled 300mL; one unit contains single donor (200mL)

Platelets - Bad should be agitated periodically; used for bleeding caused by thrombocytopenia

Fresh frozen plasma - Liquid portion of whole blood is separated from cells and frozen

Fresh frozen plasma - The use of this is being replaced by albumin plasma expanders; used for bleeding
caused by deficiency in clotting factors

Albumin - Prepared from plasma and is available in 5% and 20% solutions

Albumin - 25g/100mL is osmotically equal to 500mL of plasma; used for hypovolemic shock and

Cryoprepcipitates and commercial concentrates - Prepared from fresh frozen plasma with 10-20mL/bag

Cryoprepcipitates and commercial concentrates - Used in treated hemophilia; replacement of clotting

factors, especially factor VII and fibrinogen

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