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How To Start Learning Embedded Systems: A 

Complete Roadmap 
Amit Rana 


Are you looking for how to learn embedded systems? 

Are you looking for a clear roadmap to start learning embedded systems? 

Are you a complete beginner and need no-fuss clear guidance on studying and 
experimenting with embedded systems? 

We’re going to cover all above questions in this tutorial. And we’re going to see a clear 
roadmap to start learning embedded systems. We’re going to see what it takes for anyone 
to get started with embedded systems and what is the flow that one can follow if he or she 
wishes to excel in learning and developing embedded systems. 

This tutorial is specially created for complete beginners to give the simplest guide to start 
learning embedded systems quickly and understand all that is there to learn about it. This 
tutorial will help you map your learning objectives based on where you are at this stage. 
Even if you’re in the middle of something like you understand little bit of Arduino 
programming, this tutorial will help you shape your knowledge and is intended to provide 
guidelines to excel. So lets get started. 


What is an embedded system? 

An embedded system is a dedicated computerized system which can perform one 
dedicated task or similar associated tasks. Let’s take an example of a temperature 
controller. This type of temperature controller is very commonly used in wide variety of 
manufacturing industries. The typical jobs of temperature controller are 

● Read the temperature value 

● Display the temperature value 
● Configure a set point for temperature value 
● If the temperature is below the set point, make the output device off 
● If the temperature is above the set point, make the output device on 
● Repeat the cycle 

As you can see in above steps, its obvious that we do not expect an embedded system to 
stop functioning. An embedded system is always running unless its power off or turned of 
by the user. So to create such simple system what are the options we have? 

● Analog + Digital Design 

● Embedded Design 


Analog Design 
Now such a system like a temperature controller, can it be built using a simple analog 
circuit? Yes off course it can be developed. By using temperature sensor, analog to digital 
converter, the seven-segment display drives and lot of conditioning circuits and digital 
timer circuits. We definitely can create such a system for temperature controller, but it 
requires a lot of design efforts. Moreover, if we want to change anything or any element of 
this system, it’ll be very difficult to make changes as we’ll need to reconfigure lot of 
component values itself. Even if you want to add some time delay or some timed 
operations, you’ll need to make lot of changes to the system. So what is the option here? 

The option is instead of creating a simple circuit design, make it using embedded system 

Embedded Design 


An embedded design if very simple to build. All it will consist of is the microcontroller unit 
which will do the job of sensor reading, display driving and output device (relay) switching. 
How it does all of this, how it prints value and how it reads the temperature sensor and all 
is controlled by a software written inside the controller. An embedded controller can not 
function directly as compared to normal analog or digital circuits. Instead an embedded 
microcontroller needs a program written in its memory which will do the job of controlling 
the devices. The microcontroller is a reconfigurable IC. The pins of microcontroller can do 
the job of input or output or analog input and so on. Depending on the software written, 
the pins of the microcontroller can behave differently. In order to get excelled in 
microcontrollers coding, we need to understand the microcontroller architecture. After 
studying the microcontroller architecture well, we can start writing the programs for it. But 
because of this big limitation, many people can not dive into embedded systems directly. 
And here the Arduino board comes into the picture. In order to program an Arduino board 
we do not need any knowledge of the underlying hardware which is called the 
microcontroller Board. We’ll discuss about the Arduino board in details soon. 

How an embedded system is built? 

So, a system which is built using this type of microcontroller as the heart of the 
system is called as an embedded system. An embedded system has all the related 
input and output devices interfaced directly to the microcontroller or connected to it 
via some driver circuit. Depending upon the application at hand, an embedded 
system may have few or all of the components shown in the below diagram. 


What are the different components of Embedded 


Just take a look at the above block diagram. It’s a very simple block diagram of an 
embedded system. Mind well, when I say simple, it really is. The block diagram hides 
almost everything that is complex and gives a bird eye view of an embedded system. The 
embedded systems block diagram shows mainly 3 components of embedded system. 

Inputs can be usually coming from switches, or sensors. In the example of temperature 
controller, the inputs will be switches to accept the setpoint and the temperature sensor 
itself. Just like, a plant watering system will have input as moisture level sensor. 

Controller is the heart of an embedded system. A controller’s job is to process the given 
inputs and generate outputs. For a temperature controller, the job of the controller inside 
is to read the temperature value, read the switches. Now compare the temperature value 
with set point, and control output devices. Controller cannot do any of these things out of 
the Box and every controller needs a software sitting inside it to do these things. This 
creates a demand for software programming in embedded systems. 

The most popular controllers used in embedded systems are 


● Microcontroller 
● Microprocessor 
● System on Chip (SoC) 
● Outputs 

This is the sole purpose of designing any system. We need to generate outputs. Usually 
outputs are generated using a variety of driver circuits that can create output action. 
Microcontroller (if used) can only generate small signals as their output. +3.3v/0v or +5v/0v 
as output voltages. These voltages are very small and cannot drive any output device 
directly and hence we need something called as output driver for turning things on or off. 
Outputs of embedded systems are in form of below examples with their respective drivers 

● LED On / Off (No Driver) 

● Devices turning on / off. (transistor + relay driver) 
● Motors rotating with varying speed (motor driver) 
● Buzzer On off and sound generation (no driver) 
● Fan on / off (transistor / relay / thyristor driver) 
● Sending SMS (GSM Module) 
● Sending data over internet to for remote monitoring (wifi interface) 
● Displaying data on a screen (LCD / LED screen interfacing) 
● And many more such things 


Where Arduino fits in embedded Systems? 


You’re reading this tutorial means one thing is sure, you’ve heard about Arduino 😊. 
In an embedded system, generally, the most emphasis on study is given for understanding 
the controller. The developer of embedded systems has to be very good at understanding 
the microcontrollers used in the system with all of their instructions and way of writing 
programs for them. Every microcontroller is equipped with some or all of below-mentioned 
features which are used for properly programming an embedded systems 

● Input / output ports 

● Timers / counter 
● Serial Ports 
● Memory (RAM / Flash / EEPROM) 
● Analog to Digital Converter 
● Digital to analog Converter 
● Protocols interfacing (I2C / SPI) 
● Interrupts ( To make processing faster and solve programming challenges easily) 
● And many such user interfaces are on-chip 


A single-chip microcontroller has all such features on the chip. In order to use any of these 
features, the microcontroller developer creates some unique way of configuring the 

● First, there are unique instructions for every microcontroller, which can execute 
some job like reading / writing data from memory / Input-output ports / all the 
registers inside the controller. 
● Secondly, there are many special function registers inside the microcontroller. And 
each feature may have one or many Special Function registers inside the 
● The study of the Instruction set and all the internal register organization combinedly 
is called a study of Architecture of microcontrollers 

So every embedded systems developer has to be very good at an understanding of the 

microcontroller architecture as well as the knowledge of inputs and outputs to be used. 
Every electronics/computer engineering student usually learns this as part of their studies 
and anyone else who is interested to excel in microcontroller studies has to study this on 
their own. One thing is sure that the proper understanding of microcontroller architecture 
is a must. 


What about those hobbyists/artists who don’t know about microcontroller and still want to 
make embedded systems? 

For exact people like these, who don’t want to study architecture and get started 
developing systems faster and smoother, in 2005 Arduino boards were launched in Italy. 
There is a long history behind Arduino boards which can be read​ ​here​. The sole purpose of 
Arduino is to enable non-techie people to get started with designing hobby projects using 
embedded systems. 

But over the years, due to the open-source nature of the entire Arduino system, millions of 
people started using it including seasoned developers for very simple reasons 

● Lots of clean libraries available for almost every single interface out there 
● Free and open source 
● Quick prototyping is possible 
● It’s cheap 

As of writing this tutorial, Arduino is undoubtedly the number 1 hardware prototyping 

platform. And there is no need to take any survey on that. Everyone will agree with this. 
This is how Arduino slowly got adjusted in the crowded market of microcontrollers. 


But what is Arduino anyway? 

Arduino is a microcontroller-based board that is ready for usage. You don’t need to study 
the microcontroller architecture in order to use Arduino. You just should be able to read 
the board; understand basic English and you can get started with programming Arduino. 
I’ve written a separate tutorial about it which can be found h
​ ere 


Steps to Learn About Embedded Systems 

Now that we’ve gotten a fair idea of how to create an embedded system, lets jump to 
understand how to learn embedded systems. This will help you get a clear picture of how 
to get started with embedded systems and embedded programming. 

Understanding of basic electronics 

The first thing then is to understand basic electronics. Probably one of the most important 
points. Everything we’re discussing here is electronics and hence having an understanding 
of electronic components, their workings, and their usages will prove to be very beneficial 
to learn embedded systems effectively. Electronic components are used in entire 
embedded systems development and hence you should know about them as much as you 
can. But to get started, understanding of below-mentioned things is the first step. 


Resistors are those tiny little electronics components that oppose the flow of electric 
current. Whenever we try to build a small circuit, if a resistor is added into that circuit, the 
job of a resistor is to resist (or oppose) the current flow.The value of resistance offered by a 
resistor never changes. Resistors are passive components means it doesn’t matter in which 
direction you connect it in a circuit, it will work the same way. By using resistors, we can 
limit the current flowing through a circuit. As seen in previous tutorial, resistance offered by 
a resistor is measured in Ohms (capital omega symbol Ω) 


A capacitor (originally known as a condenser) is a passive electronic component having 2 

leads. Capacitor is used to store energy in an electric circuit. There are different types of 
capacitors which are used. But all them contain at least two electrical conductors plates 
which are separated by a dielectric i.e., insulator material. The conductors can be thin films 
of metal like aluminum foil. The ‘nonconducting’ dielectric material helps increase the 
capacitor’s charge storage. More about capacitor can be read at a very nice tutorial by 
adafruit h
​ ere 

Diode is a unidirectional switch used in electronics. Job of diode is to allow the flow of 
electricity in only one direction and blocking its flow in the other direction. Most primarily, 
diodes are used in a rectifier circuit. Rectifier circuit is used to convert AC voltage to DC 
voltage. Rectifiers are used to create power supplies. Apart from rectifier, diode is used in 
circuit protection and in variety of applications where this conduction in one direction 
property is needed. More about it is​ here 



Transistors are used for mainly 3 types of circuits 

● Switching 
● Amplification 
● Oscillation generation 
In embedded systems, transistors are mostly used for switching purposes. In analog 
circuits like amplifiers and oscillators, transistors server different purpose. It’s a simple 3 
terminal device that comes as either PNP or NPN transistor. Their properties differ on how 
they conduct electricity and how it can be controlled. Transistors theory can be​ read here 


LED’s are perhaps the most interesting electronic component that we use in circuit. LED’s 
are (Light Emitting Diode) components which can emit a specific light. It can be RED, Green, 
Blue or Yellow. LED’s require very less voltage to turn ON (typically 3v) and they have a very 
long life. We see LED’s in power indicators in almost any electronic appliance. The power 
light we see on TV, DVD, microwave, in TV remote control are all LED’s. We have LED TV’s 
now a day’s which uses LED’s to give the backlighting to the LCD Panel in it. More about 
LEDs is here 

Switching devices: relays 

Switching devices and circuits are needed to turn on / off devices using microcontroller 
output. Usually, the output of microcontroller board like Arduino or any other 
microcontroller is only a digital signal. This digital signal can have a value of either 1 or 0. 
Electrically, 1 means the operating voltage of microcontroller and 0 means the ground 
voltage. Usually, 1 stands for +5v or +3.3v and 0 stands for GND of DC supply or negative of 
the power supply circuit. This small voltage cannot turn on / off a physical device like a light 
bulb. So, this voltage is given to a transistor which turns on something called Relay. This 
relay then can switch the major AC appliances. 

Understanding of basic C Programming 

Microcontroller is programmed using instructions. This is called assembly language 

programming. In order to write effective programs faster, C programming is used. A 
separate software called cross compiler is used which can convert the C program to 
microcontroller understandable code. This microcontroller understandable code is then 
created in a special file format called a hex file. This hex file is then burned or written in the 
permanent memory of a microcontroller called flash memory. Microcontroller reads a 
program from flash memory and executes the program accordingly. This whole process is 
called embedded C programming. There are various Integrated Development 
Environments for writing embedded C programming. These IDE combine the cross 
compiler of microcontroller and text editor to give a smooth coding experience to the 
programmer. The choice of IDE depends on the microcontroller being used. For example, 
Arduino uses the Arduino IDE. Various other microcontroller uses different IDE tools. Some 
of them are free, some are commercial versions. Here’s a shortlist of IDE’s used for various 

AVR series microcontrollers by atmel (Now Microchip) 

● Atmel Studio 
● AVRGCC Programmer notepad 
● codevisionAVR 
● mikroC Pro for AVR 

Microchip PIC 

● mikroC Pro for PIC 
● CCS C Compiler 

8051 and ARM architecture 

● Keil Microvision 
● Tasking 
● IAR Embedded Workbench 

Your first microcontroller: Arduino 

Now you got the idea of what all to study in embedded systems. It's best to choose with 
Arduino if you’re a beginner. Arduino provides easy access to microcontroller features with 
the help of ready-made libraries and software tools. Using Arduino will be the first step to 
enter into the embedded systems world. In order to study about Arduino, simply grab an 
Arduino board and start using it. You can download your first C program to Arduino very 
fast, mostly within 5 minutes. In order to use Arduino, you first need to install the Arduino 
IDE on your computer. Arduino IDE can be found at​ ​​ Depending upon your 
operating system you can download the appropriate and latest version of Arduino IDE. 
Once you have the board and IDE installed, you’re ready to get started with coding in 

Arduino. You can follow the below video to see how you can get started with Arduino and 
download your first program. 

Understanding controller IO 


Once you download the first program on Arduino for blinking LEDs, the next step is to 
understand the nature of digital Input and output. Digital input and output of Arduino 
works with simple 2 functions. You can generate +5v or 0v output on any Arduino pin. You 
can also read the input pin on any Arduino pin, but for reading voltage on any Arduino pin, 
it must be either 0v or +5v. Arduino reads the input as LOW or HIGH. LOW means 0 volt 
and HIGH means +5v. We can read input using a 

● Push-button 

● Sound sensor 

● Moisture sensor 

● Infrared proximity sensor 

● Many different modules 

Reading inputs is made really simple with the digitalRead() function of Arduino. 

Understanding IO interfaces, like a buzzer, Relay, 

digital sensors, LCD, etc 

After understanding the basic digital input and output, next step is to understand what all 
you can do with these functions. Now that you can read and write digital signal values, 
there are lots of possibilities open for you to create a number of different embedded 
systems. Even this much knowledge will get started with your hobby projects which can use 
a number of different interfaces like 

● LEDs 

● Switches 

● Sensors 

● Relays 

● Buzzer 

● Speakers 

● LCD 

You don’t need to understand everything with respect to Arduino or embedded systems to 
create a hobby project. For example, how to create a distance meter using the ultrasonic 
sensor? You need just enough knowledge of Digital IO of Arduino and you can connect an 
ultrasonic sensor to Arduino with LCD and measure distance and print it on the screen. 

Interfaces using GPIO, stepper motor, DC Motor, etc 

With simple input and output, you can control many different devices except simple relays. 
Relays are good to turn on/off any appliance but there are many other actuators who need 
controlling. These actuators include stepper motors, dc / ac motors, servo motors. The 
primary job of a motor is to provide a rotational force. A motor converts electricity into a 
rotational force for performing some action. It may include a robot movement, or a 3d 
printer or a robotic arm. And each type of motor requires a controlled supply given to it. DC 
motors need an H-bridge driver circuit. AC motors need thyristorised control circuit and 
servo motor needs a PWM pulse.Most of the motor’s speed can be controlled by a 
time-varying digital signal given to them. This signal is called PWM. PWM is pulse width 
modulation. PWM signal means the digital output from an output pin which is not HIGH all 
the time; instead it’s continuously made HIGH / LOW with varying duration of High pulse. 
This high-frequency pulse is responsible for the control action of motors. Most of the 

microcontrollers like atmega328 (heart of Arduino board) do have on-chip PWM capability. 
A clear understanding of PWM helps us design better control circuits. 

Serial Port or UART 

Every microcontroller like atmega328 (heart of Arduino Uno Board) has at least one serial 
port on it. Serial port, technically called as UART is a module on the controller chip which 
allows the microcontroller to perform asynchronous serial communication. This 
asynchronous communication is made possible with 2 wires which are TXD and RXD. Apart 
from connecting these 2 wires, we also need to connect the GND wire from microcontroller 
to the device with which we’re communicating

TXD of microcontroller goes to RXD of the device with which we’re communicating 

RXD of microcontroller goes to TXD of the device with which we’re communicating. 

The speed of communication needs to be set before initializing communication. Since its 
asynchronous communication, there is no clock shared. Hence for synchronization, baud 
rates or bits per second of communication have to be pre-decided and set into the 
controller as well as the device with which we’re performing microcontrollers serial 
communication. Learning about Serial port of microcontroller opens up options to 
interface with many interesting peripherals like 

● Bluetooth module (helps a mobile communicate with controller) 

● RFID Reader 
● GPS Receiver 
● GSM Module (send/receive SMS and calls) 
● Wifi interface 

Understanding communication protocols, Serial, i2c, 


While studying about the devices which can be interfaced with a microcontroller, it's very 
clear that only a few devices can be connected to the IO pins of any microcontroller. 
Because the number of input-output pins is limited, we cannot connect as many devices as 
we want to a microcontroller at the same time. Of course this limitation can be removed by 
using a higher microcontroller like atmega2560 which has more IO pin. But this can not be 
always done due to cost and size constraints. 

In order to tackle such issues, some simple communication protocols are developed by 
industries to communicate a microcontroller with a number of different devices at the 
same time using the same common wire connection. And the most popular such 
communication protocol is called I2C which was developed by Philips (now NXP). Many 
other manufacturers call I2C as TWI. Because Philips invented I2C, only they use the name 
Inter IC Communication or I2C and others use a generic name like Two Wire Interface (TWI). 
I2C allows a microcontroller to communicate with up to 127 different devices using just 2 
Wires. These 2 wires are SCL and SDA. Not to mention, the microcontroller can only 
communicate with one device on this bus at a time. Hence I2C is slower and usually used 
while interfacing with peripherals where speed is not a major concern like sensors. 

Most common peripherals that support I2C protocol 

● Real-Time Clock 

● Accelerometer sensor 

● Digital Compass Sensor 

● Gyroscope sensor 

● Analog to Digital Converters 

● EEPROM Chips 

Similar to I2C, there is another protocol called SPI, which was developed by Motorola. Since 
communication is happening on only 2 lines, I2C is slower. So when high-speed 
communications are needed, SPI or serial peripheral interface is required. SPI utilizes a 
full-duplex synchronous communication with Serial Data In, Serial Data Out, Clock, Reset 
and Chip select signals. SPI allows for much faster communication and usually used when 
high-speed data transfer is needed like memory card storage. 

Popular SPI chips 

● Memory Storage, SD Card 


● Function generators 

● ADC and DAC’s 

Interfaces based on communication protocols, 

ethernet, wifi. 

With the same I2C and (or) SPI Protocols some advanced network interfaces can also be 
interfaced with the microcontroller which allows the device to get connected to a LAN. A 
connection may be to a Lan or full internet connectivity is also possible. This internet 
connectivity then leads to a much larger application area we call as Internet of Things. With 
a microcontroller, we can interface below-mentioned network interfaces to get connected 
to internet 

● Ethernet Interface Controller (SPI Protocol) 

● Wifi Interface (SPI / Serial) 

Understanding microcontroller (Atmega328) 


With Arduino, we can use many features of microcontroller but still not all of them. In order 
to make the Arduino functional, some things are disabled by the Arduino firmware and 
hence you don’t have access to the entire feature set of the controller. And although as 
powerful it may be, most professionals and product development firms still consider 
Arduino only for amateurs. So, if you want to get a job in Industry, then you need to know 
the bits and pieces of embedded development from scratch; and it begins with an 
understanding microcontroller. With Arduino, we got the bigger picture of what things can 
be done using a microcontroller, the next obvious step is to understand how all that can be 
done using Raw microcontroller coding. And in order to do that, you need to first choose a 
controller. If you’ve used Arduino Uno before, then you have already used atmega328p 

which is the microcontroller on Arduino. So next best thing is to open the datasheet of this 
controller and start reading it. 

How to read microcontroller datasheet 


A device datasheet is the user manual of an IC provided by the manufacturer. Just like we 
get a user manual when we buy a new microwave oven. Consider if the microwave oven 
manufacturer doesn’t give a user manual with their product, what will happen? We won’t 
be able to use it properly. Hence probably, we won’t buy it. While the microwave is still a 
very simple device, an Integrated Circuit is a very, very complex one. Hence the 
manufacturer provides something called a datasheet for every device they produce. The 
purpose of datasheet is to enable the user to understand the IC and start using it easily. In 
a similar context, a microcontroller is also an IC, albeit a much more complex one. So, the 

microcontroller also gets a datasheet. We can download the device datasheet if we know 
who manufactured it from their respective websites. Otherwise, you can just web search 
with the name of the IC and you’ll find the datasheet. 

Here’s a sneak peek of Atmega328 microcontroller datasheet’s first page 

The datasheet provides with every single detail about the device we’re studying. But 
reading datasheets directly is not very simple for a beginner. It’s very confusing because 
every manufacturer organizes and shows data differently. But usually, there are some 
common grounds whenever you view the device datasheet of any IC. Be it microcontroller 
or a simple Op-Amp, there are some common things that are there in the datasheet and 
understanding them will make things simpler. They are as follows 
● Features 

This section contains a birds-eye view of the entire controller. It lists all the features of that 
microcontroller in a single list view. Just by reading this page, you can understand most of 
the features of a microcontroller. 

● Pinout Diagrams 

This section usually contains the pinout diagrams of the various packages of a 
microcontroller. The pinout in PDIP package as well as all the other SMT versions of 
packages. This section gives the user the pin number and names. If you want to create a 
package of this device in your favorite PCB design software, then you’ll need this section. 
Also, it’ll help a programmer understand which pins are GPIO and which pins are for timers 
and serial ports and I2C and so on 

● Pin functions 

In this section, the job of each pin is described in detail. We’ll understand which are power 
pins, which are oscillator pins and which are gpio pins. Most microcontrollers have more 
than one function associated with every single pin, and all of them will be described in 
detail over here. 

● Internal Block Diagram 

This section gives an internal block diagram of the microcontroller. In theoretical studies, its 
called the “Architecture of Microcontroller”. The name justifies because this block diagram 
shows everything that is there inside the microcontroller IC. But now every circuit is laid out 
in detail. Instead, it gives a complete overview of all that is inside the controller. It helps to 
know things better about the controller. 

● Electric Specifications 

This section details the different electrical specifications of a microcontroller IC. All the 
electrical specifications including 

● Maximum and maximum operating voltages, IO voltages 

○ Operating temperature ranges 

○ Minimum and Maximum Current and power consumption ratings 

○ DC Characteristics 

● Features Explanation 

This is perhaps the biggest section of them all. This section shows all the workings, the 
internal registers descriptions, how to configure each one to be used. And how to use every 
single feature of the microcontroller. This section has it all. Whatever that you're trying to 
use, be it an interrupt or timer, or ADC / DAC, you can use it by following this section here. 

Concluding Remarks 

Now that you've got a fair idea of what are the embedded systems, it'll be good idea to get 
started with your own experimentation. There are plenty many tutorials available on the 
particular microcontroller which you want to start learning embedded systems. If you want 
to learn embedded systems on arduino, we've a detailed course on it​ ​here​. Thanks for 

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