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1. Explain why Jose Rizal rejected the use of a revolution or use of brute force to achieve freedom?

Dr. Jose Rizal rejected to use revolution or use of brute force to achieve freedom
because he thought that reforms to be successful should come from above. It could be
understandable that the hero thought of such because it was the belief of the prevailing class to
which Rizal belonged. It is also possible that Rizal disproved the revolution due to his belief that
violence should not prevail. Rizal’s heroism in books and literatures read by several generations
of Filipinos and non-Filipinos. Probably, most writers deemed that doing such is a fitting way of
paying respect and gratitude to his contributions and sacrifices for the benefit of the Filipino
people and of our nation.

2. Explain how Rizal proved that "The pen is mightier than the sword"
The pen is stronger than the sword. Dr. Jose Rizal proved the power of the pen, making
it a national hero of the country. He carved his own powerful words in the minds of thousands
of Filipinos who have had a lasting impact today. The pen is not made up of words written on
blank paper. The ability of the pen goes beyond the spelling and grammar of words and
sentences. It goes beyond punctuation, style, formatting, or other technical specifications. The
strength of the pen depends neither on the ink nor on the cost of the housing or the material
from which it is made. The strength of the pen has nothing to do with pens, ballpoint pens, or
fountain pens. The power of the pen is greater than any of them.

3. How did rizal use education as a tool for reform and nationalism?
Dr. Jose Rizal has left Filipinos his academic and educational legacy for today’s society.
Once in his lifetime he became an inventor, teacher, businessman, linguistic and even a civic
worker. Rizal insists that education is the instrument of social progress. He believes that the
right to education is fundamental human rights. He also asked the government that education
shall be free at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. The higher education shall be
equally accessible to all on the basis of merit and shall be directed to the full development of the
human personality and strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedom.

4. The Count Of Monte Cristo was Rizal's favorite novel. What characteristics does Edmond Dantes
(Lead character) have which can also be seen in Rizal? How did this help Rizal pursue is life time
The Count Of Monte Cristo is a novel that is one of the favorites of Rizal. To compare
them,they are both innocent man who are imprisoned and suffered for the crime that they
never did.Rizal is intelligent and patriotic which made him a target of the Spaniards. He was
exiled andimprisoned but all he wanted was a good treatment from the colonial government. He
did not killnor lead a revolution. Edmond was charged in committing treason while Rizal was
charged forthree crimes: treason, sedition and illegal association. Both of them were not given a
chance tofurther defend themselves in the court because they were already condemned before
the trialbegan and plotted evidences were shown to make the accusations against them strong.
In theaspect of religion, they both grew up as a religious person but there has been a
controversy aboutRizal that there was a time that he saw religion didn’t make any sense when
some friars didn’tact the way they should be.

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