HOFSTEDE'S RESEARCH (Five Cultural Levels or Dimensions)

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HOFSTEDE’S RESEARCH (Five Cultural Levels or Dimensions)

Country Individualism Power Masculine vs. Uncertainty Time

vs. Distance Feminine Avoidance Orientation
1. Dubai A collectivistic People accept a Driven by People have an Combination of
society fosters hierarchical competition, inner urge to be maintaining time-
strong order in which achievement and busy and work honoured
relationships everybody has a success being hard, precision traditions and
where everyone place and which defined by the and punctuality norms while
takes needs no further winner/best in are the norm, viewing societal
responsibility for justification. field with values innovation may change with
fellow members in society are be resisted, suspicion. And
of their group. caring for others security is an encouraging
and quality of important efforts in modern
life. element in education as a
individual way to prepare
motivation. for the future.
2. Abu Dhabi A collectivistic Hierarchy in an Driven by There is an Combination of
society. This is organization is competition but emotional need maintaining time-
manifest in a seen as also quality of for rules. honoured
close long-term reflecting life is the sign of Maintain rigid traditions and
commitment to inherent success and codes of belief norms while
the member inequalities, standing out and behaviour viewing societal
‘group’, be that a centralization is from the crowd is and are change with
family, extended popular, not admirable. intolerant of suspicion. And
family, or subordinates unorthodox encouraging
extended expect to be told behaviour and efforts in modern
relationships. what to do and ideas. education as a
the ideal boss is way to prepare
a benevolent for the future.
3. United Individualism. The extent to Masculine Fair degree of Americans are
States of The American which the less society. acceptance for prone to analyse
America premise of powerful Behavior in new ideas, new information
“liberty and members of school, work, innovative to check whether
justice for all.” institutions and and play are products and a it is true.
This is organisations based on the willingness to try American
evidenced by an within a country shared values something new businesses
emphasis on expect and that people or different. measure their
equal rights in all accept that should “strive to Americans tend performance on
aspects of power is be the best they to be more a short-term
American society distributed can be” and that tolerant of ideas basis, with profit
and government. unequally. “the winner takes or opinions from and loss
Within American all”. anyone and statements being
organisations, allow the issued on a
hierarchy is freedom of quarterly basis.
established for expression.
4. Switzerland Individualist The following Masculine French speaking Swiss culture is
society. This characterizes the society – highly Switzerland has definitely
means there is a German Swiss success oriented a strong pragmatic. They
high preference style: Being and driven, albeit preference for show an ability to
for a loosely-knit independent, that in the avoiding adapt traditions
social framework hierarchy for German uncertainty than easily to
in which convenience speaking part German changed
individuals are only, equal the impact is speaking conditions, a
expected to take rights, superiors much more Switzerland. strong propensity
care of accessible, noticeable. to save and
themselves and coaching leader, invest. thriftiness
their immediate management and
families only facilitates and perseverance in
empowers. achieving
5. United The British are a UK is a society Masculine They are happy Combination of
Kingdom highly that believes that society – highly to ‘make it up as preferring to
Individualist and inequalities success oriented they go along’, maintain time-
private people. amongst people and driven. changing plans honoured
Children are should be People in the UK as new traditions and
taught from an minimized. live in order to information norms while
early age to think A sense of fair work and have a comes to light. viewing societal
for themselves play drives a clear They are change with
and to find out belief that people performance comfortable in suspicion. And
what their unique should be ambition. ambiguous encouraging
purpose in life is treated in some situations – the thrift and efforts
and how they way as equals. term ‘muddling in modern
uniquely can through’ is a very education as a
contribute to British way of way to prepare
society. expressing this. for the future.
6. Germany Individualism. A direct and Masculine A preference for It is a pragmatic
Focus on the participative society. deductive rather country. In
parent-children communication Performance is than inductive societies with a
relationship. and meeting highly valued approaches; in pragmatic
Loyalty is based style is common, and early thinking, orientation,
on personal control is disliked required as the presenting or people believe
preferences for and leadership is school system planning. Details that truth
people as well challenged to separates are equally depends very
as a sense of show expertise children into important to much on
duty and and best different types of create certainty situation, context
responsibility. accepted when schools at the that a topic or and time.
it’s based on it. age of ten. project is well-
7. Belgium Individualism. Hierarchy is Masculine. Certainty is often A pragmatic
Belgians favour needed if not Belgians strive reached through culture. They
individual and existential; the towards reaching academic work show an ability to
private opinions, superiors may a compromise, and concepts adapt traditions
taking care of have privileges winning a that can respond easily to
themselves and and are often discussion is for the need of changed
immediate family inaccessible. generally less detail, context, conditions, a
rather than The power is important than and background. strong propensity
belonging to a centralized in achieving mutual Teachings and to save and
group. Belgium. agreement. trainings are invest,
more deductive. thriftiness, and
perseverance in
8. Russia Collectivistic. A nation where Feminine. Russians feel A country with a
Relationships power holders They talk very much pragmatic
are crucial in are very distant modestly about threatened by mindset. In
obtaining in society. This is themselves and ambiguous societies with a
information, or underlined by scientists, or situations, as pragmatic
successful the fact that the doctors are most well as they orientation,
negotiations. largest country in often expected have established people believe
They need to be the world is to live on a very one of the most that truth
personal, and extremely modest standard complex depends very
trustful, rather centralized. of living. bureaucracies in much on
implicit the world. situation, context
communication Russians prefer and time.
style. to have context
and background
9. Thailand A collectivist Inequalities are Considered a The society does People in such
country. Thai are accepted; a strict Feminine not readily societies have a
not chain of society. a society accept change strong concern
confrontational command and with less and is very risk with establishing
and in there protocol are assertiveness adverse. Change the absolute
communication a observed. Each and has to be seen Truth. They
“Yes” may not rank has its competitiveness for the greater exhibit great
mean an privileges and This situation good of the in respect for
acceptance or employees show also reinforces group. traditions, a
agreement. Thai loyalty, respect more traditional relatively small
are very and deference male and female propensity to
sensitive not to for their roles within the save for the
feel shamed in superiors in population. future, and a
front of their return for focus on
group. protection and achieving quick
guidance. results.
10. Singapore A key principle of One of the key Feminine side. In Singapore Singapore shows
the Confucian principles of This means that people abide to cultural qualities
teaching: The Confucian the softer many rules not supporting long-
family is the teaching is the aspects of because they term investment
prototype of all stability of culture such as have need for such as
social society, which is levelling with structure but perseverance,
organizations. A based on others, because of high being sparse
person is not unequal consensus, Power Distance. with resources,
primarily an relationships sympathy for Singaporeans ordering
individual; rather, between people. the underdog are call their society relationship by
he or she is a valued and a “Fine country. status and
member of the encouraged. You’ll get a fine having a sense
community. Being modest for everything”. of shame.
and humble is
seen as very
11. South A collectivistic South Korea is a Masculine. The One of the most One of the most
Korea society. The slightly focus is on uncertainty pragmatic, long-
society fosters hierarchical “working in order avoiding term oriented
strong society. This to live”, countries in the societies. People
relationships means that managers strive world. live their lives
where everyone people accept a for consensus, Maintaining rigid guided by virtues
takes hierarchical and people value codes of belief and practical
responsibility for order in which equality, and behaviour good examples.
fellow members everybody has a solidarity and and are
of their group. place and which quality in their intolerant of
needs no further working lives. unorthodox
justification. behaviour and
12. China Highly collectivist Believes that A Masculine Adherence to A very pragmatic
culture where inequalities society. The laws and rules culture. They
people act in the amongst people need to ensure may be flexible show an ability to
interests of the are acceptable. success can be to suit the actual adapt traditions
group and not The subordinate- exemplified by situation and easily to
necessarily of superior the fact that pragmatism is a changed
themselves. relationship many Chinese fact of life. conditions, a
Personal tends to be will sacrifice Majority (70% strong propensity
relationships polarized and family and -80%) of to save and
prevail over task there is no leisure priorities Chinese invest,
and company. defense against to work. businesses tend thriftiness, and
power abuse by to be small to perseverance in
superiors. medium sized achieving
and family results.
13. Japan Japan has been Japanese are Masculinity in Japan is Japanese see
a paternalistic always Japan is the constantly their life as a
society. conscious of drive for threatened by very short
Japanese are their hierarchical excellence and natural disasters, moment in a long
experienced as position in any perfection in under these history of
collectivistic by social setting their material circumstances mankind. You
Western and act production and they learned to do your best in
standards and accordingly. in material prepare your life time and
experienced as There is a strong services and themselves for that is all what
Individualist by notion that presentation in any uncertain you can do.
Asian standards. everybody is every aspect of situation. In People live their
born equal and life. Notorious Japan anything lives guided by
anyone can get Japanese you do is virtues and
ahead and workaholism is prescribed for practical good
become anything another maximum examples.
if he works hard expression of predictability.
enough. their Masculinity.
14. India Both collectivistic Indicating an India is actually In India, there is In India the
and individualist appreciation for very Masculine acceptance of concept of
traits. The hierarchy and a in terms of visual imperfection; “karma”
collectivist side top-down display of nothing has to dominates
means that there structure in success and be perfect nor religious and
is a high society and power. Work is has to go exactly philosophical
preference for organizations. the center of as planned. thought.
belonging to a Communication one’s life and Rules are often Hinduism is often
larger social is top down and visible symbols in place just to considered a
framework. The directive in its of success in the be circumvented philosophy more
Individualist style and often work place are and one relies than even a
aspect is seen feedback which very important. on innovative religion; an
as a result of its is negative is methods to amalgamation of
dominant never offered up “bypass the ideas, views,
religion/philosop the ladder. system”. practices and
hy – Hinduism. esoteric beliefs.
15. Spain Spaniards quite Spain has a Spanish children Confrontation is Spain is a
easy to relate hierarchical are educated in avoided as it normative
with certain society. search of causes great country. Spanish
cultures. On the Hierarchy in an harmony, stress and people like to live
other hand, organisation is refusing to take scales up to the in the moment,
teamwork is seen as sides or standing personal level without a great
considered as reflecting out. There is a very quickly. concern about
something totally inherent concern for weak There is great the future. In
natural, inequalities, or needy people concern for fact, Spain is the
employees tend centralisation is that generate a changing, country that has
to work in this popular, natural current of ambiguous and given the
way with no subordinates sympathy. undefined meaning of
need for strong expect to be told situations. ‘fiesta’ to the
motivation from what to do and world.
Management. the ideal boss is
a benevolent
16. Canada Similar to its Canadian culture Canadians strive Canadian culture Normative
America, this is marked by to attain high is more society. They
translates into a interdependence standards of “uncertainty exhibit great
loosely-knit among its performance in accepting.” This respect for
society in which inhabitants. This both work and is indicative of traditions, a
the expectation is also reflected sports, the the easy relatively small
is that people by the lack of overall cultural acceptance of propensity to
look after overt status tone is more new ideas, save for the
themselves and and/or class subdued with innovative future, and a
their immediate distinctions in respect to products and a focus on
families. society. achievement, willingness to try achieving quick
success and something new results.
winning. or different.
17. Saudi The society People accept a In Masculine There is an They are
Arabia fosters strong hierarchical countries people emotional need normative in their
relationships order in which “live in order to for rules (even if thinking. They
where everyone everybody has a work”, managers the rules never prefer to
takes place and which are expected to seem to work) maintain time-
responsibility for needs no further be decisive and time is money, honoured
fellow members justification. assertive, the people have an traditions and
of their group. Hierarchy in an emphasis is on inner urge to be norms while
Employer/ organization is equity, busy and work viewing societal
employee seen as competition and hard, precision change with
relationships are reflecting performance and and punctuality suspicion.
perceived in inherent conflicts are are the norm,
moral terms, inequalities, and resolved by innovation may
hiring and centralization is fighting them be resisted,
promotion popular. out. security is an
decisions take important
account of the element in
employee’s in- individual
group. motivation.
Reference: https://www.hofstede-insights.com/product/compare-countries/
Country Universalism vs. Neutral vs. Specific vs. Achievement vs.
Particularism Emotional Diffuse Ascription
1. Dubai Particularistic Neutral. Emphasis on Ascribed status.
cultures give Emphasis on focused and narrow Based on who the
greater attention to objectivity and involvement. As person in question
the obligations of detachment. well as involvement is. Their position is
relationships and to with the whole derived from for
unique person. example origin,
circumstances. gender, age, career
Friendship has or a person’s career
special obligations or position.
and hence may
come first.
2. Abu Dhabi Cultures with high Neutral. Emphasis on Ascribed status.
particularism see Emphasis on focused and narrow Based on who the
reality as more objectivity and involvement. As person in question
subjective and detachment. well as involvement is. Their position is
place a greater with the whole derived from for
emphasis on person. example origin,
relationships gender, age, career
or a person’s career
or position.
3. United States of Universalist culture Emotional. Keeping personal Peoples’ worth is
America ideas can be They are able to relations with others evaluated on the
applied anywhere express their separate from basis of their
and there is always emotions professional actions and
a definition that can spontaneously, relations means that performances, and
be used to even at work. In people believe that derive their social
determine the these cultures, they can very well and professional
distinction between expressing your work together status from what
right and wrong. emotion is generally without they have
Focuses more on accepted. necessarily having accomplished.
rules than a good personal Americans will tend
relationships. relationship. to display and talk
freely about their
“successes” and
achievements in
4. Switzerland Universalism. Emotions are Individuals have a In an achievement-
Legal contracts are expressed openly large public space, oriented culture, a
readily drawn up. A and naturally. which they share person’s worth is
trustworthy person People smile a easily with other determined on the
is the one who great deal, talk people. They also basis of their
honours their word loudly when excited have a small private performances and
or contract. There is and greet each space which they how well they
only one truth or other with share with good perform their tasks.
reality, that which enthusiasm. friends and close
has been agreed to. associates.
A deal is a deal.
5. United Kingdom Universalism. Neutral. A specific culture is Achievement
People place a high They let their one in which People tend to
importance on laws, actions to be individuals have a recognize, value,
rules, values, and influenced by large public space and reward good
obligations. They try reason rather than they readily share performance
to deal fairly with sentiment and do with others and appropriately, and
people based on not let others know small private space use titles only when
these rules, but what they are guard closely and relevant.
rules come before feeling. share with only
relationships. close friends and
6. Germany Universalism. Neutral. Specific Achievement.
The focus is more Manage their people think that Values a more merit
on rules than emotions rigorously, their lives are a sum based assignment
relationships. do not let body of parts that is best of social status
A trustworthy language to to where members
person is the one convey emotions, remain separate, so earn their positions
who honours their and do not let the professional and based on their
word or contract. feelings interfere in personal aspects decisions,
There professional must be kept relationships, hard
is only one truth or relations distinct, whereas work, or lack
reality, that which interactions thereof.
has been agreed to. between people
must be very well-
7. Belgium It is important to get Emotional. People often appear Achievement.
to know the people Expected to open to be indirect and Derive their social
one is doing up introverted. Work and professional
business with emotionally to and personal life status from what
during meetings in a others and use often are they have
particularist emotional means to interwoven accomplished, so
environment. communicate to achieved status
each other must be proven
time and again.
8. Russia Particularism. Emotional. Peoples’ personal Ascribed status.
The focus is more A culture in which and professional Status is based on
on relationships emotions are lives overlap, while who the person in
than on expressed openly, they believe that question is. Their
rules. A trustworthy naturally, and having good position is derived
person is the one spontaneously. personal from for example
who honours connections with origin, gender, age,
changing their business career or a person’s
mutualities. partners is an career or position.
essential condition
for success in this
9. Thailand Universalist culture People try not to The public space Ascribed status.
ideas can be show their feelings, and the private Status is based on
applied anywhere and act stoically space tend to be who the person in
and there is always and maintain their interwoven. People question is. Their
a definition that can composure.They in a diffuse culture position is derived
be used to watch and interpret will therefore protect from for example
determine the carefully other their private space origin, gender, age,
distinction between people’s emotional because this will career or a person’s
right and wrong. reactions. provide easy career or position.
Focuses more on access to the public
rules than space.
10. Singapore Universalism. Neutral. People often There is reward and
Legal contracts are They pay close approach each recognition for good
readily drawn up. A attention to people’s other informally in performance
trustworthy person reactions, because both the public and appropriately.
is the one who it will be harder to private space. Only use titles when
honours their word see what they feel. relevant. They don't
or contract. There is Direct let their authority
only one truth or communication, as prevent them from
reality, that which in not too much performing well in
has been agreed to. elaboration, is also their role.
A deal is a deal. of great importance
11. South Korea Personal Neutral. There is no clear Ascription.
relationships and A culture in which limit between Tendency of
obligations play an emotions are held in relations in the assigning social
important role when check. workplace and other status on the basis
making ethical types of social of birth. We can
decisions. Status is relations. see this in
important in this as monarchies, caste
a result of which for systems, and
example salary is traditions where
linked to reputation societal roles and
and origin. jobs are passed
down by birth.
12. China Particularism find Emotional Diffuse culture. Ascription.
relationships more They are expected Public space and Tendency of
important than to use body private space are assigning social
rules. You can bend language similar in size and status on the basis
the rules for family effectively and individuals guard of birth. We can
members, close manage conflicts their public space see this in
friends, or important before they became carefully, because monarchies, caste
people. personal. entry into public systems, and
space affords entry traditions where
into private space societal roles and
as well. jobs are passed
down by birth.
13. Japan Universalism. Neutral Relationships don't Status is not based
Cultures with high They frown upon have much of an on what a person
universalism see being angry in impact on work did or does, but on
one reality and public, laughing objectives, and, who that person is.
focus on formal loudly or displaying although good People believe that
rules. Business any other emotional relationships are you should be
meetings are outbursts. important, they valued for who you
characterized by believe that people are, titles and
rational, can work together credentials matter
professional without having a the most, so they
arguments with a good relationship. tend to use
"get down to titles frequently, and
business" attitude. to show respect to
people with formal
14. India Members believe Neutral. They believe that There is reward and
that it is the Emotions are good relationships recognition for good
circumstances that controlled are vital to meeting performance
determine how business objectives, appropriately.
ideas can be and that their Only use titles when
applied in practice. relationships with relevant. They don't
There are several others will be the let their authority
perspectives on same, whether they prevent them from
reality relative to are at work or performing well in
each participant meeting socially. their role.
15. Spain A combination of People often laugh, People from a Ascription.
having legal talk loudly and greet diffuse culture People derive it
contracts that are each other attach great value from birth, age,
readily drawn up enthusiastically. to formality. People gender or wealth.
and legal contracts People are allowed spend time outside People believe that
that are readily to express work hours with you should be
modified. There is a spontaneously their colleagues and valued for who you
reminder that feelings at work, clients. are.
“Relationships and let them
evolve.” influence (at least
partially) their

16. Canada Universalist culture Emotions are Keeping personal Achievement.

ideas can be expressed openly relations with others People believe that
applied anywhere and naturally. separate from you are what you
and there is always People smile a professional do, and they base
a definition that can great deal, talk relations means that your worth
be used to loudly when excited people believe that accordingly. These
determine the and greet each they can very well cultures value
distinction between other with work together performance, no
right and wrong. enthusiasm. without matter who you are.
Focuses more on necessarily having
rules than a good personal
relationships. relationship.
17. Saudi Arabia Cultures with high Neutral. A specific culture is Ascribed Status.
particularism see People act primarily one in which People believe that
reality as more from reason and individuals have a you should be
subjective and logic and are guided large public space valued for who you
place a greater to a lesser extent by they readily share are. Power, title,
emphasis on their feelings. They with others and and position matter
relationships. It is do not easily show small private space in these cultures,
important to get to what they think or guard closely and and these roles
know the people feel. share with only define behavior.
one is doing close friends and
business with associates.
during meetings in a


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