Olympic 11 Xxiv 2018 Linh 2

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1. Câu số 1: WORD CHOICE (10ms)

Choose the word which best completes each of the following sentences.
1. Many people have written to the newspaper to show their ______________ of such behavior.
A. antipathy B. abhorrence C. aversion D. animosity
2. The regular appearance of sex and violence on television undoubtedly has a ____________ influence
on teenagers.
A. pernicious B. parsimonious C. precipitous D. propitious
3. It is disquieting that there has been an increased ____________ of cancer near the nuclear power
A. occurrence B. accidence B. persistence D. incidence
4. “The Song of Ice and Fire” is the first volume of a series, which ___________ six books in all.
A. assembles B. totals C. compiles D. amasses
5. From this year on, under-fives will get travel _____________, which certainly makes huge savings for
family trips.
A. consolations B. concessions C. contortions D. constrictions
6. Unfortunately, his report does not _______ with what we have learnt from other sources.
A. Ally B. Pally C. Tally D. Rally
7. Her ____________ display of tears at work did not impress her new boss, who felt she should try to
control her emotions.
A. maudlin B. meritorious C. precarious D. plausible
8. The authority is going to great lengths to ___________war on dangerous driving.
A. Launch B. Battle C. Stage D. Wage
9. China fueled fears that its __________ economy is about to slow further after Beijing cut its main
interest rate by 0.25 percentage points.
A. diseased B. ailing C. sickening D. unwell
10. Robert is a well-behaved child, but his younger brother is a bit of a(n) ___________
A. Eyeful B. skinful C. armful D. handful

Đáp án câu số 1: WORD CHOICE

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2. Câu số 2: GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURES (10ms)
Choose the word or phrase that best completes of the following sentences.
1. Three candidates will be short-listed for the post but we do not know …………..
A. whom B. those C. which D. what ones
2. In this instance, there is some disagreement ………….. Dubai is in breach of international law.
A. as to whether B. whether C. as if D. as whether or not
3. After a while, the flat was silent again. The baby had cried himself …. His mother sighed with relief.
A. sleeping B. to sleeping C. into sleeping D. to sleep
4. Naturally, there is a great deal of anxiety about ongoing …………..in the area.
A. jobs'losses B. job's losses C. job losses D. jobs lost
5. —These are the screws you're looking for. — ……! You have really sharp eyesight !
A. So are they B. It's so C. So they are D. So are there
6. Don't worry, Albert. …….. , you can depend on me. I'll never let you down.
A. Comes what comes B. Come what may
C. Whatever it comes D. Comes what might
7. … the government's pre-election promises (sự hứa hẹn trước bầu cử) , taxes have been raised yet again.
A. Despite of B. For all C. But for D. Regardless
8. They had………. that it was invisible from the road.
A. so designed it B. designed it to be C. designed it such as D. designed it like
9. Most ideas never ………..the top brass, being quietly shelved by middle managers.
A. rise to B. make it to C. do with D. reach up to
10. …………, I haven't seen Catherine all day.
A. Come to think of it B. To come to think of it
C. Coming to think it D. Coming to think of it


1 C, 2 A, 3 D, 4 C, 5 C, 6 B, 7 B, 8 A, 9 B, 10 A
Choose the word which best completes each of the following sentences.
1. Our teacher tends to…………….certain subjects which she finds difficult to talk about.
A. boil down B. string along C. skate over D. track down
2. I was so tired that I just………….in the armchair.
A. flaked out B. broke up C. dropped out D. fell over
3. He couldn’t have been very hungry. He just…………….at his food.
A. worked B. nibbled C. got D. marked down
4. Simon hasn’t got a job, and isn’t trying to get one: he just………..his friends.
A. meddles with B. drags on C. sponges on D. tarts up
5. At first, the managing director insisted that he was right and everyone else was mistaken, but in the end
was forced to…………..
A. ease off B. gulp down C. scrape through D. climb down
6. I need twenty pounds to…………me………..until the end of the month.
A. turn in B. tide over C. dig into D. dry up
7. You must try not to…………your brother’s death.
A. roll on B. make out C. dwell on D. wipe out
8. The patient was very ill indeed. The doctors were working……….time.
A. against B. with C. on D. for
9. The boxer lost the fight because he hit his opponent…………the belt.
A. at B. by C. around D. below
10. I felt pleased I no longer had the responsibility. It was a weight…………….my shoulders.
A. on B. with C. off D. from


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D
6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.C
Choose the word which best completes each of the following sentences.
1. The last candidate for the managerial position is a pretty unknown _____________.
A. Quality B. quantity C. quandary D. qualification
2. The couple tied the knot two months after they met – it was indubitably a _________ romance.
A. typhoon B. hurricane C. whirlwind D. cyclone
3. The introduction of new immigration laws is the ___________ of the town these days.
A. gossip B. story C. talk D. tale
4. Although initially regarded as a ________________, Leicester City finished 2014-2015 Premier
League being the champion.
A. rank interloper B. rank outsider C. rank newcomer D. rank foreigner
5. I don’t expect the entry test this year will be more demanding, but ___________, I don’t think it will
be simpler either.
A. over and above B. on the side C. by the same token D. for good measure
6. I love hanging out with Mary – she is really a __________ of sunshine
A. beam B. ray C. glow D. light
7. The teacher, by dint of draconian disciplinary measures, has ___________ terror among his students.
A. stimulated B. inspired C. engaged D. stirred
8. The new superconductors look set to ____________ a useful niche for themselves in the world's
electrical industries.
A. etch B. incise C. carve D. lacerate
9. Many people, for all the repeated warnings, remain _______________ ignorant of the danger of using
the mobile phones at night.
A. blissfully B. delightedly C. jubilantly D. ecstatically
10. The authority should not have made those cutting comments, no matter how you _____ it.
A. cut b. slice c. chop d. clip


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5. Câu số 5: READING COMPREHENSION. (20ms)
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
Clinical depression, or Major Depressive Disorder ( MDD), is clinically defined as a period of sadness
or melancholia severe enough to interrupt the patterns of one’s everyday life and lasting for a period of
several weeks or longer. Although there has been an awareness of clinical depression for thousands of years,
an understanding of its causes, and effective means of treatment, have only come in the last fifty years.
Clinical depression is an extremely widespread illness, with an estimated 16% of the population
suffering from an episode of MDD at least once in their lifetime. Currently, clinical depression is the second
leading cause of disability in the United States behind heart disease. Traditionally, females have reported
higher rates of clinical depression than males, but this is thought to be due to the greater stigmas against
expressing one’s feelings that are typical among males in most cultures rather than to any true difference in
the occurrence of MDD among the two genders. Sufferers of clinical depression may exhibit an array of
symptoms, some of the most common being increased apathy, disruptions in sleep and eating patterns, a
withdrawal from pleasurable activities, and suicidal ideation.
While not completely understood, clinical depression is known to have both environmental and
biological causes, and the most effective treatments involve a two-pronged approach of medication and
emotional therapy. The mean age for the onset of clinical depression is in the mid to late twenties, and the
pressure of transitioning to independent adult life is often as the primary trigger mechanism. While specific
bouts of clinical depression may be attributable to a certain event or trauma in a people’s life,
neurochemistry, which is largely genetic, seems to predispose some people to MDD. Clinical depression has
been linked in numerous studies with imbalances in neurotransmitters, the chemicals that relay information
between cells in the brain.
Medication to treat clinical depression first became available in the 1950s, and today there are two
majors classes of widely prescribed antidepressants: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and
serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). Both classes of drugs operate by limiting the
absorption (reuptake) of neurotransmitters, thereby increasing their levels in the brain, but SSRIs operate
exclusively on serotonin, while SNRIs effect norepinephrine as well, making them slightly more effective.
Both classes of drugs take several weeks to build up to effective levels in the bloodstream, and their
effectiveness may be compromised by the use of alcohol or other medications. For this reason they are
carefully controlled by psychiatrists. Used alone, these antidepressants have proven to be about as effective as
counseling, with reductions of depressive symptoms averaging about 55% and full remission at about 22%,
but when used in conjunction with counseling they often result in reduction and remission rates closer to 85%
and 45% respectively. Furthermore, continued use of antidepressants after the conclusion of the counseling
has been proven to greatly decrease the risk of relapse.
As effective as antidepressants have proven in treating clinical depression, they are not without
drawbacks and criticisms. Typically, the first few weeks of treatment are when a depressive patient is at the
greatest risk of suicide. There is some evidence that during this period, antidepressants may actually
contribute to this risk because they reduce mental lethargy, and a more active mind may lead to increased
suicidal ideation. Thus, it is critical that a patient be closely watched during the first few weeks of an
antidepressant regimen. A further criticism of antidepressants is that they may have unpleasant sexual side-
effects which may make them unpalatable to patients, given the long duration of their intended use. A final
criticism concerns their role in the ever growing field of psycho-pharmacology. Antidepressants are by far the
most commonly prescribed of psychiatric drugs, and some mental health professionals worry that their
profusion is leading to an over-reliance on chemical solutions to emotional issues.
1. The passage discusses all of the following aspects of clinical depression EXCEPT __________ .
A. its characteristic symptoms B. its offical medical definition
C. methods of counseling used to treat it D. available medications for treatment
2. The word “stigmas” in the passage is closest in the meaning to __________ .
A. cultures B. taboos C. preventions D. inabilities
3. According to paragraph 2, the actual rates of clinical depression are most likely ______ .
A. much higher than they were in the past
B. quickly catching up with those of heart disease
C. about the same between men and women
D. impossible to accurately calculate
4. According to paragraph 3, the pressures of becoming an independent adult often _______ .
A. are the root causes of clinical depression
B. are irrelevant to clinical depression
C. precede the onset of clinical depression
D. only serve to increase the symptoms of depression
5. The word “bouts” in the passage is closest in meaning to ___________ .
A. symptoms B. episodes C. types D. diagnoses
6. Based on the information in paragragh 3, it can be inferred that clinical depression is ___________ .
A. largely an untreatable condition B. often a hereditary condition
C. entirely chemical in nature D. often accompanied by other mental problems
7. The word “compromised” in the passage is closest in meaning to _____________ .
A. negotiated B. questioned C. altered D. endangered
8. In paragraph 4, why does the author discuss rates of reduction and remission in clinical depression?
A. To better demonstrate the efficacy of antidepressants when used with counseling.
B. To suggest that medication is secondary in importance to counseling in treating depression.
C. To discuss the chances for full recovery for people who suffer from clinical depression.
D. To illustrate the vast superiority of SNRIs to SSRIs in the treatment of clinical depression.
9. According to paragraph 5, antidepressants may lead to an increased risk of suicide in the first weeks of
treatment because…..
A. that is the time when their side-effects are strongest.
B. they may stimulate an overproduction of serotonin.
C. they increase mental activity, leading to more thoughts of suicide.
D. they draw attention away from much needed counseling.
10. Why do some mental health workers oppose the overuse of antidepressants ?
A. They fear that their side effects are too poorly understood.
B. They feel the benefits of antidepressants are overstated.
C. They know that antidepressants do not prevent the risk of relapse.
D. they fear that the reliance on antidepressants draws away from counseling.

Đáp án câu số 5: READING 1

KEY: 1. C, 2.B, 3. B, 4. C, 5. B, 6. B, 7.D, 8.A, 9.C, 10.D
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the questions.
No longer is asthma considered a condition with isolated, acute episodes of bronchospasm. Rather,
asthma is now understood to be a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways—that is, inflammation makes
the airways chronically sensitive. When these hyper-responsive airways are irritated, airflow is limited, and
attacks of coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and breathing difficulty occur.
Asthma involves complex interactions among inflammatory cells, mediators, and the cells and tissues
in the airways. The interactions result in airflow limitation from acute broncho-constriction, swelling of the
airway wall, increased mucus secretion, and airway remodeling. The inflammation also causes an increase in
airway responsiveness. During an asthma attack, the patient attempts to compensate by breathing at a higher
lung volume in order to keep the air flowing through the constricted airways, and the greater the airway
limitation, the higher the lung volume must be to keep airways open. The morphologic changes that occur in
asthma include bronchial infiltration by inflammatory cells. Key effector cells in the inflammatory response
are the mast cells, T lymphocytes, and eosinophils. Mast cells and eosinophils are also significant participants
in allergic responses, hence the similarities between allergic reactions and asthma attacks. Other changes
include mucus plugging of the airways, interstitial edema, and microvascular leakage. Destruction of
bronchial epithelium and thickening of the subbasement membrane is also characteristic. In addition, there
may be hypertrophy and hyperplasia of airway smooth muscle, increase in goblet cell number, and
enlargement of submucous glands.
Although causes of the initial tendency toward inflammation in the airways of patients with asthma are
not yet certain, to date the strongest identified risk factor is atopy. This inherited familial tendency to have
allergic reactions includes increased sensitivity to allergens that are risk factors for developing asthma. Some
of these allergens include domestic dust mites, animals with fur, cockroaches, pollens, and molds.
Additionally, asthma may be triggered by viral respiratory infections, especially in children. By avoiding
these allergens and triggers, a person with asthma lowers his or her risk of irritating sensitive airways. A few
avoidance techniques include: keeping the home clean and well ventilated, using an air conditioner in the
summer months when pollen and mold counts are high, and getting an annual influenza vaccination. Of
course, asthma sufferers should avoid tobacco smoke altogether. Cigar, cigarette, or pipe smoke is a trigger
whether the patient smokes or inhales the smoke from others. Smoke increases the risk of allergic
sensitization in children, increases the severity of symptoms, and may be fatal in children who already have
asthma. Many of the risk factors for developing asthma may also provoke asthma attacks, and people with
asthma may have one or more triggers, which vary from individual to individual. The risk can be further
reduced by taking medications that decrease airway inflammation. Most exacerbations can be prevented by
the combination of avoiding triggers and taking anti-inflammatory medications. An exception is physical
activity, which is a common trigger of exacerbations in asthma patients. However, asthma patients should not
necessarily avoid all physical exertion, because some types of activity have been proven to reduce symptoms.
Rather, they should work in conjunction with a doctor to design a proper training regimen, which includes the
use of medication.
In order to diagnose asthma, a healthcare professional must appreciate the underlying disorder that
leads to asthma symptoms and understand how to recognize the condition through information gathered from
the patient's history, physical examination, measurements of lung function, and allergic status. Because
asthma symptoms vary throughout the day, the respiratory system may appear normal during physical
examination. Clinical signs are more likely to be present when a patient is experiencing symptoms; however,
the absence of symptoms upon examination does not exclude the diagnosis of asthma.
1. According to the passage, what is the name for the familial inclination to have hypersensitivity to certain
A. interstitial edema B. hyperplasia C. hypertrophy D. atopy
2. Why does a person suffering from an asthma attack attempt to inhale more air?
A. to prevent the loss of consciousness
B. to keep air flowing through shrunken air passageways
C. to prevent hyperplasia
D. to compensate for weakened mast cells, T lymphocytes, and eosinophils
3. The word triggered is closest in meaning to
A. Caused B. taken place C. eliminated D. cured
4. The passage suggests that in the past, asthma was regarded as which of the following?
A. a result of the overuse of tobacco products B. a hysterical condition
C. mysterious, unrelated attacks affecting the lungs D. a chronic condition
5. Which of the following would be the best replacement for the word exacerbations in this passage?
A. allergies B. attacks C. triggers D. allergens
6. The passage mentions all of the following bodily changes during an asthma attack except
A. severe cramping in the chest. B. heavy breathing.
C. airways blocked by fluids. D. constricted airways.
7. Although it is surprising, which of the following triggers is mentioned in the passage as possibly reducing
the symptoms of asthma in some patients?
A. using a fan instead of an air conditioner in summer months
B. exposure to second-hand cigarette smoke
C. the love of a family pet
D. performing physical exercise
8. Why might a patient with asthma have an apparently normal respiratory system during an examination by
a doctor?
A. Asthma symptoms come and go throughout the day.
B. Severe asthma occurs only after strenuous physical exertion.
C. Doctor's offices are smoke free and very clean.
D. The pollen and mold count may be low that day.
9. Who might be the most logical audience for this passage?
A. researchers studying the respiratory system
B. healthcare professionals
C. a mother whose child has been diagnosed with asthma
D. an antismoking activist
10. What is the reason given in this article for why passive smoke should be avoided by children?
A. A smoke-filled room is a breeding ground for viral respiratory infections.
B. Smoke can stunt an asthmatic child's growth.
C. Smoke can heighten the intensity of asthma symptoms.
D. Breathing smoke can lead to a fatal asthma attack.

Đáp án câu số 2: READING 2

1. D 2. B 3.A 4. C 5.B
6. A 7. D 8.A 9. B 10.D
6. Câu số 6: CLOZE TEST (20ms)
Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D. best fits each gap.
The young violinist
Chloe Hansip is (1)_________ for a busy week; today she (2)________ her first album, then she flies off to
play the violin in Vienna – and on Friday she celebrates her 14 th birthday. The child prodigy has been playing
since she was two. And in five years since, she has been (3)__________ with praise by some of the greatest
(4)__________ in classical music.
Chloe has played to enraptured audiences in places as (5)_________ afield as Kyoto in Japan and St
Petersburg in Russia, (6)__________ numerous awards and even appeared in a film. These may be
(7)_______ distinctions, especially for a 13-year-old, but Cloe is decidedly down-to-earth (8)_____________.
Like any other teenager, she assiduously keeps in (9)______ contact with her best friends through text
messages, and she admits to have a soft (10)_________ for one or two of the pop groups the typical British
teenager is keen on.
1. A. fixed B. assured C. promised D. set
2. A. unveils B. launches C. inaugurates D. publishes
3. A. showered B. sprinkled C. sprayed D. scattered
4. A. numbers B. figures C. digits D. variables
5. A. long B. distant C. far D. way
6. A. carried out B. carried on C. carried off D. carried over
7. A. irregular B. rare C. sparse D. scarce
8. A. in all modesty B. all the same C. in all fairness D. at all times
9. A. close B. narrow C. intimate D. cordial
10. A. taste B. affection C. room D. spot

Đáp án câu số 6: CLOZE TEST 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D. best fits each gap.
Cairo, despite its contrasts, is similar to any other huge (1)…….…jungle with its high-rise tower blocks and
evidence of urban development. It is a melting (2) ….……of people from all over Africa and, in parts, resembles a huge
marketplace with little space to move, as street vendors and customers (3)…….… over the price of goods. Cairo,
however, is by no means a cheap city to visit, and accommodation, while not costing the (4) ………, can be expensive.
This is especially true if you want to stay in one of the hotels along the banks of the River Nile where there are long (5)
………of unspoilt beauty. (6) ………in Cairo is (7)………… easy and cheap, as admission to most cities is well (8)
………… the average tourist’s (9) …....…. All visitors to Cairo take pleasure in experiencing the city and its sounds,
and this is best done on foot. (10)……… cars, as this city of almost 16 million suffers from chronic traffic congestion
and the inevitable smog which motor vehicles help to produce. For a trip to the Pyramids, it is better to catch a bus,
provided you can put up with the crowded and noisy conditions, as taxis can be expensive.
1. A. concrete B. brick C. stone D. wooden
2. A. box B. can C. pot D. pan
3. A. bend B. rake C. flick D. haggle
4. A. earth B. world C. globe D. money
5. A. layers B. areas C. stretches D. line
6. A. Viewing B. Sightseeing C. Journeying D. Sighting
7. A. loosely B. significantly C. relatively D. tolerably
8. A. away B. within C. off D. up
9. A. economics B. cost C. charge D. budget
10. A. Utilise B. Avoid C. Abandon D. Forget

Đáp án câu số 6: CLOZE TEST 2

1A 2C 3D 4A 5C 6B 7C 8B 9D 10B
Câu số 1: OPEN CLOZE TEST (20ms)
Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space.
Clothes have their basic functions. They protect us from (1) … ….. of temperature, rain and wind and
provide a degree of modesty by covering our bodies. (2) … …. is also important, however, is the way clothing
transmits messages about the wearer’s personality, attitudes, social status, behaviour and group allegiances.
Some people are more sensitive to dress signals than others, but there are very few who (3) … …. to take
clothes into (4) ……….. at all when forming first impressions.
To (5) … …..in with your social role and to be (6) ……. as a valid actor of your part, you usually
have to look the part as well as act the part. Some eccentric managers and executives are able to dress in jeans
and baggy pullovers, but they are very much in the (7)…….... .Clothes in the professional world are a kind of
uniform and unwritten rules prescribe the standards and styles for everyone in the hierarchy. The (8) ……to
be accepted is neither to underdress nor overdress. If following the rules can be combined with a certain
individuality and personal flair, then the (9) ……..will be greater. Silk scarves, ties and other items that have
no real (10) ..….. can communicate everything from political allegiance to temperament.

Đáp án câu số 1: OPEN CLOSE TEST 1

1. extremes 2. What 3. fail 4. account/consideration 5. fit
6. accepted/seen/considered/ regarded 7. minority 8. way
9.effect/result/impression/ impact 10. function/utility/purpose
Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space.
If you were to hazard a (1)………… at when and where the next major earthquake will strike , there's a chance that
you'd be almost as (2) ………… as the experts . The science of earthquake prediction is still in its (3) ………… , which
is uncomfortable , considering the threat (4) ………… to human civilisation . Even with vast resources at their (5)
…………,often the best scientists can do is say that the (6) ………… are that an earthquake will strike where one (7)
………… before . One reason the (8) ………… of making an accurate prediction are so low is the the nature of the
forces involved. It seems to be impossible to tell the difference between a small earthquake and a warning (9) …………
. Scientists need to decide whether to put lives at risk by not issuing a warning, or constantly issue warnings about the
threat of an earthquake that may be (10) …………. In the end , the odds seem to be against us solving this difficult
problem any time soon.

Đáp án câu số 2: OPEN CLOSE TEST 2

1. guess 2. accurate 3. infancy 4. posed 5. disposal
6. odds 7. occurred 8. chances 9. tremor 10. ignored
Câu số 2: WORD FORMS. (20ms)
Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals.
1.  The ________________ (PERVADE) reservation and donation system too adds to the youths'
2. Cattelan himself, tall and _____________ (SATURN) in slim jeans and a salmon-colored shirt, was
on hand for last-minute activities on the day before the press opening.
3. Sadly, Vietnamese U-23 team's tireless efforts to win the AFC Championship were_______________
4. The splendid onomatopoeia of "hoary roaring sea" reminds us how well ____________ (SOUND) and
alliteration work throughout the poem.
5. This recipe is ____________ (FOOL) - it works every time.
6. I must admit that it is time the organizers did away with the _____________ (ANNUAL) computer
system and bought a new one.
7. The philanthropist does not do anything ________________ (HEART), and that means a lot to her to
help others.
8. _____________ (GET) candidates who actively contribute to the development of the company stand a
better chance of being recruited.
9. The leader's second ____________ (TURN) on the matter of the keynote presenter met with strong
disapproval from other group members.
10. Avid descriptions of sophisticated technologies gave the science-fiction novel "The War of the
Worlds" a sense of _______________ (SIMILAR).

Đáp án câu số 2: WORD FORMS 1

1. all-pervasive/all-pervading 6. superannuated
2. saturnine 7. half-heartedly
3. unavailing 8. Go-getting
4. assonance 9. about-turn
5. foolproof 10. verisimilitude

Choose and write the correct form of the words in the box to finish the following passage.

Not only was William Gilbert in the (1)_____________ of the 17th-century science movements but he also
questioned the traditional (2)_____________beliefs. Though a Copernican, he didn’t express in his
(3)_____________beliefs whether Copernicus’s (4)_____________model was true or not. However, he
believed that stars are not (5)_____________from the earth but have their own earth-like planets orbiting
around them. The earth itself is like a giant magnet, which is also why compasses always point north. They
spin on an axis that is in (6)_____________with the earth’s polarity. He even likened the
(7)_____________of the magnet to that of the earth and built an entire magnetic philosophy on this
(8)_____________. In his explanation, magnetism is the soul of the earth. Thus a perfectly
(9)_____________ lodestone, when aligned with the earth’s poles, would wobble all by itself in 24 hours.
Further, he also believed that the sun and other stars wobble just like the earth does around a crystal core, and
speculated that the moon might also be a magnet caused to orbit by its magnetic attraction to the earth. This
was perhaps the first proposal that a force might cause a (10)_____________orbit.

Đáp án câu số 2: WORD FORMS 2

1. vanguard 2. Astronomical 3. quintessential
4. heliocentric 5. equidistant 6. alignment
7. polarity 8. Analogy 9. spherical
10. heavenly
The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Identify and correct them.
Hardly a day goes by without a fresh demonstration of the ignorance of America’s first video generation.
Illiteracy is growing, and a new poll shows what a quarter of university students have no idea when Columbus
reached America, leading pessimistic academics to prophesy a new barbarism.
Some institutions, at least, have from now been presumed to be above decay. It was imagined, for
example, that they were still reading books in the English faculty at Harvard. But that illusion, too, has been
shattered by Professor Sven Birkerts, aging 38, who teaches Creative Writing to undergraduates there.
“Mostly none of my students reads independently,” he says in a powerful lament that has just been published
by Harvard Magazine. Every year, he says, he conducts the survey among his students, and the responses are
The Harvard undergraduates, who have enrolled to study the arts of expository writing under Professor
Birkerts are, to put it not higher, reluctant readers.
“The printed page taxes and wearies them. They find few pleasure there. What hope does a teacher have for
getting them to write? Initially, I confess, I always despair. I read through their first papers, so neatly word-
processed… but my heart sinks”, he writes, adding: The writing is almost always flatting, monotonous prose.

1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______ 6._______ 7._______ 8._______

9._______ 10._______


Hardly a day goes by without a fresh demonstration of the ignorance of America’s first video
generation. Illiteracy is growing, and a new poll shows what a quarter of university students have no idea
when Columbus reached America, leading pessimistic academics to prophesy a new barbarism.
Some institutions, at least, have from now been presumed to be above decay. It was imagined, for
example, that they were still reading books in the English faculty at Harvard. But that illusion, too, has been
shattered by Professor Sven Birkerts, aging 38, who teaches Creative Writing to undergraduates there.
“Mostly none of my students reads independently,” he says in a powerful lament that has just been published
by Harvard Magazine. Every year, he says, he conducts the survey among his students, and the responses are
The Harvard undergraduates, who have enrolled to study the arts of expository writing under Professor
Birkerts are, to put it not higher, reluctant readers.
“The printed page taxes and wearies them. They find few pleasure there. What hope does a teacher have for
getting them to write? Initially, I confess, I always despair. I read through their first papers, so neatly word-
processed… but my heart sinks”, he writes, adding: The writing is almost always flatting, monotonous prose.

1._what- that__ 2._from- until__ 3._aging- aged___ 4._Mostly- almost____

5._the- a___ 6._heartbroken- heartbreaking/ heart-rending____
7._not-no____ 8._few- little____ 9._but-and___ 10._flatting-flat____
Rewrite the following sentences with the given words in such a way that the second sentence has the
same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form of the words in brackets.
1. Most of the problems arose because there was no leadership on the committee.
It was the…………………………………………………………………………
2. These new machines have put an end to queing.
Before these…………………………………………………………………………
3. These instructions say you just add boiling water to the soup powder.
The soup powder……………………………………………………………………
4. Alternative medicine is a complete mystery to some people.
Some people are………………………………………………………………………
5. You may be disqualified if you don’t obey the regulations.
6. It is extremely important that the company rules are observed. UTMOST
Observation ……………………………………………………………………
7. Although it was not his fault, the personnel manager resigned from his position. HANDED
Through ……………………………………………………………………
8. Frankly speaking, I do not think that nature and nurture are of equal significance. SUBSCRIBE.
To put……………………………………………………………………
9. The business is hardly making a profit at the moment.
The business ……………………………………………………………………
10. I don’t really know why, but I don’t trust him. FINGER
I can’t …………………………………………………………………… I don’t trust him.
11. I felt vaguely that something was wrong, but what was it? BACK
I …………………………………………………………….……but what was it?


1.It was the lack/absence of (any) leadership that caused most of the problems of the committee.
2. Before these machines were invented, people had to queue.
3. The soup powder just need boiling water added to it according to the instructions.
4. Some people are mystified by alternative medicine.
5. Failure to obey the regulations may lead to / result in disqualification.
6. Observation of the company rules is of utmost importance.
7. Through no fault of his own, the personnel manager handed in his notice.
8. To put it bluntly, I do not subscribe to the opinion that nature and nurture are of equal
9. The business is hardly breaking even at the moment.
10. I can’t put my finger on why/the reason but I don’t trust him.
11. I felt at the back of my mind that something was wrong, but what was it?

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